public static IWorkout CovertTPWorkoutToInternal(Workout tpWorkout)
     IWorkout internalWorkout;
     switch (tpWorkout.WorkoutTypeDescription)
         case "Swim":
                 internalWorkout = MapSwimWorkout(tpWorkout);
         case "Bike":
                 internalWorkout = MapCycleWorkout(tpWorkout);
         case "Run":
                 internalWorkout = MapRunWorkout(tpWorkout);
         case "Custom":
                 internalWorkout = MapCustomWorkout(tpWorkout);
                 internalWorkout = new CustomWorkout();
     return internalWorkout;
        public async Task<IHttpActionResult> PutWorkout(int id, Workout workout)
            if (!ModelState.IsValid)
                return BadRequest(ModelState);

            if (id != workout.WorkoutID)
                return BadRequest();

            db.Entry(workout).State = EntityState.Modified;

                await db.SaveChangesAsync();
            catch (DbUpdateConcurrencyException)
                if (!WorkoutExists(id))
                    return NotFound();

            return StatusCode(HttpStatusCode.NoContent);
        public void UpdateWorkout(Workout workout)
            //Todo test this well
            var workoutToUpdate = _context.Workouts.Find(workout.WorkoutId);

            if (workoutToUpdate != null)
        public async Task<IHttpActionResult> PostWorkout(Workout workout)
            if (!ModelState.IsValid)
                return BadRequest(ModelState);

            await db.SaveChangesAsync();

            return CreatedAtRoute("DefaultApi", new { id = workout.WorkoutID }, workout);
        public void TheStrengthActivityIsAddedToTheCurrentWorkout()
            var workOut = new Workout(new WorkoutDocument());
            var repo = new Mock<IExerciseRepository>();
            var ws = new Mock<IWorkoutService>();
            var handler = new AddStrengthCommandHandler(ws.Object, repo.Object);
            var command = new AddStrengthCommand { Weight = 20, ExerciseId = 1, Repetitions= 99, Notes = "foo" };

            ws.Setup(x => x.CurrentWorkout()).Returns(workOut);
            repo.Setup(x => x.Load(1)).Returns(new Exercise(new ExerciseDocument { Description = "exer" }));

        public static IWorkout MapCycleWorkout(Workout tpWorkout)
            ICycleWorkout cycleWorkout = new CycleWorkout();
            cycleWorkout.TPWorkoutID = tpWorkout.WorkoutId;
            cycleWorkout.CadenceAverage = tpWorkout.CadenceAverage;
            cycleWorkout.CadenceMaximum = tpWorkout.CadenceMaximum;
            cycleWorkout.PowerAverage = tpWorkout.PowerAverage;
            cycleWorkout.PowerMaximum = tpWorkout.PowerMaximum;
            cycleWorkout.StartDate = tpWorkout.WorkoutDay;
            cycleWorkout.StartTime = tpWorkout.StartTime;
            if (tpWorkout.TimeTotalInSeconds.HasValue)
                cycleWorkout.Duration = new TimeSpan(0, 0, (int) tpWorkout.TimeTotalInSeconds);
            cycleWorkout.DistanceInMeters = tpWorkout.DistanceInMeters;
            cycleWorkout.VelocityAverage = tpWorkout.VelocityAverage;
            cycleWorkout.VelocityMaximum = tpWorkout.VelocityMaximum;
            cycleWorkout.HeartRateAverage = tpWorkout.HeartRateAverage;
            cycleWorkout.HeartRateMaximum = tpWorkout.HeartRateMaximum;
            cycleWorkout.HeartRateMinimum = tpWorkout.HeartRateMinimum;
            //cycleWorkout.TrainingStressScore = tpWorkout.

            return cycleWorkout;
Beispiel #7
 public void Update(Workout workout)
Beispiel #8
 private WorkoutDTO MapWorkout(Workout model)
     var modelDTO = new WorkoutDTO
         Id = model.Id,
         WorkoutDate = model.WorkoutDate,
         Exercises = new List<Exercise>(model.Exercises),
         ApplicationUser = model.ApplicationUser
     return modelDTO;
Beispiel #9
    private IList<WorkoutSample> DeviceSamplesForWorkout(WorkoutExtended workoutExted)
            IList<WorkoutSample> workoutSamples = new List<WorkoutSample>();
            int sequenceNum = 0;
            double minLat = double.MaxValue;
            double maxLat = double.MinValue;
            double minLng = double.MaxValue;
            double maxLng = double.MinValue;
            foreach (XElement sample in samples)
                WorkoutSample workoutSample = DeviceSampleToWorkoutSampleAdaptor(sample);
                if (workoutSample.Lat != null && workoutSample.Lng != null)
                    double lat = Convert.ToDouble(workoutSample.Lat);
                    double lng = Convert.ToDouble(workoutSample.Lng);
                    if (lat < minLat)
                        minLat = lat;
                    if (lat > maxLat)
                        maxLat = lat;
                    if (lng < minLng)
                        minLng = lng;
                    if (lng > maxLng)
                        maxLng = lng;
                workoutSample.SampleNumber = sequenceNum++;
                workoutSample.WorkoutExtended = workoutExted;
            workoutExted.LatMin = minLat;
            workoutExted.LatMax = maxLat;
            workoutExted.LngMin = minLng;
            workoutExted.LngMax = maxLng;

            return workoutSamples;

    private void ParseFitnessHistoryDetail(string xml)
        XElement doc = XElement.Parse(xml);
        XElement activity = doc.Descendants().FirstOrDefault(n => n.Name.LocalName == "Activity");

        aqufitEntities entities = new aqufitEntities();
        User user = entities.UserSettings.OfType<User>().FirstOrDefault(u => u.UserKey == PortalSettings.UserId && u.PortalKey == PortalSettings.PortalId);

        Affine.Utils.WorkoutUtil.WorkoutType workoutType = Affine.Utils.WorkoutUtil.WorkoutType.RUNNING;
        string atype = (activity.Attribute("Sport").Value).ToLower();
        string title = string.Empty;
        switch (atype)
            case "walking":
                workoutType = Affine.Utils.WorkoutUtil.WorkoutType.WALKING;
                title = "Walking ";
            case "cycling":
                workoutType = Affine.Utils.WorkoutUtil.WorkoutType.CYCLING;
                title = "Cycling ";
            case "swimming":
                workoutType = Affine.Utils.WorkoutUtil.WorkoutType.SWIMMING;
                title = "Swimming ";
            case "running":
                title = "Running ";
                workoutType = Affine.Utils.WorkoutUtil.WorkoutType.RUNNING;
        string activityId = activity.Descendants().FirstOrDefault( n => n.Name.LocalName == "Id" ).Value;
        long thirdParyId = GetNumberFromStr(activityId);

        IEnumerable<XElement> laps = activity.Descendants().Where(n => n.Name.LocalName == "Lap");
        if (laps.Count() > 0)
        {   // we must have a lap
            // get the start time.
            XElement lap1 = laps.ElementAt(0);
            DateTime startTime = Convert.ToDateTime(lap1.Attribute("StartTime").Value);

            // total time
            double[] timesInSec = activity.Descendants().Where(n => n.Name.LocalName == "TotalTimeSeconds").Select(n => Convert.ToDouble( n.Value )).ToArray();
            double totalSec = 0.0;
            foreach (double t in timesInSec)
                totalSec += t;
            long duration = (long)Affine.Utils.UnitsUtil.unitsToSystemDefualt(totalSec, Affine.Utils.UnitsUtil.MeasureUnit.UNIT_SEC);

            // total cal
            double[] calArray = activity.Descendants().Where(n => n.Name.LocalName == "Calories").Select(n => Convert.ToDouble( n.Value)).ToArray();
            double totalCal = 0.0;
            foreach (double c in calArray)
                totalCal += c;

            // total dist
            double[] distArray = activity.Descendants().Where(n => n.Name.LocalName == "DistanceMeters").Where(n => n.Parent.Name.LocalName == "Lap").Select(n => Convert.ToDouble(n.Value)).ToArray();
            double totalDist = 0.0;
            foreach (double d in distArray)
                totalDist += d;

            Workout workout = new Workout()
                Date = startTime.ToUniversalTime(),
                TimeStamp = DateTime.Now,
                Calories = totalCal,
                AccoutType = (short)Affine.Services.ThirdParty.AccountTypes.GARMIN,
                Description = "",
                Distance = Affine.Utils.UnitsUtil.unitsToSystemDefualt(totalDist, Affine.Utils.UnitsUtil.MeasureUnit.UNIT_M),
                Duration = duration,
                Emotion = null,
                PortalKey = (int)PortalSettings.PortalId,
                UserSetting = user,
                Terrain = null,
                ThirdPartyId = thirdParyId,
                Title = title,
                Weather = null,
                DataSrc = (int)Affine.Utils.WorkoutUtil.DataSrc.GARMIN,
                WorkoutTypeKey = (long)workoutType
            // now we need to add the extended data ...

