public override void VisitWriteNode(WriteNode w) { if (depth < 0) { ++opCnt; } }
public override void VisitWriteNode(WriteNode w) { if (depth > 0) { Count += 1; } }
public void Visit(WriteNode n) { foreach (var node in n.GetChildren()) { node.SymTable = n.SymTable; node.Accept(this); } }
public override void VisitWriteNode(WriteNode w) { if (w == null) { return; } w.Expr.Visit(this); }
public override void VisitWriteNode(WriteNode w) { if (NowCycle > 0) { CountOp += 1; } w.Expr.Visit(this); }
public override void VisitWriteNode(WriteNode w) { if (currCyc > 0) { opCnt++; } base.VisitWriteNode(w); }
public void Visit(WriteNode n) { var children = n.GetChildren(); foreach (var child in children) { child.Accept(this); } }
public void Visit(WriteNode n) { PrintDOTIDLabel(n); PrintDOTParentChild(n); foreach (var child in n.GetChildren()) { child.Accept(this); } }
public override void Visit(WriteNode node) { WriteIndent(); ProgramBuilder.Append(node.WriteLine ? "writeln" : "write"); ProgramBuilder.Append('('); node.ExprList.Visit(this); ProgramBuilder.Append(')'); NewLine(); }
private void ProcessQueue(Action <string> _ErrorMessageAction, ManualResetEvent ProcessQueueWait, ConcurrentQueue <Node> ProcessQueue, EDeflateCompression QueueCompressMode) { BTaskWrapper.Run(() => { try { _ErrorMessageAction?.Invoke($"[{DateTime.Now.ToString("yyyy/MM/dd HH:mm:ss.fffff")}] Start processing Queue"); Dictionary <ENodeType, StreamStruct> WriteStreams = CreateStreams(QueueCompressMode); using (XStreamWriter Writer = new XStreamWriter(WriteStreams)) { while (!QueueComplete || ProcessQueue.Count > 0) { if (ProcessQueue.TryDequeue(out Node WriteNode)) { if (WriteNode.GetNodeType() == ENodeType.Hierarchy) { HierarchyNode CurrentHierarchyNode = (HierarchyNode)WriteNode; //Need to check that lists are not null CheckHierarchyNode(CurrentHierarchyNode); Writer.Write(CurrentHierarchyNode); } if (WriteNode.GetNodeType() == ENodeType.Geometry) { GeometryNode CurrentGeometry = (GeometryNode)WriteNode; CheckGeometry(CurrentGeometry); Writer.Write((GeometryNode)WriteNode); } if (WriteNode.GetNodeType() == ENodeType.Metadata) { Writer.Write((MetadataNode)WriteNode); } } else { Thread.Sleep(10); } } _ErrorMessageAction?.Invoke($"[{DateTime.Now.ToString("yyyy/MM/dd HH:mm:ss.fffff")}] Closing Stream"); } _ErrorMessageAction?.Invoke($"[{DateTime.Now.ToString("yyyy/MM/dd HH:mm:ss.fffff")}] Closed Stream"); } catch (Exception ex) { _ErrorMessageAction?.Invoke($"[{DateTime.Now.ToString("yyyy/MM/dd HH:mm:ss.fffff")}] {ex.Message}\n{ex.StackTrace}"); State = FAILED_STATE; } ProcessQueueWait.Set(); }); }
public override void VisitWriteNode(WriteNode w) { Console.WriteLine(Tag + " VisitWriteNode"); w.Expr.Visit(this); var printLine = new ThreeAddrLine(); printLine.Label = GenNewLabel(); printLine.RightOp = GetLastLine().Accum; printLine.OpType = ThreeAddrOpType.Write; Data.Add(printLine); }
public override void VisitWriteNode(WriteNode w) { }
public override void VisitWriteNode(WriteNode w) { Text += IndentStr() + "write("; w.Expr.Visit(this); Text += ")"; }
public override void VisitWriteNode(WriteNode w) { ++CurrNestExprs; w.Expr.Visit(this); --CurrNestExprs; }
public override void VisitWriteNode(WriteNode w) { NestExpr++; w.Expr.Visit(this); NestExpr--; }
public override void VisitWriteNode(WriteNode w) { base.VisitWriteNode(w); }
public override void VisitWriteNode(WriteNode w) { Text.Append(IndentStr() + "Console.WriteLine("); w.Expr.Visit(this); Text.Append(");"); }
