Beispiel #1
 private void AddSkillRow(WzImageProperty s) {
     var id = int.Parse(s.Name);
     var name = StringWz.GetSkill(s.Name);
     var properties = GetAllProperties(s);
     WzObject icon = s.GetFromPath("icon");
     SkillsView.GridView.Rows.Add(id, icon?.GetBitmap(), name, properties);
Beispiel #2
        public override Bitmap GetBitmap()
            if (this["_inlink"] is WzStringProperty inlink)
                WzObject currentWzObj = this; // first object to work with
                while ((currentWzObj = currentWzObj.Parent) != null)
                    if (!(currentWzObj is WzImage))  // keep looping if its not a WzImage

                    WzImage         wzImageParent = (WzImage)currentWzObj;
                    WzImageProperty foundProperty = wzImageParent.GetFromPath(inlink.Value);
                    if (foundProperty != null && foundProperty is WzImageProperty)
            else if (this["_outlink"] is WzStringProperty outlink)
                WzObject foundProperty = WzFileParent.GetObjectFromPath(outlink.Value);
                if (foundProperty is WzImageProperty)
Beispiel #3
        private void AddSkillRow(WzImageProperty s)
            int      id         = int.Parse(s.Name);
            string   name       = StringUtility.GetSkill(s.Name);
            string   properties = BuildProperties(s);
            WzObject icon       = s.GetFromPath("icon");

            SkillsView.GridView.Rows.Add(id, icon?.GetBitmap(), name, properties);
Beispiel #4
        public override Bitmap GetBitmap()
            if (InLink != null)
                WzObject currentWzObj = this; // first object to work with
                while ((currentWzObj = currentWzObj.Parent) != null)
                    if (!(currentWzObj is WzImage)) // keep looping if its not a WzImage

                    WzImage         wzImageParent = (WzImage)currentWzObj;
                    WzImageProperty foundProperty = wzImageParent.GetFromPath(InLink.Value);
                    if (foundProperty != null && foundProperty is WzImageProperty)
            else if (OutLink != null)
                WzObject foundProperty = WzFileParent.GetObjectFromPath(OutLink.Value);
                if (foundProperty?.OutLink != null)
                    if (foundProperty.WzFileParent.GetObjectFromPath(foundProperty.OutLink.Value) == this)
                        Console.WriteLine("RECURSION FOUND");
                        // recursive linking, who the f**k did this??

                if (foundProperty is WzImageProperty)

Beispiel #5
 private void ShowObjectValue(WzObject obj)
     mp3Player.SoundProperty = null;
     nameBox.Text            = obj is WzFile ? ((WzFile)obj).Header.Copyright : obj.Name;
     nameBox.ButtonEnabled   = false;
     if (obj is WzFile || obj is WzDirectory || obj is WzImage || obj is WzNullProperty || obj is WzSubProperty || obj is WzConvexProperty)
         nameBox.Visible            = true;
         canvasPropBox.Visible      = false;
         pictureBoxPanel.Visible    = false;
         textPropBox.Visible        = false;
         mp3Player.Visible          = false;
         vectorPanel.Visible        = false;
         applyChangesButton.Visible = false;
         changeImageButton.Visible  = false;
         saveImageButton.Visible    = false;
         changeSoundButton.Visible  = false;
         saveSoundButton.Visible    = false;
     else if (obj is WzCanvasProperty)
         nameBox.Visible            = true;
         canvasPropBox.Visible      = true;
         pictureBoxPanel.Visible    = true;
         textPropBox.Visible        = false;
         mp3Player.Visible          = false;
         canvasPropBox.Image        = obj.GetBitmap();
         vectorPanel.Visible        = false;
         applyChangesButton.Visible = false;
         changeImageButton.Visible  = true;
         saveImageButton.Visible    = true;
         changeSoundButton.Visible  = false;
         saveSoundButton.Visible    = false;
     else if (obj is WzSoundProperty)
         nameBox.Visible            = true;
         canvasPropBox.Visible      = false;
         pictureBoxPanel.Visible    = false;
         textPropBox.Visible        = false;
         mp3Player.Visible          = true;
         mp3Player.SoundProperty    = (WzSoundProperty)obj;
         vectorPanel.Visible        = false;
         applyChangesButton.Visible = false;
         changeImageButton.Visible  = false;
         saveImageButton.Visible    = false;
         changeSoundButton.Visible  = true;
         saveSoundButton.Visible    = true;
     else if (obj is WzStringProperty || obj is WzIntProperty || obj is WzDoubleProperty || obj is WzFloatProperty || obj is WzShortProperty || obj is WzUOLProperty)
         nameBox.Visible            = true;
         canvasPropBox.Visible      = false;
         pictureBoxPanel.Visible    = false;
         textPropBox.Visible        = true;
         mp3Player.Visible          = false;
         textPropBox.Text           = obj.ToString();
         vectorPanel.Visible        = false;
         applyChangesButton.Visible = true;
         changeImageButton.Visible  = false;
         saveImageButton.Visible    = false;
         changeSoundButton.Visible  = false;
         saveSoundButton.Visible    = false;
     else if (obj is WzVectorProperty)
         nameBox.Visible            = true;
         canvasPropBox.Visible      = false;
         pictureBoxPanel.Visible    = false;
         textPropBox.Visible        = false;
         mp3Player.Visible          = false;
         vectorPanel.Visible        = true;
         vectorPanel.X              = ((WzVectorProperty)obj).X.Value;
         vectorPanel.Y              = ((WzVectorProperty)obj).Y.Value;
         applyChangesButton.Visible = true;
         changeImageButton.Visible  = false;
         saveImageButton.Visible    = false;
         changeSoundButton.Visible  = false;
         saveSoundButton.Visible    = false;
Beispiel #6
        private void AddGridRow(DataGridView grid, object wzObject)
            int      id;
            string   properties = BuildProperties(wzObject);
            string   name       = null;
            WzObject icon       = null;

            if (wzObject is WzImage image)
                id         = int.Parse(Path.GetFileNameWithoutExtension(image.Name));
                properties = BuildProperties(image) ?? "";
                WzImageProperty linkProperty = image.GetFromPath("info/link");
                if (linkProperty != null)
                    string linkName = ((WzStringProperty)linkProperty).Value;
                    image = ((WzDirectory)image.Parent).GetChildImages().Find(p => p.Name.Equals(linkName + ".img"));
                    if (image == null)