            // get all the track points
            XElement[] trackpoints = activity.Descendants().Where(n => n.Name.LocalName == "Trackpoint").ToArray();
          //  IList<WorkoutSample> workoutSamples = new List<WorkoutSample>();
            WorkoutExtended extended = new WorkoutExtended()
                UserStream = workout
            int sequenceNum = 0;
            double minLat = double.MaxValue;
            double maxLat = double.MinValue;
            double minLng = double.MaxValue;
            double maxLng = double.MinValue;
            foreach (XElement point in trackpoints)
                    double lat = Convert.ToDouble(point.Descendants().FirstOrDefault(n => n.Name.LocalName == "LatitudeDegrees").Value);
                    double lng = Convert.ToDouble(point.Descendants().FirstOrDefault(n => n.Name.LocalName == "LongitudeDegrees").Value);
                    DateTime time = Convert.ToDateTime(point.Descendants().FirstOrDefault(n => n.Name.LocalName == "Time").Value);
                    double distance = Convert.ToDouble(point.Descendants().FirstOrDefault(n => n.Name.LocalName == "DistanceMeters").Value);
                    distance = Affine.Utils.UnitsUtil.unitsToSystemDefualt(distance, Affine.Utils.UnitsUtil.MeasureUnit.UNIT_M);
                    XElement el = point.Descendants().FirstOrDefault(n => n.Name.LocalName == "AltitudeMeters");
                    double? elivation = null;
                    if (el != null)
                        elivation = Convert.ToDouble(el.Value);
                        elivation = Affine.Utils.UnitsUtil.unitsToSystemDefualt(elivation.Value, Affine.Utils.UnitsUtil.MeasureUnit.UNIT_M);
                    if (lat < minLat)
                        minLat = lat;
                    if (lat > maxLat)
                        maxLat = lat;
                    if (lng < minLng)
                        minLng = lng;
                    if (lng > maxLng)
                        maxLng = lng;
                    WorkoutSample sample = new WorkoutSample()
                        Lat = lat,
                        Lng = lng,
                        SampleNumber = sequenceNum++,
                        WorkoutExtended = extended,
                        Date = time,
                        Elevation = elivation,
                        Distance = distance
                catch (NullReferenceException ex) { }   // just goto the next full sample
            extended.LatMax = maxLat;
            extended.LatMin = minLat;
            extended.LngMax = maxLng;
            extended.LngMin = minLng;
            Affine.Data.Managers.IDataManager dataMan = Affine.Data.Managers.LINQ.DataManager.Instance;
            dataMan.SaveWorkout(entities, workout);
 public static IWorkout MapSwimWorkout(Workout tpWorkout)
     ISwimWorkout swimWorkout = new SwimWorkout();
     swimWorkout.TPWorkoutID = tpWorkout.WorkoutId;
     swimWorkout.StartDate = tpWorkout.WorkoutDay;
     swimWorkout.StartTime = tpWorkout.StartTime;
     if (tpWorkout.TimeTotalInSeconds.HasValue)
         swimWorkout.Duration = new TimeSpan(0, 0, (int)tpWorkout.TimeTotalInSeconds);
     swimWorkout.DistanceInMeters = tpWorkout.DistanceInMeters;
     return swimWorkout;
 private void DeleteWorkout(Workout workout)
        // CA - this will need to be cleaned up a lot.. but here is the iteration one version
        // ** People can view workouts in 4 modes (everyone, watchlist, friends, just them)
        //     -In the case of running, cycling, swimming, and STANDARD crossfit Wods... we are going to
        //      be storing peoples best times for (distance rnages) and standard wods... so in these cases
        //      we can shorted the query time when we do an "everyone" query
        //     -Watch list and friends we do the work of getting every time that person did the workout.. not just
        //      there best times.
        //     -Same for the (you only) view
        private void LoadFlexDataForWorkout(Workout workout, Affine.Utils.ConstsUtil.GraphContext context)
            Affine.Data.Managers.IDataManager dataManager = Affine.Data.Managers.LINQ.DataManager.Instance;

            JavaScriptSerializer serializer = new JavaScriptSerializer();
            // onload we send friend, watch, and group member data that is needed to the app
            aqufitEntities entities = new aqufitEntities();
            IList<long> friendIds = entities.UserFriends.Where(f => (f.SrcUserSettingKey == ProfileSettings.Id || f.DestUserSettingKey == ProfileSettings.Id)).Select(f => (f.SrcUserSettingKey == ProfileSettings.Id ? f.DestUserSettingKey : f.SrcUserSettingKey)).ToList();

            // send the persons profile through
            var profile = new { UserName = ProfileSettings.UserName, Id = ProfileSettings.Id, FirstName = ProfileSettings.UserFirstName, LastName= ProfileSettings.UserLastName };
            hiddenProfileJson.Value = serializer.Serialize(profile);

            var friends = entities.UserSettings.OfType<User>().Where(LinqUtils.BuildContainsExpression<User, long>(s => s.Id, friendIds)).Select(u => new { Id = u.Id, Un = u.UserName, Fn = u.UserFirstName, Ln = u.UserLastName }).ToArray();
            hiddenFriendJson.Value = serializer.Serialize(friends);
            // get groups
            long[] groupIds = entities.UserFriends.Where(f => (f.SrcUserSettingKey == ProfileSettings.Id || f.DestUserSettingKey == ProfileSettings.Id) && f.Relationship > 0).Select(f => f.SrcUserSettingKey == ProfileSettings.Id ? f.DestUserSettingKey : f.SrcUserSettingKey).ToArray();
            UserSettings[] groupList = entities.UserSettings.OfType<Group>().Where(LinqUtils.BuildContainsExpression<UserSettings, long>(us => us.Id, groupIds)).OrderBy(f => f.UserName).ToArray();
            var groups = entities.UserSettings.OfType<Group>().Where(LinqUtils.BuildContainsExpression<Group, long>(s => s.Id, groupIds)).Select(u => new { Id = u.Id, Un = u.UserName }).ToArray();
            hiddenGroupJson.Value = serializer.Serialize(groups);
            // next we load the workout compare to all (friends)

            Affine.WebService.StreamService ss = new WebService.StreamService();

            //hiddenWorkout.Value = ss.getWorkout(workout.Id);
            Affine.Data.json.Workout jsonWorkout = dataManager.workoutToJsonWorkout(workout);
            Affine.Data.json.WOD wod = null;
            Affine.Data.json.WorkoutData[] jsonWorkoutData = null;
            //var workoutJson = new { Id = workout.Id, WorkoutTypeKey = workout.WorkoutTypeKey, Title = workout.Title, Date = workout.Date.ToLocalTime().ToShortDateString(), DataSrc = workout.DataSrc };

