Beispiel #1
    override public ExecuteResult Execute(HandlerStartInfo startInfo)
        XmlSerializer      ser    = new XmlSerializer(typeof(WorkflowParameters));
        WorkflowParameters wfp    = new WorkflowParameters();
        TextReader         reader = new StringReader(startInfo.Parameters);

        wfp = (WorkflowParameters)ser.Deserialize(reader);

        Workflow wf = new Workflow(wfp);

        wf.OnLogMessage = this.OnLogMessage;
        wf.OnProgress   = this.OnProgress;

        if (config.Aws != null)
            wf.InitializeS3Client(config.Aws.AccessKey, config.Aws.SecretKey, config.Aws.AwsRegion);


        return(new ExecuteResult()
            Status = StatusType.Complete
Beispiel #2
        public static QcDataCollection LoadOrCreateQcCollection(WorkflowParameters parameters)
            QcDataCollection qcDataCollection;
            string           qcFile = Path.Combine(parameters.QcParams.QcDirectory, "QC.xml");

            // see if the file exists
            if (File.Exists(qcFile))
                // if so, open it
                    qcDataCollection = XmlSerialization.ReadFromXmlFile <QcDataCollection>(qcFile);
                    Log.Information("QC data file loaded successfully");
                catch (Exception e)
                    Log.Error(e, "Failed while loading QC data");
                    throw e;
                // if not, check if the directory exists
                if (!Directory.Exists(parameters.QcParams.QcDirectory))

                qcDataCollection = new QcDataCollection(parameters.RawFileDirectory, parameters.QcParams.QcDirectory, parameters.ExpType);
                Log.Information("Appears to be a new QC directory. New QC data collection created.");
Beispiel #3
        public static void RunXTandem(WorkflowParameters parameters, MethodDataContainer methodData, string mgfFile, string outputFile, bool genDecoy)
            XElement customPars, taxonomy;

            // make a decoy database, if requested
            if (genDecoy)
                // check if the decoy database already exists
                if (!parameters.QcParams.FastaDatabase.EndsWith(".TARGET_DECOY.fasta"))
                    parameters.QcParams.FastaDatabase = parameters.QcParams.FastaDatabase + ".TARGET_DECOY.fasta";

            // write out the default input file
            XElement.Parse(Properties.Resources.XTandem_default_config).Save(Path.Combine(parameters.QcParams.XTandemDirectory, "RawTools_default_config.xml"));

            // set up and write the taxonomy file
            taxonomy = XElement.Parse(Properties.Resources.XTandem_taxonomy);
            taxonomy.Save(Path.Combine(parameters.QcParams.XTandemDirectory, "RawTools_taxonomy.xml"));

            // set up and write the custom input file
            customPars = XElement.Parse(Properties.Resources.XTandem_custom_config);
            customPars.UpdateCustomXParameters(parameters, methodData, mgfFile, outputFile);
            string xTandemParameters = Path.Combine(parameters.QcParams.XTandemDirectory, "RawTools_custom_config.xml");


            ConsoleUtils.VoidBash(Path.Combine(parameters.QcParams.XTandemDirectory, "tandem.exe"), xTandemParameters);
    override public ExecuteResult Execute(HandlerStartInfo startInfo)
        XmlSerializer      ser    = new XmlSerializer(typeof(WorkflowParameters));
        WorkflowParameters wfp    = new WorkflowParameters();
        TextReader         reader = new StringReader(startInfo.Parameters);

        wfp = (WorkflowParameters)ser.Deserialize(reader);

        Workflow wf = null;

        if (wfp.Oracle != null)
            wf = new OracleWorkflow(wfp);
        else if (wfp.SQLServer != null)
            wf = new SQLServerWorkflow(wfp);
            wf = new Workflow(wfp);

        wf.OnLogMessage = this.OnLogMessage;
        wf.OnProgress   = this.OnProgress;

        seqNo = 0;
        OnProgress("Execute", "Starting", StatusType.Running, startInfo.InstanceId, seqNo++);

        return(new ExecuteResult()
            Status = StatusType.Complete
    public override object GetParametersInstance()
        WorkflowParameters wfp = new WorkflowParameters();

        wfp.Oracle            = new OracleType();
        wfp.Oracle.User       = "******";
        wfp.Oracle.Password   = "******";
        wfp.Oracle.DataSource = @"(DESCRIPTION = (ADDRESS = (PROTOCOL = TCP)(HOST = localhost)(PORT = 1521))(CONNECT_DATA =(SERVER = DEDICATED)(SERVICE_NAME = XE)))";

