public void _50005_Start_Disposed()
     TestHelpers.CatchExpected(50005, "WinSimpleTimer", "Stop", "Attempting to use Disposed Object", () => {
         WrapErr.ChkVar(this.timer, 9, "");
 public void _0_Stop_Multi()
     TestHelpers.CatchUnexpected(() => {
         WrapErr.ChkVar(this.timer, 9, "");
Beispiel #3
        private void TickAndValidateState(ISpEventMessage msg, ISpStateMachine sm, string expected)
            ISpEventMessage?ret = this.Tick(msg, sm);

            this.ValidateState(sm, expected);
            WrapErr.ChkVar(ret, 9999, "");
            this.ValidateReturn(msg, ret);
        public void Var_ValidArg_FaultException()
            string zork = "Zorker";

            WrapErr.ToErrReport(out ErrReport err, 1111, "Validate arg", () => {
                WrapErr.ChkVar(zork, 8888, "zork error");
            Assert.AreEqual(0, err.Code, "Should not have been an error");
 public void MultiDispose()
     WrapErr.ChkVar(this.timer, 9, "");
     Assert.DoesNotThrow(() => {
        public void Var_NullArg()
            ErrReport err;

            WrapErr.ToErrReport(out err, 1111, "Validate arg", () => {
                WrapErr.ChkVar(null, 8888, "zork error");
            this.Validate(err, 8888, "Var_NullArg", "zork error");
 public void OnWakeup_noSubscribers()
     WrapErr.ChkVar(this.timer, 9, "");
     Assert.DoesNotThrow(() => {
         this.timer.SetInterval(new TimeSpan(0, 0, 0, 0, 25));
        /// <summary>Raise an event to request credentials from user</summary>
        /// <param name="dataModel">The network info data model</param>
        /// <returns>WifiErrorCode.Success on success, otherwise and error</returns>
        private WifiErrorCode GetUserCredentials(WifiNetworkInfo dataModel, ref bool save)
            save = false;

            this.log.Info("********************************", "Comm Wrapper - GetUserCredentials");

            // TODO - implement. Could also use the wifi GUID
            WifiCredentials cred = new WifiCredentials()
                SSID              = dataModel.SSID,
                RemoteHostName    = dataModel.RemoteHostName,
                RemoteServiceName = dataModel.RemoteServiceName,

            WrapErr.ChkVar(this.CredentialsRequestedEvent, 9999, "No subscribers to CredentialsRequestedEvent");
            this.CredentialsRequestedEvent?.Invoke(this, cred);

            if (cred.IsUserCanceled)
                this.log.Info("********************************", "Comm Wrapper - GetUserCredentials Canceled");


            if (cred.SSID.Trim().Length == 0)
                this.log.Info("********************************", "Comm Wrapper - GetUserCrendentials Empty SSID");
            else if (cred.RemoteHostName.Trim().Length == 0)
                this.log.Info("********************************", "Comm Wrapper - GetUserCrendentials Empty host name");
            else if (cred.RemoteServiceName.Trim().Length == 0)
                this.log.Info("********************************", "Comm Wrapper - GetUserCrendentials Empty port name");
            else if (cred.WifiPassword.Trim().Length == 0)
                this.log.Info("********************************", "Comm Wrapper - GetUserCrendentials Empty password");


            this.log.Info("GetUserCredentials", () => string.Format("User request save:{0}", cred.IsUserSaveRequest));
            save = cred.IsUserSaveRequest;
            dataModel.RemoteHostName    = cred.RemoteHostName;
            dataModel.RemoteServiceName = cred.RemoteServiceName;
            dataModel.Password          = cred.WifiPassword;
        /// <summary>Safely execute function and transfer the GUID to the response</summary>
        /// <param name="msg">The incoming message</param>
        /// <param name="func">The function to invoke to generate the response message</param>
        /// <returns>A correlated response message</returns>
        private ISpEventMessage GetMsg(ISpEventMessage msg, Func <ISpEventMessage> func)
            WrapErr.ChkParam(msg, "msg", 9999);

            return(WrapErr.ToErrorReportException(9999, () => {
                ISpEventMessage ret = func.Invoke();
                WrapErr.ChkVar(ret, 9999, "The Provider Returned a Null Message");