            Affine.Utils.UnitsUtil.MeasureUnit weight = base.WeightUnits;
            if (workout.WorkoutTypeKey == (int)Affine.Utils.WorkoutUtil.WorkoutType.CROSSFIT)
                if (context == Utils.ConstsUtil.GraphContext.DEFAULT)
                {   // default context for crossfit is the watchlist
                    context = Utils.ConstsUtil.GraphContext.WATCHLIST;
                // if this is a crossfit workout
                // we want to get ALL the same WoDs for you and your friends
                IQueryable<Workout> workoutDataQuery = context == Utils.ConstsUtil.GraphContext.EVERYONE ?
                                    entities.UserStreamSet.Include("UserSettings").OfType<Workout>().Where(w => w.WOD.Id == workout.WOD.Id).AsQueryable()
                                    context == Utils.ConstsUtil.GraphContext.WATCHLIST ?
                                    entities.UserStreamSet.Include("UserSettings").OfType<Workout>().Where(w => w.WOD.Id == workout.WOD.Id).Where(LinqUtils.BuildContainsExpression<Workout, long>(w => w.UserSetting.Id, friendIds)).AsQueryable()
                                    context == Utils.ConstsUtil.GraphContext.FRIENDS ?
                                    entities.UserStreamSet.Include("UserSettings").OfType<Workout>().Where(w => w.WOD.Id == workout.WOD.Id).Where(LinqUtils.BuildContainsExpression<Workout, long>(w => w.UserSetting.Id, friendIds)).AsQueryable()
                                    entities.UserStreamSet.Include("UserSettings").OfType<Workout>().Where(w => w.WOD.Id == workout.WOD.Id && w.UserSetting.Id == ProfileSettings.Id ).AsQueryable();
                var workoutData = workoutDataQuery.Select(w => new { Id = w.Id, UsKey = w.UserSetting.Id, Un = w.UserSetting.UserName, T = w.Duration, S = w.Score, M = w.Max, Rx = w.RxD, D = w.Date }).ToArray();
                wod = new Affine.Data.json.WOD (){ Id = workout.WOD.Id, Standard = workout.WOD.Standard, Type = workout.WOD.WODType.Id, Name = workout.WOD.Name, Description = workout.WOD.Description };
                if (wod.Type == (int)Affine.Utils.WorkoutUtil.WodType.TIMED)
                {   // time in sec
                    jsonWorkoutData = workoutData.OrderByDescending(w => w.T).Select(w => new Affine.Data.json.WorkoutData() { UId = w.Un + "_" + w.Id, Id = w.Id, S = (double)w.T, Un = w.Un, D = w.D.ToLocalTime().ToShortDateString(), Rx = (w.Rx.HasValue ? w.Rx.Value : false) }).ToArray();
                else if (wod.Type == (int)Affine.Utils.WorkoutUtil.WodType.MAX_WEIGHT)
                    jsonWorkoutData = workoutData.OrderByDescending(w => w.M).Select(w => new Affine.Data.json.WorkoutData() { UId = w.Un + "_" + w.Id, Id = w.Id, S = Math.Round(Affine.Utils.UnitsUtil.systemDefaultToUnits(Convert.ToDouble(w.M), weight), 2), Un = w.Un, D = w.D.ToLocalTime().ToShortDateString(), Rx = (w.Rx.HasValue ? w.Rx.Value : false) }).ToArray();
                    jsonWorkoutData = workoutData.OrderByDescending(w => w.S).Select(w => new Affine.Data.json.WorkoutData() { UId = w.Un + "_" + w.Id , Id = w.Id, S = Math.Round(Convert.ToDouble(w.S), 2), Un = w.Un, D = w.D.ToLocalTime().ToShortDateString(), Rx = (w.Rx.HasValue ? w.Rx.Value : false) }).ToArray();
            {   // for now this will handle "running, swimming, walking, cycling"
                if (context == Utils.ConstsUtil.GraphContext.DEFAULT)
                    if (workout.DataSrc == (short)Utils.WorkoutUtil.DataSrc.MANUAL_NO_MAP || workout.DataSrc == (short)Utils.WorkoutUtil.DataSrc.MANUAL_WITH_MAP)
                        context = Utils.ConstsUtil.GraphContext.EVERYONE;
                    else if (workout.DataSrc == (short)Utils.WorkoutUtil.DataSrc.NIKE_NO_MAP)
                        context = Utils.ConstsUtil.GraphContext.WATCHLIST;
                    // TODO: not sure about this one....
                else if (workout.DataSrc == (short)Utils.WorkoutUtil.DataSrc.MANUAL_WITH_MAP)
                {   // TODO: ?? this is a special case that we want to compare all the times of people that have logged a run for the route.
                    long mapRouteKey = entities.UserStreamSet.OfType<Workout>().Where(w => w.Id == workout.Id).Select(w => w.WorkoutExtendeds.FirstOrDefault().MapRoute.Id).FirstOrDefault();
                    IQueryable<Workout> workoutQuery = entities.WorkoutExtendeds.Include("UserStream").Where(we => we.MapRoute != null && we.MapRoute.Id == mapRouteKey).Select(we => we.UserStream).OfType<Workout>().OrderBy(w => w.Duration).Take(5000);
                    workoutQuery.Select(w => w.UserSetting).ToArray(); // hydrate.. not working above so do it here.
                    Workout[] data = workoutQuery.ToArray();
                    var wd = data.OrderByDescending(w => w.Duration).Select(w => new
                        UId = w.UserSetting.UserName + "_" + w.Id,
                        Id = w.Id,
                        S = w.Duration,
                        Un = w.UserSetting.UserName,
                        D = w.Date.ToLocalTime().ToShortDateString()
                    var ret = new { WOD = new { }, WorkoutData = wd, Workout = workoutJson, Context = (int)context };
                    hiddenWorkoutData.Value = serializer.Serialize(ret);
                        context = Utils.ConstsUtil.GraphContext.ME;

                if (context == Utils.ConstsUtil.GraphContext.EVERYONE)
                {   // we want to compare achievments...
                    IQueryable<Workout> workoutQuery = entities.Achievements.Include("UserStream").Include("UserStream.UserSetting").Where(a =>
                                                                                                    a.AchievementType.WorkoutType.Id == workout.WorkoutTypeKey &&
                                                                                                    workout.Distance >= a.AchievementType.DistanceRangeA &&
                                                                                                    workout.Distance < a.AchievementType.DistanceRangeB).Take(5000).Select(a => a.UserStream).OfType<Workout>().AsQueryable();
                    workoutQuery = workoutQuery.Union(entities.UserStreamSet.OfType<Workout>().Where(w => w.Id == workout.Id));
                    workoutQuery.Select(w => w.UserSetting).ToArray(); // hydrate.. not working above so do it here.
                    Workout[] data = workoutQuery.ToArray();
                    jsonWorkoutData = data.OrderByDescending(w => w.Duration).Select(w => new Affine.Data.json.WorkoutData()
                        UId = w.UserSetting.UserName + "_" + w.Id,
                        Id = w.Id,
                        S = w.Duration.Value,
                        Un = w.UserSetting.UserName,
                        D = w.Date.ToLocalTime().ToShortDateString()
                else if (context == Utils.ConstsUtil.GraphContext.WATCHLIST || context == Utils.ConstsUtil.GraphContext.FRIENDS)
                    IQueryable<Workout> workoutQuery = entities.Achievements.Include("UserStream").Include("UserStream.UserSetting").Where(a =>
                                                                                                    a.AchievementType.WorkoutType.Id == workout.WorkoutTypeKey &&
                                                                                                    workout.Distance >= a.AchievementType.DistanceRangeA &&
                                                                                                    workout.Distance < a.AchievementType.DistanceRangeB).
                                                                                                    Where(LinqUtils.BuildContainsExpression<Achievement, long>(a => a.UserSetting.Id, friendIds)).Take(5000).Select(a => a.UserStream).OfType<Workout>().AsQueryable();
                    workoutQuery = workoutQuery.Union(entities.UserStreamSet.OfType<Workout>().Where(w => w.Id == workout.Id));
                    workoutQuery.Select(w => w.UserSetting).ToArray(); // hydrate.. not working above so do it here.
                    Workout[] data = workoutQuery.ToArray();
                    jsonWorkoutData = data.OrderByDescending(w => w.Duration).Select(w => new Affine.Data.json.WorkoutData()
                        UId = w.UserSetting.UserName + "_" + w.Id,
                        Id = w.Id,
                        S = w.Duration.Value,
                        Un = w.UserSetting.UserName,
                        D = w.Date.ToLocalTime().ToShortDateString()
                else if (context == Utils.ConstsUtil.GraphContext.ME)   // this is just you for the ranges.. since no map data
                    IQueryable<Workout> workoutQuery = entities.Achievements.Include("UserStream").Include("UserStream.UserSetting").Where(a => a.UserSetting.Id == ProfileSettings.Id &&
                                                                                                    a.AchievementType.WorkoutType.Id == workout.WorkoutTypeKey &&
                                                                                                    workout.Distance >= a.AchievementType.DistanceRangeA &&
                                                                                                    workout.Distance < a.AchievementType.DistanceRangeB).
                                                                                                    Take(5000).Select(a => a.UserStream).OfType<Workout>().AsQueryable();
                   workoutQuery = workoutQuery.Union(entities.UserStreamSet.OfType<Workout>().Where(w => w.Id == workout.Id));
                   workoutQuery.Select(w => w.UserSetting).ToArray(); // hydrate.. not working above so do it here.
                   Workout[] data = workoutQuery.ToArray();
                   jsonWorkoutData = data.OrderByDescending(w => w.Duration).Select(w => new Affine.Data.json.WorkoutData()
                       UId = w.UserSetting.UserName + "_" + w.Id,
                       Id = w.Id,
                       S = w.Duration.Value,
                       Un = w.UserSetting.UserName,
                       D = w.Date.ToLocalTime().ToShortDateString()
            var retWorkout = new { WOD = wod, WorkoutData = jsonWorkoutData, Workout = jsonWorkout, Context = (int)context };
            hiddenWorkoutData.Value = serializer.Serialize(retWorkout);
Beispiel #13
 public void Initialize()
     _model  = new Workout();
     _mapper = new MapperService.Implementations.WorkoutMapper();
Beispiel #14
 protected void Page_Load(object sender, EventArgs e)
     if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(Request["w"]))
         aqufitEntities entities = new aqufitEntities();
         long           wid      = Convert.ToInt64(Request["w"]);
         // TODO: need security
         Workout workout = entities.UserStreamSet.Include("WorkoutExtendeds").Include("UserSetting").OfType <Workout>().FirstOrDefault(w => w.Id == wid);
         if (workout != null)
             Affine.Data.json.Workout json = new Affine.Data.json.Workout()
                 Calories    = workout.Calories,
                 Date        = workout.Date.ToShortDateString(),
                 Description = workout.Description,
                 Distance    = workout.Distance,
                 Duration    = workout.Duration,
                 Emotion     = workout.Emotion,
                 Id          = workout.Id,
                 Title       = workout.Title,
                 PortalKey   = workout.PortalKey,
                 UserKey     = workout.UserSetting.UserKey,
                 Weather     = workout.Weather,
             if (workout.WorkoutExtendeds.FirstOrDefault() != null)
                 WorkoutExtended ext = workout.WorkoutExtendeds.First();
                 Affine.Data.json.WorkoutExtended jsonWorkoutExtended = new Affine.Data.json.WorkoutExtended()
                     Id     = ext.Id,
                     LatMax = ext.LatMax,
                     LatMin = ext.LatMin,
                     LngMax = ext.LngMax,
                     LngMin = ext.LngMin
                 Affine.Data.json.WorkoutSample[] samples = entities.WorkoutSamples.Where(s => s.WorkoutExtended.Id == ext.Id).OrderBy(s => s.SampleNumber)
                                                            .Select(s => new Affine.Data.json.WorkoutSample()
                     Date         = s.Date,
                     Time         = 0,
                     Distance     = s.Distance,
                     Elevation    = s.Elevation,
                     HeartRate    = s.HeartRate,
                     Id           = s.Id,
                     Lat          = s.Lat,
                     Lng          = s.Lng,
                     SampleNumber = s.SampleNumber
                 foreach (Affine.Data.json.WorkoutSample s in samples)
                     s.Time = s.Date.Ticks;
                 jsonWorkoutExtended.WorkoutSamples = samples;
                 json.WorkoutExtended = jsonWorkoutExtended;
             JavaScriptSerializer jserializer = new JavaScriptSerializer();
     else if (Request["ed"] != null && Request["u"] != null && Request["sd"] != null)
         long     uid       = Convert.ToInt64(Request["u"]);
         DateTime endDate   = DateTime.Parse(Request["ed"]);
         DateTime startDate = DateTime.Parse(Request["sd"]).ToUniversalTime();
         endDate = endDate.AddDays(1).ToUniversalTime();
         aqufitEntities entities = new aqufitEntities();
         IList <Affine.Data.json.Workout> ret = new List <Affine.Data.json.Workout>();
         IList <Workout> workoutList          = entities.UserStreamSet.Include("UserSetting").OfType <Workout>().
                                                Where(w => w.UserSetting.UserKey == uid && w.Date.CompareTo(endDate) <= 0 && w.Date.CompareTo(startDate) >= 0).OrderByDescending(w => w.Date).ToList();
         workoutList = workoutList.Reverse().ToList();
         foreach (Workout workout in workoutList)
             Affine.Data.json.Workout json = new Affine.Data.json.Workout()
                 Calories    = workout.Calories,
                 TimeStamp   = workout.TimeStamp,
                 Date        = workout.Date.ToShortDateString(),
                 Description = workout.Description,
                 Distance    = workout.Distance,
                 Duration    = workout.Duration,
                 Emotion     = workout.Emotion,
                 Id          = workout.Id,
                 Title       = workout.Title,
                 PortalKey   = workout.PortalKey,
                 UserKey     = workout.UserSetting.UserKey,
                 Weather     = workout.Weather,
                 DataSrc     = workout.DataSrc
         // TODO: need a case for empty data
         JavaScriptSerializer jserializer = new JavaScriptSerializer();
         Response.Write("{ERROR:'invalid request'}");
Beispiel #15
 public static string GetUniqueTitle(Workout workout)
Beispiel #16
        private void InsertExampleLoggedEntries()
            if (conn.Table <Log_Set_Entry>().Count() == 0)
                Log_Set_Entry log_set = new Log_Set_Entry();
                log_set.Date       = DateTime.Today;
                log_set.Reps       = 8;
                log_set.Min_reps   = 6;
                log_set.Max_reps   = 10;
                log_set.Weight     = 50;
                log_set.ExerciseId = 1;
                log_set            = new Log_Set_Entry();
                log_set.Date       = DateTime.Today;
                log_set.Reps       = 8;
                log_set.Min_reps   = 6;
                log_set.Max_reps   = 10;
                log_set.Weight     = 50;
                log_set.ExerciseId = 1;
                log_set            = new Log_Set_Entry();
                log_set.Date       = DateTime.Today;
                log_set.Reps       = 8;
                log_set.Min_reps   = 6;
                log_set.Max_reps   = 10;
                log_set.Weight     = 50;
                log_set.ExerciseId = 1;
                log_set            = new Log_Set_Entry();
                log_set.Date       = DateTime.Today;
                log_set.Reps       = 7;
                log_set.Min_reps   = 6;
                log_set.Max_reps   = 10;
                log_set.Weight     = 60;
                log_set.ExerciseId = 2;

