Beispiel #1
        private void BTN_RECP_DUMP_OUT_Click(object sender, EventArgs e)
            // get the recp file and ptrn file path 
            string strCurrentRecp = Path.Combine(m_fm.param_path.i04_PATH_RECP_REAL, m_fm.RECP_FILE);
            string strCurrentPtrn = Path.Combine(m_fm.param_path.i06_PATH_IMG_PTRN, m_fm.param_ptrn.PTRN_FILE);

            bool bSuccess = true;

            if (File.Exists(strCurrentRecp) == true)
                if (File.Exists(strCurrentPtrn) == true)
                    // if all pass for checking path validity
                    // getnerate zip list
                    List<string> list = new List<string>();

                    // do it!!!
                    string strTimeCode = Computer.GetTImeCode4Save_YYYY_MM_DD_HH_MM_SS_MMM();
                    string strFileName = string.Format("{0}", strTimeCode);
                    string strDest = Path.Combine(Computer.getPath_Desktop(), strFileName);

                    bSuccess = WrapperZip.CreateZipFiles(list, strDest);
            MessageBox.Show(string.Format("Dump Recp Process Finished. {0}", bSuccess == true ? "SUCESS" : "FAILED"));
Beispiel #2
        private void BTN_RECP_DUMP_IN_Click(object sender, EventArgs e)
            OpenFileDialog openFileDialog1 = new OpenFileDialog();
            openFileDialog1.Filter = "Zip Files|*.zip";
            openFileDialog1.Title = "Select a Zip File";

            string strFileNmae = string.Empty;

            if (openFileDialog1.ShowDialog() == System.Windows.Forms.DialogResult.OK)
                // Assign the cursor in the Stream to the Form's Cursor property.
                strFileNmae = openFileDialog1.FileName;

            // cancel  & empty path exception
            if (strFileNmae == "") return;

            string strFolder = Computer.GetFolderPath(strFileNmae);

            List<string> list = WrapperZip.GetFileList_Without_unzip(strFileNmae);

            string strPathTemp = "c:\\Temp";

            // dump file must have two types of  files : ptrn + recp
            if (list.Count == 2)
                string[] items = new string[2];

                // i don't know which one is recp or ptrn 
                items[0] = list.ElementAt(0).ToUpper();
                items[1] = list.ElementAt(1).ToUpper();

                string strPtrn = string.Empty;
                string strRecp = string.Empty;

                // check ? who is it.  A or B 
                if (items[0].Contains("BMP") == true) { strPtrn = items[0]; } else if (items[1].Contains("BMP") == true) { strPtrn = items[1]; }
                if (items[0].Contains("XML") == true) { strRecp = items[0]; } else if (items[1].Contains("XML") == true) { strRecp = items[1]; }

                if (strPtrn != string.Empty && strRecp != string.Empty)
                    string destPtrn = strPtrn;
                    string destRecp = strRecp;

                    // unzip ptrn file and recp file 
                    WrapperZip.ExtractDirect(strFileNmae, destPtrn, strPathTemp);
                    WrapperZip.ExtractDirect(strFileNmae, destRecp, strPathTemp);

                    // path process 
                    destPtrn = Path.Combine(strPathTemp, destPtrn).Replace("/","\\");
                    destRecp = Path.Combine(strPathTemp, destRecp).Replace("/", "\\");

                    // generate appropriate full path 
                    string strAbsolutePtrn = Computer.GetFileName(destPtrn);
                    string strAbsoluteRecp = Computer.GetFileName(destRecp);
                    string strDestPtrn = Path.Combine(m_fm.param_path.i06_PATH_IMG_PTRN, strAbsolutePtrn);
                    string strDestRecp = Path.Combine(m_fm.param_path.i04_PATH_RECP_REAL, strAbsoluteRecp);

                    // is there any duplicate?
                    if (File.Exists(strDestPtrn) == true || File.Exists(strDestRecp) == true)
                        // do you want to overwrite??
                        if (MessageBox.Show("File Existance Detected.\nDo You Want To Overwrite?", "File Duplication Warrning", MessageBoxButtons.YesNo, MessageBoxIcon.Question) == DialogResult.Yes)
                            // delete first

                            // and copy
                            Computer.FileCopy(destPtrn, strDestPtrn);
                            Computer.FileCopy(destRecp, strDestRecp);

                            // recp change
                            eventDele_ChangeRecp(strDestRecp, "");
                    else // just do it.
                        // just copy 
                        Computer.FileCopy(destPtrn, strDestPtrn);
                        Computer.FileCopy(destRecp, strDestRecp);
                        // and change
                        eventDele_ChangeRecp(strDestRecp, "");
                    MessageBox.Show("Recp Changed", "Dump Automation", MessageBoxButtons.OK, MessageBoxIcon.Information);