                // Transfer the GUID for correlation
                ret.Uid = msg.Uid;
                return ret;
        /// <summary>Return single instance of the object requested</summary>
        /// <typeparam name="T">The type to return</typeparam>
        /// <returns>A singleton of the requested object</returns>
        protected override T ReturnObj <T>()
            if (this.singleton == null)
                this.singleton = this.objBuilder();
                WrapErr.ChkVar(this.singleton, 9999, () => string.Format("Class {0} constructor returned a null object", typeof(T).Name));
            T?result = this.singleton as T;

            WrapErr.ChkVar(result, 9999, () => string.Format("Singleton is type {0} rather than type {1}",
                                                             this.singleton.GetType().Name, typeof(T).Name));
        /// <summary>
        /// Retrieve the transition object from the OnResults queue of the super state
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="msg"></param>
        /// <returns></returns>
        private ISpStateTransition GetSuperStateOnResultTransition(ISpEventMessage msg)
            // Check super state registered result transitions against Sub State event id
            ISpStateTransition tr = this.GetOnResultTransition(msg);

            WrapErr.ChkVar(tr, 9999, () => {
                           "State {0} Specified Exit but SuperState {1} has no handlers for that event id:{2}",
                           this.currentState.FullName, this.FullName, this.GetCachedEventId(msg.EventId)));

            tr.ReturnMessage = this.MsgFactory.GetResponse(msg, tr.ReturnMessage);
Beispiel #12
 /// <summary>
 /// Initialise the state id chain from ancestors to this state
 /// </summary>
 /// <param name="parent"></param>
 /// <param name="id"></param>
 private void InitStateIds(ISpState parent, int id)
     // Add any ancestor state ids to the chain
     WrapErr.ToErrorReportException(50207, () => {
         if (parent != null)
             WrapErr.ChkVar(parent.IdChain, 50206, "The Parent has a Null Id Chain");
             parent.IdChain.ForEach((item) => this.idChain.Add(item));
         // This state id is the leaf
        /// <summary>
        /// Handle the NextState Transition type by setting the next state as
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="tr"></param>
        /// <param name="msg"></param>
        /// <returns></returns>
        private ISpStateTransition HandleNextStateTransitionType(ISpStateTransition tr, ISpEventMessage msg)
            Log.Info(this.className, "HandleNextStateTransitionType", String.Format("'{0}' State", this.FullName));

            WrapErr.ChkTrue(tr.TransitionType == SpStateTransitionType.NextState, 9999,
                            () => { return(String.Format("{0} is not NextState", tr.TransitionType)); });

            WrapErr.ChkVar(tr.NextState, 9999, () => { return
                                                            "State {0} Specified Next State on Event {1} but Next State Null",
                                                            this.currentState.FullName, this.GetCachedEventId(msg.EventId))); });

            this.currentState = tr.NextState;
        /// <summary>
        /// Execute on each tick period
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="msg">The incoming message with event</param>
        /// <returns>The return transition object with result information</returns>
        public sealed override ISpStateTransition OnTick(ISpEventMessage msg)
            //Log.Info(this.className, "OnTick", String.Format("'{0}' State", this.FullName));
            WrapErr.ChkVar(this.entryState, 9999, "The 'SetEntryState() Must be Called in the Constructor");
            WrapErr.ChkVar(this.currentState, 9999, "Current state is not set");
            WrapErr.ChkTrue(this.IsEntryExcecuted, 9999, "Tick Being Called before OnEntry");

            // If there are OnEvent transitions registered at the superstate level return immediately
            ISpStateTransition tr = GetSuperStateOnEventTransition(msg);

            if (tr != null)
            return(this.GetTransition(this.currentState.OnTick, msg));
        /// <summary>
        /// Execute logic on entry into this superstate
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="msg">The incoming message with event</param>
        /// <returns>The return transition object with result information</returns>
        public sealed override ISpStateTransition OnEntry(ISpEventMessage msg)
            Log.Info(this.className, "OnEntry", String.Format("'{0}' State Event {1}", this.FullName, this.GetCachedEventId(msg.EventId)));
            WrapErr.ChkVar(this.entryState, 9999, "The 'SentEntryState() Must be Called in the Constructor");

