private int typeOfWormie; // the type of wormie, according to it's length

    void Awake()
        typeOfWormie   = FindWormieType();                                                                     // find the type of the wormie
        lengthOfWormie = (typeOfWormie + 1) * 10;                                                              // find the legnth of the wormie
        _pos           = transform.position;                                                                   // assign a value to it's position
        thisWormie     = new Wormie(typeOfWormie, lengthOfWormie, _pos, resistanceFactor, FindRotationType()); // use our construct to make an object of every single wormie
 void Update()
     thisWormie = new Wormie(typeOfWormie, lengthOfWormie, _pos, resistanceFactor, FindRotationType()); // update the state of this wormie frame, by frame