Beispiel #1
        public override void Handle(BinaryReader reader, LuClient client)
            using (var database = new DbUtils())
                if (!client.Authenticated)
                    return;                        // Make sure they've authenticated first!
                // Retrieve their account
                var account = database.GetAccount(client.Username);
                // Call the C++ code that generates and sends the character list packet of the specified account
                WorldPackets.SendCharacterListResponse(client.Address, account, WorldServer.Server);

                Console.WriteLine($"Sent character list packet to {client.Username}. Users: " +
Beispiel #2
        public override void Handle(BinaryReader reader, LuClient client)
            using (var database = new DbUtils())
                if (!client.Authenticated)
                    return;                        // You need to have an account and be signed into it to make a character!
                var name = reader.ReadWString(66); // Read the name of the new character
                reader.BaseStream.Position = 74;   // Set the position to right after the username
                var name1 = reader.ReadUInt32();   // Read
                var name2 = reader.ReadUInt32();   // FTP
                var name3 = reader.ReadUInt32();   // Names

                // TODO: Implement FTP names

                reader.ReadBytes(9);                  // Read 9 ... unknown bytes?

                var shirtColor = reader.ReadUInt32(); // Read their choices in appearance
                var shirtStyle = reader.ReadUInt32();
                var pantsColor = reader.ReadUInt32();
                var hairStyle  = reader.ReadUInt32();
                var hairColor  = reader.ReadUInt32();
                var lh         = reader.ReadUInt32();
                var rh         = reader.ReadUInt32();
                var eyebrows   = reader.ReadUInt32();
                var eyes       = reader.ReadUInt32();
                var mouth      = reader.ReadUInt32();

                var responseId =
                    (byte)(database.CharacterExists(name) ? 0x04 : 0x00);
                // Generate the respond ID

                var account = database.GetAccount(client.Username);

                if (account.Characters.Count >= 4) // Don't want any cheaters getting more than 4!
                    responseId = 0x04;

                if (responseId == 0x00) // Make sure to actually make it, if the character does not exist.
                    // Create the new character
                    var character = new Character
                        Name       = name,
                        Eyebrows   = eyebrows,
                        Eyes       = eyes,
                        HairColor  = hairColor,
                        HairStyle  = hairStyle,
                        Lh         = lh,
                        Rh         = rh,
                        Mouth      = mouth,
                        Name1      = name1,
                        Name2      = name2,
                        Name3      = name3,
                        PantsColor = pantsColor,
                        ShirtColor = shirtColor,
                        ShirtStyle = shirtStyle,
                        // Initialize the other character data
                        Position       = ZonePositions.VentureExplorer,
                        Owner          = client.Username,
                        MapInstance    = 0,
                        MapClone       = 0,
                        ZoneId         = (ushort)ZoneId.VentureExplorer,
                        Armor          = 0,
                        MaxArmor       = 0,
                        Health         = 4,
                        MaxHealth      = 4,
                        Imagination    = 0,
                        MaxImagination = 0,
                        GmLevel        = 0,
                        Reputation     = 0,
                        Items          = new List <BackpackItem>(),
                        BackpackSpace  = 20,
                        Level          = 0,
                        Missions       = new List <string>()

                        new BackpackItem
                        Lot    = WorldPackets.FindCharShirtID(shirtColor, shirtStyle),
                        Linked = false,
                        Count  = 1,
                        Slot   = 0

                    database.AddCharacter(character);       // Add the character to the database.

                    account.Characters.Add(character.Name); // Add the character to the account
                    database.UpdateAccount(account);        // Update the account

                // Output the code
                Console.WriteLine($"Got character create request from {client.Username}. Response Code: {responseId}");

                // Create the response
                using (var bitStream = new WBitStream())
                    bitStream.WriteHeader(RemoteConnection.Client, (uint)MsgClientCharacterCreateResponse);
                    // Always write the packet header.
                    bitStream.Write((responseId));                                      // Write the response code.
                    WorldServer.Server.Send(bitStream, SystemPriority,
                                            ReliableOrdered, 0, client.Address, false); // Send the response.

                if (responseId == 0x00)
                    WorldPackets.SendCharacterListResponse(client.Address, database.GetAccount(client.Username),
                // Send the updated character list.