Beispiel #1
        public void PrepareFrame(RenderFrame frame, ElapsedTime elapsedTime)
            // Adjust dome position so the bottom edge is not visible
            Vector3 ViewerXNAPosition   = new Vector3(Viewer.Camera.Location.X, Viewer.Camera.Location.Y - 100, -Viewer.Camera.Location.Z);
            Matrix  XNASkyWorldLocation = Matrix.CreateTranslation(ViewerXNAPosition);

            if (worldLoc == null)
                // First time around, initialize the following items:
                worldLoc = new WorldLatLon();
                skySteps.OldClockTime = Viewer.Simulator.ClockTime % 86400;
                while (skySteps.OldClockTime < 0)
                    skySteps.OldClockTime += 86400;
                skySteps.Step1 = skySteps.Step2 = (int)(skySteps.OldClockTime / 1200);
                skySteps.Step2 = skySteps.Step2 < skySteps.MaxSteps - 1 ? skySteps.Step2 + 1 : 0; // limit to max. steps in case activity starts near midnight

                // Get the current latitude and longitude coordinates
                worldLoc.ConvertWTC(Viewer.Camera.TileX, Viewer.Camera.TileZ, Viewer.Camera.Location, ref latitude, ref longitude);
                if (seasonType != (int)Viewer.Simulator.Season)
                    seasonType       = (int)Viewer.Simulator.Season;
                    date.ordinalDate = latitude >= 0 ? 82 + seasonType * 91 : (82 + (seasonType + 2) * 91) % 365;
                    // TODO: Set the following three externally from ORTS route files (future)
                    date.month = 1 + date.ordinalDate / 30;
             = 21;
                    date.year  = 2017;
                // Fill in the sun- and moon-position lookup tables
                for (int i = 0; i < skySteps.MaxSteps; i++)
                    solarPosArray[i] = SunMoonPos.SolarAngle(latitude, longitude, ((float)i / skySteps.MaxSteps), date);
                    lunarPosArray[i] = SunMoonPos.LunarAngle(latitude, longitude, ((float)i / skySteps.MaxSteps), date);
                // Phase of the moon is generated at random
                moonPhase = Viewer.Random.Next(8);
                if (moonPhase == 6 && date.ordinalDate > 45 && date.ordinalDate < 330)
                    moonPhase = 3; // Moon dog only occurs in winter

            skySteps.SetSunAndMoonDirection(ref solarDirection, ref lunarDirection, ref solarPosArray, ref lunarPosArray,

            frame.AddPrimitive(Material, Primitive, RenderPrimitiveGroup.Sky, ref XNASkyWorldLocation);
Beispiel #2
        public void LoadPrep()
            mstsskyworldLoc = new WorldLatLon();
            // Get the current latitude and longitude coordinates
            mstsskyworldLoc.ConvertWTC(MSTSSkyViewer.Camera.TileX, MSTSSkyViewer.Camera.TileZ, MSTSSkyViewer.Camera.Location, ref mstsskylatitude, ref mstsskylongitude);
            mstsskyseasonType = (int)MSTSSkyViewer.Simulator.Season;
            date.ordinalDate  = mstsskylatitude >= 0 ? 82 + mstsskyseasonType * 91 : (82 + (mstsskyseasonType + 2) * 91) % 365;
            date.month        = 1 + date.ordinalDate / 30;
            = 21;
            date.year         = 2017;
            float fractClockTime = (float)MSTSSkyViewer.Simulator.ClockTime / 86400;

            mstsskysolarDirection = SunMoonPos.SolarAngle(mstsskylatitude, mstsskylongitude, fractClockTime, date);
            mstsskyworldLoc       = null;
            mstsskylatitude       = 0;
            mstsskylongitude      = 0;
Beispiel #3
        public void LoadPrep()
            worldLoc = new WorldLatLon();
            // Get the current latitude and longitude coordinates
            worldLoc.ConvertWTC(Viewer.Camera.TileX, Viewer.Camera.TileZ, Viewer.Camera.Location, ref latitude, ref longitude);
            seasonType       = (int)Viewer.Simulator.Season;
            date.ordinalDate = latitude >= 0 ? 82 + seasonType * 91 : (82 + (seasonType + 2) * 91) % 365;
            date.month       = 1 + date.ordinalDate / 30;
           = 21;
            date.year        = 2017;
            float fractClockTime = (float)Viewer.Simulator.ClockTime / 86400;

