public Graphic(IntPtr display, TInt screenNumber, X11Graphic.StockIcon stock, X11Graphic image)
     Display      = display;
     ScreenNumber = screenNumber;
     Stock        = stock;
     Image        = image;
 /// <summary> Set right bitmap and bitmap shared flag. </summary>
 /// <param name="rightBitmap"> The right bitmap to display. <see cref="XrwBitmap"/> </param>
 /// <param name="rightShared"> Indicate wether the rightBitmap is shared (desposed by caller) or private (disposed together with tis label). <see cref="System.Boolean"/> </param>
 public void SetRightBitmap(X11Graphic rightBitmap, bool rightShared)
     if (_rightBitmap != null && _rightBitmapShared == false)
         _rightBitmap = null;
     _rightBitmap       = rightBitmap;
     _rightBitmapShared = rightShared;
 /// <summary> Set left bitmap and bitmap shared flag. </summary>
 /// <param name="leftBitmap"> The left bitmap to display. <see cref="XrwBitmap"/> </param>
 /// <param name="leftShared"> Indicate wether the leftBitmap is shared (desposed by caller) or private (disposed together with tis label). <see cref="System.Boolean"/> </param>
 public void SetLeftBitmap(X11Graphic leftBitmap, bool leftShared)
     if (_leftBitmap != null && _leftBitmapShared == false)
         _leftBitmap = null;
     _leftBitmap       = leftBitmap;
     _leftBitmapShared = leftShared;
 /// <summary> Set on bitmap. </summary>
 /// <param name="onBitmap"> The on bitmap to display. <see cref="XrwBitmap"/> </param>
 /// <param name="onShared"> Indicate wether the onBitmap is shared (desposed by caller) or private (disposed together with tis label). <see cref="System.Boolean"/> </param>
 public void SetOnBitmap(X11Graphic onBitmap, bool onShared)
     if (_onBitmap != null && _onBitmapShared == false)
         _onBitmap = null;
     _onBitmap       = onBitmap;
     _onBitmapShared = onShared;
        /// <summary> Initializing constructor. </summary>
        /// <param name="display">The display pointer, that specifies the connection to the X server. <see cref="System.IntPtr"/> </param>
        /// <param name="screenNumber"> The appropriate screen number on the host server. <see cref="System.Int32"/> </param>
        /// <param name="parentWindow"> The X11 *** parent *** window for X11 calls. This widget has no X11 *** own *** window. <see cref="System.IntPtr"/> </param>
        /// <param name="assignedPosition"> The position of the top left top corner assigned by the window manager (for shell widgets) or geometry management (by non-shell widgets). Passed as reference to avoid structure copy constructor calls. <see cref="TPoint"/> </param>
        /// <param name="fixedSize"> The fixed size, that ist to use (if set) rather than the calcualated size. Passed as reference to avoid structure copy constructor calls. <see cref="TIntSize"/> </param>
        /// <param name="label"> The label to display. <see cref="System.String"/> </param>
        /// <param name="leftBitmap"> The left bitmap to display. <see cref="XrwBitmap"/> </param>
        /// <param name="leftShared"> Indicate wether the leftBitmap is shared (desposed by caller) or private (disposed together with tis label). <see cref="System.Boolean"/> </param>
        /// <param name="rightBitmap"> The right bitmap to display. <see cref="XrwBitmap"/> </param>
        /// <param name="rightShared"> Indicate wether the rightBitmap is shared (desposed by caller) or private (disposed together with tis label). <see cref="System.Boolean"/> </param>
        public XrwLabel(IntPtr display, X11.TInt screenNumber, IntPtr parentWindow, ref TPoint assignedPosition, ref TSize fixedSize, string label, X11Graphic leftBitmap, bool leftShared, X11Graphic rightBitmap, bool rightShared)
            : base(display, screenNumber, parentWindow, ref assignedPosition, ref fixedSize)
            _label             = label;
            _lines             = new Multiline(this, _label);
            _leftBitmap        = leftBitmap;
            _leftBitmapShared  = leftShared;
            _rightBitmap       = rightBitmap;
            _rightBitmapShared = rightShared;

 /// <summary> Dispose by parent. </summary>
 public override void DisposeByParent()
     if (_offBitmap != null && _offBitmapShared == false)
         _offBitmap = null;
     if (_onBitmap != null && _onBitmapShared == false)
         _onBitmap = null;
 /// <summary> Dispose by parent. </summary>
 public override void DisposeByParent()
     if (_leftBitmap != null && _leftBitmapShared == false)
         _leftBitmap = null;
     if (_rightBitmap != null && _rightBitmapShared == false)
         _rightBitmap = null;
Beispiel #8
        // ###############################################################################
        // ### M E T H O D S
        // ###############################################################################