        wfp.SQLServer = new SQLServerType();
        wfp.SQLServer.ConnectionTimeout  = 30;
        wfp.SQLServer.Database           = "SANDBOX";
        wfp.SQLServer.DataSource         = @"Server=myServerAddress;Database=myDataBase;User Id=myUsername;Password=myPassword;";
        wfp.SQLServer.IntegratedSecurity = true;
        wfp.SQLServer.Password           = "******";
        wfp.SQLServer.TrustedConnection  = true;
        wfp.SQLServer.User = "******";

        wfp.Query           = "SELECT * from USERS where NAME = @userName";
        wfp.StoredProcedure = "dbo.uspGetUsers";

        wfp.Parameters = new List <ParameterType>();
        ParameterType param = new ParameterType();

        param.Name      = "userName";
        param.Value     = "Bill Gates";
        param.Direction = System.Data.ParameterDirection.Input;
        param.Type      = SqlParamterTypes.String;

        String xml = wfp.Serialize(false);

        xml = xml.Substring(xml.IndexOf("<"));
Beispiel #6
        public static XElement LoadSearchResults(WorkflowParameters parameters, string rawFileName)
            string QcSearchDataDirectory = parameters.QcParams.QcSearchDataDirectory;
            string resultsFile           = Path.Combine(QcSearchDataDirectory, Path.GetFileName(rawFileName) + ".pep.xml");

Beispiel #7
        public static void RunIdentipy(WorkflowParameters parameters, MethodDataContainer methodData, string mgfFile, string outputFile)
            string pyExec, idpyScript;

            // get the path to the python executable and identipy start script if they have not been specified
            if (parameters.QcParams.PythonExecutable == null & parameters.QcParams.IdentipyScript == null)
                string pyDir = GetPythonDir();
                pyExec     = GetPythonExec(pyDir);
                idpyScript = GetIdentipyExec(pyDir);
                Log.Information("Found python directory: {PyDir}", pyDir);
                Log.Information("Found python executable: {PyExec}", pyExec);
                Log.Information("Found identipy start script: {IdpyScript}", idpyScript);
                pyExec     = parameters.QcParams.PythonExecutable;
                idpyScript = parameters.QcParams.IdentipyScript;

            // run identipy, supresseing RunTimeWarnings
            //IdentipyExecute(idpyExec, idpyPars.FastaDatabase, idpyPars.FixedMods, idpyPars.VariableMods, mgfFile);
            Console.WriteLine("Starting Identipy");
            Log.Information("Starting Identipy");
            IdentipyExecute(pyExec, idpyScript, mgfFile, parameters, methodData.MassAnalyzers[MSOrderType.Ms2]);
        private ActionResult GetPageViewData(WorkflowParameters parameters, string viewName, Func <IPageWorkflow, PageViewData> getPageViewData)
            var repositoryFactory = new RepositoryFactory();
            var workflowFactory   = new WorkflowFactory(repositoryFactory);
            var pageWorkflow      = workflowFactory.GetPageWorkflow(parameters);

            return(View(viewName, getPageViewData.Invoke(pageWorkflow)));
Beispiel #9
        public void importParametersTest1()
            var importedParametersFile = Path.Combine(FileRefs.ImportedData, "importedN14N15WorkflowParameters.xml");

            var wp = WorkflowParameters.CreateParameters(importedParametersFile);

            Assert.AreEqual("N14N15Targeted1", wp.WorkflowType.ToString());
            Assert.IsTrue(wp is N14N15Workflow2Parameters);
Beispiel #10
        public static void UpdateTaxonomy(this XElement taxonomy, WorkflowParameters parameters)
            XElement element = new XElement("file");

            element.SetAttributeValue("format", "peptide");
            element.SetAttributeValue("URL", parameters.QcParams.FastaDatabase);
        public void createParametersObjectTest1()
            var importedParametersFile = Path.Combine(FileRefs.ImportedData, "importedBasicTargetedWorkflowParameters.xml");
            var wp = WorkflowParameters.CreateParameters(importedParametersFile);

            Assert.AreEqual("UnlabelledTargeted1", wp.WorkflowType.ToString());
            Assert.IsTrue(wp is BasicTargetedWorkflowParameters);

Beispiel #12
        public static void RunSearch(WorkflowParameters parameters, MethodDataContainer methodData, string rawFileName)
            string mgfFile    = Path.Combine(parameters.QcParams.QcSearchDataDirectory, Path.GetFileName(rawFileName) + ".mgf");
            string outputFile = Path.Combine(parameters.QcParams.QcSearchDataDirectory, Path.GetFileName(rawFileName) + ".pep.xml");

            if (parameters.QcParams.SearchAlgorithm == SearchAlgorithm.XTandem)
                XTandem.RunXTandem(parameters, methodData, mgfFile, outputFile, genDecoy: true);
Beispiel #13
 public void SetWorkflowParameterValues()
     foreach (string parameter in WorkflowParameterList)
         string value;
         if (WorkflowParameters.TryGetValue(parameter, out value))
             SetWorkflowParameterValue(parameter, value);
Beispiel #14
        public static void UpdateCustomXParameters(this XElement customParameters, WorkflowParameters parameters, MethodDataContainer methodData, string mgfFile, string outputFile)
            // add fixed modifications
            customParameters.AddNoteToXTandemParameters(type: "input", label: "residue, modification mass", value: parameters.QcParams.FixedMods);