            solarDirection = SunMoonPos.SolarAngle(latitude, longitude, fractClockTime, date);
            worldLoc       = null;
            latitude       = 0;
            longitude      = 0;
Beispiel #4
        /// <summary>
        /// Used to update information affecting the SkyMesh
        /// </summary>
        public void PrepareFrame(RenderFrame frame, ElapsedTime elapsedTime)
            // Adjust dome position so the bottom edge is not visible
            Vector3 ViewerXNAPosition   = new Vector3(MSTSSkyViewer.Camera.Location.X, MSTSSkyViewer.Camera.Location.Y - 100, -MSTSSkyViewer.Camera.Location.Z);
            Matrix  XNASkyWorldLocation = Matrix.CreateTranslation(ViewerXNAPosition);

            if (mstsskyworldLoc == null)
                // First time around, initialize the following items:
                mstsskyworldLoc     = new WorldLatLon();
                mstsskyoldClockTime = MSTSSkyViewer.Simulator.ClockTime % 86400;
                while (mstsskyoldClockTime < 0)
                    mstsskyoldClockTime += 86400;
                step1 = step2 = (int)(mstsskyoldClockTime / 1200);
                step2 = step2 < maxSteps - 1 ? step2 + 1 : 0; // limit to max. steps in case activity starts near midnight
                // Get the current latitude and longitude coordinates
                mstsskyworldLoc.ConvertWTC(MSTSSkyViewer.Camera.TileX, MSTSSkyViewer.Camera.TileZ, MSTSSkyViewer.Camera.Location, ref mstsskylatitude, ref mstsskylongitude);
                if (mstsskyseasonType != (int)MSTSSkyViewer.Simulator.Season)
                    mstsskyseasonType = (int)MSTSSkyViewer.Simulator.Season;
                    date.ordinalDate  = mstsskylatitude >= 0 ? 82 + mstsskyseasonType * 91 : (82 + (mstsskyseasonType + 2) * 91) % 365;
                    // TODO: Set the following three externally from ORTS route files (future)
                    date.month = 1 + date.ordinalDate / 30;
             = 21;
                    date.year  = 2017;
                // Fill in the sun- and moon-position lookup tables
                for (int i = 0; i < maxSteps; i++)
                    mstsskysolarPosArray[i] = SunMoonPos.SolarAngle(mstsskylatitude, mstsskylongitude, ((float)i / maxSteps), date);
                    mstsskylunarPosArray[i] = SunMoonPos.LunarAngle(mstsskylatitude, mstsskylongitude, ((float)i / maxSteps), date);
                // Phase of the moon is generated at random
                mstsskymoonPhase = Viewer.Random.Next(8);
                if (mstsskymoonPhase == 6 && date.ordinalDate > 45 && date.ordinalDate < 330)
                    mstsskymoonPhase = 3; // Moon dog only occurs in winter
                // Overcast factor: 0.0=almost no clouds; 0.1=wispy clouds; 1.0=total overcast
                //mstsskyovercastFactor = MSTSSkyViewer.World.WeatherControl.overcastFactor;
                mstsskyfogDistance = MSTSSkyViewer.Simulator.Weather.FogDistance;

            MPManager manager = MPManager.Instance();

            if (MPManager.IsClient() && manager.weatherChanged)
                //received message about weather change
                if (manager.overcastFactor >= 0)
                    mstsskyovercastFactor = manager.overcastFactor;

                //received message about weather change
                if (manager.fogDistance > 0)
                    mstsskyfogDistance = manager.fogDistance;

                if (manager.overcastFactor >= 0 || manager.fogDistance > 0)
                    manager.weatherChanged = false;
                    manager.overcastFactor = -1;
                    manager.fogDistance    = -1;

            ////////////////////// T E M P O R A R Y ///////////////////////////

            // The following keyboard commands are used for viewing sky and weather effects in "demo" mode.
            // Control- and Control+ for overcast, Shift- and Shift+ for fog and - and + for time.

