Beispiel #1
        private void CompareWorkspaceViews(WorkspaceViewComparisonData a, WorkspaceViewComparisonData b)
            //first compare the model data
            serializationTestUtils.CompareWorkspaceModels(a, b, this.modelsGuidToIdMap);

            Assert.IsTrue(Math.Abs(a.X - b.X) < .00001, "The workspaces don't have the same X offset.");
            Assert.IsTrue(Math.Abs(a.X - b.X) < .00001, "The workspaces don't have the same Y offset.");
            Assert.IsTrue(Math.Abs(a.Zoom - b.Zoom) < .00001, "The workspaces don't have the same Zoom.");
            Assert.AreEqual(a.Camera, b.Camera);
            Assert.AreEqual(a.Guid, b.Guid);

            Assert.AreEqual(a.NodeViewCount, b.NodeViewCount, "The workspaces don't have the same number of node views.");
            Assert.AreEqual(a.ConnectorViewCount, b.ConnectorViewCount, "The workspaces don't have the same number of connector views.");

            Assert.AreEqual(a.AnnotationMap.Count, b.AnnotationMap.Count);

            foreach (var annotationKVP in a.AnnotationMap)
                var dataA = a.AnnotationMap[annotationKVP.Key];
                var dataB = b.AnnotationMap[annotationKVP.Key];

                Assert.AreEqual(dataA, dataB);

            foreach (var kvp in a.NodeViewDataMap)
                var valueA = kvp.Value;
                var valueB = b.NodeViewDataMap[kvp.Key];
                Assert.AreEqual(valueA, valueB,
                                string.Format("Node View Data:{0} value, {1} is not equal to {2}",
                                              a.NodeViewDataMap[kvp.Key].Name, valueA, valueB));
Beispiel #2
        private void CompareWorkspaceViewsDifferentGuids(WorkspaceViewComparisonData a, WorkspaceViewComparisonData b)
            //first compare the model data
            serializationTestUtils.CompareWorkspacesDifferentGuids(a, b, this.modelsGuidToIdMap);

            Assert.IsTrue(Math.Abs(a.X - b.X) < .00001, "The workspaces don't have the same X offset.");
            Assert.IsTrue(Math.Abs(a.X - b.X) < .00001, "The workspaces don't have the same Y offset.");
            Assert.IsTrue(Math.Abs(a.Zoom - b.Zoom) < .00001, "The workspaces don't have the same Zoom.");
            Assert.AreEqual(a.Camera, b.Camera);
            Assert.AreEqual(a.Guid, b.Guid);

            Assert.AreEqual(a.NodeViewCount, b.NodeViewCount, "The workspaces don't have the same number of node views.");
            Assert.AreEqual(a.ConnectorViewCount, b.ConnectorViewCount, "The workspaces don't have the same number of connector views.");

            Assert.AreEqual(a.AnnotationMap.Count, b.AnnotationMap.Count);

            foreach (var annotationKVP in a.AnnotationMap)
                var valueA = annotationKVP.Value;
                //convert the old guid to the new guid
                var newGuid = GuidUtility.Create(GuidUtility.UrlNamespace, this.modelsGuidToIdMap[annotationKVP.Key]);
                var valueB  = b.AnnotationMap[newGuid];
                //set the id explicitly since we know it will have changed and should be this id.
                valueB.Id = valueA.Id.ToString();
                //check at least that number of referenced nodes is correct.
                Assert.AreEqual(valueB.Nodes.Count(), valueA.Nodes.Count());
                //ignore this list because all node ids will have changed.
                valueB.Nodes = valueA.Nodes;

                Assert.AreEqual(valueA, valueB);

            foreach (var kvp in a.NodeViewDataMap)
                var valueA = kvp.Value;
                //convert the old guid to the new guid
                var newGuid = GuidUtility.Create(GuidUtility.UrlNamespace, this.modelsGuidToIdMap[kvp.Key]);
                var valueB  = b.NodeViewDataMap[newGuid];
                //set the id explicitly since we know it will have changed and should be this id.
                valueB.ID = valueA.ID.ToString();

                Assert.AreEqual(valueA, valueB,
                                string.Format("Node View Data:{0} value, {1} is not equal to {2}",
                                              a.NodeViewDataMap[kvp.Key].Name, valueA, valueB));
Beispiel #3
        private void DoWorkspaceOpenAndCompareView(string filePath, string dirName,
                                                   Func <DynamoViewModel, string, string> saveFunction,
                                                   Action <WorkspaceViewComparisonData, WorkspaceViewComparisonData> workspaceViewCompareFunction,
                                                   Action <WorkspaceViewComparisonData, string, TimeSpan, Dictionary <Guid, string> > workspaceViewDataSaveFunction)
            var openPath = filePath;


            var ws1  = ViewModel.CurrentSpaceViewModel;
            var wcd1 = new WorkspaceViewComparisonData(ws1, ViewModel.Model.EngineController);

            var dirPath = Path.Combine(Path.GetTempPath(), dirName);

            if (!System.IO.Directory.Exists(dirPath))
            var fi           = new FileInfo(filePath);
            var filePathBase = dirPath + @"\" + Path.GetFileNameWithoutExtension(fi.Name);

