Beispiel #1
        /// <summary>
        /// 获取当前审批者列表(包括委托)
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="ApproverUser"></param>
        public static List <ApprovalWorklistItem> GetCurrentUserWorkListItem(string ApproverUser)
            Connection connection = GetK2Connection();

                ImpersonateUser(connection, ApproverUser);
                List <ApprovalWorklistItem> ApprovalWorklistItemList = new List <ApprovalWorklistItem>();
                SourceCode.Workflow.Client.WorklistCriteria criteria = new SourceCode.Workflow.Client.WorklistCriteria();
                criteria.Platform = "ASP";
                criteria.AddFilterField(SourceCode.Workflow.Client.WCLogical.And, SourceCode.Workflow.Client.WCField.ProcessFolder, SourceCode.Workflow.Client.WCCompare.Equal, GetK2ProcessFolder());
                criteria.AddFilterField(SourceCode.Workflow.Client.WCLogical.And, SourceCode.Workflow.Client.WCField.WorklistItemOwner, "Me", SourceCode.Workflow.Client.WCCompare.Equal, SourceCode.Workflow.Client.WCWorklistItemOwner.Me);

                //criteria.AddFilterField(SourceCode.Workflow.Client.WCLogical.Or, SourceCode.Workflow.Client.WCField.WorklistItemOwner, "Other", SourceCode.Workflow.Client.WCCompare.Equal, SourceCode.Workflow.Client.WCWorklistItemOwner.Other);
                Worklist worklist = connection.OpenWorklist(criteria);

                if (worklist != null && worklist.Count > 0)
                    foreach (SourceCode.Workflow.Client.WorklistItem item in worklist)
                        var work = new ApprovalWorklistItem();
                        work.SN              = item.SerialNumber;
                        work.ProcInstID      = item.ProcessInstance.ID.ToString();
                        work.ProcessName     = item.ProcessInstance.Name.Substring(4, item.ProcessInstance.Name.Length - 4);
                        work.Folio           = item.ProcessInstance.Folio;
                        work.StartDate       = item.ActivityInstanceDestination.StartDate.ToString("yyyy-MM-dd HH:mm:ss");
                        work.CurActivityName = item.ActivityInstanceDestination.Name;
                        work.URL             = item.Data;

                    ApprovalWorklistItemList.OrderByDescending(a => a.StartDate);
            catch (Exception ex)
                throw new K2Exception(ex.ToString());
                // 关闭连接
                if (connection != null)
        /// <summary>
        /// Create worklist class summary.
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="worklistClass"></param>
        /// <returns></returns>
        public WorklistClassSummary CreateClassSummary(Type worklistClass)
            var ptgClass = Worklist.GetProcedureTypeGroupClass(worklistClass);

            return(new WorklistClassSummary(
                       ptgClass == null ? null : ptgClass.Name,
                       ptgClass == null ? null : TerminologyTranslator.Translate(ptgClass),
        /// <summary>
        /// Constructor.
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="worklist"></param>
        /// <param name="wqc"></param>
        /// <param name="countQuery"></param>
        public WorklistQueryArgs(Worklist worklist, IWorklistQueryContext wqc, bool countQuery)
            this.Worklist       = worklist;
            this.QueryContext   = wqc;
            this.FilterCriteria = worklist.GetFilterCriteria(wqc);

            // init base class
                countQuery ? null : worklist.GetProjection(),
Beispiel #4
		/// <summary>
		/// Constructor.
		/// </summary>
		/// <param name="worklist"></param>
		/// <param name="wqc"></param>
		/// <param name="countQuery"></param>
		public WorklistQueryArgs(Worklist worklist, IWorklistQueryContext wqc, bool countQuery)
			this.Worklist = worklist;
			this.QueryContext = wqc;
			this.FilterCriteria = worklist.GetFilterCriteria(wqc);

			// init base class
				countQuery ? null : worklist.GetProjection(),
Beispiel #5
 internal IEnumerable <Diagnostic> BindAndAnalyzeCFG()
     _worklist = new Worklist <BoundBlock>(BindBlock);
     PhpCompilation.ReferenceManager manager = _compilation.GetBoundReferenceManager();
     if (!completedDiagnostics)
Beispiel #6
        public Object[] GetUserWorklistItems(String searchTerm, Int32 skip, Int32 take, Dictionary <WCField, WCSortOrder> sorts, out Int32 count, out Int32 totalCount)
            List <Object> o = new List <Object>();

            Worklist wl = WorkItemData.GetWorklistItems(searchTerm, skip, take, sorts, HttpContext.Current.User.Identity.Name);

            foreach (WorklistItem a in wl)
                DateTime StartDate;
                    if ((a.ActivityInstanceDestination.DataFields["SLAStartDate"].Value != null) &&
                        (a.ActivityInstanceDestination.DataFields["SLAStartDate"].ValueType == DataType.TypeDate))
                        StartDate = (DateTime)a.ActivityInstanceDestination.DataFields["SLAStartDate"].Value;
                        StartDate = a.ActivityInstanceDestination.StartDate;
                    StartDate = a.ActivityInstanceDestination.StartDate;
                // get the information from the folio
                string   folio       = a.ProcessInstance.Folio;
                string[] foliofields = folio.Split('/');
                string   PolicyID    = string.Empty;
                string   Insured     = string.Empty;
                if (foliofields.Length > 2)
                    PolicyID = foliofields[2].Trim();
                if (foliofields.Length > 4)
                    Insured = foliofields[4].Trim();

                o.Add(new { a.SerialNumber, a.ActivityInstanceDestination.Name, a.ProcessInstance.Folio, PolicyID, Insured, StartDate, a.AllocatedUser });

            //  This number represents a count taking into account a datatables filter.
            //  Not using this kind of filter?, so will always be total?
            count = wl.TotalCount;
            //  Total records before filter
            totalCount = wl.TotalCount;

Beispiel #7
        public WorkflowItem GetWorkflowItemBySN(string serialNumber, String impersonateUser)
            // if the serial number is null or empty we do not want to do any of this
            if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(serialNumber))
                using (var k2Connection = new Connection())
                    ConnectionSetup k2Setup = new ConnectionSetup();
                    k2Setup.ConnectionString = Properties.Settings.Default.WorkflowServerConnectionString;


                    if (!String.IsNullOrEmpty(impersonateUser))

                    var workCriteria = new WorklistCriteria {
                        NoData = false, Platform = "ASP"

                    if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(serialNumber))
                        workCriteria.AddFilterField(WCField.SerialNumber, WCCompare.Equal, serialNumber);

                    Worklist k2Worklist = k2Connection.OpenWorklist(workCriteria);

                    WorkflowItem retItem = null;

                    foreach (WorklistItem item in k2Worklist)
                        retItem = new WorkflowItem(item);

                    // now that we have the workflow item get the count of the related documents
                    if ((retItem != null) && (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(retItem.PolicyID)))
                        using (DocumentService.DocumentServiceClient client = new DocumentService.DocumentServiceClient())
                            retItem.RelatedDocumentCount = client.GetDocumentsCountForPolicy(retItem.PolicyID);

        /// <summary>
        /// Create worklist summary.
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="worklist"></param>
        /// <param name="context"></param>
        /// <returns></returns>
        public WorklistAdminSummary CreateWorklistSummary(Worklist worklist, IPersistenceContext context)
            var isStatic = Worklist.GetIsStatic(worklist.GetClass());

            var staffAssembler = new StaffAssembler();
            var groupAssembler = new StaffGroupAssembler();

            return(new WorklistAdminSummary(
                       isStatic ? null : worklist.GetRef(),
                       isStatic ? Worklist.GetDisplayName(worklist.GetClass()) : worklist.Name,
                       isStatic ? Worklist.GetDescription(worklist.GetClass()) : worklist.Description,
                       worklist.Owner.IsStaffOwner ? staffAssembler.CreateStaffSummary(worklist.Owner.Staff, context) : null,
                       worklist.Owner.IsGroupOwner ? groupAssembler.CreateSummary(worklist.Owner.Group) : null));
Beispiel #9
        public WorklistSummary GetWorklistSummary(Worklist worklist, IPersistenceContext context)
            StaffAssembler      staffAssembler = new StaffAssembler();
            StaffGroupAssembler groupAssembler = new StaffGroupAssembler();

            return(new WorklistSummary(
                       worklist.Owner.IsStaffOwner ? staffAssembler.CreateStaffSummary(worklist.Owner.Staff, context) : null,
                       worklist.Owner.IsGroupOwner ? groupAssembler.CreateSummary(worklist.Owner.Group) : null));
Beispiel #10
        private SourceCompiler(PhpCompilation compilation, PEModuleBuilder moduleBuilder, bool emittingPdb, DiagnosticBag diagnostics, CancellationToken cancellationToken)