        #region Methods

        /// <summary> Load the icon from indicated path and set it as shell icon. </summary>
        /// <returns> <c>true</c>, if icon was set, <c>false</c> otherwise. </returns>
        /// <param name='iconPath'> The icon path. </param>
        public bool SetShellIcon(string iconPath)
            bool result = false;

            if (_shell == IntPtr.Zero)
                Console.WriteLine(CLASS_NAME + "::SetShellIcon() ERROR: Member attribute '_shell' null.");
            if (string.IsNullOrEmpty(iconPath))
                Console.WriteLine(CLASS_NAME + "::SetShellIcon() ERROR: Paramerter 'iconPath' null or empty.");

            IntPtr display      = Xtlib.XtDisplay(_shell);
            IntPtr window       = Xtlib.XtWindow(_shell);
            TInt   screenNumber = Xtlib.XDefaultScreen(display);

            using (X11Graphic appIcon = new X11Graphic(display, (int)screenNumber, IntPtr.Zero, X11lib.XDefaultDepth(display, screenNumber), iconPath))
                _appIconPixMap = appIcon.CreateIndependentGraphicPixmap(display, window);
                _appMaskPixMap = appIcon.CreateIndependentMaskPixmap(display, window);
                if (_appIconPixMap != IntPtr.Zero && _appMaskPixMap != IntPtr.Zero)
                    X11lib.XWMHints wmHints = new X11lib.XWMHints();
                    IntPtr          wmAddr  = X11lib.XAllocWMHints(ref wmHints);

                    wmHints.flags = X11lib.XWMHintMask.IconPixmapHint |
                                    X11lib.XWMHintMask.IconPositionHint |
                    wmHints.icon_pixmap = _appIconPixMap;
                    wmHints.icon_mask   = _appMaskPixMap;
                    wmHints.icon_x      = 0;
                    wmHints.icon_y      = 0;

                    X11lib.XSetWMHints(display, window, ref wmHints);

                    result = true;
                    Console.WriteLine(CLASS_NAME + "::SetShellIcon () ERROR: Can not create application icon.");

        /// <summary> Initializing constructor. </summary>
        /// <param name="display">The display pointer, that specifies the connection to the X server. <see cref="System.IntPtr"/> </param>
        /// <param name="screenNumber"> The appropriate screen number on the host server. <see cref="System.Int32"/> </param>
        /// <param name="parentWindow"> The X11 *** parent *** window for X11 calls. This widget has no X11 *** own *** window. <see cref="System.IntPtr"/> </param>
        /// <param name="assignedPosition"> The position of the top left top corner assigned by the window manager (for shell widgets) or geometry management (by non-shell widgets). Passed as reference to avoid structure copy constructor calls. <see cref="TPoint"/> </param>
        /// <param name="fixedSize"> The fixed size, that ist to use (if set) rather than the calcualated size. Passed as reference to avoid structure copy constructor calls. <see cref="TIntSize"/> </param>
        /// <param name="label"> The label to display. <see cref="System.String"/> </param>
        /// <param name="offBitmap"> The right bitmap to display. <see cref="XrwBitmap"/> </param>
        /// <param name="offShared"> Indicate wether the offBitmap is shared (desposed by caller) or private (disposed together with tis label). <see cref="System.Boolean"/> </param>
        /// <param name="onBitmap"> The left bitmap to display. <see cref="XrwBitmap"/> </param>
        /// <param name="onShared"> Indicate wether the onBitmap is shared (desposed by caller) or private (disposed together with tis label). <see cref="System.Boolean"/> </param>
        public XrwToggle(IntPtr display, X11.TInt screenNumber, IntPtr parentWindow, ref TPoint assignedPosition, ref TSize fixedSize, string label, X11Graphic offBitmap, bool offShared, X11Graphic onBitmap, bool onShared)
            : base(display, screenNumber, parentWindow, ref assignedPosition, ref fixedSize)
            _label           = label;
            _lines           = new Multiline(this, _label);
            _offBitmap       = offBitmap;
            _offBitmapShared = offShared;
            _onBitmap        = onBitmap;
            _onBitmapShared  = onShared;

            // Create a *** own *** window and exchange the *** parent ***  window against it.

            // ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
            // --- M E T H O D S
            // ---------------------------------------------------------------------------

            #region Methods

            public X11Graphic Graphic(IntPtr display, TInt screenNumber, X11Graphic.StockIcon stock)
                for (int count = 0; count < this.Count; count++)
                    Graphic gr1 = this[count];
                    if (gr1.Stock == stock && gr1.Display == display && gr1.ScreenNumber == screenNumber)
                X11Graphic image = new X11Graphic(display, screenNumber, stock);

                if (image == null)

                Graphic gr2 = new Graphic(display, screenNumber, stock, image);

        /// <summary> Set the shell icon for a WM shell. </summary>
        /// <param name="application"> The WM shell to set the icon for. <see cref="XrwWmShell"/> </param>
        /// <param name="iconPath"> The path (relative, if applicable) to the icon to set. <see cref="System.String"/> </param>
        /// <returns> Returns true on success, or false otherwise. <see cref="System.Boolean"/> </returns>
        public static bool SetWmShellIcon(XrwWmShell application, string iconPath)
            bool result = false;

            if (application == null)
                Console.WriteLine(CLASS_NAME + "::SetWmShellIcon() ERROR: Paramerter 'application' null.");
            if (string.IsNullOrEmpty(iconPath))
                Console.WriteLine(CLASS_NAME + "::SetWmShellIcon() ERROR: Paramerter 'iconPath' null or empty.");

            using (X11Graphic appIcon = new X11Graphic(application.Display, application.Screen, iconPath))
                IntPtr appGraphicPixMap = appIcon.CreateIndependentGraphicPixmap(application.Display, application.Window);
                IntPtr appMaskPixMap    = appIcon.CreateIndependentMaskPixmap(application.Display, application.Window);
                if (appGraphicPixMap != IntPtr.Zero && appMaskPixMap != IntPtr.Zero)
                    X11lib.XWMHints wmHints = X11lib.XAllocWMHints();
                    wmHints.flags       = X11lib.XWMHintMask.IconPixmapHint | X11lib.XWMHintMask.IconPositionHint | X11lib.XWMHintMask.IconMaskHint;
                    wmHints.icon_pixmap = appGraphicPixMap;
                    wmHints.icon_mask   = appMaskPixMap;
                    wmHints.icon_x      = 0;
                    wmHints.icon_y      = 0;
                    X11lib.XSetWMHints(application.Display, application.Window, ref wmHints);

                    result = true;
                    Console.WriteLine(CLASS_NAME + "::SetWmShellIcon () ERROR: Can not create application icon.");

Beispiel #12
 /// <summary> Initializing constructor. </summary>
 /// <param name="display">The display pointer, that specifies the connection to the X server. <see cref="System.IntPtr"/> </param>
 /// <param name="screenNumber"> The appropriate screen number on the host server. <see cref="System.Int32"/> </param>
 /// <param name="parentWindow"> The X11 *** parent *** window for X11 calls. This widget has no X11 *** own *** window. <see cref="System.IntPtr"/> </param>
 /// <param name="label"> The label to display. <see cref="System.String"/> </param>
 /// <param name="leftBitmap"> The left bitmap to display. <see cref="XrwBitmap"/> </param>
 /// <param name="leftShared"> Indicate wether the leftBitmap is shared (desposed by caller) or private (disposed together with tis label). <see cref="System.Boolean"/> </param>
 /// <param name="rightBitmap"> The right bitmap to display. <see cref="XrwBitmap"/> </param>
 /// <param name="rightShared"> Indicate wether the rightBitmap is shared (desposed by caller) or private (disposed together with tis label). <see cref="System.Boolean"/> </param>
 public XrwSme(IntPtr display, X11.TInt screenNumber, IntPtr parentWindow, string label, X11Graphic leftBitmap, bool leftShared, X11Graphic rightBitmap, bool rightShared)
     : base(display, screenNumber, parentWindow, label, leftBitmap, leftShared, rightBitmap, rightShared)
        /// <summary> Initializing constructor. </summary>
        /// <param name="display">The display pointer, that specifies the connection to the X server. <see cref="System.IntPtr"/> </param>
        /// <param name="screenNumber"> The appropriate screen number on the host server. <see cref="System.Int32"/> </param>
        /// <param name="parentWindow"> The X11 *** parent *** window for X11 calls. This widget has no X11 *** own *** window. <see cref="System.IntPtr"/> </param>
        /// <param name="assignedPosition"> The position of the top left top corner assigned by the window manager (for shell widgets) or geometry management (by non-shell widgets). Passed as reference to avoid structure copy constructor calls. <see cref="TPoint"/> </param>
        /// <param name="fixedSize"> The fixed size, that ist to use (if set) rather than the calcualated size. Passed as reference to avoid structure copy constructor calls. <see cref="TIntSize"/> </param>
        /// <param name="label"> The label to display. <see cref="System.String"/> </param>
        /// <param name="leftBitmap"> The left bitmap to display. <see cref="XrwBitmap"/> </param>
        /// <param name="leftShared"> Indicate wether the leftBitmap is shared (desposed by caller) or private (disposed together with tis label). <see cref="System.Boolean"/> </param>
        /// <param name="rightBitmap"> The right bitmap to display. <see cref="XrwBitmap"/> </param>
        /// <param name="rightShared"> Indicate wether the rightBitmap is shared (desposed by caller) or private (disposed together with tis label). <see cref="System.Boolean"/> </param>
        public XrwCommand(IntPtr display, X11.TInt screenNumber, IntPtr parentWindow, ref TPoint assignedPosition, ref TSize fixedSize, string label, X11Graphic leftBitmap, bool leftShared, X11Graphic rightBitmap, bool rightShared)
            : base(display, screenNumber, parentWindow, ref assignedPosition, ref fixedSize, label, leftBitmap, leftShared, rightBitmap, rightShared)
            // Create a *** own *** window and exchange the *** parent ***  window against it.

