Beispiel #1
 public WriteOperations(string key, ProviderCacheItem cacheItem, WriteOperationType opType, bool updateInCache)
     this._key           = key;
     this._cacheItem     = cacheItem;
     this._opType        = opType;
     this._updateInCache = updateInCache;
Beispiel #2
        /// <summary>
        /// Send specified command to Roboteq device.
        /// Refer to Roboteq datasheet for a full list of available commands and their arguments.
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="opType">Operation type. Possible: RuntimeCommand, Runtime Query, SetConfig, GetConfig</param>
        /// <param name="commandName">Command name.</param>
        /// <param name="arg1">Command argument</param>
        /// <returns>Response form motor controller in form of string array, or null if there was no reply.</returns>
        private string[] WriteOperation(WriteOperationType opType, string commandName, int arg1)
            List <int> args = new List <int>();

            return(WriteOperation(opType, commandName, args));
        protected override void InternalProcessRecord()
            LocalizedString message = new LocalizedString("Error updating consumer mailbox. See inner exception for details.");

                WriteOperationType writeOperationType = this.Repair.ToBool() ? WriteOperationType.RepairUpdate : WriteOperationType.Update;
                ConsumerMailboxHelper.CreateOrUpdateConsumerMailbox(writeOperationType, base.Fields, (IRecipientSession)base.DataSession, delegate(string s)
                    base.WriteVerbose(new LocalizedString(s));
                }, delegate(string s)
                    this.WriteWarning(new LocalizedString(s));
            catch (ADNoSuchObjectException innerException)
                throw new ManagementObjectNotFoundException(message, innerException);
            catch (ADObjectAlreadyExistsException innerException2)
                throw new ManagementObjectAlreadyExistsException(message, innerException2);
            catch (ArgumentException innerException3)
                throw new TaskArgumentException(message, innerException3);
            catch (InvalidOperationException innerException4)
                throw new TaskInvalidOperationException(message, innerException4);
Beispiel #4
 public WriteOperation(string key, ProviderCacheItem cacheItem, WriteOperationType opType, int retryCount)
     this._key        = key;
     this._cacheItem  = cacheItem;
     this._opType     = opType;
     this._retryCount = retryCount;
Beispiel #5
        public static void CreateOrUpdateConsumerMailbox(WriteOperationType writeOperationType, PropertyBag propertyValuesBag, IRecipientSession session, Action <string> logAction, Action <string> warningLogAction = null)
            MbxReadMode      mbxReadMode      = ((IAggregateSession)session).MbxReadMode;
            BackendWriteMode backendWriteMode = ((IAggregateSession)session).BackendWriteMode;