            if (conn.Table <Log_Cardio_Set_Entry>().Count() == 0)
                Log_Cardio_Set_Entry log_set = new Log_Cardio_Set_Entry();
                log_set.Date       = DateTime.Today;
                log_set.Type       = "m";
                log_set.Distance   = 100;
                log_set.Minutes    = 10;
                log_set.Seconds    = 50;
                log_set.ExerciseId = 2;
                log_set            = new Log_Cardio_Set_Entry();
                log_set.Date       = DateTime.Today.AddDays(5);
                log_set.Type       = "km";
                log_set.Distance   = 2;
                log_set.Hours      = 1;
                log_set.Minutes    = 0;
                log_set.Seconds    = 50;
                log_set.ExerciseId = 2;

            if (conn.Table <Workout>().Count() == 0)
                Workout work = new Workout();
                work.Name       = "monday";
                work.RoutinesId = 1;

                Workout_Exercise exer = new Workout_Exercise();
                exer.WorkoutId  = work.Id;
                exer.ExerciseId = 1;
                exer            = new Workout_Exercise();
                exer.WorkoutId  = work.Id;
                exer.ExerciseId = 2;
                Target_Set targ_set = new Target_Set();
                targ_set.Workout_ExerciseId = 1;
                targ_set.Min_reps           = 5;
                targ_set.Max_reps           = 5;
                targ_set = new Target_Set();
                targ_set.Workout_ExerciseId = 1;
                targ_set.Min_reps           = 5;
                targ_set.Max_reps           = 5;
                targ_set = new Target_Set();
                targ_set.Workout_ExerciseId = 1;
                targ_set.Min_reps           = 5;
                targ_set.Max_reps           = 5;
                targ_set = new Target_Set();
                targ_set.Workout_ExerciseId = 1;
                targ_set.Min_reps           = 5;
                targ_set.Max_reps           = 5;
                targ_set = new Target_Set();
                targ_set.Workout_ExerciseId = 2;
                targ_set.Min_reps           = 5;
                targ_set.Max_reps           = 5;
                targ_set = new Target_Set();
                targ_set.Workout_ExerciseId = 2;
                targ_set.Min_reps           = 5;
                targ_set.Max_reps           = 5;
                Workout_Exercise_Trainingmax exer_max = new Workout_Exercise_Trainingmax();
                exer_max.Workouts_ExercisesId = exer.Id;
                exer_max.TrainingMax          = 80;
                Target_Set_Trainingmax set = new Target_Set_Trainingmax();
                set.Min_reps = 8;
                set.Max_reps = 8;
                set.Percent  = 60;
                set.Round    = 0;
                Target_Set_Trainingmax set2 = new Target_Set_Trainingmax();
                set2.Min_reps = 3;
                set2.Max_reps = 3;
                set2.Percent  = 90;
                set2.Round    = 0;
                Log_Set_Entry log = new Log_Set_Entry();
                log.Date   = DateTime.Today.AddDays(-5);
                log.Reps   = set.Min_reps;
                log.Weight = exer_max.TrainingMax * (set.Percent / 100);
                log        = new Log_Set_Entry();
                log.Date   = DateTime.Today.AddDays(-5);
                log.Reps   = set2.Min_reps;
                log.Weight = exer_max.TrainingMax * (set2.Percent / 100);
        private async void LoadTableContentAsync(List <WorkoutCategoryDetailDTO> wcList, List <ActivityLevelDetailDTO> alList)
            this.Parent.Parent.Parent.Parent.Enabled = false;

            List <Task> tasks = new List <Task>();
            Dictionary <String, List <string> > keywords = new Dictionary <String, List <string> >();

            foreach (var item in wBll.GetWorkoutByWCAL(-1, -1))
                string kw = wBll.ToPlacesKeyword(item.Name);
                if (kw == null)
                    kw = "";
                if (keywords.ContainsKey(kw))
                    keywords.Add(kw, new List <string> {
                    Task <PlacesNearbySearchResponse> task = wBll.GetWorkoutPlaces(kw, coord);

            while (tasks.Count > 0)
                Task finishedTask = await Task.WhenAny(tasks);

                int index = tasks.IndexOf(finishedTask);

                List <String> places = keywords.ElementAt(index).Value;

                Task <PlacesNearbySearchResponse> task     = finishedTask as Task <PlacesNearbySearchResponse>;
                PlacesNearbySearchResponse        response = task.Result;
                if (response.Results.Count() > 0)
                    for (int k = 0; k < places.Count; k++)
                        Workout w = wBll.GetWorkout(places[k]);