            _compilation       = compilation;
            _moduleBuilder     = moduleBuilder;
            _emittingPdb       = emittingPdb;
            _diagnostics       = diagnostics;
            _cancellationToken = cancellationToken;

            // parallel worklist algorithm
            _worklist = new Worklist <BoundBlock>(AnalyzeBlock);

            // semantic model
Beispiel #11
        private SourceCompiler(PhpCompilation compilation, PEModuleBuilder moduleBuilder, bool emittingPdb, DiagnosticBag diagnostics)

            _compilation = compilation;
            _moduleBuilder = moduleBuilder;
            _emittingPdb = emittingPdb;
            _diagnostics = diagnostics;

            // parallel worklist algorithm
            _worklist = new Worklist<BoundBlock>(AnalyzeBlock);

            // semantic model
Beispiel #12
        public Worklist GetWorklistItems(String searchTerm, Int32 skip, Int32 take, Dictionary <WCField, WCSortOrder> sorts, String impersonateUser)
            using (var k2Connection = new Connection())
                ConnectionSetup k2Setup = new ConnectionSetup();
                k2Setup.ConnectionString = Properties.Settings.Default.WorkflowServerConnectionString;


                if (!String.IsNullOrEmpty(impersonateUser))
                    k2Connection.ImpersonateUser("K2:" + impersonateUser);

                var workCriteria = new WorklistCriteria {
                    NoData = true, Platform = "ASP"

                if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(searchTerm))
                    String searchTermFormat = String.Format("%{0}%", searchTerm);
                    workCriteria.AddFilterField(WCLogical.StartBracket, WCField.None, WCCompare.Equal, null);           //  (
                    workCriteria.AddFilterField(WCField.ActivityName, WCCompare.Like, searchTermFormat);                //  ...
                    workCriteria.AddFilterField(WCLogical.Or, WCField.EventName, WCCompare.Like, searchTermFormat);     //  OR ...
                    workCriteria.AddFilterField(WCLogical.Or, WCField.ProcessFolio, WCCompare.Like, searchTermFormat);  //  OR ...
                    workCriteria.AddFilterField(WCLogical.EndBracket, WCField.None, WCCompare.Equal, null);             //  )

                //  No AND required - seems like bug - this bit gets put in a different bit of the query K2 creates.
                //  Hide allocated items like the SharePoint K2 worlist does by default.
                workCriteria.AddFilterField(WCField.WorklistItemStatus, WCCompare.NotEqual, WorklistStatus.Allocated);

                workCriteria.StartIndex = skip;
                workCriteria.Count      = take;

                foreach (KeyValuePair <WCField, WCSortOrder> sort in sorts)
                    workCriteria.AddSortField(sort.Key, sort.Value);

                Worklist k2Worklist = k2Connection.OpenWorklist(workCriteria);

        //impersonating another user samples
        public static void ImpersonateSamples()
            //we will wrap the connection into a using statement to ensure it is disposed properly
            using (Connection K2Conn = new Connection())
                //you must first establish a connection with the current credentials (or specific credentials) before you can impersonate
                //once you have connected to K2, you can impersonate another user, PROVIDED that the connected account
                //has the "Impersonate" permission on the K2 environment
                K2Conn.ImpersonateUser("[securityLabelName]:[username]"); //example: K2Conn.ImpersonateUser("K2:domain\username");
                //now that you have impersonated a user, you can perform actiosn on behalf of that user. here we will retrieve that user's worklist
                Worklist K2WL = K2Conn.OpenWorklist();
                //do something with the impersonated user's worklist

                //when you are done impersonating, you can revert to the original user account
Beispiel #14
        private void ActionWorklistitem()
            string processInstanceId = base.GetStringProperty(Constants.SOProperties.ClientWorklist.ProcessId, true);
            string activityName      = base.GetStringProperty(Constants.SOProperties.ClientWorklist.ActivityName, true);
            string actionName        = base.GetStringProperty(Constants.SOProperties.ClientWorklist.ActionName, true);

            using (Connection k2Con = new Connection())

                WorklistCriteria wc = new WorklistCriteria();
                wc.Platform = base.Platform;
                wc.AddFilterField(WCField.ProcessID, WCCompare.Equal, processInstanceId);
                wc.AddFilterField(WCLogical.And, WCField.ActivityName, WCCompare.Equal, activityName);
                Worklist wl = k2Con.OpenWorklist(wc);

                if (wl.TotalCount == 0)
                    throw new ApplicationException("No worklist item found with those criteria.");

                if (wl.TotalCount > 1)
                    throw new ApplicationException("More than one worklist item found with those criteria.");

                foreach (SourceCode.Workflow.Client.Action a in wl[0].Actions)
                    if (string.Compare(a.Name, actionName, true) == 0)

                throw new ApplicationException("Failed to find the action specified. Worklist item was found.");
        private void ActionWorklistitem()
            string processInstanceId = base.GetStringProperty(Constants.SOProperties.ClientWorklist.ProcessId, true);
            string activityName      = base.GetStringProperty(Constants.SOProperties.ClientWorklist.ActivityName, true);
            string actionName        = base.GetStringProperty(Constants.SOProperties.ClientWorklist.ActionName, true);

            using (Connection k2Con = this.ServiceBroker.K2Connection.GetWorkflowClientConnection())
                WorklistCriteria wc = new WorklistCriteria();
                wc.Platform = base.Platform;
                wc.AddFilterField(WCField.ProcessID, WCCompare.Equal, processInstanceId);
                wc.AddFilterField(WCLogical.And, WCField.ActivityName, WCCompare.Equal, activityName);
                Worklist wl = k2Con.OpenWorklist(wc);

                if (wl.TotalCount == 0)
                    throw new ApplicationException(Resources.NoWorklistItemFound);

                if (wl.TotalCount > 1)
                    throw new ApplicationException(Resources.MoreThanOneWorklistItemFound);

                foreach (SourceCode.Workflow.Client.Action a in wl[0].Actions)
                    if (string.Compare(a.Name, actionName, true) == 0)

                throw new ApplicationException(Resources.FailedToFindTheAction);
Beispiel #16
        public LoadStaffGroupEditorFormDataResponse LoadStaffGroupEditorFormData(LoadStaffGroupEditorFormDataRequest request)
            var allStaff = PersistenceContext.GetBroker <IStaffBroker>().FindAll(false);

            var worklistClasses = WorklistAdminService.ListClassesHelper(null, null, false);

            // grab the persistent worklists
            var broker = PersistenceContext.GetBroker <IWorklistBroker>();
            var persistentClassNames =
                CollectionUtils.Select(worklistClasses, t => !Worklist.GetIsStatic(t))
                .ConvertAll(t => Worklist.GetClassName(t));

            var adminWorklists = broker.Find(null, false, persistentClassNames, null);

            var staffAssembler    = new StaffAssembler();
            var worklistAssembler = new WorklistAssembler();

            return(new LoadStaffGroupEditorFormDataResponse(
                       CollectionUtils.Map(allStaff, (Staff staff) => staffAssembler.CreateStaffSummary(staff, PersistenceContext)),
                       CollectionUtils.Map(adminWorklists, (Worklist worklist) => worklistAssembler.GetWorklistSummary(worklist, PersistenceContext))
Beispiel #17
        public static List <WorklistTicket> GetTickets(Guid OrgId, int DeptId, int UserId, string statusMode, string status, string role, bool IsTechAdmin, bool IsUseWorkDaysTimer, int page, int limit)
            DataTable tickets = null;

            Worklist.QueryFilter _qFilter = new Worklist.QueryFilter();

            if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(statusMode))
                Worklist.TicketStatusMode ticketStatusMode;
                if (Enum.TryParse <Worklist.TicketStatusMode>(statusMode, true, out ticketStatusMode))
                    _qFilter.TicketStatus = ticketStatusMode;