            // Don't let multiplayer clients adjust the weather.
            if (!MPManager.IsClient())
                // Overcast ranges from 0 (completely clear) to 1 (completely overcast).
                if (UserInput.IsDown(UserCommand.DebugOvercastIncrease))
                    mstsskyovercastFactor = MathHelper.Clamp(mstsskyovercastFactor + elapsedTime.RealSeconds / 10, 0, 1);
                if (UserInput.IsDown(UserCommand.DebugOvercastDecrease))
                    mstsskyovercastFactor = MathHelper.Clamp(mstsskyovercastFactor - elapsedTime.RealSeconds / 10, 0, 1);
                // Fog ranges from 10m (can't see anything) to 100km (clear arctic conditions).
                if (UserInput.IsDown(UserCommand.DebugFogIncrease))
                    mstsskyfogDistance = MathHelper.Clamp(mstsskyfogDistance - elapsedTime.RealSeconds * mstsskyfogDistance, 10, 100000);
                if (UserInput.IsDown(UserCommand.DebugFogDecrease))
                    mstsskyfogDistance = MathHelper.Clamp(mstsskyfogDistance + elapsedTime.RealSeconds * mstsskyfogDistance, 10, 100000);
            // Don't let clock shift if multiplayer.
            if (!MPManager.IsMultiPlayer())
                // Shift the clock forwards or backwards at 1h-per-second.
                if (UserInput.IsDown(UserCommand.DebugClockForwards))
                    MSTSSkyViewer.Simulator.ClockTime += elapsedTime.RealSeconds * 3600;
                if (UserInput.IsDown(UserCommand.DebugClockBackwards))
                    MSTSSkyViewer.Simulator.ClockTime -= elapsedTime.RealSeconds * 3600;
            // Server needs to notify clients of weather changes.
            if (MPManager.IsServer())
                if (UserInput.IsReleased(UserCommand.DebugOvercastIncrease) || UserInput.IsReleased(UserCommand.DebugOvercastDecrease) || UserInput.IsReleased(UserCommand.DebugFogIncrease) || UserInput.IsReleased(UserCommand.DebugFogDecrease))
                    manager.SetEnvInfo(mstsskyovercastFactor, mstsskyfogDistance);
                    MPManager.Notify(new MSGWeather(-1, mstsskyovercastFactor, -1, mstsskyfogDistance).ToString());


            // Current solar and lunar position are calculated by interpolation in the lookup arrays.
            // Using the Lerp() function, so need to calculate the in-between differential
            float diff = (float)(MSTSSkyViewer.Simulator.ClockTime - mstsskyoldClockTime) / 1200;

            // The rest of this increments/decrements the array indices and checks for overshoot/undershoot.
            if (MSTSSkyViewer.Simulator.ClockTime >= (mstsskyoldClockTime + 1200)) // Plus key, or normal forward in time
                mstsskyoldClockTime = MSTSSkyViewer.Simulator.ClockTime;
                diff = 0;
                if (step2 >= maxSteps) // Midnight.
                    step2 = 0;
                if (step1 >= maxSteps) // Midnight.
                    step1 = 0;
            if (MSTSSkyViewer.Simulator.ClockTime <= (mstsskyoldClockTime - 1200)) // Minus key
                mstsskyoldClockTime = MSTSSkyViewer.Simulator.ClockTime;
                diff = 0;
                if (step1 < 0) // Midnight.
                    step1 = maxSteps - 1;
                if (step2 < 0) // Midnight.
                    step2 = maxSteps - 1;

            mstsskysolarDirection.X = MathHelper.Lerp(mstsskysolarPosArray[step1].X, mstsskysolarPosArray[step2].X, diff);
            mstsskysolarDirection.Y = MathHelper.Lerp(mstsskysolarPosArray[step1].Y, mstsskysolarPosArray[step2].Y, diff);
            mstsskysolarDirection.Z = MathHelper.Lerp(mstsskysolarPosArray[step1].Z, mstsskysolarPosArray[step2].Z, diff);
            mstsskylunarDirection.X = MathHelper.Lerp(mstsskylunarPosArray[step1].X, mstsskylunarPosArray[step2].X, diff);
            mstsskylunarDirection.Y = MathHelper.Lerp(mstsskylunarPosArray[step1].Y, mstsskylunarPosArray[step2].Y, diff);
            mstsskylunarDirection.Z = MathHelper.Lerp(mstsskylunarPosArray[step1].Z, mstsskylunarPosArray[step2].Z, diff);