            // add the variable modifications
            var tempMods = from x in (new string[] { parameters.QcParams.NMod, parameters.QcParams.KMod, parameters.QcParams.XMod })
                           where x != null
                           select x;

            if (tempMods.Count() > 0)
                string vmods = tempMods.Aggregate((i, j) => i + "," + j);
                customParameters.AddNoteToXTandemParameters(type: "input", label: "residue, potential modification mass", value: vmods);

            // add the parent and fragment mass errors
            // we assume the parent scan is in the FTMS
            customParameters.AddNoteToXTandemParameters(type: "input", label: "spectrum, parent monoisotopic mass error plus", value: "10");
            customParameters.AddNoteToXTandemParameters(type: "input", label: "spectrum, parent monoisotopic mass error minus", value: "10");
            customParameters.AddNoteToXTandemParameters(type: "input", label: "spectrum, parent monoisotopic mass isotope error", value: "yes");
            customParameters.AddNoteToXTandemParameters(type: "input", label: "spectrum, parent monoisotopic mass error units", value: "ppm");

            // need to check where the fragment scan is happening to assign mass error
            if (methodData.MassAnalyzers[MSOrderType.Ms2] == MassAnalyzerType.MassAnalyzerFTMS)
                customParameters.AddNoteToXTandemParameters(type: "input", label: "spectrum, fragment monoisotopic mass error", value: "0.5");
                customParameters.AddNoteToXTandemParameters(type: "input", label: "spectrum, fragment monoisotopic mass error", value: "0.05");
            customParameters.AddNoteToXTandemParameters(type: "input", label: "spectrum, fragment monoisotopic mass error units", value: "Daltons");

            // add default parameter file
            customParameters.AddNoteToXTandemParameters(type: "input", label: "list path, default parameters",
                                                        value: Path.Combine(parameters.QcParams.XTandemDirectory, "RawTools_default_config.xml"));

            // add taxonomy file
            customParameters.AddNoteToXTandemParameters(type: "input", label: "list path, taxonomy information",
                                                        value: Path.Combine(parameters.QcParams.XTandemDirectory, "RawTools_taxonomy.xml"));

            // add input and output
            customParameters.AddNoteToXTandemParameters(type: "input", label: "spectrum, path", value: mgfFile);
            customParameters.AddNoteToXTandemParameters(type: "input", label: "output, path", value: outputFile);

            // add number of threads to be used
            int numProcessors = Environment.ProcessorCount;

            customParameters.AddNoteToXTandemParameters(type: "input", label: "spectrum, threads", value: (numProcessors - 1).ToString());
Beispiel #15
        public static XElement LoadSearchResults(WorkflowParameters parameters, string rawFileName)
            string QcSearchDataDirectory = parameters.QcParams.QcSearchDataDirectory;
            string resultsFile           = Path.Combine(QcSearchDataDirectory, Path.GetFileName(rawFileName) + ".pep.xml");

            if (!File.Exists(resultsFile))
                Console.WriteLine("ERROR: Database search results file does not exist. Did the search fail?");

Beispiel #16
        public static void WriteSearchMGF(WorkflowParameters parameters, CentroidStreamCollection centroids, SegmentScanCollection segments, RetentionTimeCollection retentionTimes,
                                          PrecursorMassCollection precursorMasses, PrecursorScanCollection precursorScans, TrailerExtraCollection trailerExtras, MethodDataContainer methodData,
                                          ScanIndex index, string rawFileName, bool fixedScans = false)
            var pars = parameters.QcParams.SearchParameters;

            int[] scans = AdditionalMath.SelectRandomScans(scans: index.ScanEnumerators[MSOrderType.Ms2],
                                                           num: parameters.QcParams.NumberSpectra, fixedScans: parameters.QcParams.FixedScans);

            string mgfFile = ReadWrite.GetPathToFile(parameters.QcParams.QcSearchDataDirectory, rawFileName, ".mgf");