                Worklist.SortMode ticketSortMode;
                if (Enum.TryParse <Worklist.SortMode>(role, true, out ticketSortMode))
                    _qFilter.Sort = ticketSortMode;
                int queueId;
                if (int.TryParse(status, out queueId))
                    _qFilter.TechnicianId = queueId;
                tickets = Worklist.SelectTicketsByFilter(OrgId, DeptId, UserId, _qFilter, IsTechAdmin);
                role = role ?? "";
                bool isUser    = role.Contains("user");
                bool isAltTech = role.Contains("alt_tech");
                role = isAltTech ? role.Replace("alt_tech", "") : role;
                bool isTech = role.Contains("tech");

                status  = status == null ? "" : status.Replace("_", "");
                tickets = Worklist.SelectTicketsByFilter(OrgId, DeptId, UserId, isUser, isTech, isAltTech, status, IsTechAdmin);
            return((new WorklistTickets(tickets)).Skip(page * limit).Take(limit).ToList());
        //opening worklist sample
        public static void OpenWorklistSamples()
            //you must open a K2 connection first. We will wrap the K2 connection into a using statement to ensure that it is closed
            using (Connection K2Conn = new Connection())
                //retrieve the entire worklist for the current user
                Worklist K2WList = K2Conn.OpenWorklist();

                //or retrieve the worklist for a specific platform ("platform" not really used that often anymore). The default platform for worklist items is ASP
                Worklist K2WList1 = K2Conn.OpenWorklist("ASP");

                //or retrieve the worklist for a specific platform and a user managed by the current user.
                //This requires that the reporting structure is set up correctly in the underlying user provider (Active Directory or custom user manager)
                Worklist K2WList2 = K2Conn.OpenWorklist("ASP", @"[domain\username]");

                //you can also retrieve the worklist with a criteria filter. OpenWorklist can be an expensive operation, so use criteria to perform server-side filtering of the worklist
                //for large worklists you should always use criteria to reduce the size of the worklist that is returned to the client
                WorklistCriteria K2Crit = new WorklistCriteria();
                //you can set up various combinations of filters and sorts in the criteria object. Refer to the product documentation for more samples
                //here, we are filtering for all workflows for the project K2Learning where the priority equals 1. We want to sort the task list by workflow start date
                K2Crit.AddFilterField(WCField.ProcessFolder, WCCompare.Equal, "[FolderName]");
                K2Crit.AddFilterField(WCLogical.And, WCField.ProcessPriority, WCCompare.Equal, 1);
                K2Crit.AddSortField(WCField.ProcessStartDate, WCSortOrder.Descending);
                Worklist K2WList3 = K2Conn.OpenWorklist(K2Crit);

                int numberOfTasks = K2WList.TotalCount;

                //once you have retrieved the worklist, you can iterate over the worklist items in the worklist
                foreach (WorklistItem K2WLItem in K2WList)
                    string serialNumber = K2WLItem.SerialNumber;
                    string status       = K2WLItem.Status.ToString();
                    //to access more information, drill down into the relevant object contained in the worklist item
                    string Folio = K2WLItem.ProcessInstance.Folio;
Beispiel #19
 public static Worklist GetAllWorkItem(string Account)
     using (Connection conn = new Connection())
         Worklist retitem = null;
             conn.Open(K2ServerName, GetConnString());
             retitem = conn.OpenWorklist();
Beispiel #20
 public static Worklist GetWorklistItem(string account)
     using (Connection conn = new Connection())
         Worklist wlt = null;
             conn.Open(K2ServerName, GetConnString());
             wlt = conn.OpenWorklist();
        public static List <Type> ListClassesHelper(List <string> classNames, List <string> categories, bool includeStatic)
            var worklistClasses = (IEnumerable <Type>)WorklistFactory.Instance.ListWorklistClasses(true);

            // optionally filter classes by class name
            if (classNames != null && classNames.Count > 0)
                worklistClasses = worklistClasses.Where(t => classNames.Contains(Worklist.GetClassName(t)));

            // optionally filter classes by category
            if (categories != null && categories.Count > 0)
                worklistClasses = worklistClasses.Where(t => categories.Contains(Worklist.GetCategory(t)));

            // optionally exclude static
            if (!includeStatic)
                worklistClasses = worklistClasses.Where(t => !Worklist.GetIsStatic(t));

            // manually exclude some classes based on workflow settings
            var workflowConfig = new WorkflowConfigurationReader();

            if (!workflowConfig.EnableInterpretationReviewWorkflow)
                worklistClasses = worklistClasses.Where(t => !_interpretationReviewClasses.Contains(Worklist.GetClassName(t)));
            if (!workflowConfig.EnableTranscriptionReviewWorkflow)
                worklistClasses = worklistClasses.Where(t => !_transcriptionReviewClasses.Contains(Worklist.GetClassName(t)));

        private GetWorklistEditFormChoicesResponse GetWorklistEditFormChoices(GetWorklistEditFormChoicesRequest request)
            var response = new GetWorklistEditFormChoicesResponse();

            var assembler = new WorklistAdminAssembler();

            response.WorklistClasses = CollectionUtils.Map <Type, WorklistClassSummary>(
                ListClassesHelper(null, null, false),

            var staffAssembler = new StaffAssembler();

            response.StaffChoices = CollectionUtils.Map <Staff, StaffSummary>(
                this.PersistenceContext.GetBroker <IStaffBroker>().FindAll(false),
                item => staffAssembler.CreateStaffSummary(item, PersistenceContext));

            var staffGroupAssembler = new StaffGroupAssembler();

            response.GroupSubscriberChoices = CollectionUtils.Map <StaffGroup, StaffGroupSummary>(
                this.PersistenceContext.GetBroker <IStaffGroupBroker>().FindAll(false),

            var facilityAssembler = new FacilityAssembler();

            response.FacilityChoices = CollectionUtils.Map <Facility, FacilitySummary>(
                this.PersistenceContext.GetBroker <IFacilityBroker>().FindAll(false),

            var departmentAssembler = new DepartmentAssembler();

            response.DepartmentChoices = CollectionUtils.Map(
                this.PersistenceContext.GetBroker <IDepartmentBroker>().FindAll(false),
                (Department item) => departmentAssembler.CreateSummary(item, PersistenceContext));

            var locationAssembler = new LocationAssembler();

            response.PatientLocationChoices = CollectionUtils.Map <Location, LocationSummary>(
                this.PersistenceContext.GetBroker <ILocationBroker>().FindAll(false),

            response.OrderPriorityChoices = EnumUtils.GetEnumValueList <OrderPriorityEnum>(PersistenceContext);
            response.PatientClassChoices  = EnumUtils.GetEnumValueList <PatientClassEnum>(PersistenceContext);

            response.CurrentServerConfigurationRequiresTimeFilter = Worklist.CurrentServerConfigurationRequiresTimeFilter();
            response.CurrentServerConfigurationMaxSpanDays        = Worklist.CurrentServerConfigurationMaxSpanDays();

            // add extra data iff editing a user-defined worklist (bug #4871)
            if (request.UserDefinedWorklist)
                response.OwnerGroupChoices = CollectionUtils.Map <StaffGroup, StaffGroupSummary>(
                    this.CurrentUserStaff.ActiveGroups,                     // only current user's active staff groups should be choosable

            var proceduerTypesAssembler = new ProcedureTypeAssembler();

            response.ProcedureTypeChoices = CollectionUtils.Map <ProcedureType, ProcedureTypeSummary>(
                this.PersistenceContext.GetBroker <IProcedureTypeBroker>().FindAll(false),

Beispiel #23
 /// <summary>
 /// Creates an instance of <see cref="AnalysisVisitor"/> that can analyse a block.
 /// </summary>
 /// <param name="worklist">The worklist to be used to enqueue next blocks.</param>
 internal AnalysisVisitor(Worklist<BoundBlock> worklist)
     _worklist = worklist;
        /// <summary>
        /// Update specified worklist from detail.
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="worklist"></param>
        /// <param name="detail"></param>
        /// <param name="updateSubscribers"></param>
        /// <param name="context"></param>
        public void UpdateWorklist(Worklist worklist, WorklistAdminDetail detail,
                                   bool updateSubscribers, IPersistenceContext context)
            worklist.Name        = detail.Name;
            worklist.Description = detail.Description;

