public void Render(WorldCamera camera, int elapsedMs, Vector3 target)
        // Increasing the line segment length here will essentially increase the frequency,
        // which leads to a better look compared to vanilla. We can't replicate the original 1:1
        // because we actually draw the lightning in screen space
        CalculateLineJitter(elapsedMs, LineSegments, LineSegmentLength * 1.5f, 0);

        // Call lightning ramps alpha from 1->0 in 127 millisecond intervals using cosine to create quick
        // "flashes" of lightning.
        // You can visualize the ramp in Wolfram Alpha:
        var alphaRamp = MathF.Cos(elapsedMs % 127 / 127f * 0.5f * MathF.PI);
        var alpha     = (byte)(alphaRamp * 255);
        var color     = new PackedLinearColorA(alpha, alpha, alpha, alpha);

        // These are normals for screen-space pixels
        var(right, up) = camera.GetBillboardNormals();

        // Vector used to extrude the line to it's intended screen-space width
        var extrudeVec = ArcWidth / 2 * right;

        for (var i = 0; i < LineSegments; i++)
            ref var leftVertex  = ref Vertices[i * 2];
            ref var rightVertex = ref Vertices[i * 2 + 1];