            MgfWriter.WriteMGF(rawFileName, centroids, segments, parameters, retentionTimes, precursorMasses, precursorScans,
                               trailerExtras, methodData, index, outputFile: mgfFile, scans: scans);
Beispiel #17
        public static TargetedResultToTextExporter CreateExporter(WorkflowParameters workflowParameters, string outputFileName)
            TargetedResultToTextExporter exporter;

            switch (workflowParameters.WorkflowType)
            case Globals.TargetedWorkflowTypes.Undefined:
                exporter = new UnlabelledTargetedResultToTextExporter(outputFileName);

            case Globals.TargetedWorkflowTypes.UnlabelledTargeted1:
                exporter = new UnlabelledTargetedResultToTextExporter(outputFileName);

            case Globals.TargetedWorkflowTypes.O16O18Targeted1:
                exporter = new O16O18TargetedResultToTextExporter(outputFileName);

            case Globals.TargetedWorkflowTypes.SipperTargeted1:
                exporter = new SipperResultToLcmsFeatureExporter(outputFileName);

            case Globals.TargetedWorkflowTypes.N14N15Targeted1:
                exporter = new N14N15TargetedResultToTextExporter(outputFileName);

            case Globals.TargetedWorkflowTypes.TopDownTargeted1:
                exporter = new TopDownTargetedResultToTextExporter(outputFileName);

            case Globals.TargetedWorkflowTypes.Deuterated:
                exporter = new DeuteratedTargetedResultToTextExporter(outputFileName);

            case Globals.TargetedWorkflowTypes.TargetedAlignerWorkflow1:
                throw new NotImplementedException("Cannot create exporter for this type of workflow");

            case Globals.TargetedWorkflowTypes.PeakDetectAndExportWorkflow1:
                throw new NotImplementedException("Cannot create exporter for this type of workflow");

            case Globals.TargetedWorkflowTypes.BasicTargetedWorkflowExecutor1:
                throw new NotImplementedException("Cannot create exporter for this type of workflow");

                exporter = new UnlabelledTargetedResultToTextExporter(outputFileName);

Beispiel #18
        /// <summary>
        /// Executes the specified context.
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="context">The context.</param>
        public virtual void Execute(BusinessContext context)
            WorkflowInstanceEntity entityObject = (WorkflowInstanceEntity)BusinessManager.Load(context.GetTargetMetaClassName(), context.GetTargetPrimaryKeyId().Value);

            if (entityObject.State == (int)BusinessProcessState.Closed &&
                entityObject.ExecutionResult == (int)BusinessProcessExecutionResult.Accepted)
                if (entityObject.OwnerDocumentId.HasValue)

                // TODO: Add New Owner Here
        private static void RegisterRoutes(Type context, RouteCollection routes, string routeAlias)
            var parameters = new WorkflowParameters
                AssemblyName = context.Assembly.FullName,
                ContextName  = context.FullName,
                RouteAlias   = routeAlias

                name: "EasyCrud Index",
                url: routeAlias,
                defaults: new
                controller = "EasyCrud",
                action     = "Index",

                name: "EasyCrud Repository List",
                url: routeAlias + "/{repositoryName}",
                defaults: new
                controller = "EasyCrud",
                action     = "RepositoryList",
                repositoryName = UrlParameter.Optional

                name: "EasyCrud Repository Edit",
                url: routeAlias + "/{repositoryName}/{id}",
                defaults: new
                controller = "EasyCrud",
                action     = "RepositoryEdit",
                repositoryName = UrlParameter.Optional,
                id             = UrlParameter.Optional
Beispiel #20
        public void Test1()
            var rawdataFile   = @"D:\Data\Orbitrap\QC_Shew_09_05-pt5-6_4Jan10_Doc_09-11-08.RAW";
            var massTagFile   = @"\\protoapps\UserData\Slysz\Data\MassTags\QCShew_Formic_MassTags_Bin10_all.txt";
            var parameterFile = @"\\protoapps\UserData\Slysz\Data\QCShew_MassiveTargeted\WorkflowParameterFiles\UnlabelledTargeted_WorkflowParameters_noSum.xml";

            var mtimporter = new MassTagFromTextFileImporter(massTagFile);

            var mtc = new TargetCollection();

            mtc = mtimporter.Import();

            var run = new RunFactory().CreateRun(rawdataFile);

            var expectedPeaksFilename = Path.Combine(run.DataSetPath, run.DatasetName + "_peaks.txt");

            var peakImporter = new DeconTools.Backend.Data.PeakImporterFromText(expectedPeaksFilename, null);


            var testMassTagID      = 3513677;
            var massTagChargeState = 2;

            run.CurrentMassTag = (from n in mtc.TargetList where n.ID == testMassTagID && n.ChargeState == massTagChargeState select n).First();

            var parameters = WorkflowParameters.CreateParameters(parameterFile);

            var workflow = TargetedWorkflow.CreateWorkflow(parameters);

            workflow.Run = run;



