private ModelItem FindModelItemToFocus(ModelItem itemToFocus)
            WorkflowViewService viewService = this.WorkflowViewService;

            if (viewService == null || itemToFocus == null)

            ModelUtilities.ReverseTraverse(itemToFocus, (ModelItem modelItem) =>
                if (modelItem == null)
                    // continue;

                // if the item has Designer, we assume it can get focus.
                if (CanFocusOnModelItem(modelItem, viewService))
                    itemToFocus = modelItem;
                    // break;

                // continue

        public override void Initialize(EditingContext context)
            this.context = context;
            AttachedPropertiesService propertiesService = this.context.Services.GetService<AttachedPropertiesService>();
            helpService = this.context.Services.GetService<IIntegratedHelpService>();

            oldSelection = this.context.Items.GetValue<Selection>();
            isPrimarySelectionProperty = new AttachedProperty<bool>()
                    Getter = (modelItem) => (this.context.Items.GetValue<Selection>().PrimarySelection == modelItem),
                    Name = "IsPrimarySelection",
                    OwnerType = typeof(Object)

            isSelectionProperty = new AttachedProperty<bool>()
                Getter = (modelItem) => (((IList)this.context.Items.GetValue<Selection>().SelectedObjects).Contains(modelItem)),
                Name = "IsSelection",
                OwnerType = typeof(Object)


            if (this.context.Services.GetService<ViewService>() == null)
                view = new System.Activities.Presentation.View.DesignerView(this.context);
                WorkflowViewService viewService = new WorkflowViewService(context);
                WorkflowViewStateService viewStateService = new WorkflowViewStateService(context);
                this.context.Services.Publish<VirtualizedContainerService>(new VirtualizedContainerService(this.context));

                WorkflowAnnotationAdornerService annotationService = new WorkflowAnnotationAdornerService();
                annotationService.Initialize(this.context, view.scrollViewer);

                this.context.Services.Subscribe<ModelService>(delegate(ModelService modelService)
                    this.modelService = modelService;
                    if (modelService.Root != null)
                    this.context.Items.Subscribe<Selection>(new SubscribeContextCallback<Selection>(OnItemSelected));

            if (helpService != null)
                helpService.AddContextAttribute(string.Empty, KeywordForWorkflowDesignerHomePage, HelpKeywordType.F1Keyword); 
        static Type ResolveGenericParameters(DependencyObject dropTarget, EditingContext context, Type type)
            // look to see if there is a DefaultTypeArgumentAttribute on it
            DefaultTypeArgumentAttribute typeArgumentAttribute = ExtensibilityAccessor.GetAttribute <DefaultTypeArgumentAttribute>(type);

            if (typeArgumentAttribute != null && typeArgumentAttribute.Type != null)
                type = type.MakeGenericType(typeArgumentAttribute.Type);
            else //require user to resolve generic arguments
                ActivityTypeResolver wnd = new ActivityTypeResolver();
                if (null != context)
                    WindowHelperService service = context.Services.GetService <WindowHelperService>();
                    if (null != service)
                        service.TrySetWindowOwner(dropTarget, wnd);

                TypeResolvingOptions dropTargetOptions   = null;
                TypeResolvingOptions activityTypeOptions = null;

                //try to see if the container has any customization for type resolver
                ICompositeView container = dropTarget as ICompositeView;
                if (container != null)
                    dropTargetOptions = container.DroppingTypeResolvingOptions;

                //try to see if the activity type in discourse has any customization for type resolver
                TypeResolvingOptionsAttribute attr = WorkflowViewService.GetAttribute <TypeResolvingOptionsAttribute>(type);
                if (attr != null)
                    activityTypeOptions = attr.TypeResolvingOptions;
                //if both have type resolver, try to merge them
                TypeResolvingOptions options = TypeResolvingOptions.Merge(dropTargetOptions, activityTypeOptions);
                if (options != null)
                    wnd.Options = options;

                wnd.Context    = context;
                wnd.EditedType = type;
                wnd.Width      = 340;
                wnd.Height     = 200;
                type           = (true == wnd.ShowDialog() ? wnd.ConcreteType : null);
        private static bool CanFocusOnModelItem(ModelItem itemToFocus, WorkflowViewService viewService)
            Fx.Assert(itemToFocus != null && viewService != null, "null argument");

            if (typeof(ITextExpression).IsAssignableFrom(itemToFocus.ItemType))

            Type designerType = viewService.GetDesignerType(itemToFocus.ItemType);