            // Find if there are exit conditions OnEntry at the SuperState level and excecute them first
            // This will check OnEvent transitions queue and transitions from the overriden ExecOnEntry
            ISpStateTransition t = base.OnEntry(msg);

            if (t.TransitionType != SpStateTransitionType.SameState)

            // return transition
            this.currentState = this.entryState;
        public void OnWakeup_PulseCount()
            WrapErr.ChkVar(this.timer, 9, "");
            int count = 0;

            this.timer.SetInterval(new TimeSpan(0, 0, 0, 0, 100));
            this.timer.OnWakeup += new Action(() => {
                Trace.WriteLine(string.Format("Wakeup {0}", count));

            Assert.IsTrue(count >= 9 && count <= 11, String.Format("pulse count:{0} was not between 9 & 11", count));
            Console.WriteLine("Pulse Count on every 100ms for 1 second is {0}", count);
Beispiel #17
        public string IconSource(UIIcon code)
            ErrReport report;
            string    source = WrapErr.ToErrReport(out report, 9999,
                                                   () => string.Format(""),
                                                   () => {
                string tmp = "";
                this.IconInfo(code, (info) => {
                    tmp = info.IconSource as string;
                    WrapErr.ChkVar(tmp, 9999, () => string.Format("No source string for {0}", code));
                    WrapErr.ChkTrue(tmp.Length > 0, 9999, () => string.Format("0 length source string for {0}", code));
                }, (msg) => {
                    tmp = "";

            return(report.Code == 0 ? source : "");
        /// <summary>
        /// Read the transition object to determine behavior
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="tr">The transition object</param>
        /// <param name="msg">the current event message</param>
        /// <param name="superStateLevelEvent">
        ///  true if the transition object is from the current substate, false if the transition was generated
        ///  by the superstate based on a previous Defered Transition type generated from the substate. This
        ///  prevents infinite recursion.
        /// </param>
        /// <returns>A Transtion object with the results of the state processing</returns>
        ISpStateTransition ReadTransitionType(ISpStateTransition tr, ISpEventMessage msg, bool superStateLevelEvent)
            WrapErr.ChkVar(tr, 9999, "The transition is null");
            switch (tr.TransitionType)
            case SpStateTransitionType.SameState:

            case SpStateTransitionType.NextState:
                return(this.HandleNextStateTransitionType(tr, msg));

            case SpStateTransitionType.ExitState:

            case SpStateTransitionType.Defered:
                return(this.HandleDeferedStateTransitionType(tr, msg, superStateLevelEvent));

                WrapErr.ChkTrue(false, 9999, String.Format("Transition Type {0} not Handled", tr.TransitionType));
        /// <summary>
        /// Handle the substate ExitState Transition Type by using the event msg passed to it to do a lookup
        /// of this super state's transitions. The super state should have a transition that has been
        /// registered to the same id
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="msg"></param>
        /// <returns></returns>
        private ISpStateTransition HandleExitStateTransitionType(ISpEventMessage msg)
            Log.Info(this.className, "HandleExitStateTransitionType", String.Format("'{0}' State", this.FullName));

            // TODO - this is really only another kind of defered. The difference is that the superstate does not
            // TODO     called at runtime to handle the event. Rather the event is passed to the super state's
            // TODO     registered events. In this scenario it may not actually exit the super state but process
            //          the event id to something else. The difference is that the results are being determined
            //          by the registrations at the superstate level rather than the sub state level

            // Check super state registered result transitions against Sub State event id
            ISpStateTransition tr = this.GetSuperStateOnResultTransition(msg);

            WrapErr.ChkVar(tr, 9999, () => {
                           "State {0} Specified Exit but SuperState {1} has no handlers for that event id:{2}",
                           this.currentState.FullName, this.FullName, this.GetCachedEventId(msg.EventId)));

            // At this point, the transition registered to the superstate should have everything set in it
 public void ExceptionType_Regular_Var()
     CheckExceptionType(() => { WrapErr.ChkVar(null, 8888, "Bad var"); });
Beispiel #21
 public ObjCreator(Func <object> constructor)
     WrapErr.ChkVar(constructor, 9999, "Constructor passed in is null");
     this.objBuilder = constructor;