                        Label lbl = new Label();
                        lbl.Text   = places[k];
                        lbl.Font   = new Font(lbl.Font.Name, 12f);
                        lbl.Height = (int)(lbl.Font.Size * 2.5);
                        lbl.Margin = new Padding(2);
                        lbl.Paint += FrmAddWorkoutPreferences.LblWorkout_Paint;
                        lbl.Click += lblWorkout_Click;
                        int yIndex = wcList.IndexOf(wcList.SingleOrDefault(wc => wc.ID == w.WorkoutCategoryID));
                        int xIndex = alList.IndexOf(alList.SingleOrDefault(al => al.ID == w.ActivityLevelID));



            MessageBox.Show("load success");
            this.Parent.Parent.Parent.Parent.Enabled = true;
        protected override XElement Convert(Workout workout, WorkoutSamples samples)
            XNamespace ns1 = "";
            XNamespace activityExtensions   = "";
            XNamespace trackPointExtensions = "";
            XNamespace profileExtension     = "";

            var sport     = GetSport(workout);
            var subSport  = GetSubSport(workout);
            var startTime = GetStartTimeUtc(workout);

            var outputSummary     = GetOutputSummary(samples);
            var hrSummary         = GetHeartRateSummary(samples);
            var cadenceSummary    = GetCadenceSummary(samples);
            var resistanceSummary = GetResistanceSummary(samples);

            var lx = new XElement(activityExtensions + "TPX");

            lx.Add(new XElement(activityExtensions + "TotalPower", workout?.Total_Work));
            lx.Add(new XElement(activityExtensions + "MaximumCadence", cadenceSummary?.Max_Value));
            lx.Add(new XElement(activityExtensions + "AverageCadence", cadenceSummary?.Average_Value));
            lx.Add(new XElement(activityExtensions + "AverageWatts", outputSummary?.Average_Value));
            lx.Add(new XElement(activityExtensions + "MaximumWatts", outputSummary?.Max_Value));
            lx.Add(new XElement(activityExtensions + "AverageResistance", resistanceSummary?.Average_Value));
            lx.Add(new XElement(activityExtensions + "MaximumResistance", resistanceSummary?.Max_Value));

            var extensions = new XElement("Extensions");


            var track             = new XElement("Track");
            var allMetrics        = samples.Metrics;
            var hrMetrics         = allMetrics.FirstOrDefault(m => m.Slug == "heart_rate");
            var outputMetrics     = allMetrics.FirstOrDefault(m => m.Slug == "output");
            var cadenceMetrics    = allMetrics.FirstOrDefault(m => m.Slug == "cadence");
            var speedMetrics      = GetSpeedSummary(samples);
            var resistanceMetrics = allMetrics.FirstOrDefault(m => m.Slug == "resistance");
            var locationMetrics   = samples.Location_Data?.SelectMany(x => x.Coordinates).ToArray();
            var altitudeMetrics   = allMetrics.FirstOrDefault(m => m.Slug == "altitude");

            for (var i = 0; i < samples.Seconds_Since_Pedaling_Start.Count; i++)
                var trackPoint = new XElement("TrackPoint");

                if (locationMetrics is object && i < locationMetrics.Length)
                    var trackPosition = new XElement("Position");
                    trackPosition.Add(new XElement("LatitudeDegrees", locationMetrics[i].Latitude));
                    trackPosition.Add(new XElement("LongitudeDegrees", locationMetrics[i].Longitude));

                    if (altitudeMetrics is object && i < altitudeMetrics.Values.Length)
                        trackPosition.Add(new XElement("AltitudeMeters", ConvertDistanceToMeters(altitudeMetrics.GetValue(i), altitudeMetrics.Display_Unit)));


                if (hrMetrics is object && i < hrMetrics.Values.Length)
                    var hr = new XElement("HeartRateBpm");
                    hr.Add(new XElement("Value", hrMetrics.Values[i]));

                if (cadenceMetrics is object && i < cadenceMetrics.Values.Length)
                    trackPoint.Add(new XElement("Cadence", cadenceMetrics.Values[i]));

                var tpx = new XElement(activityExtensions + "TPX");
                if (speedMetrics is object && i < speedMetrics.Values.Length)
                    tpx.Add(new XElement(activityExtensions + "Speed", ConvertToMetersPerSecond(speedMetrics.GetValue(i), samples)));

                if (outputMetrics is object && i < outputMetrics.Values.Length)
                    tpx.Add(new XElement(activityExtensions + "Watts", outputMetrics.Values[i]));

                if (resistanceMetrics is object && i < resistanceMetrics.Values.Length)
                    tpx.Add(new XElement(activityExtensions + "Resistance", resistanceMetrics.Values[i]));

                var trackPointExtension = new XElement("Extensions");

                trackPoint.Add(new XElement("Time", GetTimeStamp(startTime, i)));


            var lap = new XElement("Lap");

            lap.SetAttributeValue("StartTime", GetTimeStamp(startTime));
            lap.Add(new XElement("TotalTimeSeconds", workout.Ride.Duration));
            lap.Add(new XElement("Intensity", "Active"));
            lap.Add(new XElement("Triggermethod", "Manual"));
            lap.Add(new XElement("DistanceMeters", GetTotalDistance(samples)));
            lap.Add(new XElement("MaximumSpeed", GetMaxSpeedMetersPerSecond(samples)));
            lap.Add(new XElement("Calories", GetCalorieSummary(samples)?.Value));
            lap.Add(new XElement("AverageHeartRateBpm", new XElement("Value", hrSummary?.Average_Value)));
            lap.Add(new XElement("MaximumHeartRateBpm", new XElement("Value", hrSummary?.Max_Value)));

            var activity = new XElement("Activity");

            activity.SetAttributeValue("Sport", sport);
            activity.Add(new XElement("Id", GetTimeStamp(startTime)));

            var activities = new XElement("Activities");


            var root = new XElement("TrainingCenterDatabase",
                                    //new XAttribute("xsi:" + "schemaLocation", ""),
                                    new XAttribute(XNamespace.Xmlns + nameof(ns1), ns1.NamespaceName),
                                    new XAttribute(XNamespace.Xmlns + nameof(activityExtensions), activityExtensions.NamespaceName),
                                    new XAttribute(XNamespace.Xmlns + nameof(trackPointExtensions), trackPointExtensions.NamespaceName),
                                    new XAttribute(XNamespace.Xmlns + nameof(profileExtension), profileExtension.NamespaceName));


 public void AddWorkoutToHistory(Workout workout, string duration, string date, int caloriesBurned, IWorkoutRepository workoutRepository, List <int> reps, List <int> weights)
     workoutRepository.AddWorkoutToHistory(workout, duration, date, caloriesBurned, reps, weights);
 private void InsertWorkout(Workout workout)
 public void StartWorkout(IStartWorkoutView form, Workout workout, IWorkoutRepository workoutRepository, IMainController mainController)
     form.ShowWorkoutSession(mainController, workout);
        protected override void OnCreate(Bundle savedInstanceState)

            // Create your application here


                //Create Database
                db = new Database();

                //Load Data

                var create = FindViewById <Button>(Resource.Id.create);
                var PPLPPL = FindViewById <Button>(Resource.Id.PPLPPL);

                create.Click += async delegate
                        var intent = new Intent(this, typeof(WorkoutCreator));

                    catch (Exception e)
                        System.Exception myException = e;
                        Toast            error       = Toast.MakeText(this, e.Message, ToastLength.Short);

                PPLPPL.Click += async delegate
                        Info info = new Info()
                            Id          = listSource[0].Id,
                            Name        = listSource[0].Name,
                            Sex         = listSource[0].Sex,
                            Weight      = listSource[0].Weight,
                            Username    = listSource[0].Name,
                            Password    = listSource[0].Password,
                            Bench       = "0",
                            Squat       = "0",
                            Dead        = "0",
                            Ohp         = "0",
                            BenchActual = "0",
                            SquatActual = "0",
                            DeadActual  = "0",
                            OhpActual   = "0",
                            Unit        = "",
                            Month       = "",
                            x           = "",
                            Lower       = "",
                            Upper       = "",
                            Week        = "",
                            Workout     = "PPLPPL",
                            Days        = 5


                            var test = listSourceWorkout[0].Day;

                            Toast toast = Toast.MakeText(this, "before " + listSourceWorkout[0].Id + " " + test, ToastLength.Short);

                            Workout workout = new Workout()

                                Id  = listSourceWorkout[0].Id,
                                Day = "Push"

                            Toast toast2 = Toast.MakeText(this, "after " + listSourceWorkout[0].Id + " " + listSourceWorkout[0].Day, ToastLength.Short);
                            Workout workout = new Workout()

                                Id  = 0,
                                Day = "Push"


                            var test = listSourceWorkout[1].Day;

                            Workout workout2 = new Workout()

                                Id  = listSourceWorkout[1].Id,
                                Day = "Pull"

                            Workout workout2 = new Workout()

                                Id  = 1,
                                Day = "Pull"

                            var test = listSourceWorkout[2].Day;

                            Workout workout3 = new Workout()

                                Id  = listSourceWorkout[2].Id,
                                Day = "Push2"

                            Workout workout3 = new Workout()

                                Id  = 2,
                                Day = "Push2"