            // do not update the worklist.Owner here!!! - once set, it should never be updated

            // procedure types
            UpdateFilter(worklist.ProcedureTypeFilter, detail.ProcedureTypes,
                         summary => context.Load <ProcedureType>(summary.ProcedureTypeRef, EntityLoadFlags.Proxy));

            // procedure groups
            UpdateFilter(worklist.ProcedureTypeGroupFilter, detail.ProcedureTypeGroups,
                         summary => context.Load <ProcedureTypeGroup>(summary.ProcedureTypeGroupRef, EntityLoadFlags.Proxy));

            // facilities
            UpdateFilter(worklist.FacilityFilter, detail.Facilities,
                         summary => context.Load <Facility>(summary.FacilityRef, EntityLoadFlags.Proxy));
            worklist.FacilityFilter.IncludeWorkingFacility = detail.FilterByWorkingFacility;
            worklist.FacilityFilter.IsEnabled = worklist.FacilityFilter.Values.Count > 0 || worklist.FacilityFilter.IncludeWorkingFacility;

            // departments
            UpdateFilter(worklist.DepartmentFilter, detail.Departments,
                         summary => context.Load <Department>(summary.DepartmentRef, EntityLoadFlags.Proxy));

            // patient classes
            UpdateFilter(worklist.PatientClassFilter, detail.PatientClasses,
                         summary => EnumUtils.GetEnumValue <PatientClassEnum>(summary, context));

            // patient locations
            UpdateFilter(worklist.PatientLocationFilter, detail.PatientLocations,
                         summary => context.Load <Location>(summary.LocationRef, EntityLoadFlags.Proxy));

            // order priorities
            UpdateFilter(worklist.OrderPriorityFilter, detail.OrderPriorities,
                         summary => EnumUtils.GetEnumValue <OrderPriorityEnum>(summary, context));

            // ordering practitioners
            UpdateFilter(worklist.OrderingPractitionerFilter, detail.OrderingPractitioners,
                         summary => context.Load <ExternalPractitioner>(summary.PractitionerRef, EntityLoadFlags.Proxy));

            // portable
            if (detail.Portabilities != null)
                // put them into a set to guarantee uniqueness, in case the client sent a non-unique list
                var set = new HashedSet <bool>(detail.Portabilities);

                // it only makes sense to enable this filter if the set contains exactly one value (true or false, but not both)
                worklist.PortableFilter.IsEnabled = set.Count == 1;
                worklist.PortableFilter.Value     = CollectionUtils.FirstElement(set, false);

            var start = CreateTimePoint(detail.StartTime);
            var end   = CreateTimePoint(detail.EndTime);

            if (start != null || end != null)
                worklist.TimeFilter.Value     = new WorklistTimeRange(start, end);
                worklist.TimeFilter.IsEnabled = true;
                worklist.TimeFilter.IsEnabled = false;

            // process subscriptions
            if (updateSubscribers)
                                        (StaffSummary summary) => context.Load <Staff>(summary.StaffRef, EntityLoadFlags.Proxy)));

                                        (StaffGroupSummary summary) => context.Load <StaffGroup>(summary.StaffGroupRef, EntityLoadFlags.Proxy)));

            // If the worklist supports staff role filters, process the filters provided.
            if (Worklist.GetSupportsReportingStaffRoleFilter(worklist.GetClass()))
                var reportingWorklist = worklist.As <ReportingWorklist>();
                UpdateFilter(reportingWorklist.InterpretedByStaffFilter, detail.InterpretedByStaff, context);
                UpdateFilter(reportingWorklist.TranscribedByStaffFilter, detail.TranscribedByStaff, context);
                UpdateFilter(reportingWorklist.VerifiedByStaffFilter, detail.VerifiedByStaff, context);
                UpdateFilter(reportingWorklist.SupervisedByStaffFilter, detail.SupervisedByStaff, context);
Beispiel #25
 public void IniciarWorklist()
     Worklist worklist = new Worklist(8005, "QRSCP");
Beispiel #26
        /// <summary>
        /// 供代理服务使用
        /// </summary>
        public static void DelegateWorkList()

                DataTable DelegationRules = K2DBHelper.GetActiveDelegations().Tables[0];

                if (DelegationRules != null && DelegationRules.Rows.Count > 0)
                    using (Connection conn = new Connection())
                            ConnectionSetup conSetup = GetConnectionSetup();

                            foreach (DataRow DelegateRule in DelegationRules.Rows)
                                Worklist delegateFromWorkList = conn.OpenWorklist();

                                if (delegateFromWorkList != null && delegateFromWorkList.Count > 0)
                                    foreach (WorklistItem listItem in delegateFromWorkList)
                                        if (listItem.Status == WorklistStatus.Available || listItem.Status == WorklistStatus.Open)
                                            int parentProcInstID = K2DBHelper.GetRootParentsID(listItem.ProcessInstance.ID);
                                            ProcessInstance inst = conn.OpenProcessInstance(parentProcInstID);
                                            string delagetionType = DelegateRule["ProcessFullName"].ToString();
                                            if (delagetionType.Equals("ALL", StringComparison.InvariantCultureIgnoreCase) || delagetionType.Equals(inst.FullName, StringComparison.InvariantCultureIgnoreCase))
                                                bool   ContainsTargetUser = false;
                                                string targetUserSL       = SecurityLabelName + ":" + DelegateRule["ToUserAD"].ToString();

                                                foreach (Destination destuser in listItem.DelegatedUsers)
                                                    if (destuser.Name.Equals(targetUserSL, StringComparison.InvariantCultureIgnoreCase))
                                                        ContainsTargetUser = true;
                                                if (!ContainsTargetUser)
                                                    DataTable DelegationLog = K2DBHelper.GetDelegationsLog(listItem.SerialNumber).Tables[0];
                                                    foreach (DataRow dr in DelegationLog.Rows)
                                                        if (DelegateRule["FromUserAD"].ToString().Equals(dr["ToUser"].ToString(), StringComparison.InvariantCultureIgnoreCase))
                                                            ContainsTargetUser = true;
                                                if (!ContainsTargetUser)
                                                    Destination dest = new Destination();
                                                    dest.DestinationType = DestinationType.User;
                                                    for (int i = 0; i < listItem.Actions.Count; i++)
                                                    dest.Name = targetUserSL;


                                                    K2DBHelper.AddDelegationsLog(listItem.ProcessInstance.ID, parentProcInstID, listItem.SerialNumber, DelegateRule["FromUserAD"].ToString(), DelegateRule["ToUserAD"].ToString(), "Server");
                            // TODO: throw?

                            if (conn != null)
                // TODO: throw?
        /// <summary>
        /// Create worklist detail.
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="worklist"></param>
        /// <param name="context"></param>
        /// <returns></returns>
        public WorklistAdminDetail CreateWorklistDetail(Worklist worklist, IPersistenceContext context)
            var detail = new WorklistAdminDetail(worklist.GetRef(), worklist.Name, worklist.Description,

            var staffAssembler      = new StaffAssembler();
            var staffGroupAssembler = new StaffGroupAssembler();

            detail.OwnerStaff = worklist.Owner.IsStaffOwner ?
                                staffAssembler.CreateStaffSummary(worklist.Owner.Staff, context) : null;
            detail.OwnerGroup = worklist.Owner.IsGroupOwner ?
                                staffGroupAssembler.CreateSummary(worklist.Owner.Group) : null;

            // proc types
            var ptAssembler = new ProcedureTypeAssembler();

            detail.ProcedureTypes = GetFilterSummary(worklist.ProcedureTypeFilter,
                                                     item => ptAssembler.CreateSummary(item));

            // proc type groups
            var ptgAssembler = new ProcedureTypeGroupAssembler();

            detail.ProcedureTypeGroups = GetFilterSummary(worklist.ProcedureTypeGroupFilter,
                                                          item => ptgAssembler.GetProcedureTypeGroupSummary(item, context));