                if (logAction == null)
                    throw new ArgumentNullException("logAction");
                if (warningLogAction == null)
                    throw new ArgumentNullException("warningLogAction");
                if (!propertyValuesBag.IsModified(ADUserSchema.NetID))
                    throw new ArgumentException(string.Format(CultureInfo.CurrentUICulture, "Property 'ADUserSchema.NetID' must be set", new object[0]));
                ulong  puid   = ((NetID)propertyValuesBag[ADUserSchema.NetID]).ToUInt64();
                string text   = ((NetID)propertyValuesBag[ADUserSchema.NetID]).ToString();
                bool   flag   = propertyValuesBag.IsModified("MakeExoPrimary") && (bool)propertyValuesBag["MakeExoPrimary"];
                bool   flag2  = propertyValuesBag.IsModified("MakeExoSecondary") && (bool)propertyValuesBag["MakeExoSecondary"];
                bool   flag3  = propertyValuesBag.IsModified("SkipMigration") && (bool)propertyValuesBag["SkipMigration"];
                ADUser aduser = ConsumerMailboxHelper.ReadUser(session, puid, true);
                if (aduser == null && (writeOperationType == WriteOperationType.Update || writeOperationType == WriteOperationType.RepairUpdate))
                    throw new ADNoSuchObjectException(new LocalizedString(string.Format(CultureInfo.CurrentUICulture, "Cannot update object. Mserv entry for PUID: '{0}' not found", new object[]
                if (aduser != null && writeOperationType == WriteOperationType.Create && !flag2 && (!flag || !flag3))
                    throw new ADObjectAlreadyExistsException(new LocalizedString(string.Format(CultureInfo.CurrentUICulture, "Cannot create object. Mserv entry for PUID: '{0}' already exists", new object[]
                if (aduser != null && aduser.Database != null && propertyValuesBag.IsModified(ADMailboxRecipientSchema.Database) && !aduser.Database.Equals((ADObjectId)propertyValuesBag[ADMailboxRecipientSchema.Database]))
                    throw new InvalidOperationException(string.Format(CultureInfo.CurrentUICulture, "Cannot update database of an existing consumer mailbox in EXO. PUID: '{0}' Existing database: {1}", new object[]
                if (flag && flag2)
                    throw new InvalidOperationException(string.Format(CultureInfo.CurrentUICulture, "Cannot set MakeExoPrimary and MakeExoSecondary at the same time. PUID: '{0}'", new object[]
                if (aduser == null)
                    aduser = new ADUser();
                if (flag)
                    if (writeOperationType == WriteOperationType.Create && aduser.PrimaryMailboxSource() == PrimaryMailboxSourceType.None)
                        logAction("Current state: No mserv footprint - i.e. no mailbox in EXO and Hotmail.");
                        logAction("Action requested: MakeExoPrimary: Create a brand new primary consumer mailbox in EXO. ");
                    else if (writeOperationType == WriteOperationType.RepairCreate && (aduser.PrimaryMailboxSource() == PrimaryMailboxSourceType.None || aduser.PrimaryMailboxSource() == PrimaryMailboxSourceType.Exo))
                        logAction("Current state: Either no mserv footprint exists or a primary mailbox exists in EXO.");
                        logAction("Action requested: MakeExoPrimary: Retry creation of primary consumer mailbox in EXO. ");
                    else if ((writeOperationType == WriteOperationType.Update || writeOperationType == WriteOperationType.RepairUpdate) && aduser.Database != null && aduser.PrimaryMailboxSource() == PrimaryMailboxSourceType.Hotmail)
                        logAction("Current state: Primary mailbox exists in Hotmail and Secondary mailbox exists in EXO.");
                        logAction("Action requested: MakeExoPrimary: Switch from hotmail to EXO. ");
                        if ((writeOperationType != WriteOperationType.Create && writeOperationType != WriteOperationType.RepairCreate) || aduser.PrimaryMailboxSource() != PrimaryMailboxSourceType.Hotmail || aduser.Database != null || !flag3)
                            throw new InvalidOperationException(string.Format(CultureInfo.CurrentUICulture, "Cannot proceed with MakeExoPrimary operation. Invalid state detected. PUID: '{0}' Current primary mailbox source: {1} Write operation type: {2}", new object[]
                        logAction("Current state: Primary mailbox exists in Hotmail and no secondary mailbox exists in EXO.");
                        logAction("Action requested: MakeExoPrimary: Switch directly from hotmail to EXO w/o migrating email contents and SkipMigration flag is supplied. ");
                if (flag2)
                    if (writeOperationType == WriteOperationType.Create && aduser.PrimaryMailboxSource() == PrimaryMailboxSourceType.Hotmail)
                        logAction("Current state: An existing primary mailbox in Hotmail.");
                        logAction("Action requested: MakeExoSecondary: Create a brand new secondary consumer mailbox in EXO. ");
                        if (writeOperationType != WriteOperationType.RepairCreate || aduser.PrimaryMailboxSource() != PrimaryMailboxSourceType.Hotmail)
                            throw new InvalidOperationException(string.Format(CultureInfo.CurrentUICulture, "Invalid state detected. Cannot proceed with MakeExoSecondary operation. A hotmail account must exist for PUID: '{0}'. Current primary mailbox source: {1} Write operation type: {2}", new object[]