Beispiel #14
 /// <summary> Initializing constructor. </summary>
 /// <param name="display">The display pointer, that specifies the connection to the X server. <see cref="IntPtr"/> </param>
 /// <param name="screenNumber"> The appropriate screen number on the host server. <see cref="System.Int32"/> </param>
 /// <param name="parentWindow"> The X11 *** parent *** window that will be the parent for an X11 *** own ** window. <see cref="IntPtr"/> </param>
 /// <param name="fixedSize"> The fixed size, that ist to use (if set) rather than the calcualated size. <see cref="TIntSize"/> </param>
 /// <param name="label"> The label to display. <see cref="System.String"/> </param>
 /// <param name="offBitmap"> The right bitmap to display. <see cref="XrwBitmap"/> </param>
 /// <param name="offShared"> Indicate wether the offBitmap is shared (desposed by caller) or private (disposed together with tis label). <see cref="System.Boolean"/> </param>
 /// <param name="onBitmap"> The left bitmap to display. <see cref="XrwBitmap"/> </param>
 /// <param name="onShared"> Indicate wether the onBitmap is shared (desposed by caller) or private (disposed together with tis label). <see cref="System.Boolean"/> </param>
 public XrwRadio(IntPtr display, X11.TInt screen, IntPtr parentWindow, ref TSize fixedSize, string label, X11Graphic offBitmap, bool offShared, X11Graphic onBitmap, bool onShared)
     : base(display, screen, parentWindow, ref fixedSize, label, offBitmap, offShared, onBitmap, onShared)
Beispiel #15
 /// <summary> Initializing constructor. </summary>
 /// <param name="display">The display pointer, that specifies the connection to the X server. <see cref="IntPtr"/> </param>
 /// <param name="screenNumber"> The appropriate screen number on the host server. <see cref="System.Int32"/> </param>
 /// <param name="parentWindow"> The X11 *** parent *** window that will be the parent for an X11 *** own ** window. <see cref="IntPtr"/> </param>
 /// <param name="assignedPosition"> The position of the top left top corner assigned by the window manager (for shell widgets) or geometry management (by non-shell widgets). <see cref="TPoint"/> </param>
 /// <param name="fixedSize"> The fixed size, that ist to use (if set) rather than the calcualated size. <see cref="TIntSize"/> </param>
 /// <param name="label"> The label to display. <see cref="System.String"/> </param>
 /// <param name="offBitmap"> The right bitmap to display. <see cref="XrwBitmap"/> </param>
 /// <param name="offShared"> Indicate wether the offBitmap is shared (desposed by caller) or private (disposed together with tis label). <see cref="System.Boolean"/> </param>
 /// <param name="onBitmap"> The left bitmap to display. <see cref="XrwBitmap"/> </param>
 /// <param name="onShared"> Indicate wether the onBitmap is shared (desposed by caller) or private (disposed together with tis label). <see cref="System.Boolean"/> </param>
 public XrwRadio(IntPtr display, X11.TInt screenNumber, IntPtr parentWindow, ref TPoint assignedPosition, ref TSize fixedSize, string label, X11Graphic offBitmap, bool offShared, X11Graphic onBitmap, bool onShared)
     : base(display, screenNumber, parentWindow, ref assignedPosition, ref fixedSize, label, offBitmap, offShared, onBitmap, onShared)
Beispiel #16
        /// <summary> Initialize local ressources for all constructors. </summary>
        public void InitializeMessageBoxResources()
            XrwBox vboxMain = XrwBox.NewVBox(_display, _screenNumber, _window);

            vboxMain.BorderWidth = 0;
            vboxMain.VertSpacing = 0;