                            var test = listSourceWorkout[3].Day;

                            Workout workout4 = new Workout()

                                Id  = listSourceWorkout[3].Id,
                                Day = "Pull2"

                            Workout workout4 = new Workout()

                                Id  = 3,
                                Day = "Pull2"

                            var test = listSourceWorkout[4].Day;

                            Workout workout5 = new Workout()

                                Id  = listSourceWorkout[4].Id,
                                Day = "Legs"

                            Workout workout5 = new Workout()

                                Id  = 4,
                                Day = "Legs"



                        Toast resp = Toast.MakeText(this, "Workout " + listSource[0].Workout + " Saved", ToastLength.Short);

                        var intent = new Intent(this, typeof(ProgramHome));
                    catch (Exception e)
                        System.Exception myException = e;
                        Toast            error       = Toast.MakeText(this, e.Message, ToastLength.Short);
            catch (Exception e)
                System.Exception myException = e;
                Toast            error       = Toast.MakeText(this, e.Message, ToastLength.Short);
 private string GetFlexEmbed(Workout workout)
     string ret = "<object classid=\"clsid:D27CDB6E-AE6D-11cf-96B8-444553540000\" id=\"ATI_Aqufit\" width=\"100%\" height=\"100%\" codebase=\"\">";
     ret += "<param name=\"movie\" value=\"" + ResolveUrl("~/DesktopModules/ATI_Base/resources/flex/Scratch.swf") + "\" />";
     ret += "<param name=\"quality\" value=\"high\" /><param name=\"bgcolor\" value=\"#FFFFFF\" />";
     ret += "<param name=\"flashvars\" value=\"u=" + ProfileSettings.UserKey + "&w="+workout.Id + "&url=\" />";
     ret += "<param name=\"allowScriptAccess\" value=\"sameDomain\" />";
     ret += "<param name=\"wmode\" VALUE=\"transparent\">";
     ret += "<embed src=\"" + ResolveUrl("~/DesktopModules/ATI_Base/resources/flex/Scratch.swf") + "\" wmode=\"transparent\" quality=\"high\" bgcolor=\"#FFFFFF\" width=\"100%\" height=\"100%\" name=\"ATI_Aqufit\" align=\"middle\" play=\"true\" loop=\"false\" quality=\"high\" allowScriptAccess=\"sameDomain\" type=\"application/x-shockwave-flash\"";
     ret += " flashvars=\"u=" + ProfileSettings.UserKey + "&w=" + workout.Id + "&url=\"";
     ret += " pluginspage=\"\"></embed></object>";
     return ret;
 public void CreateWorkout([FromForm] Workout model)
 public static IWorkout MapRunWorkout(Workout tpWorkout)
     IRunWorkout runWorkout = new RunWorkout();
     runWorkout.CadenceAverage = tpWorkout.CadenceAverage;
     runWorkout.CadenceMaximum = tpWorkout.CadenceMaximum;
     runWorkout.PowerAverage = tpWorkout.PowerAverage;
     runWorkout.PowerMaximum = tpWorkout.PowerMaximum;
     runWorkout.StartDate = tpWorkout.WorkoutDay;
     runWorkout.StartTime = tpWorkout.StartTime;
     if (tpWorkout.TimeTotalInSeconds.HasValue)
         runWorkout.Duration = new TimeSpan(0, 0, (int)tpWorkout.TimeTotalInSeconds);
     runWorkout.DistanceInMeters = tpWorkout.DistanceInMeters;
     runWorkout.VelocityAverage = tpWorkout.VelocityAverage;
     runWorkout.VelocityMaximum = tpWorkout.VelocityMaximum;
     runWorkout.HeartRateAverage = tpWorkout.HeartRateAverage;
     runWorkout.HeartRateMaximum = tpWorkout.HeartRateMaximum;
     runWorkout.HeartRateMinimum = tpWorkout.HeartRateMinimum;
     runWorkout.TPWorkoutID = tpWorkout.WorkoutId;
     return runWorkout;
 public IActionResult UpdateWorkout(int id, [FromBody] Workout model)
     _db.Workout.UpdateWorkout(id, model);
        public async Task <Workout> Update(long id, int uId, Workout model)
            if (model.Exercises.Count() < 1)
                throw new Exception("Workout must include at least 1 exercise.");

            if (model.Exercises == null)
                throw new Exception("Exercises cannot be null.");

            StringBuilder response = new StringBuilder();

            if (string.IsNullOrWhiteSpace(model.Name))
                response.Append("Workout: Name cannot be null or empty.");

            Workout workoutEntity = await _context.Workouts.Include(x => x.Exercises).SingleOrDefaultAsync(x => x.UserId == uId && x.WorkoutId == id);

            if (workoutEntity == null)
                throw new Exception("Workout could not be found.");

            workoutEntity.Name  = model.Name;
            workoutEntity.Notes = model.Notes;

            List <Exercise> remove = new List <Exercise>();

            foreach (Exercise exerciseEntity in workoutEntity.Exercises)
                var exerciseMatch = model.Exercises.SingleOrDefault(x => x.ExerciseId == exerciseEntity.ExerciseId);
                if (exerciseMatch == null)
                    exerciseEntity.Reps       = exerciseMatch.Reps;
                    exerciseEntity.Sets       = exerciseMatch.Sets;
                    exerciseEntity.UserId     = exerciseMatch.UserId;
                    exerciseEntity.ExerciseId = exerciseMatch.ExerciseId;
                    exerciseEntity.Weight     = exerciseMatch.Weight;

            for (int i = 0; i < model.Exercises.Count(); i++)
                Exercise      exercise       = model.Exercises[i];
                StringBuilder exerciseSb     = new StringBuilder();
                string        exerciseString = $"Exercise {i}: ";

                if (exercise.Reps < 0 || exercise.Reps > 255)
                    exerciseSb.Append($"Reps must be between 0 and 255. ");
                if (exercise.Sets < 0 || exercise.Sets > 255)
                    exerciseSb.Append("Sets must be between 0 and 255. ");
                if (exercise.Weight < 0 || exercise.Weight > 32767)
                    exerciseSb.Append("Weight must be between 0 and 32767. ");
                if (exerciseSb.Length > 0)
                    throw new Exception(exerciseSb.Insert(0, exerciseString).ToString());
                exercise.WorkoutId = workoutEntity.WorkoutId;
                exercise.UserId    = uId;
                if (exercise.ExerciseId == 0)
                    await _context.Exercises.AddAsync(exercise);
            await _context.SaveChangesAsync();

Beispiel #28
 public Task <int> SaveItemAsync(Workout item)
 public static IWorkout MapCustomWorkout(Workout tpWorkout)
     ICustomWorkout customWorkout = new CustomWorkout();
     customWorkout.TPWorkoutID = tpWorkout.WorkoutId;
     customWorkout.StartDate = tpWorkout.WorkoutDay;
     customWorkout.StartTime = tpWorkout.StartTime;
     if (tpWorkout.TimeTotalInSeconds.HasValue)
         customWorkout.Duration = new TimeSpan(0, 0, (int)tpWorkout.TimeTotalInSeconds);
     return customWorkout;
Beispiel #30
 public Task <int> DeleteItemAsync(Workout item)
Beispiel #31
        public string getWokoutStreamData(long userSettingsKey, Workout workout)
            aqufitEntities entities = new aqufitEntities();
            //UserSettings settings = gid > 0 ? entities.UserSettings.FirstOrDefault(s => s.Id == gid) : entities.UserSettings.FirstOrDefault(s => s.UserKey == uid && s.PortalKey == pid);

            //IList<long> friendIds = new List<long>();
            if (mode == 0)  // NORMAL MODE
                friendIds = ((perm == Convert.ToInt32(Affine.Dnn.Modules.ATI_PermissionPageBase.AqufitPermission.PUBLIC)) ? new List<long>() : entities.UserFriends.Where(f => (f.SrcUserSettingKey == profileSettings.Id || f.DestUserSettingKey == profileSettings.Id) && f.Relationship == (int)Affine.Utils.ConstsUtil.Relationships.FRIEND ).Select(f => (f.SrcUserSettingKey == profileSettings.Id ? f.DestUserSettingKey : f.SrcUserSettingKey)).ToList());
                friendIds.Add(profileSettings.Id);    // PERMISSIONS: add the users own stream (we always show the users stream unless they change settings )  TODO: permissions user settings
            else if (mode == 1) // FOLOW MODE
                friendIds = entities.UserFriends.Where(f => f.SrcUserSettingKey == profileSettings.Id && f.Relationship == (int)Affine.Utils.ConstsUtil.Relationships.FOLLOW ).Select(f => f.DestUserSettingKey).ToList();
                friendIds.Add(profileSettings.Id);    // PERMISSIONS: add the users own stream (we always show the users stream unless they change settings )  TODO: permissions user settings
            else if (mode == 3) // Just "My" stream
                friendIds.Add(profileSettings.Id);    // PERMISSIONS: add the users own stream (we always show the users stream unless they change settings )  TODO: permissions user settings
            IQueryable<UserStream> stream = null;
            if (mode == 2) // Favorites
                stream = entities.User2StreamFavorites.Include("UserStreamSet").Where(f => f.UserKey == profile && f.PortalKey == pid).Select(s => s.UserStream).OrderByDescending(s => s.TimeStamp).ThenByDescending(s => s.Date).Skip(skip).Take(take);
                // hydrate the usersettings
                stream.Select(s => s.UserSetting).ToArray();