Beispiel #21
        public TargetedAligner(Run run, DeconToolsTargetedWorkflowParameters workflowParameters)
            _run          = run;
            _parameters   = workflowParameters;
            _netGroupings = createNETGroupings();
            _workflow     = new BasicTargetedWorkflow(_run, workflowParameters);

            IsAlignmentInfoExported = true;

            NumberOfDesiredMassTagsFoundPerNETGrouping = 25;
            NumberOfChromPeaksWithinToleranceAllowed   = 1;

            NumberOfMaxAttemptsPerNETGrouping      = 200;
            this.UpperFitScoreAllowedCriteria      = 0.1;
            this.MinimumChromPeakIntensityCriteria = 2.5e5f;
            this.IScoreAllowedCriteria             = 0.15;
            this.AreFeaturesSavedToTextFile        = true;
Beispiel #22
        public static void CheckIdentipyDependencies(WorkflowParameters parameters)
            string pyExec;

            // Check if python is installed
            Console.WriteLine("Checking Identipy dependencies");
            Log.Information("Checking Identipy dependencies");
            if (parameters.QcParams.PythonExecutable == null)
                pyExec = GetPythonExec(GetPythonDir());
                pyExec = parameters.QcParams.PythonExecutable;
            string pyV = GetPythonVersion(pyExec);

            // check if it is python 2.7
            if (!pyV.StartsWith("2.7"))
                Log.Error("Python {Version} detected, but Python 2.7 is requried");
                Console.WriteLine("ERROR: {0} detected, but python 2.7 is requried. If Python 2.7 is installed, please provide " +
                                  "the path to the executable using the -p argument.", pyV);

            // if all is okay, proceed
            Log.Information("Python {Version} detected, using this to run identipy", pyV);

            // check if identipy is installed
                ConsoleUtils.Bash("python", "-c \"import identipy\"");
            catch (Exception e)
                Log.Error(e, "Identipy is not installed");
                Console.WriteLine("ERROR: Identipy is not installed. See identipy installation instructions at");
            Console.WriteLine("All Identipy dependencies satisfied!");
        protected void SaveButton_ServerClick(object sender, EventArgs e)
            WorkflowDefinitionEntity definition = (WorkflowDefinitionEntity)BusinessManager.Load(WorkflowDefinitionEntity.ClassName, PrimaryKeyId.Parse(TemplateList.SelectedValue));

            WorkflowInstanceEntity instance = BusinessManager.InitializeEntity <WorkflowInstanceEntity>(WorkflowInstanceEntity.ClassName);

            instance.Name        = definition.Name;
            instance.Description = definition.Description;

            if (!String.IsNullOrEmpty(OwnerName) && OwnerId > 0)
                instance[OwnerName] = OwnerId;

            instance.SchemaId = definition.SchemaId;
            instance.Xaml     = definition.Xaml;

            if (definition.PlanFinishTimeType == (int)TimeType.Duration)
                instance.PlanFinishTimeType = (int)TimeType.Duration;
                instance.PlanDuration       = definition.PlanDuration;
            else if (definition.PlanFinishTimeType == (int)TimeType.DateTime)
                instance.PlanFinishTimeType = (int)TimeType.DateTime;
                instance.PlanFinishDate     = definition.PlanFinishDate;

            //instance.PlanDuration = definition.PlanDuration;
            //if (instance.PlanDuration.HasValue)
            //	instance.PlanFinishTimeType = (int)TimeType.Duration;

            // Lock Library
            WorkflowParameters.SetOwnerReadOnly(instance, WorkflowParameters.GetOwnerReadOnly(definition));

            // Overdue Action
            WorkflowParameters.SetAssignmentOverdueAction(instance, WorkflowParameters.GetAssignmentOverdueAction(definition));


            Mediachase.Ibn.Web.UI.WebControls.CommandHandler.RegisterCloseOpenedFrameScript(this.Page, string.Empty);
Beispiel #24
    override public ExecuteResult Execute(HandlerStartInfo startInfo)
        XmlSerializer      ser    = new XmlSerializer(typeof(WorkflowParameters));
        WorkflowParameters wfp    = new WorkflowParameters();
        TextReader         reader = new StringReader(startInfo.Parameters);

        wfp = (WorkflowParameters)ser.Deserialize(reader);

        Workflow wf = new Workflow(wfp);

        wf.OnLogMessage = this.OnLogMessage;
        wf.OnProgress   = this.OnProgress;


        return(new ExecuteResult()
            Status = StatusType.Complete
Beispiel #25
    public override object GetParametersInstance()
        WorkflowParameters wfp = new WorkflowParameters();

        wfp.Files = new List <FileType>();
        FileType file = new FileType();

        file.Type          = ConfigType.KeyValue;
        file.RootDirectory = @"C:\Source";
        file.Source        = @"MyApp\Development\";
        file.Destination   = @"MyApp\Development\";
        file.SettingsFile  = new SettingFileType();
        file.SettingsFile.CreateIfNotFoundStr   = "true";
        file.SettingsFile.HasEncryptedValuesStr = "false";
        file.SettingsFile.Value = @"MyApp\Development\Development.settings.csv";
        file.CopySourceStr      = "true";