            // facilities
            var facilityAssembler = new FacilityAssembler();

            detail.Facilities = GetFilterSummary(worklist.FacilityFilter,
                                                 item => facilityAssembler.CreateFacilitySummary(item));
            detail.FilterByWorkingFacility = worklist.FacilityFilter.IsEnabled && worklist.FacilityFilter.IncludeWorkingFacility;

            // departments
            var departmentAssembler = new DepartmentAssembler();

            detail.Departments = GetFilterSummary(worklist.DepartmentFilter,
                                                  item => departmentAssembler.CreateSummary(item, context));

            // patient class
            detail.PatientClasses = GetFilterSummary(worklist.PatientClassFilter,
                                                     item => EnumUtils.GetEnumValueInfo(item));

            // location
            var locationAssembler = new LocationAssembler();

            detail.PatientLocations = GetFilterSummary(worklist.PatientLocationFilter,
                                                       item => locationAssembler.CreateLocationSummary(item));

            // order priority
            detail.OrderPriorities = GetFilterSummary(worklist.OrderPriorityFilter,
                                                      item => EnumUtils.GetEnumValueInfo(item));

            // ordering prac
            var practitionerAssembler = new ExternalPractitionerAssembler();

            detail.OrderingPractitioners = GetFilterSummary(worklist.OrderingPractitionerFilter,
                                                            item => practitionerAssembler.CreateExternalPractitionerSummary(item, context));

            // portable
            if (worklist.PortableFilter.IsEnabled)
                detail.Portabilities = new List <bool> {

            // time window
            if (worklist.TimeFilter.IsEnabled && worklist.TimeFilter.Value != null)
                if (worklist.TimeFilter.Value.Start != null)
                    detail.StartTime = CreateTimePointContract(worklist.TimeFilter.Value.Start);
                if (worklist.TimeFilter.Value.End != null)
                    detail.EndTime = CreateTimePointContract(worklist.TimeFilter.Value.End);

            detail.StaffSubscribers = CollectionUtils.Map(worklist.StaffSubscribers,
                                                          (Staff staff) => staffAssembler.CreateStaffSummary(staff, context));

            detail.GroupSubscribers = CollectionUtils.Map(worklist.GroupSubscribers,
                                                          (StaffGroup group) => staffGroupAssembler.CreateSummary(group));

            // Some ReportingWorklists can support staff role filters, if that is true for this worklist,
            // add those filters to the WorklistAdminDetail
            if (Worklist.GetSupportsReportingStaffRoleFilter(worklist.GetClass()))
                var reportingWorklist = worklist.As <ReportingWorklist>();
                detail.InterpretedByStaff = GetFilterSummary(reportingWorklist.InterpretedByStaffFilter, context);
                detail.TranscribedByStaff = GetFilterSummary(reportingWorklist.TranscribedByStaffFilter, context);
                detail.VerifiedByStaff    = GetFilterSummary(reportingWorklist.VerifiedByStaffFilter, context);
                detail.SupervisedByStaff  = GetFilterSummary(reportingWorklist.SupervisedByStaffFilter, context);

Beispiel #28
        public List <WorkflowItem> GetWorkflowItems(String searchTerm, Int32 skip, Int32 take, Dictionary <WCField, WCSortOrder> sorts, String impersonateUser, out Int32 count, out Int32 totalCount, List <Tuple <String, String, String> > extraFilters)
            Tuple <String, String, String> cobEF  = null;
            Tuple <String, String, String> yearEF = null;
            Tuple <String, String, String> insdEF = null;
            Tuple <String, String, String> uwrEF  = null;
            Tuple <String, String, String> actEF  = null;

            if (extraFilters != null)
                cobEF  = extraFilters.FirstOrDefault(f => f.Item1 == "COBId");
                yearEF = extraFilters.FirstOrDefault(f => f.Item1 == "AccountYear");
                insdEF = extraFilters.FirstOrDefault(f => f.Item1 == "InsuredName");
                uwrEF  = extraFilters.FirstOrDefault(f => f.Item1 == "UnderwriterCode");
                actEF  = extraFilters.FirstOrDefault(f => f.Item1 == "Activity");
            String cobExtraFilter = cobEF == null ? String.Empty : cobEF.Item3;
            Int32  yearParse;
            Int32? yearExtraFilter = null;

            if (Int32.TryParse(yearEF == null ? String.Empty : yearEF.Item3, out yearParse))
                yearExtraFilter = yearParse;

            String insdExtraFilter = insdEF == null ? String.Empty : insdEF.Item3;
            String uwrExtraFilter  = uwrEF == null ? String.Empty : uwrEF.Item3;
            String actExtraFilter  = actEF == null ? String.Empty : actEF.Item3;

            List <WorkflowItem> retArray = new List <WorkflowItem>();

            using (var k2Connection = new Connection())
                ConnectionSetup k2Setup = new ConnectionSetup();
                k2Setup.ConnectionString = Properties.Settings.Default.WorkflowServerConnectionString;


                if (!String.IsNullOrEmpty(impersonateUser))

                var workCriteria = new WorklistCriteria {
                    NoData = true, Platform = "ASP"

                String propertyFilter = String.Format("% / {0} / {1}%{2} / % / {3}",
                                                      String.IsNullOrEmpty(uwrExtraFilter) ? "%" : uwrExtraFilter,
                                                      yearExtraFilter == null ? String.Empty : yearExtraFilter.ToString().Substring(2),
                                                      String.IsNullOrEmpty(insdExtraFilter) ? "%" : "%" + insdExtraFilter + "%");
                if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(searchTerm))
                    String searchTermFormat = String.Format("%{0}%", searchTerm);

                    workCriteria.AddFilterField(WCLogical.StartBracket, WCField.None, WCCompare.Equal, null);           //  (

                    workCriteria.AddFilterField(WCLogical.StartBracket, WCField.None, WCCompare.Equal, null);           //      (
                    workCriteria.AddFilterField(WCField.ActivityName, WCCompare.Like, searchTermFormat);                //          ...
                    workCriteria.AddFilterField(WCLogical.Or, WCField.ProcessData, "BPC", WCCompare.Equal, searchTerm); //          OR ...
                    workCriteria.AddFilterField(WCLogical.Or, WCField.EventName, WCCompare.Like, searchTermFormat);     //          OR ...
                    workCriteria.AddFilterField(WCLogical.Or, WCField.ProcessFolio, WCCompare.Like, searchTermFormat);  //          OR ...
                    workCriteria.AddFilterField(WCLogical.EndBracket, WCField.None, WCCompare.Equal, null);             //      )

                    if (extraFilters != null && extraFilters.Count > 0)
                        workCriteria.AddFilterField(WCLogical.And, WCField.None, WCCompare.Equal, null);                //      AND
                        workCriteria.AddFilterField(WCLogical.StartBracket, WCField.None, WCCompare.Equal, null);       //      (
                        workCriteria.AddFilterField(WCField.ProcessFolio, WCCompare.Like, propertyFilter);              //          ...
                        workCriteria.AddFilterField(WCLogical.EndBracket, WCField.None, WCCompare.Equal, null);         //      )

                    if (!String.IsNullOrEmpty(actExtraFilter))
                        //  TODO: OR event name?
                        //workCriteria.AddFilterField(WCField.EventName, WCCompare.Equal, actExtraFilter);                     //     ...
                        workCriteria.AddFilterField(WCLogical.And, WCField.ActivityName, WCCompare.Equal, actExtraFilter); //     ...
                    workCriteria.AddFilterField(WCLogical.EndBracket, WCField.None, WCCompare.Equal, null);                //  )
                    if (extraFilters != null && extraFilters.Count > 0)
                        workCriteria.AddFilterField(WCField.ProcessFolio, WCCompare.Like, propertyFilter);

                    if (!String.IsNullOrEmpty(actExtraFilter))
                        workCriteria.AddFilterField(WCLogical.And, WCField.ActivityName, WCCompare.Equal, actExtraFilter);                     //     ...