                WzObject entityIcon = image.GetFromPath("stand/0");
                if (image.WzFileParent.Name.StartsWith("Npc"))   // icon path like: '{ID}/stand/0'
                    name = StringUtility.GetNPC(id);
                else if (image.WzFileParent.Name.StartsWith("Mob"))     // icon path like: '{ID}/(move|stand|fly)/0'
                    name = StringUtility.GetMob(id);
                    if (entityIcon == null)
                        entityIcon = image.GetFromPath("fly/0") ?? image.GetFromPath("move/0");                     // attempt to get image of the monster
                else if (image.WzFileParent.Name.StartsWith("Reactor"))
                    name       = image.GetFromPath("action")?.WzValue.ToString();
                    entityIcon = image.GetFromPath("0/0");
                else      // for breadcrumb like: '{ID}.img/info/icon'
                    if (ItemConstants.IsEquip(id))
                        name = StringUtility.GetEqp(id);
                    else if (ItemConstants.IsPet(id))
                        name = StringUtility.GetPet(id);
                    icon = image.GetFromPath("info/icon");

                if (icon == null)
                    icon = entityIcon;
            else if (wzObject is WzSubProperty subProperty)
                // for path like: 'category.img/{ID}/info/icon' (Etc.wz)
                string imgName = subProperty.Name;
                id = int.Parse(imgName);
                if (ItemConstants.IsEtc(id))
                    name = StringUtility.GetEtc(id);
                else if (ItemConstants.IsCash(id))
                    name = StringUtility.GetCash(id);
                else if (ItemConstants.IsChair(id))
                    name = StringUtility.GetChair(id);
                else if (ItemConstants.IsConsume(id))
                    name = StringUtility.GetConsume(id);

                icon = subProperty.GetFromPath("info/icon");

            grid.Rows.Add(id, icon?.GetBitmap(), name, properties);
 private void ShowObjectValue(WzObject obj)
     mp3Player.SoundProperty = null;
     nameBox.Text = obj is WzFile ? ((WzFile)obj).Header.Copyright : obj.Name;
     nameBox.ButtonEnabled = false;
     if (obj is WzFile || obj is WzDirectory || obj is WzImage || obj is WzNullProperty || obj is WzSubProperty || obj is WzConvexProperty)
         nameBox.Visible = true;
         canvasPropBox.Visible = false;
         pictureBoxPanel.Visible = false;
         textPropBox.Visible = false;
         mp3Player.Visible = false;
         vectorPanel.Visible = false;
         applyChangesButton.Visible = false;
         changeImageButton.Visible = false;
         saveImageButton.Visible = false;
         changeSoundButton.Visible = false;
         saveSoundButton.Visible = false;
     else if (obj is WzCanvasProperty)
         nameBox.Visible = true;
         canvasPropBox.Visible = true;
         pictureBoxPanel.Visible = true;
         textPropBox.Visible = false;
         mp3Player.Visible = false;
         canvasPropBox.Image = obj.GetBitmap();
         vectorPanel.Visible = false;
         applyChangesButton.Visible = false;
         changeImageButton.Visible = true;
         saveImageButton.Visible = true;
         changeSoundButton.Visible = false;
         saveSoundButton.Visible = false;
     else if (obj is WzSoundProperty)
         nameBox.Visible = true;
         canvasPropBox.Visible = false;
         pictureBoxPanel.Visible = false;
         textPropBox.Visible = false;
         mp3Player.Visible = true;
         mp3Player.SoundProperty = (WzSoundProperty)obj;
         vectorPanel.Visible = false;
         applyChangesButton.Visible = false;
         changeImageButton.Visible = false;
         saveImageButton.Visible = false;
         changeSoundButton.Visible = true;
         saveSoundButton.Visible = true;
     else if (obj is WzStringProperty || obj is WzIntProperty || obj is WzDoubleProperty || obj is WzFloatProperty || obj is WzShortProperty || obj is WzUOLProperty)
         nameBox.Visible = true;
         canvasPropBox.Visible = false;
         pictureBoxPanel.Visible = false;
         textPropBox.Visible = true;
         mp3Player.Visible = false;
         textPropBox.Text = obj.ToString();
         vectorPanel.Visible = false;
         applyChangesButton.Visible = true;
         changeImageButton.Visible = false;
         saveImageButton.Visible = false;
         changeSoundButton.Visible = false;
         saveSoundButton.Visible = false;
     else if (obj is WzVectorProperty)
         nameBox.Visible = true;
         canvasPropBox.Visible = false;
         pictureBoxPanel.Visible = false;
         textPropBox.Visible = false;
         mp3Player.Visible = false;
         vectorPanel.Visible = true;
         vectorPanel.X = ((WzVectorProperty)obj).X.Value;
         vectorPanel.Y = ((WzVectorProperty)obj).Y.Value;
         applyChangesButton.Visible = true;
         changeImageButton.Visible = false;
         saveImageButton.Visible = false;
         changeSoundButton.Visible = false;
         saveSoundButton.Visible = false;