        String xml = wfp.Serialize(false);

        xml = xml.Substring(xml.IndexOf("<"));
Beispiel #26
    override public ExecuteResult Execute(HandlerStartInfo startInfo)
        XmlSerializer      ser    = new XmlSerializer(typeof(WorkflowParameters));
        WorkflowParameters wfp    = new WorkflowParameters();
        TextReader         reader = new StringReader(startInfo.Parameters);

        wfp = (WorkflowParameters)ser.Deserialize(reader);

        Workflow wf = new Workflow(wfp)
            OnLogMessage = this.OnLogMessage,
            OnProgress   = this.OnProgress

        seqNo = 0;
        OnProgress("Execute", "Starting", StatusType.Running, startInfo.InstanceId, seqNo++);
        wf.Initialize(ref wfp, startInfo);

        return(new ExecuteResult()
            Status = StatusType.Complete
Beispiel #27
        public static (List <string> fileList, QcDataCollection qcDataCollection) GetFileListAndQcFile(WorkflowParameters parameters, bool subdirectoriesIncluded)
            QcDataCollection qcDataCollection;
            string           dataDirectory         = parameters.RawFileDirectory;
            string           qcDirectory           = parameters.QcParams.QcDirectory;
            string           qcSearchDataDirecotry = parameters.QcParams.QcSearchDataDirectory;
            SearchParameters searchParameters      = parameters.QcParams.SearchParameters;

            // our qc file
            string qcFile = Path.Combine(qcDirectory, "QC.xml");

            // see if the file exists
            if (File.Exists(qcFile))
                // if so, open it
                    qcDataCollection = XmlSerialization.ReadFromXmlFile <QcDataCollection>(qcFile);
                    Log.Information("QC data file loaded successfully");
                catch (Exception e)
                    Log.Error(e, "Failed while loading QC data");
                    throw e;
                // if not, check if the directory exists
                if (!Directory.Exists(qcDirectory))

                qcDataCollection = new QcDataCollection(dataDirectory, qcDirectory, parameters.ExpType);
                Log.Information("Appears to be a new QC directory. New QC data collection created.");

            // get our list of new raw files. it is every raw file in the directory that is not listed in the qc data
            List <string> fileList;

            if (subdirectoriesIncluded)
                fileList = Directory.GetFiles(dataDirectory, "*.*", SearchOption.AllDirectories)
                           .Where(s => s.EndsWith(".raw", StringComparison.OrdinalIgnoreCase)).ToList();
                fileList = Directory.GetFiles(dataDirectory, "*.*", SearchOption.TopDirectoryOnly)
                           .Where(s => s.EndsWith(".raw", StringComparison.OrdinalIgnoreCase)).ToList();

            // make sure we've got absolute paths to the files

            if (fileList.Count() == 0)
                Log.Error("No raw files found in {Directory}", dataDirectory);
                Console.WriteLine("{0} contains no raw files!", dataDirectory);

            fileList.RemoveAll(s => qcDataCollection.ProcessedRawFiles.Contains(Path.GetFileName(s)));

            Log.Information("Raw files in QC queue: {Files}", fileList);

            if (fileList.Count() == 0)
                Log.Information("No new files to QC");
                Console.WriteLine("No new files in the directory to QC!");

            Console.WriteLine("{0} file(s) to process", fileList.Count());

            return(fileList, qcDataCollection);
Beispiel #28
        public static SearchMetricsContainer ParseSearchResults(SearchMetricsContainer searchMetrics, WorkflowParameters parameters, string rawFileName)
            XElement results = LoadSearchResults(parameters, rawFileName);

            PsmDataCollection Psms = ExtractPsmData(results, parameters.QcParams.SearchAlgorithm);

            searchMetrics.ParsePSMs(Psms, parameters);

Beispiel #29
        public static void GetModificationFrequency(this SearchMetricsContainer searchMetrics, IEnumerable <PsmData> psms, WorkflowParameters parameters)
            string nmod = parameters.QcParams.NMod;
            string kmod = parameters.QcParams.KMod;
            string xmod = parameters.QcParams.XMod;
            Dictionary <string, string> Modifications      = new Dictionary <string, string>();
            Dictionary <string, int>    TotalLabelingSites = new Dictionary <string, int>();
            Dictionary <string, int>    LabelingSitesHit   = new Dictionary <string, int>();
            Dictionary <string, double> LabelingEfficiency = new Dictionary <string, double>();
            List <Modification>         mods;
            List <string> AminosOfInterest = new List <string>();

            string[] Mods = new string[] { nmod, kmod, xmod };