                //  No AND required - seems like bug - this bit gets put in a different bit of the query K2 creates.
                //  Hide allocated items like the SharePoint K2 worlist does by default.

                workCriteria.StartIndex = skip;
                workCriteria.Count      = take;

                foreach (KeyValuePair <WCField, WCSortOrder> sort in sorts)
                    workCriteria.AddSortField(sort.Key, sort.Value);

                Worklist k2Worklist = k2Connection.OpenWorklist(workCriteria);

                foreach (WorklistItem item in k2Worklist)
                    retArray.Add(new WorkflowItem(item));

                count = k2Worklist.TotalCount;
                //  Total records before filter
                totalCount = k2Worklist.TotalCount;

Beispiel #29
        public static List <WorklistTicket> GetTickets(ApiUser hdUser, Guid OrgId, int DeptId, int UserId, string status, string role, string Class, string account, string location, string project, bool IsTechAdmin, bool IsUseWorkDaysTimer, string sort_order, string sort_by, string search = "", int page = 0, int limit = 25, DateTime?start_date = null, DateTime?end_date = null)
            string tkts = "";

            if (!string.IsNullOrWhiteSpace(search) && Micajah.Common.Configuration.FrameworkConfiguration.Current.WebApplication.Integration.Azure.Search.Enabled)
                tkts = bigWebApps.bigWebDesk.Data.Tickets.SearchTicketsInAzure(hdUser.OrganizationId, hdUser.DepartmentId, false, search);

                /*if (string.IsNullOrEmpty(tkts))
                 * {
                 *  return new List<WorklistTicket>();
                 * //tkts = "0";
                 * }
            Worklist.QueryFilter _qFilter = new Worklist.QueryFilter();
            if (string.IsNullOrEmpty(role) || role.ToLower() == "all")
                role = "notset";
            if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(status))
                string originalstatus = status;
                status = status.Replace(",", "").Replace("_", "").ToLowerInvariant();
                Worklist.TicketStatusMode ticketStatusMode;
                if (Enum.TryParse <Worklist.TicketStatusMode>(status, true, out ticketStatusMode))
                    _qFilter.TicketStatus = ticketStatusMode;
                    if (originalstatus.Contains(","))
                        string statuses     = originalstatus.Replace("_", "").ToLowerInvariant();
                        string status_query = string.Empty;
                        foreach (string _status in statuses.Split(','))
                            switch (_status.ToLower())
                            case "closed":
                                status_query += " OR tkt.status='Closed' ";

                            case "open":
                                status_query += " OR tkt.status='Open' ";

                            case "onhold":
                                status_query += " OR tkt.status='On Hold' ";

                            case "partsonorder":
                                status_query += " OR tkt.status='Parts On Order' ";

                            case "waiting":
                                status_query += " OR (tkt.status='Open' AND tkt.WaitingDate is not null) ";

                        if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(status_query))
                            _qFilter.SQLWhere = " AND (" + status_query.Substring(3) + ")";
                        switch (status)
                        case "waiting": _qFilter.TicketStatus = Worklist.TicketStatusMode.OpenWaitingOnResponse;

                        case "newmessages":
                            switch (role)
                            case "tech": _qFilter.ShowNewMessages = Worklist.NewMessagesMode.User; break;

                            case "user": _qFilter.ShowNewMessages = Worklist.NewMessagesMode.Technician; break;

                            default: _qFilter.ShowNewMessages = Worklist.NewMessagesMode.UserAndTech; break;

                        case "closed": _qFilter.TicketStatus = Worklist.TicketStatusMode.Close;

            Worklist.SortMode ticketSortMode;
            if (Enum.TryParse <Worklist.SortMode>(role, true, out ticketSortMode))
                _qFilter.Sort = ticketSortMode;
                switch (role)
                case "tech": _qFilter.Sort = Worklist.SortMode.MyTickets; break;

                case "user": _qFilter.Sort = Worklist.SortMode.MyTicketsAsUser; break;

                case "alt_tech": _qFilter.Sort = Worklist.SortMode.MyTicketsAsAlternateTech; break;
            int queueId;

            if (int.TryParse(Class, out queueId))
                _qFilter.TechnicianId = queueId;
                Class = "";
            if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(Class))
                int class_id = 0;
                if (int.TryParse(Class, out class_id))
                    if (class_id > 0)
                        _qFilter.SQLWhere += " AND tkt.class_id = " + class_id;
                    _qFilter.SQLWhere += " AND dbo.fxGetFullClassName(" + DeptId.ToString() + ", tkt.class_id) like '%" + Class + "%'";
            if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(account))
                int account_id = 0;
                if (int.TryParse(account, out account_id))
                    if (account_id != 0)
                        _qFilter.AccountId = account_id;
                    _qFilter.SQLWhere += " AND (ISNULL(acct.vchName, CASE WHEN ISNULL(tkt.btNoAccount, 0) = 0 THEN co.company_name ELSE '' END) like '%" + account + "%')";
            if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(project))
                int project_id = 0;
                if (int.TryParse(project, out project_id))
                    if (project_id != 0)
                        _qFilter.ProjectID = project_id;
                    _qFilter.SQLWhere += " AND dbo.fxGetFullProjectName(" + DeptId.ToString() + ", tkt.ProjectID) like '%" + project + "%'";
            if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(location))
                int location_id = 0;
                if (int.TryParse(location, out location_id))
                    if (location_id != 0)
                        _qFilter.AccountLocationId = location_id;
                    _qFilter.SQLWhere += " AND dbo.fxGetUserLocationName(" + DeptId.ToString() + ", tkt.LocationId) like '%" + location + "%'";

            if (start_date.HasValue)
                if (start_date.Value.TimeOfDay.TotalSeconds > 0)
                    start_date = start_date.Value.Date;
                _qFilter.SQLWhere += string.Format(" AND tkt.CreateTime >= '{0}'", start_date.Value.ToString("yyyy-MM-dd hh:mm:ss"));
            if (end_date.HasValue)
                if (end_date.Value.TimeOfDay.TotalSeconds == 0)
                    end_date = end_date.Value.Date.AddDays(1).AddSeconds(-1);
                _qFilter.SQLWhere += string.Format(" AND tkt.CreateTime <= '{0}'", end_date.Value.ToString("yyyy-MM-dd hh:mm:ss"));

            Instance_Config config = new Instance_Config(hdUser);

            if (!string.IsNullOrWhiteSpace(search))
                string _query = "";
                if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(tkts))
                    _query += " AND (tkt.Id IN (" + tkts + ")";
                    _query           += " AND (tkt.subject LIKE '%" + search + "%' OR ISNULL(tlip2.CountFoundInitPost, 0) > 0 OR tkt.note LIKE '%" + search + "%' OR ISNULL(tlcn2.CountFoundClosureNotes, 0) > 0";
                    _qFilter.SQLJoin += " LEFT OUTER JOIN (SELECT TId, COUNT(*) AS CountFoundInitPost FROM TicketLogs WHERE DId=" + hdUser.DepartmentId + " AND vchType = 'Initial Post' AND vchNote LIKE '%" + search + "%' GROUP BY TId) tlip2 ON tlip2.TId = tkt.Id "
                                        + "LEFT OUTER JOIN (SELECT TId, COUNT(*) AS CountFoundClosureNotes FROM TicketLogs WHERE DId=" + hdUser.DepartmentId + " AND vchType = 'Closed' AND vchNote LIKE '%" + search + "%' GROUP BY TId) tlcn2 ON tlcn2.TId = tkt.Id ";

                if (config.SerialNumber)
                    _query += " OR tkt.SerialNumber LIKE '%" + search + "%'";
                _query            += ")";
                _qFilter.SQLWhere += _query;

            limit = limit <= 0 ? 25 : limit;
            page  = page < 0 ? 0 : page;
            string pager = string.Format(" OFFSET ({0} * {1}) ROWS FETCH NEXT {1} ROWS ONLY ", page, limit);