Beispiel #5
        private static bool ModelItemHasDesigner(ModelItem modelItem)
            if (modelItem != null)
                DesignerAttribute attribute = WorkflowViewService.GetAttribute <DesignerAttribute>(modelItem.ItemType);
                if (attribute != null && !string.IsNullOrEmpty(attribute.DesignerTypeName))

        internal IEnumerable <ModelItem> GetItemsOnDesigner(bool preOrder, bool excludeRoot, bool excludeErrorActivity, bool excludeExpression, bool includeOtherObjects)
            WorkflowViewService viewService = this.WorkflowViewService;
            IList <ModelItem>   items       =
                                                  delegate(Type type)
                // Only find items on the designer surface.
                return(includeOtherObjects || (typeof(WorkflowViewElement).IsAssignableFrom(viewService.GetDesignerType(type))));
                                                  delegate(ModelItem modelItem)
                return(!(excludeExpression && modelItem != null && typeof(ITextExpression).IsAssignableFrom(modelItem.ItemType)));

            // ModelItemKeyValuePair is associated with CaseDesigner.
            // So ModelItemKeyValuePair will be returned even if they are not really Cases.
            // Those ModelItemKeyValuePairs need to be excluded.
            IEnumerable <ModelItem> itemsToSearch = null;

            if (!excludeErrorActivity)
                itemsToSearch = items.Where <ModelItem>(item => !ModelUtilities.IsModelItemKeyValuePair(item.ItemType) ||
                itemsToSearch = items.Where <ModelItem>(item =>
                                                        (!ModelUtilities.IsModelItemKeyValuePair(item.ItemType) || ModelUtilities.IsSwitchCase(item)) &&
            if (excludeRoot)
                itemsToSearch = itemsToSearch.Except <ModelItem>(new ModelItem[] { modelService.Root });
        private static bool CanFocusOnModelItem(ModelItem itemToFocus, WorkflowViewService viewService)
            Fx.Assert(itemToFocus != null && viewService != null, "null argument");

            if (typeof(ITextExpression).IsAssignableFrom(itemToFocus.ItemType))
                return false;

            Type designerType = viewService.GetDesignerType(itemToFocus.ItemType);
            return typeof(WorkflowViewElement).IsAssignableFrom(designerType);
            // Entry point method for setting focus.
            // it is executed exactly once, on application idle event
            // there are 3 basic paths:
            // a) optimistic - element we are looking for, is visible - i bring it into view and set keyboard focus to it
            // b) unlikely - element doesn't have any visual parents - i make it a root designer, wait for it to load and set keyboard focus to it
            // c) pesimistic/complex - element isn't in the view, moreover, it is located in a tree branch which is not (or is partialy) visible
            void Focus()
                //can i continue?
                if (shouldAbort)

                //hide the designer view until focus is set
                //delegate visibility restore for designer view after focus update is complete
                Dispatcher.CurrentDispatcher.BeginInvoke(this.onSetDesignerContentVisibilityDelegate, DispatcherPriority.ApplicationIdle, Visibility.Visible);

                //set selection to the item to focus, so all apropriate designers get a chance to update themselfs before we start expanding - this may
                //result in visual tree change
                Selection.SelectOnly(this.Context, this.itemToFocus);

                //easy path - if the current designer is available and visible - bring it to view and focus
                if (null != this.itemToFocus.View && ((UIElement)this.itemToFocus.View).IsVisible)

                //get items up to the tree root, which can be visualized (have associated designer)
                //include only up to "level" items (avoid expanding whole tree)
                bool shouldContinue   = true;
                int  visualItemsCount = 0;
                var  visualItems      = this.itemToFocus
                                        .GetParentEnumerator(p => shouldContinue)
                                        .Where(p =>
                    //filter only items with designer attribute
                    bool result      = false;
                    var designerType = this.ViewService.GetDesignerType(p.ItemType);
                    if (null != designerType)
                        result = true;
                        //if designer has Options attribute, check if it always collapsed children - if so, this will be the topmost parent
                        //(displaying anything above, will never display its children)
                        var options = WorkflowViewService.GetAttribute <ActivityDesignerOptionsAttribute>(designerType);
                        if (null != options && options.AlwaysCollapseChildren && visualItemsCount > 2)
                            shouldContinue = false;

                //nothing to expand, rather unlikely, but handle it anyway
                if (visualItems.Length == 0)
                    //reset ticket, to prevent any further calls from executing
                    ModelItemFocusHelper.focusTicket = null;
                    //force item to be root designer (this is last resort, it is executed only if focusTicket is null)

