Beispiel #1
        public static void Main(string[] args)
            // The path to the documents directory.
            string dataDir = Path.GetFullPath("../../../Data/");

            //Define Color array (of 12 colors) for Theme.
            Color[] carr = new Color[12];
            carr[0]  = Color.AntiqueWhite; // Background1
            carr[1]  = Color.Brown;        // Text1
            carr[2]  = Color.AliceBlue;    // Background2
            carr[3]  = Color.Yellow;       // Text2
            carr[4]  = Color.YellowGreen;  // Accent1
            carr[5]  = Color.Red;          // Accent2
            carr[6]  = Color.Pink;         // Accent3
            carr[7]  = Color.Purple;       // Accent4
            carr[8]  = Color.PaleGreen;    // Accent5
            carr[9]  = Color.Orange;       // Accent6
            carr[10] = Color.Green;        // Hyperlink
            carr[11] = Color.Gray;         // Followed Hyperlink

            //Instantiate a Workbook.
            //Open the template file.
            Workbook workbook = new Workbook(dataDir + "book1.xlsx");

            //Set the custom theme with specified colors.
            workbook.CustomTheme("CustomeTheme1", carr);

            //Save as the excel file.
            workbook.Save(dataDir + "output.xlsx");
        public static void Main(string[] args)
            // The path to the documents directory.
            string dataDir = Aspose.Cells.Examples.Utils.GetDataDir(System.Reflection.MethodBase.GetCurrentMethod().DeclaringType);

            //Define Color array (of 12 colors) for Theme.
            Color[] carr = new Color[12];
            carr[0]  = Color.AntiqueWhite; // Background1
            carr[1]  = Color.Brown;        // Text1
            carr[2]  = Color.AliceBlue;    // Background2
            carr[3]  = Color.Yellow;       // Text2
            carr[4]  = Color.YellowGreen;  // Accent1
            carr[5]  = Color.Red;          // Accent2
            carr[6]  = Color.Pink;         // Accent3
            carr[7]  = Color.Purple;       // Accent4
            carr[8]  = Color.PaleGreen;    // Accent5
            carr[9]  = Color.Orange;       // Accent6
            carr[10] = Color.Green;        // Hyperlink
            carr[11] = Color.Gray;         // Followed Hyperlink

            //Instantiate a Workbook.
            //Open the template file.
            Workbook workbook = new Workbook(dataDir + "book1.xlsx");

            //Set the custom theme with specified colors.
            workbook.CustomTheme("CustomeTheme1", carr);

            //Save as the excel file.
            workbook.Save(dataDir + "output.out.xlsx");
        public static void Main(string[] args)
            // The path to the documents directory.
            string dataDir = Aspose.Cells.Examples.Utils.GetDataDir(System.Reflection.MethodBase.GetCurrentMethod().DeclaringType);
            //Define Color array (of 12 colors) for Theme.
            Color[] carr = new Color[12];
            carr[0] = Color.AntiqueWhite; // Background1
            carr[1] = Color.Brown; // Text1
            carr[2] = Color.AliceBlue; // Background2
            carr[3] = Color.Yellow; // Text2
            carr[4] = Color.YellowGreen; // Accent1
            carr[5] = Color.Red; // Accent2
            carr[6] = Color.Pink; // Accent3
            carr[7] = Color.Purple; // Accent4
            carr[8] = Color.PaleGreen; // Accent5
            carr[9] = Color.Orange; // Accent6
            carr[10] = Color.Green; // Hyperlink
            carr[11] = Color.Gray; // Followed Hyperlink

            //Instantiate a Workbook.
            //Open the template file.
            Workbook workbook = new Workbook(dataDir + "book1.xlsx");

            //Set the custom theme with specified colors.
            workbook.CustomTheme("CustomeTheme1", carr);
            //Save as the excel file.
            workbook.Save(dataDir + "output.xlsx");
