async Task GetTabDetails()
            await Task.Factory.StartNew(() =>
                IEnumerable <XNode> nodes = from p in xdoc.Descendants("PageConfiguration")
                                            from p1 in p.Descendants("ReportMapping")
                                            from p2 in p1.Nodes()
                                            select p2;

                foreach (XNode node in nodes)
                    if (node is XElement)
                        var tabName     = ((XElement)node).Attribute("HeaderTabTitle") != null ? ((XElement)node).Attribute("HeaderTabTitle").Value : "";
                        WorkbookTab tab = null;
                        if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(tabName) && !workbookDetails.IsTabExists(tabName))
                            //Get the Tab Details.
                            tab = new WorkbookTab(tabName);
                            tab = workbookDetails.Tabs.Find(x => x.TabName == tabName);

                        //Now get the subtab details.
                        GetSubTabDetail(node, tab);
        void GetSubTabDetail(XNode node, WorkbookTab tab)
            var subTabName = ((XElement)node).Attribute("HeaderSubTabTitle") != null ? ((XElement)node).Attribute("HeaderSubTabTitle").Value : "";

            if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(subTabName) && !tab.IsSubTabExists(subTabName))
                //Get the SubTab Details.
                WorkbookSubTab subTab = new WorkbookSubTab(subTabName);

                //Get the preference Detail
                GetSubTabPreferenceDetail(node, subTab);