                //get the first parent of an item, which is visible
                var firstVisibleItem = visualItems.FirstOrDefault(p => null != p.View && ((UIElement)p.View).IsVisible);

                bool enqueueFirstExpand = false;

                //is there anything visible in the path between item and its parents?
                if (null != firstVisibleItem)
                    //yes - limit the amount of items to expand to only designers which are not visible yet
                    //(include the first visible designer, so algorithm can have a start point with something visible)
                    this.itemsToExpand = visualItems.TakeWhile(p => firstVisibleItem != p).Concat(new ModelItem[] { firstVisibleItem }).ToArray();
                    //no, nothing is visible yet
                    this.itemsToExpand = visualItems;
                    enqueueFirstExpand = true;
                    //make the top most parent as root designer
                    this.DesignerView.MakeRootDesigner(this.itemsToExpand[this.itemsToExpand.Length - 1], false);
                //delegate Expand call - if nothing is visible yet - onIdle - give new designer time to fully render, if someting is visible - execute immediatelly
                Dispatcher.CurrentDispatcher.BeginInvoke(new Action(() => { this.Expand(null); }), enqueueFirstExpand ? DispatcherPriority.ContextIdle : DispatcherPriority.Send);
 internal static bool IsBreakpointAllowed(Type breakpointCandidateType)
     return(typeof(Activity).IsAssignableFrom(breakpointCandidateType) || WorkflowViewService.GetAttribute <AllowBreakpointAttribute>(breakpointCandidateType) != null);
 private void OnViewServiceAvailable(ViewService viewService)
     this.viewService = (WorkflowViewService)viewService;
     this.viewService.ViewCreated += this.ViewCreated;
Beispiel #11
 private void OnViewServiceAvailable(ViewService viewService)
     this.viewService              = (WorkflowViewService)viewService;
     this.viewService.ViewCreated += this.ViewCreated;
 private static bool HasView(ModelItem modelItem, WorkflowViewService viewService, bool allowDrillIn)
     ActivityDesignerOptionsAttribute options = WorkflowViewService.GetAttribute<ActivityDesignerOptionsAttribute>(modelItem.ItemType);
     Type viewType = viewService.GetDesignerType(modelItem.ItemType);
     return typeof(WorkflowViewElement).IsAssignableFrom(viewType) && (!allowDrillIn || options == null || options.AllowDrillIn);
Beispiel #13
 public ErrorActivityView()
     WorkflowViewService.ShowErrorInViewElement(this, SR.ActivityLoadError, null);
Beispiel #14
        private DrawingBrush GetIconByVisualValue()
            if (this.VisualValue != null)
                DrawingBrush icon          = null;
                Type         modelItemType = this.VisualValue.ItemType;
                if (modelItemType.IsGenericType)
                    // If Type is generic type, whatever T, it should display same icon, so use generic type instead.
                    modelItemType = this.VisualValue.ItemType.GetGenericTypeDefinition();

                // If the user specifies the attribute, then the Designer would be providing the icon,
                // bypassing the pipeline of retrieving the icons via reflection and attached properties.
                ActivityDesignerOptionsAttribute attr = ExtensibilityAccessor.GetAttribute <ActivityDesignerOptionsAttribute>(modelItemType);
                if (attr != null && attr.OutlineViewIconProvider != null)
                    icon = attr.OutlineViewIconProvider(this.VisualValue);

                if (icon == null && !TreeViewItemViewModel.IconCache.TryGetValue(modelItemType, out icon))
                    EditingContext      context             = this.VisualValue.GetEditingContext();
                    ViewService         service             = context.Services.GetService <ViewService>();
                    WorkflowViewService workflowViewService = service as WorkflowViewService;
                    ActivityDesigner    designer            = null;

                    // first try to create an detached view element that won't participate in the designer,
                    // if the view service is WorkflowViewService
                    if (workflowViewService != null)
                        designer = workflowViewService.CreateDetachedViewElement(this.VisualValue) as ActivityDesigner;
                        icon     = GetIconFromUnInitializedDesigner(designer);
                        // fall back if the view service is not the default implementation
                        // We only need to get the icon from the designer, so we don't need to make sure the view is parented.
                        designer = this.VisualValue.View as ActivityDesigner;
                        if (designer == null && service != null)
                            designer = service.GetView(this.VisualValue) as ActivityDesigner;

                        if (designer != null)
                            if (designer.Icon != null || designer.IsLoaded)
                                icon = designer.Icon;
                                icon = GetIconFromUnInitializedDesigner(designer);

                    // Cache even a null icon since answers found above won't change within this AppDomain
                    TreeViewItemViewModel.IconCache.Add(modelItemType, icon);