            // "Prime" the dictionaries
            foreach (var item in Mods)
                if (item == null)
                var splitString = item.Split('@');
                // add the key: value pairs as mass@AA:AA
                Modifications.Add(item, splitString.Last());
                // and AA:int
                TotalLabelingSites.Add(splitString.Last(), 0);
                LabelingSitesHit.Add(splitString.Last(), 0);

            foreach (PsmData psm in psms)
                mods = psm.Mods;

                // check the sequence in two steps. First the n-terminus, then remove the n-terminus and check the rest of it.

                // FIRST STEP: N-TERMINUS

                if (nmod != null)
                    // check if the first residue is lysine
                    if (psm.Seq[0] == 'K')
                        // if so, we need to see if it was only labeled once. Skip the psm if that is the case because it is ambiguous
                        IEnumerable <Modification> nMods = from x in mods
                                                           where x.Loc == 0
                                                           select x;
                        int numMods = nMods.Count();

                        if (numMods == 1)
                            // we can't know which reactive site is modified, so don't include this peptide
                        if (numMods == 0)
                            // nothing is labeled
                            TotalLabelingSites["["] += 1;
                            if (AminosOfInterest.Contains("K"))
                                TotalLabelingSites["K"] += 1;
                        if (numMods == 2)
                            TotalLabelingSites["["] += 1;
                            LabelingSitesHit["["]   += 1;

                            if (AminosOfInterest.Contains("K"))
                                TotalLabelingSites["K"] += 1;
                                LabelingSitesHit["K"]   += 1;
                    // If the first residue is not lysine
                        IEnumerable <Modification> nMods = from x in mods
                                                           where x.Loc == 0
                                                           select x;

                        // add 1 to total n-termini, because it is always there
                        TotalLabelingSites["["] += 1;

                        // get the aa residue letter
                        string residue = psm.Seq[0].ToString();

                        //see if it is of interest
                        if (AminosOfInterest.Contains(residue))
                            // if so, add 1 to total sites for it
                            TotalLabelingSites[residue] += 1;

                        // now go through each detected modification
                        foreach (Modification mod in nMods)
                            if (nmod.Contains(mod.Mass.ToString()))
                                LabelingSitesHit["["] += 1;
                                if (AminosOfInterest.Contains(mod.AA))
                                    LabelingSitesHit[mod.AA] += 1;
                int start;
                if (nmod != null)
                    start = 1;
                    start = 0;

                // now continue with the rest

                for (int i = start; i < psm.Seq.Length; i++)
                    // check if we care about this amino acid
                    string aa = psm.Seq[i].ToString();
                    if (AminosOfInterest.Contains(aa))
                        // add one to potential labeling sites
                        TotalLabelingSites[aa] += 1;

                        // There should only ever be one modification for each of the rest of the residues, so we can reference it by location to see if it exists
                        bool hit = (from x in mods
                                    where x.Loc == i
                                    select 1).Count() == 1;
                        if (hit)
                            LabelingSitesHit[aa] += 1;

            // spit out some metrics to the console

            foreach (string aa in AminosOfInterest)
                if (aa == "[")
                    Console.WriteLine("Total N-term sites: {0}", TotalLabelingSites["["]);
                    Console.WriteLine("Total {0} sites: {1}", aa, TotalLabelingSites[aa]);

            foreach (string aa in AminosOfInterest)
                if (aa == "[")
                    Console.WriteLine("Missed modifications at N-term: {0}", TotalLabelingSites["["] - LabelingSitesHit["["]);
                    Console.WriteLine("Missed modifications at {0}: {1}", aa, TotalLabelingSites[aa] - LabelingSitesHit[aa]);

            // calculate labelling efficiency for each site
            foreach (var aa in AminosOfInterest)
                double efficiency = (double)LabelingSitesHit[aa] / TotalLabelingSites[aa];
                LabelingEfficiency.Add(aa, efficiency);
                if (aa == "[")
                    Console.WriteLine("Modification frequency at N-term: {0}", efficiency);
                    Console.WriteLine("Modification frequency at {0}: {1}", aa, efficiency);