public override void VisitWriteNode(WriteNode w) { w.Expr.Visit(this); genc.EmitWriteLine(); }
public override void Visit(WriteNode node) { PreVisit(node); node.ExprList.Visit(this); PostVisit(node); }
public override void Visit(WriteNode node) { node.ExprList.Visit(this); }
public override void Visit(WriteNode node) { OnEnter(node); base.Visit(node); OnExit(node); }
protected override void DoAction(int action) { #pragma warning disable 162, 1522 switch (action) { case 2: // start -> Program, block, EOF #line 22 "D:\MINICompiler\kompilator.y" { if (syntaxErrorLines.Count != 0) { YYAbort(); } ProgramTree.block = ValueStack[ValueStack.Depth - 2] as BlockNode; ProgramTree.Line = ValueStack[ValueStack.Depth - 3].Line; } #line default break; case 3: // block -> OpenBracket, lines, CloseBracket #line 34 "D:\MINICompiler\kompilator.y" { BlockNode node; if (ValueStack[ValueStack.Depth - 2] is null) { node = new BlockNode(); } else { node = new BlockNode(ValueStack[ValueStack.Depth - 2] as BlockNode); } node.Line = ValueStack[ValueStack.Depth - 3].Line; CurrentSemanticValue = node; } #line default break; case 5: // lines -> lines, instruction #line 44 "D:\MINICompiler\kompilator.y" { BlockNode node; if (ValueStack[ValueStack.Depth - 2] is null) { node = new BlockNode(); } else { node = new BlockNode(ValueStack[ValueStack.Depth - 2] as BlockNode); } node.instructions.Add(ValueStack[ValueStack.Depth - 1]); CurrentSemanticValue = node; } #line default break; case 6: // lines -> EOF #line 52 "D:\MINICompiler\kompilator.y" { syntaxErrorLines.Add(ProgramTree.LineCount); YYAbort(); } #line default break; case 11: // instruction -> exp, Semicolon #line 62 "D:\MINICompiler\kompilator.y" { ExpressionNode node = ValueStack[ValueStack.Depth - 2] as ExpressionNode; node.ShouldReturnValue = false; } #line default break; case 15: // instruction -> Semicolon #line 70 "D:\MINICompiler\kompilator.y" { syntaxErrorLines.Add(ValueStack[ValueStack.Depth - 1].Line); } #line default break; case 16: // instruction -> error #line 74 "D:\MINICompiler\kompilator.y" { syntaxErrorLines.Add(ValueStack[ValueStack.Depth - 1].Line); } #line default break; case 17: // write -> Write, String #line 80 "D:\MINICompiler\kompilator.y" { WriteNode node = new WriteNode(ValueStack[ValueStack.Depth - 2].Line); node.content = ValueStack[ValueStack.Depth - 1]; CurrentSemanticValue = node; } #line default break; case 18: // write -> Write, exp #line 86 "D:\MINICompiler\kompilator.y" { WriteNode node = new WriteNode(ValueStack[ValueStack.Depth - 2].Line); node.content = ValueStack[ValueStack.Depth - 1] as ExpressionNode; CurrentSemanticValue = node; } #line default break; case 19: // read -> Read, Variable #line 93 "D:\MINICompiler\kompilator.y" { ReadNode node = new ReadNode(ValueStack[ValueStack.Depth - 2].Line); = ValueStack[ValueStack.Depth - 1] as VariableNode; CurrentSemanticValue = node; } #line default break; case 20: // init -> Int, Variable #line 100 "D:\MINICompiler\kompilator.y" { InitNode node = new InitNode(ValueStack[ValueStack.Depth - 2].Line); node.variable = ValueStack[ValueStack.Depth - 1] as VariableNode; node.variable.ValType = ValType.Int; CurrentSemanticValue = node; } #line default break; case 21: // init -> Double, Variable #line 108 "D:\MINICompiler\kompilator.y" { InitNode node = new InitNode(ValueStack[ValueStack.Depth - 2].Line); node.variable = ValueStack[ValueStack.Depth - 1] as VariableNode; node.variable.ValType = ValType.Double; CurrentSemanticValue = node; } #line default break; case 22: // init -> Bool, Variable #line 115 "D:\MINICompiler\kompilator.y" { InitNode node = new InitNode(ValueStack[ValueStack.Depth - 2].Line); node.variable = ValueStack[ValueStack.Depth - 1] as VariableNode; node.variable.ValType = ValType.Bool; CurrentSemanticValue = node; } #line default break; case 23: // assign -> Variable, Assign, exp #line 123 "D:\MINICompiler\kompilator.y" { AssignNode node = new AssignNode(ValueStack[ValueStack.Depth - 3].Line); node.left = ValueStack[ValueStack.Depth - 3] as VariableNode; node.right = ValueStack[ValueStack.Depth - 1]; node.ShouldReturnValue = true; CurrentSemanticValue = node; } #line default break; case 24: // exp -> OpenPar, exp, ClosePar #line 133 "D:\MINICompiler\kompilator.y" { ParenthesisNode node = new ParenthesisNode(ValueStack[ValueStack.Depth - 3].Line); node.content = ValueStack[ValueStack.Depth - 2] as ExpressionNode; CurrentSemanticValue = node; } #line default break; case 25: // exp -> exp, Add, exp #line 139 "D:\MINICompiler\kompilator.y" { BinaryOpNode node = ValueStack[ValueStack.Depth - 2] as BinaryOpNode; CurrentSemanticValue = AssignToBinaryOp(node, ValueStack[ValueStack.Depth - 3] as ExpressionNode, ValueStack[ValueStack.Depth - 1] as ExpressionNode); } #line default break; case 26: // exp -> exp, Sub, exp #line 144 "D:\MINICompiler\kompilator.y" { BinaryOpNode node = ValueStack[ValueStack.Depth - 2] as BinaryOpNode; CurrentSemanticValue = AssignToBinaryOp(node, ValueStack[ValueStack.Depth - 3] as ExpressionNode, ValueStack[ValueStack.Depth - 1] as ExpressionNode); } #line default break; case 27: // exp -> exp, Mult, exp #line 149 "D:\MINICompiler\kompilator.y" { BinaryOpNode node = ValueStack[ValueStack.Depth - 2] as BinaryOpNode; CurrentSemanticValue = AssignToBinaryOp(node, ValueStack[ValueStack.Depth - 3] as ExpressionNode, ValueStack[ValueStack.Depth - 1] as ExpressionNode); } #line default break; case 28: // exp -> exp, Div, exp #line 154 "D:\MINICompiler\kompilator.y" { BinaryOpNode node = ValueStack[ValueStack.Depth - 2] as BinaryOpNode; CurrentSemanticValue = AssignToBinaryOp(node, ValueStack[ValueStack.Depth - 3] as ExpressionNode, ValueStack[ValueStack.Depth - 1] as ExpressionNode); } #line default break; case 29: // exp -> exp, BitAnd, exp #line 159 "D:\MINICompiler\kompilator.y" { BinaryOpNode node = ValueStack[ValueStack.Depth - 2] as BinaryOpNode; CurrentSemanticValue = AssignToBinaryOp(node, ValueStack[ValueStack.Depth - 3] as ExpressionNode, ValueStack[ValueStack.Depth - 1] as ExpressionNode); } #line default break; case 30: // exp -> exp, BitOr, exp #line 164 "D:\MINICompiler\kompilator.y" { BinaryOpNode node = ValueStack[ValueStack.Depth - 2] as BinaryOpNode; CurrentSemanticValue = AssignToBinaryOp(node, ValueStack[ValueStack.Depth - 3] as ExpressionNode, ValueStack[ValueStack.Depth - 1] as ExpressionNode); } #line default break; case 32: // exp -> IntCast, exp #line 170 "D:\MINICompiler\kompilator.y" { IntCastNode node = new IntCastNode(ValueStack[ValueStack.Depth - 2].Line); node.content = ValueStack[ValueStack.Depth - 1] as ExpressionNode; CurrentSemanticValue = node; } #line default break; case 33: // exp -> DoubleCast, exp #line 176 "D:\MINICompiler\kompilator.y" { DoubleCastNode node = new DoubleCastNode(ValueStack[ValueStack.Depth - 2].Line); node.content = ValueStack[ValueStack.Depth - 1] as ExpressionNode; CurrentSemanticValue = node; } #line default break; case 37: // exp -> Not, exp #line 185 "D:\MINICompiler\kompilator.y" { NotNode node = new NotNode(ValueStack[ValueStack.Depth - 