            XrwBox hboxContentArea = XrwBox.NewHBox(_display, _screenNumber, _window);

            hboxContentArea.ExpandToAvailableHeight = true;

            X11Graphic graphic = null;

            if (_image != X11Graphic.StockIcon.None)
                graphic = new X11Graphic(_display, _screenNumber, _image);
            XrwLabel _labelMessage = new XrwLabel(_display, _screenNumber, _window, _message, graphic, false, null, false);

            _labelMessage.FrameType               = TFrameType.Sunken;
            _labelMessage.FrameWidth              = XrwTheme.InteractingFrameWidth;
            _labelMessage.HorzTextAlign           = 0.0F;
            _labelMessage.ExpandToAvailableHeight = true;

            XrwBox hboxActionArea = XrwBox.NewHBox(_display, _screenNumber, _window);

            hboxActionArea.BorderWidth = 2;
            hboxActionArea.ChildAlign  = 1.0F;
            hboxActionArea.BorderColor = hboxActionArea.BackgroundColor;

            X11Graphic cancelGraphic = XrwTheme.GetGraphic(_display, _screenNumber, X11Graphic.StockIcon.Cancel16TrueColor);
            XrwCommand cbCancel      = new XrwCommand(_display, _screenNumber, _window, "Cancel", cancelGraphic, true, null, false);

            cbCancel.ExpandToMaxSiblingWidth = true;
            cbCancel.HorzTextAlign           = 0.5F;
            cbCancel.ButtonRelease          += HandleCbCancelButtonRelease;

            X11Graphic okGraphic = XrwTheme.GetGraphic(_display, _screenNumber, X11Graphic.StockIcon.Ok16TrueColor);
            XrwCommand cbOk      = new XrwCommand(_display, _screenNumber, _window, "OK", okGraphic, true, null, false);

            cbOk.ExpandToMaxSiblingWidth = true;
            cbOk.HorzTextAlign           = 0.5F;
            cbOk.ButtonRelease          += HandleCbOkButtonRelease;

            _assignedSize         = vboxMain.AssignedSize;
            _assignedSize.Width  += 2 * _borderWidth;
            _assignedSize.Height += 2 * _borderWidth;

            TPoint position = new TPoint(0, 0);

            MoveResize(ref position, ref _assignedSize);

            X11lib.XSetWMName(_display, _window, _title);
Beispiel #17
 /// <summary> Initializing constructor. </summary>
 /// <param name="display">The display pointer, that specifies the connection to the X server. <see cref="System.IntPtr"/> </param>
 /// <param name="screenNumber"> The appropriate screen number on the host server. <see cref="System.Int32"/> </param>
 /// <param name="parentWindow"> The X11 *** parent *** window for X11 calls. This widget has no X11 *** own *** window. <see cref="System.IntPtr"/> </param>
 /// <param name="assignedPosition"> The position of the top left top corner assigned by the window manager (for shell widgets) or geometry management (by non-shell widgets). Passed as reference to avoid structure copy constructor calls. <see cref="TPoint"/> </param>
 /// <param name="fixedSize"> The fixed size, that ist to use (if set) rather than the calcualated size. Passed as reference to avoid structure copy constructor calls. <see cref="TIntSize"/> </param>
 /// <param name="label"> The label to display. <see cref="System.String"/> </param>
 /// <param name="leftBitmap"> The left bitmap to display. <see cref="XrwBitmap"/> </param>
 /// <param name="leftShared"> Indicate wether the leftBitmap is shared (desposed by caller) or private (disposed together with tis label). <see cref="System.Boolean"/> </param>
 /// <param name="rightBitmap"> The right bitmap to display. <see cref="XrwBitmap"/> </param>
 /// <param name="rightShared"> Indicate wether the rightBitmap is shared (desposed by caller) or private (disposed together with tis label). <see cref="System.Boolean"/> </param>
 public XrwSme(IntPtr display, X11.TInt screenNumber, IntPtr parentWindow, ref TPoint assignedPosition, ref TSize fixedSize, string label, X11Graphic leftBitmap, bool leftShared, X11Graphic rightBitmap, bool rightShared)
     : base(display, screenNumber, parentWindow, ref assignedPosition, ref fixedSize, label, leftBitmap, leftShared, rightBitmap, rightShared)