                stream = entities.UserStreamSet.Include("UserSetting").Where(LinqUtils.BuildContainsExpression<UserStream, long>(s => s.UserSetting.Id, friendIds)).Where(s => s.PortalKey == pid && (s.GroupKey == null || s.GroupKey == gid))
                                                    .Where(s => (s.PublishSettings == 0) || (s.PublishSettings == 1 && s.UserSetting.UserKey == profile) || (s.PublishSettings == 2 && s.UserSetting.UserKey != profile))  // This statment takes out publishing to a firends stream (PublishSettings == 1) byt leaves it in your own
                                                    .OrderByDescending(s => s.TimeStamp).ThenByDescending(s => s.Date).Skip(skip).Take(take);  // TODO: check that this operation is deffered and we are not querying the whole stream (profiling)
            IQueryable<Workout> stream = null;
            // TODO: this sux harsh... but all my Garmin/Nike workouts come in as "Untitled" ... so lets ignore garmin
            if (workout.DataSrc == (int)Affine.Utils.WorkoutUtil.DataSrc.GARMIN || workout.DataSrc == (int)Affine.Utils.WorkoutUtil.DataSrc.NIKE_NO_MAP)
                stream = entities.UserStreamSet.OfType<Workout>().Include("WOD").Include("UserSetting").Where(w => w.Id == workout.Id)
                                                        .OrderByDescending(s => s.TimeStamp).ThenByDescending(s => s.Date);
                stream = entities.UserStreamSet.OfType<Workout>().Include("WOD").Include("UserSetting").Where(w => w.UserSetting.Id == userSettingsKey && w.WorkoutTypeKey == workout.WorkoutTypeKey && w.Title == workout.Title)
                                                        .OrderByDescending(s => s.TimeStamp).ThenByDescending(s => s.Date);
                // TODO: this is the only way i can hydrate the Metrics..
            stream.Select(m => m.UserSetting.Metrics).ToArray();
            UserComment[] comments = entities.UserComment.Include("UserSetting").Where(LinqUtils.BuildContainsExpression<UserComment, long>(c => c.UserStream.Id, stream.Select(s => s.Id))).ToArray();

            string json = _jserializer.Serialize(_IStreamManager.UserStreamArrayToStreamDataArray(stream.ToArray(), comments));
            return json;
        private void DisplayWorkoutStatistics(Workout workout)
            string html = string.Empty;
            string title = string.Empty;
            string statUrl = string.Empty;
            hiddenWorkoutKey.Value = "" + workout.Id;
            aqufitEntities entities = new aqufitEntities();
            // First lets find out "How" we want to compare/display the workout based on the type that it is
            Affine.Utils.WorkoutUtil.WorkoutType wt = WorkoutUtil.IntToWorkoutType( (int)workout.WorkoutTypeKey );
            html += "<ul>";
            if (wt == WorkoutUtil.WorkoutType.CROSSFIT)
                WOD wod = entities.WODs.Include("WODType").First(w => w.Id == workout.WOD.Id);
                // crossfit stats are going to be a bit different... we want to do things like this..
                // say you just did Fran ..
                // 1) how many times have you done it... was it your best time?
                // 2) If it was a group posted workout.. how many people have also posted it so far..
                // 3) How many people in your group did you do better than?
                // 4) If not a group post... how many friends/compare pallet people did you do better then?
                IList<long> friendIds = entities.UserFriends.Where(f => (f.SrcUserSettingKey == this.ProfileSettings.Id || f.DestUserSettingKey == this.ProfileSettings.Id) && f.Relationship == (int)Affine.Utils.ConstsUtil.Relationships.FRIEND ).Select(f => (f.SrcUserSettingKey == this.ProfileSettings.Id ? f.DestUserSettingKey : f.SrcUserSettingKey)).ToList();
                friendIds.Add(workout.UserSetting.Id); // add you into the list
                IQueryable<Workout> allFriendsWorkouts = entities.UserStreamSet.OfType<Workout>().Where(w => w.WOD != null && w.WOD.Id == workout.WOD.Id).Where(LinqUtils.BuildContainsExpression<Workout, long>(w => w.UserSetting.Id, friendIds));
                IQueryable<Workout> doneBeforeQuery = allFriendsWorkouts.Where(w => w.UserSetting.Id == workout.UserSetting.Id);
                int doneBeforeCount = doneBeforeQuery.Count();
                title = workout.Title;
                statUrl = ResolveUrl("~/") + UserSettings.UserName + "/workout/" + workout.Id;

                html += "<li>This is the " + UnitsUtil.numberToNumberPlaceString(doneBeforeCount) + " time you have done this workout.</li>";
                if (doneBeforeCount > 1)
                {   // need to know if this is timed or scored ect ..
                    if (wod.WODType.Id == (long)WorkoutUtil.WodType.TIMED)
                        int place = doneBeforeQuery.OrderBy(w => w.Duration).Where(w => w.Duration < workout.Duration).Count() + 1;
                        html += "<li>This is the " + UnitsUtil.numberToNumberPlaceString(place) + " best time for this workout.</li>";
                    else if (wod.WODType.Id == (long)WorkoutUtil.WodType.AMRAP || wod.WODType.Id == (long)WorkoutUtil.WodType.SCORE )
                        int place = doneBeforeQuery.OrderBy(w => w.Score).Where(w => w.Score > workout.Score).Count() + 1;
                        html += "<li>This is the " + UnitsUtil.numberToNumberPlaceString(place) + " best score for this workout.</li>";
                    else if (wod.WODType.Id == (long)WorkoutUtil.WodType.MAX_WEIGHT)
                        int place = doneBeforeQuery.OrderBy(w => w.Max).Where(w => w.Max >= workout.Max).Count();
                        html += "<li>This is the " + UnitsUtil.numberToNumberPlaceString(place) + " highest weight for this workout.</li>";
                // 2) If it was a group posted workout.. how many people have also posted it so far..
                // check if this is a group workout..
                if (wod.UserSettingsKey != 1)
                    Group group = entities.UserSettings.OfType<Group>().FirstOrDefault(u => u.Id == wod.UserSettingsKey);
                    if (group != null)
                    {   // we need to get all the member ids...
                        long[] groupFriendIds = entities.UserFriends.Where(f => (f.SrcUserSettingKey == group.Id || f.DestUserSettingKey == group.Id) && f.Relationship >= (int)Affine.Utils.ConstsUtil.Relationships.GROUP_OWNER ).Select(f => (f.SrcUserSettingKey == group.Id ? f.DestUserSettingKey : f.SrcUserSettingKey)).ToArray();
                        IQueryable<Workout> allGroupEntries = entities.UserStreamSet.OfType<Workout>().Where(w => w.WOD != null && w.WOD.Id == workout.WOD.Id).Where(LinqUtils.BuildContainsExpression<Workout, long>(w => w.UserSetting.Id, groupFriendIds));
                        int gcount = allGroupEntries.Count();
                        html += "<li>So far " + UnitsUtil.numberToNumberPlaceString(gcount) + " members of " + group.UserName + " have posted this workout.</li>";
                        // TODO: how well are you doing in the group..
                // next we report on friends stats
                // TODO: we really only want to count peoples best times... right now 1 person could be in the query having done the workout 5 times..
                IQueryable<Workout> justFriends = allFriendsWorkouts.Where(w => w.UserSetting.Id != workout.UserSetting.Id);
                int friendsCount = justFriends.Count();
                html += "<li>"+friendsCount + " of your friends have post results for the workout.<br />";
                if (friendsCount > 0)
                    if (wod.WODType.Id == (long)WorkoutUtil.WodType.TIMED)
                        int place = allFriendsWorkouts.OrderBy(w => w.Duration).Where(w => w.Duration < workout.Duration).Count() + 1;
                        html += "This is the " + UnitsUtil.numberToNumberPlaceString(place) + " best time out of your firends.<br />";
                    else if (wod.WODType.Id == (long)WorkoutUtil.WodType.AMRAP || wod.WODType.Id == (long)WorkoutUtil.WodType.SCORE)
                        int place = allFriendsWorkouts.OrderBy(w => w.Score).Where(w => w.Score > workout.Score).Count() + 1;
                        html += "This is the " + UnitsUtil.numberToNumberPlaceString(place) + " best score out of your friends.<br />";
                    else if (wod.WODType.Id == (long)WorkoutUtil.WodType.MAX_WEIGHT)
                        int place = allFriendsWorkouts.OrderBy(w => w.Max).Where(w => w.Max >= workout.Max).Count();
                        html += "This is the " + UnitsUtil.numberToNumberPlaceString(place) + " highest weight out of your friends.<br />";
                html += "</li>";