2].Line); node.content = ValueStack[ValueStack.Depth - 1] as ExpressionNode; CurrentSemanticValue = node; } #line default break; case 38: // exp -> Tilde, exp #line 191 "D:\MINICompiler\kompilator.y" { NegNode node = new NegNode(ValueStack[ValueStack.Depth - 2].Line); node.content = ValueStack[ValueStack.Depth - 1] as ExpressionNode; CurrentSemanticValue = node; } #line default break; case 39: // exp -> Sub, exp #line 197 "D:\MINICompiler\kompilator.y" { MinusNode node = new MinusNode(ValueStack[ValueStack.Depth - 2].Line); node.content = ValueStack[ValueStack.Depth - 1] as ExpressionNode; CurrentSemanticValue = node; } #line default break; case 40: // exp -> exp, And, exp #line 203 "D:\MINICompiler\kompilator.y" { LogicOpNode node = ValueStack[ValueStack.Depth - 2] as LogicOpNode; node.left = ValueStack[ValueStack.Depth - 3] as ExpressionNode; node.right = ValueStack[ValueStack.Depth - 1] as ExpressionNode; CurrentSemanticValue = node; } #line default break; case 41: // exp -> exp, Or, exp #line 210 "D:\MINICompiler\kompilator.y" { LogicOpNode node = ValueStack[ValueStack.Depth - 2] as LogicOpNode; node.left = ValueStack[ValueStack.Depth - 3] as ExpressionNode; node.right = ValueStack[ValueStack.Depth - 1] as ExpressionNode; CurrentSemanticValue = node; } #line default break; case 42: // exp -> exp, Comparison, exp #line 217 "D:\MINICompiler\kompilator.y" { ComparisonNode node = ValueStack[ValueStack.Depth - 2] as ComparisonNode; CurrentSemanticValue = AssignToComparisonOp(node, ValueStack[ValueStack.Depth - 3] as ExpressionNode, ValueStack[ValueStack.Depth - 1] as ExpressionNode); } #line default break; case 44: // if -> If, OpenPar, exp, ClosePar, instruction #line 225 "D:\MINICompiler\kompilator.y" { IfNode node = new IfNode(ValueStack[ValueStack.Depth - 5].Line); node.check = ValueStack[ValueStack.Depth - 3] as ExpressionNode; node.ifBlock = ValueStack[ValueStack.Depth - 1]; CurrentSemanticValue = node; } #line default break; case 45: // if -> If, OpenPar, exp, ClosePar, instruction, Else, instruction #line 232 "D:\MINICompiler\kompilator.y" { IfNode node = new IfNode(ValueStack[ValueStack.Depth - 7].Line); node.check = ValueStack[ValueStack.Depth - 5] as ExpressionNode; node.elseBlock = ValueStack[ValueStack.Depth - 1]; node.ifBlock = ValueStack[ValueStack.Depth - 3]; CurrentSemanticValue = node; } #line default break; case 46: // while -> While, OpenPar, exp, ClosePar, instruction #line 241 "D:\MINICompiler\kompilator.y" { WhileNode node = new WhileNode(ValueStack[ValueStack.Depth - 5].Line); node.check = ValueStack[ValueStack.Depth - 3] as ExpressionNode; node.block = ValueStack[ValueStack.Depth - 1]; CurrentSemanticValue = node; } #line default break; } #pragma warning restore 162, 1522 }
public virtual void Visit(WriteNode node) { }
private AstNode Statement(LexemeSet stopSet) { AstNode res = null; logger.LogDebug($"Statement: {currentLexeme} [{stopSet}]"); if (CheckOrSkip(stopSet + startBlock, stopSet)) { switch (currentLexeme.Type) { case LexemeType.Identifier: string identifier = currentLexeme.Value.ToString(); // check id exists in the symbol table in the semantic analysis pass NextLexeme(); if (CheckOrSkip(LexemeType.Assign, stopSet + startExpression)) { NextLexeme(); res = new AssignmentNode() { Identifier = new IdentifierNode(identifier), Expression = Expression(stopSet), }; } break; case LexemeType.If: NextLexeme(); IfNode ifNode = new IfNode(); ifNode.Comparison = Comparison(stopSet + LexemeType.Then + startBlock - LexemeType.Identifier); if (CheckOrSkip(LexemeType.Then, stopSet + startBlock)) { NextLexeme(); } Block(stopSet, ifNode.Statements); res = ifNode; break; case LexemeType.While: NextLexeme(); WhileNode whileNode = new WhileNode(); whileNode.Comparison = Comparison(stopSet + LexemeType.Do + startBlock - LexemeType.Identifier); if (CheckOrSkip(LexemeType.Do, stopSet + startBlock)) { NextLexeme(); } Block(stopSet, whileNode.Statements); res = whileNode; break; case LexemeType.Write: NextLexeme(); if (CheckOrSkip(LexemeType.LBracket, stopSet + LexemeType.RBracket + startExpression)) { NextLexeme(); } WriteNode writeNode = new WriteNode(); writeNode.Expression = Expression(stopSet + LexemeType.RBracket); if (CheckOrSkip(LexemeType.RBracket, stopSet)) { NextLexeme(); } res = writeNode; break; } } return(res); }
public override void VisitWriteNode(WriteNode w) { CurrentComplexity = 0; w.Expr.Visit(this); Complexities.Add(CurrentComplexity); }
public override void VisitWriteNode(WriteNode w) { w.Expr.Visit(this); }
public void Visit(WriteNode n) { var table = (FunctionSymbolTableEntry)n.SymTable; var children = n.GetChildren(); foreach (var child in children) { child.Accept(this); } var valueVar = children[0].TemporaryVariableName; var valueOffset = table.MemoryLayout.GetOffset(valueVar); // NOTE(AFL): Code adapted from the util.m file. Maybe make it into a function. var putint1 = $"putint1_{_writeLabelCounter}"; var putint2 = $"putint2_{_writeLabelCounter}"; var putint9 = $"putint9_{_writeLabelCounter}"; var putintEnd = $"putint_end_{_writeLabelCounter}"; ++_writeLabelCounter; _writer.WriteComment("Write Op"); var r0 = Registers.R0; var r1 = PopRegister(); var r2 = PopRegister(); var r3 = PopRegister(); var r4 = PopRegister(); // Load value to write _writer.WriteInstruction(Instructions.Lw, r1, $"{valueOffset}({FSPReg})"); // putint _writer.WriteInstruction(Instructions.Cge, r3, r1, r0); _writer.WriteInstruction(Instructions.Bnz, r3, putint1); _writer.WriteInstruction(Instructions.Sub, r1, r0, r1); _writer.WriteTag(putint1); _writer.WriteInstruction(Instructions.Modi, r4, r1, "10"); _writer.WriteInstruction(Instructions.Addi, r4, r4, "48"); _writer.WriteInstruction(Instructions.Divi, r1, r1, "10"); _writer.WriteInstruction(Instructions.Sb, $"{putint9}({r2})", r4); _writer.WriteInstruction(Instructions.Addi, r2, r2, "1"); _writer.WriteInstruction(Instructions.Bnz, r1, putint1); _writer.WriteInstruction(Instructions.Bnz, r3, putint2); _writer.WriteInstruction(Instructions.Addi, r3, r0, "45"); _writer.WriteInstruction(Instructions.Sb, $"{putint9}({r2})", r3); _writer.WriteInstruction(Instructions.Addi, r2, r2, "1"); _writer.WriteInstruction(Instructions.Add, r1, r0, r0); _writer.WriteTag(putint2); _writer.WriteInstruction(Instructions.Subi, r2, r2, "1"); _writer.WriteInstruction(Instructions.Lb, r1, $"{putint9}({r2})"); _writer.WriteInstruction(Instructions.Putc, r1); _writer.WriteInstruction(Instructions.Bnz, r2, putint2); _writer.WriteInstruction(Instructions.J, putintEnd); _writer.WriteTag(putint9); _writer.WriteInstruction(Instructions.Res, "12"); _writer.WriteInstruction(Instructions.Align); _writer.WriteTag(putintEnd); _writer.WriteInstruction(Instructions.Sub, r1, r1, r1); _writer.WriteInstruction(Instructions.Addi, r1, r1, "10"); _writer.WriteInstruction(Instructions.Putc, r1); PushRegister(r4); PushRegister(r3); PushRegister(r2); PushRegister(r1); }
public virtual void VisitWriteNode(WriteNode w) { }
public override void VisitWriteNode(WriteNode w) { Complexity.Add(0); w.Expr.Visit(this); }