public void ToPacket(WorldInfoPacket packet)
     packet.WorldId        = WorldId;
     packet.Created        = packet.Modified = LastWriteTime;
     packet.Name           = Name;
     packet.Description    = Description;
     packet.Creator        = Creator;
     packet.Genres         = (int)(Genres & ~Genres.Virtual);
     packet.VotesUp        = VotesUp;
     packet.VotesDown      = VotesDown;
     packet.Downloads      = Downloads;
     packet.Likes          = NumLikes;
     packet.Comments       = NumComments;
     packet.Permalink      = Permalink;
     packet.MyVote         = (int)MyVote;
     packet.FlaggedByMe    = FlaggedByMe;
     packet.ThumbnailBytes = ThumbnailBytes;
     packet.CommentDetails = CommentDetails;
     packet.RowKey         = RowKey;
     packet.PartitionKey   = PartitionKey;
     packet.LastSaveTime   = LastSaveTime;
 public void FromPacket(WorldInfoPacket packet)
     WorldId        = packet.WorldId;
     LastWriteTime  = packet.Modified;
     Name           = packet.Name;
     Description    = packet.Description;
     Creator        = packet.Creator;
     Genres         = (Genres)packet.Genres;
     VotesUp        = packet.VotesUp;
     VotesDown      = packet.VotesDown;
     Downloads      = packet.Downloads;
     NumLikes       = packet.Likes;
     NumComments    = packet.Comments;
     Permalink      = packet.Permalink;
     MyVote         = (Vote)packet.MyVote;
     FlaggedByMe    = packet.FlaggedByMe;
     ThumbnailBytes = packet.ThumbnailBytes;
     CommentDetails = packet.CommentDetails;
     RowKey         = packet.RowKey;
     PartitionKey   = packet.PartitionKey;
     Checksum       = packet.checksum;
     LastSaveTime   = packet.LastSaveTime;
Beispiel #3
        /// <summary>
        /// Modifies outgoing packets to send fake data to the player.
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="args"></param>
        private void OnSendBytes(SendBytesEventArgs args)
            var player = TShock.Players[args.Socket.Id];

            if (player == null || !player.IsBuildModeOn())

            PacketTypes packetType = (PacketTypes)args.Buffer[2];

            switch (packetType)
            /// Invoked whenever the server sends WorldInfo data.
            /// Sending crafted data to the player such as:
            /// Setting time to noon, stopping rain, wind and sandstorm,
            /// as well as modifying world surface and rock layer height
            /// to display a surface background to the player.
            case PacketTypes.WorldInfo:
                WorldInfoPacket packet = new WorldInfoPacket();
                packet.time             = 27000;
                packet.BitsByte1        = new BitsByte(true);   // isDayTime = true
                packet.worldSurface     = (short)Main.maxTilesY;
                packet.rockLayer        = (short)Main.maxTilesY;
                packet.windSpeedTarget  = 0;
                packet.maxRaining       = 0;
                packet.IntendedSeverity = 0;
                packet.Write(new MemoryStream(args.Buffer, args.Offset, args.Count));


            /// Invoked whenever time is modified on the server.
            /// Sending crafted data to the player such as:
            /// Setting time to noon.
            case PacketTypes.TimeSet:
                TimeSetPacket packet = new TimeSetPacket();
                packet.dayTime = true;
                packet.time    = 27000;
                packet.Write(new MemoryStream(args.Buffer, args.Offset, args.Count));


            /// Invoked whenever Server sends updated data of an NPC.
            /// Sending crafted data to the player such as:
            /// If NPC is not friendly, change its position to make them invisible for the player.
            case PacketTypes.NpcUpdate:
                NPCUpdatePacket packet = new NPCUpdatePacket();
                packet.Read(new MemoryStream(args.Buffer, args.Offset, args.Count));
                if (!Main.npc[packet.npcIndex].active || Main.npc[packet.npcIndex].friendly)
                packet.position = new Microsoft.Xna.Framework.Vector2();
                packet.velocity = new Microsoft.Xna.Framework.Vector2();
                packet.Write(new MemoryStream(args.Buffer, args.Offset, args.Count));

            /// Invoked whenever Server sends updated data of a Projectile.
            /// Sending crafted data to the player such as:
            /// If projectile is hostile and it is not the player's projectile, change its position to make it invisible for the player.
            case PacketTypes.ProjectileNew:
                ProjectileNewPacket projectilePacket = new ProjectileNewPacket();
                projectilePacket.Read(new MemoryStream(args.Buffer, args.Offset, args.Count));

                if (Main.projectile.First(e => e.identity == projectilePacket.Index && e.owner == projectilePacket.Owner).friendly)
                projectilePacket.Type = 0;
                projectilePacket.Write(new MemoryStream(args.Buffer, args.Offset, args.Count));