            //no longer do this, as its done in model serialization tests.

            string json = saveFunction(this.ViewModel, filePath);

            workspaceViewDataSaveFunction(wcd1, filePathBase, lastExecutionDuration, this.modelsGuidToIdMap);

            lastExecutionDuration = new TimeSpan();

            // Open JSON .dyn or .dyf
            var fileExtension = Path.GetExtension(filePath);

            this.ViewModel.OpenCommand.Execute(filePathBase + fileExtension);

            var ws2 = ViewModel.CurrentSpaceViewModel;


            var dummyNodes = ws2.Nodes.Select(x => x.NodeModel).Where(n => n is DummyNode);

            if (dummyNodes.Any())
                Assert.Inconclusive("The Workspace contains dummy nodes for: " + string.Join(",", dummyNodes.Select(n => n.Name).ToArray()));

            if (((HomeWorkspaceModel)ws2.Model).RunSettings.RunType == RunType.Manual)

            var wcd2 = new WorkspaceViewComparisonData(ws2, this.ViewModel.EngineController);

            workspaceViewCompareFunction(wcd1, wcd2);

            //TODO remove this after we merge notes and annotations -
            //this is done here so we don't need to modify the workspaceComparison classes
            //and it's simple to remove soon.
            var index = 0;

            foreach (var noteView in ws1.Notes)
                var matchingNote = ws2.Notes[index];
                Assert.IsTrue(noteView.Model.Text == matchingNote.Model.Text);
                Assert.Less(Math.Abs(noteView.Model.X - matchingNote.Model.X), 0001);
                Assert.Less(Math.Abs(noteView.Model.Y - matchingNote.Model.Y), 0001);
                index = index + 1;
Beispiel #4
        private void DoWorkspaceOpenAndCompareView(string filePath, string dirName,
                                                   Func <DynamoViewModel, string, string> saveFunction,
                                                   Action <WorkspaceViewComparisonData, WorkspaceViewComparisonData> workspaceViewCompareFunction,
                                                   Action <WorkspaceViewComparisonData, string, TimeSpan, Dictionary <Guid, string> > workspaceViewDataSaveFunction)
            var openPath = filePath;

            if (Dynamo.Tests.SerializationTests.bannedTests.Any(t => filePath.Contains(t)))
                Assert.Inconclusive("Skipping test known to kill the test framework...");


            var model = this.ViewModel.Model;
            var ws1   = ViewModel.CurrentSpaceViewModel;

            ws1.Model.Description = "TestDescription";

            var dummyNodes = ws1.Nodes.Select(x => x.NodeModel).Where(n => n is DummyNode);

            if (dummyNodes.Any())
                Assert.Inconclusive("The Workspace contains dummy nodes for: " + string.Join(",", dummyNodes.Select(n => n.Name).ToArray()));

            var cbnErrorNodes = ws1.Nodes.Where(n => n.NodeModel is CodeBlockNodeModel && n.NodeModel.State == ElementState.Error);

            if (cbnErrorNodes.Any())
                Assert.Inconclusive("The Workspace contains code block nodes in error state due to which rest " +
                                    "of the graph will not execute; skipping test ...");

            if (((HomeWorkspaceModel)ws1.Model).RunSettings.RunType == RunType.Manual)

            var wcd1 = new WorkspaceViewComparisonData(ws1, model.EngineController);

            var dirPath = Path.Combine(Path.GetTempPath(), dirName);

            if (!System.IO.Directory.Exists(dirPath))
            var fi           = new FileInfo(filePath);
            var filePathBase = dirPath + @"\" + Path.GetFileNameWithoutExtension(fi.Name);

            //no longer do this, as its done in model serialization tests.

            string json = saveFunction(this.ViewModel, filePathBase);

            workspaceViewDataSaveFunction(wcd1, filePathBase, lastExecutionDuration, this.modelsGuidToIdMap);

            lastExecutionDuration = new TimeSpan();

            //make sure we're opening the json here
            this.ViewModel.OpenCommand.Execute(filePathBase + ".dyn");
            var ws2 = ViewModel.CurrentSpaceViewModel;


            dummyNodes = ws2.Nodes.Select(x => x.NodeModel).Where(n => n is DummyNode);
            if (dummyNodes.Any())
                Assert.Inconclusive("The Workspace contains dummy nodes for: " + string.Join(",", dummyNodes.Select(n => n.Name).ToArray()));

            if (((HomeWorkspaceModel)ws2.Model).RunSettings.RunType == RunType.Manual)

            var wcd2 = new WorkspaceViewComparisonData(ws2, this.ViewModel.EngineController);

            workspaceViewCompareFunction(wcd1, wcd2);

            //TODO remove this after we merge notes and annotations -
            //this is done here so we don't need to modify the workspaceComparison classes
            //and it's simple to remove soon.
            var index = 0;

            foreach (var noteView in ws1.Notes)
                var matchingNote = ws2.Notes[index];
                Assert.IsTrue(noteView.Model.Text == matchingNote.Model.Text);
                Assert.Less(Math.Abs(noteView.Model.X - matchingNote.Model.X), 0001);
                Assert.Less(Math.Abs(noteView.Model.Y - matchingNote.Model.Y), 0001);
                index = index + 1;