            _qFilter.PageIndex = page;

            if (sort_by != "days_old")
                _qFilter.SortColumnIndex    = 0;
                _qFilter.IsSortColumnDesc   = "desc" == sort_order;
                _qFilter.SortColumnSQLAlias = sort_by ?? "CreateTime";

            bigWebApps.bigWebDesk.UserAuth userAuth = new bigWebApps.bigWebDesk.UserAuth
                Role            = hdUser.Role,
                OrgID           = hdUser.OrganizationId,
                lngDId          = hdUser.DepartmentId,
                tintTicketTimer = hdUser.tintTicketTimer,
                lngUId          = hdUser.UserId,
                InstanceID      = hdUser.InstanceId
            //Use global filters
            bool useGlobalFilters       = hdUser.Role != bigWebApps.bigWebDesk.UserAuth.UserRole.Administrator && (role == "notset" || role == "tech");
            bool limitToAssignedTickets = (useGlobalFilters) ? GlobalFilters.IsFilterEnabled(hdUser.OrganizationId, hdUser.DepartmentId, UserId, GlobalFilters.FilterState.LimitToAssignedTickets) : false;

            if (limitToAssignedTickets)
                _qFilter.SQLWhere += " AND tkt.technician_id=" + UserId.ToString();
                _qFilter.SQLJoin  += " LEFT OUTER JOIN TicketAssignment AS TA2 ON TA2.DepartmentId=" + hdUser.DepartmentId + " AND TA2.TicketId = tkt.Id AND TA2.UserId = " + UserId + " AND TA2.AssignmentType = " + ((int)Ticket.TicketAssignmentType.Technician).ToString() + " AND TA2.IsPrimary = 0 AND TA2.StopDate IS NULL";

            //Use global filters
            if (useGlobalFilters)
                _qFilter.SQLWhere += GlobalFilters.GlobalFiltersSqlWhere(userAuth, config, "tkt.", "tlj2.", "SupGroupID", null);
            //(limitToAssignedTickets ? "TA2." : null

            //bigWebApps.bigWebDesk.Data.Worklist.Filter m_Filter = new bigWebApps.bigWebDesk.Data.Worklist.Filter(tt.DepartmentId, tt.UserId, true, tt.OrganizationId);
            //bool shortMode = true;
            //Worklist.ColumnsSetting m_ColSet = shortMode ? new Worklist.ColumnsSetting("0,2", tt.DepartmentId, tt.UserId, config.AccountManager && config.LocationTracking, tt.OrganizationId) :
            //    new Worklist.ColumnsSetting(tt.DepartmentId, tt.UserId, config.AccountManager && config.LocationTracking, tt.OrganizationId);
            //if sherpadesk
            //DataTable dt = Worklist.SelectTicketsByFilter(ee, config, m_ColSet, m_Filter, _qFilter, false, FilesSources.AzureFileService, limit);

            DataTable dt = Worklist.SelectTicketsByFilter(OrgId, DeptId, UserId, _qFilter, IsTechAdmin, pager);

            if (dt != null)
                //var config = new Instance_Config()
                dt.Columns.Add(new DataColumn("DaysOldSort", typeof(long)));
                dt.Columns.Add(new DataColumn("DaysOlds", typeof(string)));
                foreach (DataRow dr in dt.Rows)
                    int min = Utils.GetDaysOldInMinutes(OrgId, DeptId, IsUseWorkDaysTimer, dr.GetString("Status"), dr.Get <DateTime>("CreateTime"), dr.Get <DateTime?>("ClosedTime") ?? DateTime.UtcNow);
                    dr["DaysOldSort"] = min;
                    dr["DaysOlds"]    = bigWebApps.bigWebDesk.Functions.DisplayDateDuration(min, config.BusinessDayLength, true);
            IEnumerable <WorklistTicket> wrklisttickets = new WorklistTickets(dt);

Beispiel #30
 public ExpressionAnalysis(Worklist<BoundBlock> worklist, ISemanticModel model)
     : base(worklist)
     _model = model;
        //opening and completing a worklist item samples
        public static void OpenWorklistItemSamples()
            //you must open a K2 connection first. We will wrap the K2 connection into a using statement to ensure that it is closed
            using (Connection K2Conn = new Connection())

                //to open a worklist item you require at least the item's serial number
                //opening a worklist item without any overrides will automatically set the item's status to "Opened" by the connected user.
                WorklistItem K2WListItem = K2Conn.OpenWorklistItem("[serialnumber]");

                //once you have opened the item, you can read data from the item or update data in the workflow
                string oldFolio = K2WListItem.ProcessInstance.Folio;
                K2WListItem.ProcessInstance.Folio = "[NewFolio]";
                K2WListItem.ProcessInstance.DataFields["[String DataField Name]"].Value = "[updatedvalue]";

                //to update the process without completing the task, call Update as follows.

                //to update the worklist item and finish the task, you must call the Action.Execute method
                //the workflow will then continue executing according to the action selected
                //warning: you must select one of the available actiosn for the current task, otherwise an error will be reported

                //to get the available actions for the task, query the Actions collection
                foreach (SourceCode.Workflow.Client.Action action in K2WListItem.Actions)
                    //do something with the actions. Normally, you would output the available actions into a drop-down list
                    //or perhaps generate new button controls for each available action

                //if you have want to open a worklist item from a managed user's tasklist, you need to use the OpenManagedWorklistItem method:
                K2WListItem = K2Conn.OpenManagedWorklistItem("[managedUserUsername]", "[serialNumber]");

                //if you are openeing another user's worklist item that was delegated to the current account with Out of Office, you need
                //to use the OpenSharedWorklistItem method
                K2WListItem = K2Conn.OpenSharedWorklistItem("[originalUserName]", "[managedUserName]", "[serialNumber]");

                //if you do not have the serial number, you can iterate over the worklist to open a worklist item
                //note: returning the worklist and iterating over the list can be an expensive operation
                //for the purposes of this exercise we will check if the worklist item folio is a specific value. A more efficient way would be to set up a
                //worklist criteria filter to filter the tasks based on the folio we are looking for
                Worklist K2WList = K2Conn.OpenWorklist();
                //once you have retrived the worklist, you can iterate over the worklist items in the worklist
                foreach (WorklistItem K2WLItem in K2WList)
                    if (K2WLItem.ProcessInstance.Folio == "[somefolio]")
                        //you must open the worklist item before you can update it or complete it
                        K2WLItem.ProcessInstance.Folio = "[NewFolio]";
                        K2WLItem.ProcessInstance.DataFields["[SomeDataField]"].Value = "[updatedvalue]";
                        //to update the worklist item and finish it, you must call the Action.Execute method
                        //the workflow will then continue executing accoridng to the action selected
Beispiel #32
        public List <IIFWorklistItem> ListIIFWorklistItem(IIFWorklistItem_Filter filter)
            List <IIFWorklistItem> result = new List <IIFWorklistItem>();

            Dictionary <int, List <IIFWorklistItem> > dictWfItem = new Dictionary <int, List <IIFWorklistItem> >();

            using (Connection k2Con = new Connection())
                if (filter != null)
                    if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(filter.Destination))

                WorklistCriteria worklistCriteria = new WorklistCriteria();
                worklistCriteria.Platform = "ASP";
                worklistCriteria.AddFilterField(WCField.ProcessFullName, WCCompare.Equal, "IIF\\PAM");
                worklistCriteria.AddFilterField(WCLogical.Or, WCField.ProcessFullName, WCCompare.Equal, "IIF\\CM");
                worklistCriteria.AddFilterField(WCLogical.Or, WCField.WorklistItemOwner, "Me", WCCompare.Equal, WCWorklistItemOwner.Me);
                worklistCriteria.AddFilterField(WCLogical.Or, WCField.WorklistItemOwner, "Other", WCCompare.Equal, WCWorklistItemOwner.Other);

                Worklist worklist = k2Con.OpenWorklist(worklistCriteria);

                foreach (WorklistItem item in worklist)
                    IIFWorklistItem newData = new IIFWorklistItem();
                    newData.K2ProcessId           = item.ProcessInstance.ID;
                    newData.SN                    = item.SerialNumber;
                    newData.K2CurrentActivityName = item.ActivityInstanceDestination.DisplayName;
                    if (!dictWfItem.ContainsKey(newData.K2ProcessId))
                        dictWfItem.Add(newData.K2ProcessId, new List <IIFWorklistItem>());
                    newData.SharedUserFQN = item.AllocatedUser;

            if (dictWfItem.Count > 0)
                string conStringIIF = this.AppConfig.IIFConnectionString;
                using (SqlConnection con = new SqlConnection(conStringIIF))

                    string queryInValue = string.Empty;
                    foreach (int k2ProcessId in dictWfItem.Keys)
                        if (string.IsNullOrEmpty(queryInValue))
                            queryInValue = k2ProcessId.ToString();
                            queryInValue = queryInValue + ", " + k2ProcessId.ToString();

                    string query = "SELECT [K2ProcessId], [Id]";
                    query = query + ", [MDocTypeId], [MDocTypeName], [MProductTypeId], [MProductTypeName]";
                    query = query + ", [ProjectCode], [CustomerName], [SubmitDate], [CMNumber]";
                    query = query + ", [IsInRevise]";
                    query = query + ", [MWorkflowStatusId], [MWorkflowStatusName]";
                    query = query + ", [ModifiedBy], [ModifiedOn]";
                    query = query + " FROM [dbo].[Vw_SubmissionList]";
                    query = query + " WHERE [K2ProcessId] IN (";
                    query = query + queryInValue;
                    query = query + " )";

                    using (SqlCommand cmd = con.CreateCommand())
                        cmd.CommandType = CommandType.Text;