                List<long> watchIds = entities.UserFriends.Where(f => (f.SrcUserSettingKey == this.ProfileSettings.Id ) && f.Relationship == (int)Affine.Utils.ConstsUtil.Relationships.FOLLOW).Select(f => f.DestUserSettingKey).ToList();

                watchIds.Add(workout.UserSetting.Id); // add you into the list
                IQueryable<Workout> allWatchListWorkouts = entities.UserStreamSet.OfType<Workout>().Where(w => w.WOD != null && w.WOD.Id == workout.WOD.Id).Where(LinqUtils.BuildContainsExpression<Workout, long>(w => w.UserSetting.Id, watchIds));
                IQueryable<Workout> justWatchList = allWatchListWorkouts.Where(u => u.UserSetting.Id != UserSettings.Id);
                int watchListCount = justWatchList.Count();
                html += "<li>"+watchListCount + " of the athletes in your Compare Pallet have results for this workout.<br />";
                if (watchListCount > 0)
                    if (wod.WODType.Id == (long)WorkoutUtil.WodType.TIMED)
                        int place = allWatchListWorkouts.OrderBy(w => w.Duration).Where(w => w.Duration < workout.Duration).Count() + 1;
                        html += "This is the " + UnitsUtil.numberToNumberPlaceString(place) + " best time out of your Compare Pallet.<br />";
                    else if (wod.WODType.Id == (long)WorkoutUtil.WodType.AMRAP || wod.WODType.Id == (long)WorkoutUtil.WodType.SCORE)
                        int place = allWatchListWorkouts.OrderBy(w => w.Score).Where(w => w.Score > workout.Score).Count() + 1;
                        html += "This is the " + UnitsUtil.numberToNumberPlaceString(place) + " best score out of your Compare Pallet.<br />";
                    else if (wod.WODType.Id == (long)WorkoutUtil.WodType.MAX_WEIGHT)
                        int place = allWatchListWorkouts.OrderBy(w => w.Max).Where(w => w.Max >= workout.Max).Count();
                        html += "This is the " + UnitsUtil.numberToNumberPlaceString(place) + " highest weight out of your Compare Pallet.<br />";
                html += "</li>";

                // report on stats if it is a "standard workout" (report the levels)
                if (wod.Standard > 0)
                    // need to know if this is timed or scored ect ..
                    if (wod.WODType.Id == (long)WorkoutUtil.WodType.TIMED)
                        int place = doneBeforeQuery.OrderBy(w => w.Duration).Where(w => w.Duration < workout.Duration).Count() + 1;
                        litDebug.Text += "This is the " + UnitsUtil.numberToNumberPlaceString(place) + " best time for this workout.<br />";
                    else if (wod.WODType.Id == (long)WorkoutUtil.WodType.AMRAP || wod.WODType.Id == (long)WorkoutUtil.WodType.SCORE)
                        int place = doneBeforeQuery.OrderBy(w => w.Score).Where(w => w.Score < workout.Score).Count() + 1;
                        litDebug.Text += "This is the " + UnitsUtil.numberToNumberPlaceString(place) + " best score for this workout.<br />";
                    else if (wod.WODType.Id == (long)WorkoutUtil.WodType.MAX_WEIGHT)
                        int place = doneBeforeQuery.OrderBy(w => w.Max).Where(w => w.Max < workout.Max).Count() + 1;
                        litDebug.Text += "This is the " + UnitsUtil.numberToNumberPlaceString(place) + " highest weight for this workout.<br />";

            else if (wt == WorkoutUtil.WorkoutType.WEIGHTS)
                // TODO: this section needs a lot of work...
            {   // TODO: we will want to break these appart.. but for now all cardio has the "same" stats
                // get all workouts of that type ... say "running"
                IQueryable<Workout> allWorkouts = entities.UserStreamSet.OfType<Workout>().Where(w => w.UserSetting.Id == UserSettings.Id && w.WorkoutTypeKey == workout.WorkoutTypeKey);
                // 1) Get some distance metrics
                IQueryable<Workout> allByDist = allWorkouts.Where(w => w.Distance.HasValue ).OrderBy(w => w.Distance);
                int longestRank = allByDist.Where(w => w.Distance >= workout.Distance).Count();

                // get the distance metric (5K, 10K, 15K, Half, Full)
                UnitsUtil.DistanceMetric dmet = UnitsUtil.distanceMetricRounder(workout.Distance.Value, Utils.WorkoutUtil.IntToWorkoutType( (int)workout.WorkoutTypeKey ));
                double lowBound = UnitsUtil.distanceMetricToDistance(dmet);
                double hightBound = UnitsUtil.distanceMetricToDistance(UnitsUtil.ToDistanceMetric((int)dmet - 1));
                IQueryable<Workout> allInRange = allByDist.Where(w => (w.Distance < hightBound && w.Distance >= lowBound));
                int rangeSize = allInRange.Count();
                int fastest = allInRange.Where(w => (w.Duration.HasValue && w.Duration <= workout.Duration)).Count();

                title = workout.Title + (workout.AvrPace.HasValue ? " ("+Utils.UnitsUtil.durationToTimeString( (long)workout.AvrPace.Value ) +")" : "");
                statUrl = ResolveUrl("~/") + UserSettings.UserName + "/workout/" + workout.Id;

                DateTime weekAgo = DateTime.Today.AddDays(-7);
                string wtName = Utils.WorkoutUtil.WorkoutTypeKeyToString((int)wt, false);
                if (workout.Date.CompareTo(weekAgo) >= 0)
                    int thisWeek = allByDist.Where(w => w.Date.CompareTo(weekAgo) >= 0).Count();

                    html += "<li>This was your " + UnitsUtil.numberToNumberPlaceString(thisWeek) + " " + wtName + " in the last <span class=\\\"calendar\\\">&nbsp;7</span> days</li>";
                DateTime monthAgo = DateTime.Today.AddDays(-30);
                if (workout.Date.CompareTo(monthAgo) >= 0)
                    int thisMonth = allByDist.Where(w => w.Date.CompareTo(monthAgo) >= 0).Count();
                    html += "<li>This was your " + UnitsUtil.numberToNumberPlaceString(thisMonth) + " " + wtName + " in the last <span class=\\\"calendar\\\">30</span> days</li>";
                // need to do pace info (pace for 5m, 10km, ect.. )
               //     IQueryable<Workout> allByPace = allInRange.Where(w => w.AvrPace.HasValue).OrderBy(w => w.AvrPace);
               //     int paceRank = allInRange.Where(w => w.AvrPace < workout.AvrPace).Count();

                // TODO: award badges based on when a person first gets to the above (1Mile, 5K, 10K, 15K, Half, Full)
                html += "<li>This was your " + UnitsUtil.numberToNumberPlaceString(longestRank) + " longest " + wtName + "</li>";
                html += "<li>This was your " + UnitsUtil.numberToNumberPlaceString(fastest) + " fastest time out of " + rangeSize + " " + wtName + "<br /> between range of " + UnitsUtil.DistanceMetricToString(dmet) + " and " + UnitsUtil.DistanceMetricToString(UnitsUtil.ToDistanceMetric((int)dmet - 1)) + ".</li>";
            //    html += "Your pace of " + workout.AvrPace + " was " + UnitsUtil.numberToNumberPlaceString(paceRank) + "<br />";

                // TODO: compare with some friends..
            html += "</ul>";
            // TODO: this is temp
            var json = new { html = html, title = title, statUrl = statUrl };
            JavaScriptSerializer serial = new JavaScriptSerializer();
            RadAjaxManager1.ResponseScripts.Add("'" + serial.Serialize(json) + "');  ");
Beispiel #33
 public void Create(Workout workout)
Beispiel #34
        public void UpdateWorkout(Workout workout)
            workout.EndDateTime = GetEndDateTime(workout);

Beispiel #35
 public static Workout WorkoutToWorkoutVM(WorkoutVM workoutVM)
     var workout = new Workout()
         WorkoutId = workoutVM.WorkoutId,
         Distance = workoutVM.Distance,
         TotalTime = workoutVM.TotalTime,
         Notes = workoutVM.Notes,
         DiaryFeelingId = workoutVM.DiaryFeelingId,
         WorkoutTypeId = workoutVM.WorkoutTypeId
     return workout;
 public void DeleteWorkout(Workout workout)
 public void CreateWorkout(Workout workout)
 public void DeleteWorkout(Workout workout, IWorkoutRepository workoutRepository)
 private Workout MapWorkoutViewModel(WorkoutViewModel model)
     var exercises = new List<Exercise>();
     foreach (var exercise in model.Exercises)
     var workout = new Workout
         Id = model.Id,
         WorkoutDate = model.WorkoutDate,
         Exercises = exercises
     return workout;
Beispiel #40
        public ActionResult <Workout> Create(Workout workout)

            return(CreatedAtRoute("GetWorkout", new { id = workout.Id.ToString() }, workout));