                // if the sites are n-term or K add them to their own attributes
                if (aa == "[")
                    searchMetrics.LabelingEfficiencyAtNTerm = efficiency;
                    searchMetrics.SearchData.NLabelSites    = TotalLabelingSites[aa];
                    searchMetrics.SearchData.NLabelSitesHit = LabelingSitesHit[aa];
                    if (aa == "K")
                        searchMetrics.LabelingEfficiencyAtK     = efficiency;
                        searchMetrics.SearchData.KLabelSites    = TotalLabelingSites[aa];
                        searchMetrics.SearchData.KLabelSitesHit = LabelingSitesHit[aa];
                    // if not, then add it to xmod attributes
                        searchMetrics.LabelingEfficiencyAtX = efficiency;
                        searchMetrics.LabelX = aa;
                        searchMetrics.SearchData.XLabelSites    = TotalLabelingSites[aa];
                        searchMetrics.SearchData.XLabelSitesHit = LabelingSitesHit[aa];
Beispiel #30
        public static void ParsePSMs(this SearchMetricsContainer searchMetrics, PsmDataCollection psmCollection, WorkflowParameters parameters)
            int numGoodPSMs, pepsWithNoMissedCleavages;
            IEnumerable <int>     charges;
            double                IdRate, chargeRatio3to2, chargeRatio4to2;
            double                digestionEfficiency, topDecoyScore;
            double                missedCleavageRate;
            Dictionary <int, int> numCharges = new Dictionary <int, int>();
            List <PsmData>        psms;
            IEnumerable <PsmData> goodPsms, nonDecoys;

            int numSearched = parameters.QcParams.NumberSpectra;

            // convert the dictionary to a list for easy parsing
            psms = psmCollection.Values.ToList();

            // get the top decoy score
            topDecoyScore = (from x in psms
                             where x.Decoy
                             select x.Hyperscore)

            // get the non-decoys
            nonDecoys = from x in psms
                        where !x.Decoy
                        select x;

            // and select the non-decoy hits which are above the top decoy score
            goodPsms = from x in psms
                       where !x.Decoy & x.Hyperscore > topDecoyScore
                       select x;

            Console.WriteLine("Total hits: {0}", psms.Count());
            Console.WriteLine("Top decoy score: {0}", topDecoyScore);
            Console.WriteLine("Non-decoy hits: {0}", nonDecoys.Count());
            Console.WriteLine("Non-decoy hits above top decoy score: {0}", goodPsms.Count());

            // parse out the charges
            charges = from x in goodPsms
                      select x.Charge;

            // get the number of each charge, add to a dictionary
            foreach (int charge in new List <int>()
                2, 3, 4
                numCharges.Add(charge, (from x in charges where x == charge select 1).Count());

            // calculate charge ratios
            chargeRatio3to2 = Convert.ToDouble(numCharges[3]) / Convert.ToDouble(numCharges[2]);
            chargeRatio4to2 = Convert.ToDouble(numCharges[4]) / Convert.ToDouble(numCharges[2]);

            // parse out the missed cleavage data
            pepsWithNoMissedCleavages = (from x in goodPsms
                                         where x.MissedCleavages == 0
                                         select 1).Sum();

            // number of PSMs is the length of this collection
            numGoodPSMs = goodPsms.Count();

            // missed cleavages per PSM
            digestionEfficiency = (double)pepsWithNoMissedCleavages / numGoodPSMs;
            Console.WriteLine("Digestion efficiency: {0}", digestionEfficiency);

            // get missed cleavage rate, i.e. number of missed cleavages per psm
            missedCleavageRate = (double)(from x in goodPsms select x.MissedCleavages).Sum() / numGoodPSMs;
            Console.WriteLine("Missed cleavage rate (/PSM): {0}", missedCleavageRate);

            // calculate ID rate
            IdRate = (double)numGoodPSMs / numSearched;
            Console.WriteLine("IDrate: {0}", IdRate);

            // get labeling efficiency metrics
            if ((parameters.QcParams.NMod != null) | (parameters.QcParams.KMod != null) | (parameters.QcParams.XMod != null))
                searchMetrics.GetModificationFrequency(goodPsms, parameters);

            // get median mass drift
            searchMetrics.MedianMassDrift = (from x in goodPsms
                                             select x.MassDrift)

            searchMetrics.SearchData.PSMsWithNoMissedCleavages = pepsWithNoMissedCleavages;
            searchMetrics.SearchData.TotalNumGoodPSMs          = numGoodPSMs;
            searchMetrics.SearchData.NumCharge2 = numCharges[2];
            searchMetrics.SearchData.NumCharge3 = numCharges[3];
            searchMetrics.SearchData.NumCharge4 = numCharges[4];

            searchMetrics.IdentificationRate  = IdRate;
            searchMetrics.MissedCleavageRate  = missedCleavageRate;
            searchMetrics.DigestionEfficiency = digestionEfficiency;
            searchMetrics.ChargeRatio3to2     = chargeRatio3to2;
            searchMetrics.ChargeRatio4to2     = chargeRatio4to2;