                        logAction("Current state: An existing primary mailbox in Hotmail with or without a secondary mailbox in EXO.");
                        logAction("Action requested: MakeExoSecondary: Retry creating a brand new secondary consumer mailbox in EXO. ");
                    propertyValuesBag[ADUserSchema.IsMigratedConsumerMailbox] = true;
                if ((flag || flag2) && aduser.Database == null && !propertyValuesBag.IsModified(ADMailboxRecipientSchema.Database))
                    throw new InvalidOperationException(string.Format(CultureInfo.CurrentUICulture, "You must specify Database for creating a new mailbox. PUID: '{0}'", new object[]
                if (!flag && !flag2 && aduser.Database == null)
                    throw new ADNoSuchObjectException(new LocalizedString(string.Format(CultureInfo.CurrentUICulture, "Cannot perform this operation. No consumer mailbox (primary/secondary) exists for this user in EXO. PUID: '{0}'", new object[]
                ADRawEntry adrawEntry = new ADRawEntry();
                ADObjectId adobjectId = aduser.Database ?? (propertyValuesBag[ADMailboxRecipientSchema.Database] as ADObjectId);
                if (adobjectId != null && ConsumerMailboxHelper.PopulateStoreOnlyProperties(adrawEntry, puid, propertyValuesBag, true))
                    logAction(string.Format("Saving store properties for user - puid: {0}", text));
                    AggregationHelper.PerformMbxModification(adobjectId.ObjectGuid, ConsumerIdentityHelper.GetExchangeGuidFromPuid(puid), adrawEntry.propertyBag as ADPropertyBag, false);
                if (ConsumerMailboxHelper.PopulateMservPuidRecordProperties(aduser, puid, flag, flag2, propertyValuesBag))
                    logAction(string.Format("Saving PUID records in Mserv for user - puid: {0}", text));
                    ((IAggregateSession)session).MbxReadMode      = MbxReadMode.NoMbxRead;
                    ((IAggregateSession)session).BackendWriteMode = BackendWriteMode.WriteToMServ;
                    aduser = ConsumerMailboxHelper.ReadUser(session, puid, true);
                if (writeOperationType == WriteOperationType.RepairCreate || writeOperationType == WriteOperationType.RepairUpdate)
                    ((IAggregateSession)session).MbxReadMode      = MbxReadMode.NoMbxRead;
                    ((IAggregateSession)session).BackendWriteMode = BackendWriteMode.WriteToMServ;
                    ConsumerMailboxHelper.SaveChangesInRepairMode(session, puid, ConsumerMailboxHelper.MServAliasAndOtherRecordProperties, propertyValuesBag, logAction, warningLogAction);
                else if (ConsumerMailboxHelper.PopulateAliasAndOtherRecordProperties(aduser, puid, propertyValuesBag))
                    logAction(string.Format("Saving Aliases and other records in Mserv for user - puid: {0}", text));
                    ((IAggregateSession)session).MbxReadMode      = MbxReadMode.NoMbxRead;
                    ((IAggregateSession)session).BackendWriteMode = BackendWriteMode.WriteToMServ;
                ((IAggregateSession)session).MbxReadMode      = mbxReadMode;
                ((IAggregateSession)session).BackendWriteMode = backendWriteMode;
Beispiel #6
 /// <summary>
 /// Send specified command to Roboteq device. 
 /// Refer to Roboteq datasheet for a full list of available commands and their arguments.
 /// </summary>
 /// <param name="opType">Operation type. Possible: RuntimeCommand, Runtime Query, SetConfig, GetConfig</param>
 /// <param name="commandName">Command name. </param>
 /// <returns>Response form motor controller in form of string array, or null if there was no reply.</returns>
 private string[] WriteOperation(WriteOperationType opType, string commandName)
     List<int> args = new List<int>();
     return WriteOperation(opType, commandName, args);
Beispiel #7
 /// <summary>
 /// Send specified command to Roboteq device. 
 /// Refer to Roboteq datasheet for a full list of available commands and their arguments.
 /// </summary>
 /// <param name="opType">Operation type. Possible: RuntimeCommand, Runtime Query, SetConfig, GetConfig</param>
 /// <param name="commandName">Command name.</param>
 /// <param name="arg1">First command argument</param>
 /// <param name="arg2">Second command argument</param>
 /// <returns>Response form motor controller in form of string array, or null if there was no reply.</returns>
 private string[] WriteOperation(WriteOperationType opType, string commandName, int arg1, int arg2)
     List<int> args = new List<int>();
     return WriteOperation(opType, commandName, args);
Beispiel #8
        /// <summary>
        /// Send specified command to Roboteq device. 
        /// Refer to Roboteq datasheet for a full list of available commands and their arguments.
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="opType">Operation type. Possible: RuntimeCommand, Runtime Query, SetConfig, GetConfig</param>
        /// <param name="commandName">Command name.</param>
        /// <param name="arguments">List of arguments. Commands accept from 0 to 2 args</param>
        /// <returns>Response form motor controller in form of string array, or null if there was no reply.</returns>
        private string[] WriteOperation(WriteOperationType opType, string commandName, List<int> arguments)
            if (!serialPort.IsOpen)