                        #region Filter
                        if (filter != null)
                            if (filter.SubmitDate_FROM.HasValue)
                                query = query + " AND CONVERT(DATE, [SubmitDate]) >= @SubmitDate_FROM";
                                cmd.Parameters.Add(this.NewSqlParameter("SubmitDate_FROM", SqlDbType.Date, filter.SubmitDate_FROM));

                            if (filter.SubmitDate_TO.HasValue)
                                query = query + " AND CONVERT(DATE, [SubmitDate]) <= @SubmitDate_TO";
                                cmd.Parameters.Add(this.NewSqlParameter("SubmitDate_TO", SqlDbType.Date, filter.SubmitDate_TO));

                            if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(filter.ProjectCode_LIKE))
                                query = query + " AND [ProjectCode] LIKE '%' + @ProjectCode_LIKE + '%'";
                                cmd.Parameters.Add(this.NewSqlParameter("ProjectCode_LIKE", SqlDbType.VarChar, filter.ProjectCode_LIKE));

                            if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(filter.CustomerName_LIKE))
                                query = query + " AND [CustomerName] LIKE '%' + @CustomerName_LIKE + '%'";
                                cmd.Parameters.Add(this.NewSqlParameter("CustomerName_LIKE", SqlDbType.VarChar, filter.CustomerName_LIKE));

                            if (filter.ProductTypeId.HasValue)
                                query = query + " AND [MProductTypeId] = @ProductTypeId";
                                cmd.Parameters.Add(this.NewSqlParameter("ProductTypeId", SqlDbType.Int, filter.ProductTypeId));

                            if (filter.MDocTypeId.HasValue)
                                query = query + " AND [MDocTypeId] = @MDocTypeId";
                                cmd.Parameters.Add(this.NewSqlParameter("MDocTypeId", SqlDbType.VarChar, filter.MDocTypeId.Value));

                            if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(filter.CMNumber_LIKE))
                                query = query + " AND [CMNumber] LIKE '%' + @CMNumber_LIKE + '%'";
                                cmd.Parameters.Add(this.NewSqlParameter("CMNumber_LIKE", SqlDbType.VarChar, filter.CMNumber_LIKE));

                        cmd.CommandText = query;

                        using (SqlDataReader dr = cmd.ExecuteReader())
                            int indexOf_K2ProcessId         = dr.GetOrdinal("K2ProcessId");
                            int indexOf_Id                  = dr.GetOrdinal("Id");
                            int indexOf_MDocTypeId          = dr.GetOrdinal("MDocTypeId");
                            int indexOf_MDocTypeName        = dr.GetOrdinal("MDocTypeName");
                            int indexOf_MProductTypeId      = dr.GetOrdinal("MProductTypeId");
                            int indexOf_MProductTypeName    = dr.GetOrdinal("MProductTypeName");
                            int indexOf_ProjectCode         = dr.GetOrdinal("ProjectCode");
                            int indexOf_CustomerName        = dr.GetOrdinal("CustomerName");
                            int indexOf_SubmitDate          = dr.GetOrdinal("SubmitDate");
                            int indexOf_CMNumber            = dr.GetOrdinal("CMNumber");
                            int indexOf_IsInRevise          = dr.GetOrdinal("IsInRevise");
                            int indexOf_MWorkflowStatusId   = dr.GetOrdinal("MWorkflowStatusId");
                            int indexOf_MWorkflowStatusName = dr.GetOrdinal("MWorkflowStatusName");
                            int indexOf_ModifiedBy          = dr.GetOrdinal("ModifiedBy");
                            int indexOf_ModifiedOn          = dr.GetOrdinal("ModifiedOn");

                            while (dr.Read())
                                int k2ProcessId = dr.GetInt32(indexOf_K2ProcessId);

                                if (dictWfItem.ContainsKey(k2ProcessId))
                                    foreach (IIFWorklistItem data in dictWfItem[k2ProcessId])
                                        Logger.Error("DocumentId: " + dr.GetInt64(indexOf_Id));
                                        Logger.Error("MDocTypeId: " + dr.GetInt32(indexOf_MDocTypeId));
                                        Logger.Error("MDocTypeName: " + dr.GetNullableString(indexOf_MDocTypeName));
                                        Logger.Error("ProductTypeId: " + dr.GetInt32(indexOf_MProductTypeId));
                                        Logger.Error("ProductTypeName: " + dr.GetNullableString(indexOf_MProductTypeName));
                                        Logger.Error("ProjectCode: " + dr.GetNullableString(indexOf_ProjectCode));
                                        Logger.Error("CustomerName: " + dr.GetNullableString(indexOf_CustomerName));
                                        //Logger.Error("SubmitDate: " + dr.GetDateTime(indexOf_SubmitDate));
                                        Logger.Error("CMNumber: " + dr.GetNullableString(indexOf_CMNumber));
                                        Logger.Error("IsInRevise: " + dr.GetBoolean(indexOf_IsInRevise));
                                        Logger.Error("WorkflowStatusId: " + dr.GetInt32(indexOf_MWorkflowStatusId));
                                        Logger.Error("WorkflowStatusName: " + dr.GetNullableString(indexOf_MWorkflowStatusName));
                                        Logger.Error("ModifiedBy: " + dr.GetNullableString(indexOf_ModifiedBy));
                                        //Logger.Error("ModifiedOn: " + dr.GetDateTime(indexOf_ModifiedOn));

                                        data.DocumentId      = dr.GetInt64(indexOf_Id);
                                        data.MDocTypeId      = dr.GetInt32(indexOf_MDocTypeId);
                                        data.MDocTypeName    = dr.GetNullableString(indexOf_MDocTypeName);
                                        data.ProductTypeId   = dr.GetInt32(indexOf_MProductTypeId);
                                        data.ProductTypeName = dr.GetNullableString(indexOf_MProductTypeName);
                                        data.ProjectCode     = dr.GetNullableString(indexOf_ProjectCode);
                                        data.CustomerName    = dr.GetNullableString(indexOf_CustomerName);
                                            data.SubmitDate = dr.GetDateTime(indexOf_SubmitDate);

                                        data.CMNumber           = dr.GetNullableString(indexOf_CMNumber);
                                        data.IsInRevise         = dr.GetBoolean(indexOf_IsInRevise);
                                        data.WorkflowStatusId   = dr.GetInt32(indexOf_MWorkflowStatusId);
                                        data.WorkflowStatusName = dr.GetNullableString(indexOf_MWorkflowStatusName);
                                        data.ModifiedBy         = dr.GetNullableString(indexOf_ModifiedBy);

                                            data.ModifiedOn = dr.GetDateTime(indexOf_ModifiedOn);

                                        if ((data.K2CurrentActivityName.ToUpper() == "Submit MoM BoD".ToUpper()) || (data.K2CurrentActivityName.ToUpper() == "Submit MoM BoC".ToUpper()))
                                            data.TaskListStatus = "Responded (Risk Team)";
                                            data.TaskListStatus = data.WorkflowStatusName;


        /// <summary>
        /// Gets a count of the number of worklist items in the specified worklist.
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="worklist"></param>
        /// <param name="wqc"></param>
        /// <returns></returns>
        /// <remarks>
        /// Subclasses may override this method but in most cases this should not be necessary.
        /// </remarks>
        public virtual int CountWorklistItems(Worklist worklist, IWorklistQueryContext wqc)
            var query = BuildWorklistQuery(new WorklistQueryArgs(worklist, wqc, true));