            frame.AddPrimitive(MSTSSkyMaterial, MSTSSkyMesh, RenderPrimitiveGroup.Sky, ref XNASkyWorldLocation);
 /// <summary>
 /// Constructor
 /// </summary>
 /// <param name="xLowerLeft">Lower left x-value where to print the location in pixels</param>
 /// <param name="yLowerLeft">Lower left y-value where to print the location in pixels</param>
 public DrawLongitudeLatitude(int xLowerLeft, int yLowerLeft)
     worldLoc  = new WorldLatLon();
     lowerLeft = new Vector2(xLowerLeft, yLowerLeft);
Beispiel #6
        public void PrepareFrame(RenderFrame frame, ElapsedTime elapsedTime)
            // Adjust dome position so the bottom edge is not visible
            Vector3 ViewerXNAPosition   = new Vector3(Viewer.Camera.Location.X, Viewer.Camera.Location.Y - 100, -Viewer.Camera.Location.Z);
            Matrix  XNASkyWorldLocation = Matrix.CreateTranslation(ViewerXNAPosition);

            if (worldLoc == null)
                // First time around, initialize the following items:
                worldLoc     = new WorldLatLon();
                oldClockTime = Viewer.Simulator.ClockTime % 86400;
                while (oldClockTime < 0)
                    oldClockTime += 86400;
                step1 = step2 = (int)(oldClockTime / 1200);
                step2 = step2 < maxSteps - 1 ? step2 + 1 : 0; // limit to max. steps in case activity starts near midnight

                // Get the current latitude and longitude coordinates
                worldLoc.ConvertWTC(Viewer.Camera.TileX, Viewer.Camera.TileZ, Viewer.Camera.Location, ref latitude, ref longitude);
                if (seasonType != (int)Viewer.Simulator.Season)
                    seasonType       = (int)Viewer.Simulator.Season;
                    date.ordinalDate = latitude >= 0 ? 82 + seasonType * 91 : (82 + (seasonType + 2) * 91) % 365;
                    // TODO: Set the following three externally from ORTS route files (future)
                    date.month = 1 + date.ordinalDate / 30;
             = 21;
                    date.year  = 2017;
                // Fill in the sun- and moon-position lookup tables
                for (int i = 0; i < maxSteps; i++)
                    solarPosArray[i] = SunMoonPos.SolarAngle(latitude, longitude, ((float)i / maxSteps), date);
                    lunarPosArray[i] = SunMoonPos.LunarAngle(latitude, longitude, ((float)i / maxSteps), date);
                // Phase of the moon is generated at random
                moonPhase = Viewer.Random.Next(8);
                if (moonPhase == 6 && date.ordinalDate > 45 && date.ordinalDate < 330)
                    moonPhase = 3; // Moon dog only occurs in winter

            // Current solar and lunar position are calculated by interpolation in the lookup arrays.
            // The arrays have intervals of 1200 secs or 20 mins.
            // Using the Lerp() function, so need to calculate the in-between differential
            float diff = GetCelestialDiff();

            // The rest of this increments/decrements the array indices and checks for overshoot/undershoot.
            while (Viewer.Simulator.ClockTime >= (oldClockTime + 1200)) // Plus key, or normal forward in time; <CSComment> better so in case of fast forward
                oldClockTime = oldClockTime + 1200;
                diff         = GetCelestialDiff();
                if (step2 >= maxSteps) // Midnight.
                    step2 = 0;
                if (step1 >= maxSteps) // Midnight.
                    step1 = 0;
            if (Viewer.Simulator.ClockTime <= (oldClockTime - 1200)) // Minus key
                oldClockTime = Viewer.Simulator.ClockTime;
                diff         = 0;
                if (step1 < 0) // Midnight.
                    step1 = maxSteps - 1;
                if (step2 < 0) // Midnight.
                    step2 = maxSteps - 1;
            solarDirection.X = MathHelper.Lerp(solarPosArray[step1].X, solarPosArray[step2].X, diff);
            solarDirection.Y = MathHelper.Lerp(solarPosArray[step1].Y, solarPosArray[step2].Y, diff);
            solarDirection.Z = MathHelper.Lerp(solarPosArray[step1].Z, solarPosArray[step2].Z, diff);
            lunarDirection.X = MathHelper.Lerp(lunarPosArray[step1].X, lunarPosArray[step2].X, diff);
            lunarDirection.Y = MathHelper.Lerp(lunarPosArray[step1].Y, lunarPosArray[step2].Y, diff);
            lunarDirection.Z = MathHelper.Lerp(lunarPosArray[step1].Z, lunarPosArray[step2].Z, diff);

            frame.AddPrimitive(Material, Primitive, RenderPrimitiveGroup.Sky, ref XNASkyWorldLocation);