Beispiel #1
        void Select(WorldCoordinateSelectEvent e)
            var   map         = Resolve <IMapManager>().Current;
            float denominator = Vector3.Dot(Normal, e.Direction);

            if (Math.Abs(denominator) < 0.00001f)

            var   pixelPosition = Position * new Vector2(map.TileSize.X, map.TileSize.Y);
            float t             = Vector3.Dot(new Vector3(pixelPosition, 0.0f) - e.Origin, Normal) / denominator;

            if (t < 0)

            var intersectionPoint = e.Origin + t * e.Direction;
            int x = (int)(intersectionPoint.X - pixelPosition.X);
            int y = (int)(intersectionPoint.Y - pixelPosition.Y);

            if (x < 0 || x >= _size.X ||
                y < 0 || y >= _size.Y)

            e.RegisterHit(t, this);
Beispiel #2
        bool OnSelect(WorldCoordinateSelectEvent e, Action <Selection> continuation)
            var hits = new List <Selection>(); // TODO: Get rid of the extra allocation and copying

            _sceneGraph.RayIntersect(e.Origin, e.Direction, hits);
            foreach (var hit in hits)

            // Find floor / ceiling hit (furthest point)
            // Iterate all tiles on a straight-line path between origin and floor hit
            // For each tile, yield if filled and if empty iterate contents performing hit checks.

 *          float denominator = Vector3.Dot(Normal, e.Direction);
 *          if (Math.Abs(denominator) < 0.00001f)
 *              return;
 *          float t = Vector3.Dot(-e.Origin, Normal) / denominator;
 *          if (t < 0)
 *              return;
 *          Vector3 intersectionPoint = e.Origin + t * e.Direction;
 *          int x = (int)(intersectionPoint.X / _renderable.TileSize.X);
 *          int y = (int)(intersectionPoint.Y / _renderable.TileSize.Y);
 *          int highlightIndex = y * _map.Width + x;
 *          var underlayTile = _map.GetUnderlay(x, y);
 *          var overlayTile = _map.GetOverlay(x, y);
 *          e.RegisterHit(t, new MapTileHit(
 *              new Vector2(x, y),
 *              intersectionPoint,
 *              _renderable.GetWeakUnderlayReference(x, y),
 *              _renderable.GetWeakOverlayReference(x, y)));
 *          if (underlayTile != null) e.RegisterHit(t, underlayTile);
 *          if (overlayTile != null) e.RegisterHit(t, overlayTile);
 *          e.RegisterHit(t, this);
 *          var zone = _map.GetZone(x, y);
 *          if (zone != null)
 *              e.RegisterHit(t, zone);
 *          var chain = zone?.Chain;
 *          if (chain != null)
 *          {
 *              foreach (var zoneEvent in chain.Events)
 *                  e.RegisterHit(t, zoneEvent);
 *          }
 *          if (_lastHighlightIndex != highlightIndex)
 *          {
 *              HighlightIndexChanged?.Invoke(this, highlightIndex);
 *              _lastHighlightIndex = highlightIndex;
 *          }
Beispiel #3
        public void Select(WorldCoordinateSelectEvent e)
            _renderable.HighlightIndex = null;
            float denominator = Vector3.Dot(Normal, e.Direction);

            if (Math.Abs(denominator) < 0.00001f)

            float t = Vector3.Dot(Position - e.Origin, Normal) / denominator;

            if (t < 0)

            var intersectionPoint = e.Origin + t * e.Direction;
            int x = (int)((intersectionPoint.X + TileSize.X / 2) / TileSize.X);
            int y = (int)(intersectionPoint.Y / TileSize.Y);

            if (x < 0 || x >= _mapData.Width ||
                y < 0 || y >= _mapData.Height)

            int index = y * _mapData.Width + x;

            _renderable.HighlightIndex = index;

            var underlayId = _mapData.Underlay[index];
            var overlayId  = _mapData.Overlay[index];
            int zoneIndex  = _mapData.ZoneLookup[index];

            var underlayTile = underlayId != -1 ? _tileData.Tiles[underlayId] : null;
            var overlayTile  = overlayId != -1 ? _tileData.Tiles[overlayId] : null;

            int?underlayZ = underlayTile?.Layer.ToDrawLayer().ToDebugZCoordinate(y);
            int?overlayZ  = overlayTile?.Layer.ToDrawLayer().ToDebugZCoordinate(y);

            e.RegisterHit(t, $"Hit Tile ({(intersectionPoint.X + TileSize.X/2) / TileSize.X}, {intersectionPoint.Y / TileSize.Y}) Z: ({underlayZ}, {overlayZ})");

            if (underlayId != -1)
                e.RegisterHit(t, underlayTile);
            if (overlayId != -1)
                e.RegisterHit(t, overlayTile);
            e.RegisterHit(t, this);

            if (zoneIndex != -1)
                var zone = _mapData.Zones[zoneIndex];
                e.RegisterHit(t, zone);
                HashSet <IEventNode> printedEvents = new HashSet <IEventNode>();
                var zoneEvent = zone.Event;
                while (zoneEvent != null && !printedEvents.Contains(zoneEvent))
                    e.RegisterHit(t, zoneEvent);
                    zoneEvent = zoneEvent.NextEvent;
Beispiel #4
        bool OnSelect(WorldCoordinateSelectEvent e, Action <Selection> continuation)
            float denominator = Vector3.Dot(Normal, e.Direction);

            if (Math.Abs(denominator) < 0.00001f)

            float t = Vector3.Dot(-e.Origin, Normal) / denominator;

            if (t < 0)

            Vector3 intersectionPoint = e.Origin + t * e.Direction;
            int     x = (int)(intersectionPoint.X / _renderable.TileSize.X);
            int     y = (int)(intersectionPoint.Y / _renderable.TileSize.Y);

            int highlightIndex = y * _map.Width + x;
            var underlayTile   = _map.GetUnderlay(x, y);
            var overlayTile    = _map.GetOverlay(x, y);

            continuation(new Selection(e.Origin, e.Direction, t, new MapTileHit(
                                           new Vector2(x, y),
                                           _renderable.GetWeakUnderlayReference(x, y),
                                           _renderable.GetWeakOverlayReference(x, y))));

            if (underlayTile != null)
                continuation(new Selection(e.Origin, e.Direction, t, underlayTile));
            if (overlayTile != null)
                continuation(new Selection(e.Origin, e.Direction, t, overlayTile));
            continuation(new Selection(e.Origin, e.Direction, t, this));

            var zone = _map.GetZone(x, y);

            if (zone != null)
                continuation(new Selection(e.Origin, e.Direction, t, zone));

            var chain = zone?.Chain;

            if (chain != null)
                foreach (var zoneEvent in chain.Events)
                    continuation(new Selection(e.Origin, e.Direction, t, zoneEvent));

            if (_lastHighlightIndex != highlightIndex)
                HighlightIndexChanged?.Invoke(this, highlightIndex);
                _lastHighlightIndex = highlightIndex;

Beispiel #5
 void Select(WorldCoordinateSelectEvent worldCoordinateSelectEvent)