            string prefix = "";
            switch (opType)
                case WriteOperationType.RuntimeCommand:
                    prefix = "!";
                case WriteOperationType.RuntimeQuery:
                    prefix = "?";
                case WriteOperationType.GetConfig:
                    prefix = "~";
                case WriteOperationType.SetConfig:
                    prefix = "^";

            string command = prefix + commandName;
            foreach (int argument in arguments)
                string temp = Convert.ToString(argument);
                command += (" " + temp);

            if ((opType == WriteOperationType.RuntimeQuery) || (opType == WriteOperationType.GetConfig))
                string response = "";
                while (response.Length == 0)
                    response = serialPort.ReadLine();

                    if (response.Contains("+"))
                        response = "";
                    else if (response.Contains("-"))
                        response = "";
                int pos = response.IndexOf("=");
                string reply = response.Substring(pos + 1);
                return reply.Split(':');
            return null;
		public WriteOperation(Token[] toks, InstructionForm ParentForm)
			// As a note, all operations should be 4 characters,
			// if they are unable to be 4 characters, then they
			// should be sets of 4 characters seperated in
			// some way. (this allows for the write operations to
			// be aligned in the cpud file)
			Token tok = toks[0];
			switch (toks.Length)
				case 1:
					if (tok.Type == TokenType.Number)
						this.Type = WriteOperationType.Byte;
						this.ByteValue = (byte)tok.NumberValue.Value;
					else if (tok.Value.StartsWith("arg"))
						this.ArgIdx = (byte)(Utils.SingleDigitParse(tok.Value[3]) - 1);
						if (!ParentForm[ArgIdx].ArgType.HasSize)
							this.Type = WriteOperationType.Arg;
								case 1:
									this.Type = WriteOperationType.Imm8;
								case 2:
									this.Type = WriteOperationType.Imm16;
								case 4:
									this.Type = WriteOperationType.Imm32;
									throw new Exception("Unknown arg type!");
					else // Prefix
						this.Type = WriteOperationType.Prefix;
						this.SelectedPrefix = PrefixRegistry.GetPrefixName(tok.Value);
						if (this.SelectedPrefix == null)
							throw new Exception("Unknown write operation '" + tok.Value + "'!");
				case 3:
					this.Type = WriteOperationType.BytePlusArg;
					this.ArgIdx = (byte)(Utils.SingleDigitParse(toks[2].Value[3]) - 1);
					this.ByteValue = (byte)tok.NumberValue.Value;
				case 4:
					if (tok.Value == "evil")
						if (toks[1].Type != TokenType.LSqBracket)
							throw new Exception("Expected an opening square bracket before the exception's message!");
						if (toks[3].Type != TokenType.RSqBracket)
							throw new Exception("Expected the closing square bracket after the exception's message!");
						this.Type = WriteOperationType.Throw;
						this.MessageThrown = toks[2].Value;
					else if (tok.Value.StartsWith("arg"))
						if (toks[1].Type != TokenType.LSqBracket)
							throw new Exception("Expected an opening square bracket before the argument write operation!");
						if (toks[3].Type != TokenType.RSqBracket)
							throw new Exception("Expected the closing square bracket after the argument write operation!");
						this.ArgIdx = (byte)(Utils.SingleDigitParse(tok.Value[3]) - 1);
						this.Type = WriteOperationType.Arg;
						this.WriteArguments.Add(new WriteOperationArgument(toks[2]));
						throw new Exception("Unknown write operation type!");
					if (tok.Value.StartsWith("arg"))
						if (toks[1].Type != TokenType.LSqBracket)
							throw new Exception("Expected an opening square bracket before the argument write operation!");
						this.Type = WriteOperationType.Arg;
						this.ArgIdx = (byte)(Utils.SingleDigitParse(tok.Value[3]) - 1);
						for (int i = 2; i < toks.Length - 1; i += 2)
							this.WriteArguments.Add(new WriteOperationArgument(toks[i]));
							if (i + 1 < toks.Length - 1 && toks[i + 1].Type != TokenType.Comma)
								throw new Exception("Expected a comma!");
						if (toks[toks.Length - 1].Type != TokenType.RSqBracket)
							throw new Exception("Expected the closing square bracket after the argument write operation!");
						throw new Exception("Unknown number of tokens passed in!");
Beispiel #10
 public InternalWriteOperation(string key, ProviderCacheItem cacheItem, WriteOperationType opType, int retryCount) : base(key, cacheItem, opType, retryCount)
Beispiel #11
        /// <summary>
        /// Send specified command to Roboteq device.
        /// Refer to Roboteq datasheet for a full list of available commands and their arguments.
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="opType">Operation type. Possible: RuntimeCommand, Runtime Query, SetConfig, GetConfig</param>
        /// <param name="commandName">Command name.</param>
        /// <param name="arguments">List of arguments. Commands accept from 0 to 2 args</param>
        /// <returns>Response form motor controller in form of string array, or null if there was no reply.</returns>
        private string[] WriteOperation(WriteOperationType opType, string commandName, List <int> arguments)
            if (!serialPort.IsOpen)

            string prefix = "";

            switch (opType)
            case WriteOperationType.RuntimeCommand:
                prefix = "!";

            case WriteOperationType.RuntimeQuery:
                prefix = "?";

            case WriteOperationType.GetConfig:
                prefix = "~";

            case WriteOperationType.SetConfig:
                prefix = "^";

            string command = prefix + commandName;

            foreach (int argument in arguments)
                string temp = Convert.ToString(argument);
                command += (" " + temp);

            if ((opType == WriteOperationType.RuntimeQuery) || (opType == WriteOperationType.GetConfig))
                string response = "";
                while (response.Length == 0)
                    response = serialPort.ReadLine();

                    if (response.Contains("+"))
                        response = "";
                    else if (response.Contains("-"))
                        response = "";
                int    pos   = response.IndexOf("=");
                string reply = response.Substring(pos + 1);