public string[] SearchPhoto(Newtonsoft.Json.Linq.JObject idUser) { string userId = HttpContext.Session.Get("userId").ToString(); string[] array = WorkWithDb.PathPhoto(userId, Convert.ToInt32(idUser["idAlbum"])).ToArray(); return(array); }
private void UpdatePat(int id) { if (profpat.Error == String.Empty) { string queryaddPat = "UPDATE Patients SET Firstname=@FN, Surname=@SN,Patronymic=@Pat" + ",Snils=@Sni,Telephone=@Tel,Address=@Addr,Policy=@Pol,Birthday=@Birth WHERE Id_Patient=@Id"; Dictionary <string, object> dictPat = new Dictionary <string, object>() { { "@FN", profpat.FirstName }, { "@SN", profpat.SurName }, { "@Pat", profpat.Patronymic }, { "@Id", profpat.Id }, { "@Sni", profpat.Snils }, { "@Tel", profpat.Telephone }, { "@Addr", profpat.Address }, { "@Pol", profpat.Policy }, { "@Birth", Convert.ToDateTime(profpat.Birthday) } }; WorkWithDb wwd = new WorkWithDb(); wwd.UpdateDb(queryaddPat, dictPat); } else { MessageBox.Show("Исправте поля"); } }
public string[] SearchAlbum([FromBody] Newtonsoft.Json.Linq.JObject album) { string userId = WorkWithDb.getUserId(album["token"].ToString()); string[] albums = WorkWithDb.SearchAlbum(userId.ToString()).ToArray(); return(albums); }
private void addDiagnosis(Diagnosis dng) { if (dng.Title != "" && dng.Description != "") { WorkWithDb wwd = new WorkWithDb(); string sqlexp = "INSERT INTO Diagnoses(Title,Id_Patient,Id_Doctor,Data,Description) " + "VALUES(@Title,@Id_p,@Id_d,@Date,@Desc)"; Dictionary <string, object> values = new Dictionary <string, object>() { { "@Title", dng.Title }, { "@Id_p", dng.Id_Patient }, { "@Id_d", dng.Id_Doctor }, { "@Date", DateTime.Now.Date }, { "@Desc", dng.Description }, }; Queue <SqlDbType> types = new Queue <SqlDbType>(); types.Enqueue(SqlDbType.NVarChar); types.Enqueue(SqlDbType.Int); types.Enqueue(SqlDbType.Int); types.Enqueue(SqlDbType.Date); types.Enqueue(SqlDbType.NVarChar); wwd.InsertInDb(sqlexp, values, types); } }
public ActionResult Index() { ViewBag.IdEmpty = true; ViewBag.Title = "Додавання покемона"; ViewBag.ButtonTitle = "Додати!"; var i = new Pokemon(); if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(Request.Params["Id"])) { int ind; // for index int.TryParse(Request.Params["Id"], out ind); ind = new WorkWithDb(db).IsId(ind); if (ind >= 0) { IEnumerable <Pokemon> pokemons = db.Pokemons; i = pokemons.ToArray()[ind]; ViewBag.IdEmpty = false; ViewBag.Title = "Редагування покемона"; // change title ViewBag.ButtonTitle = "Перезаписати!"; ViewData["Id"] = i.Id; } } ViewBag.CountOfPok = db.Pokemons.Count(); ViewData["Name"] = i.Name; ViewData["Health"] = i.Health; ViewData["Damage"] = i.Damage; ViewData["Armor"] = i.Armor; ViewData["UniqueMove"] = i.UniqueMove; return(View()); }
public int AddAlbum([FromBody] Newtonsoft.Json.Linq.JObject album) { string userId = WorkWithDb.getUserId(album["token"].ToString()); int id = WorkWithDb.AddAlbum(userId, album["nameOfAlbum"].ToString()); return(id); }
public string[] SearchPhoto([FromBody] Newtonsoft.Json.Linq.JObject idUser) { string userId = WorkWithDb.getUserId(idUser["token"].ToString()); string[] array = WorkWithDb.PathPhoto(userId, Convert.ToInt32(idUser["idAlbum"])).ToArray(); return(array); }
public void AddUser(Newtonsoft.Json.Linq.JObject obj) { Users user = new Users { Name = obj["Name"].ToString(), Surname = obj["Surname"].ToString(), Pseudonym = obj["Pseudonym"].ToString(), Email = obj["Email"].ToString(), FieldOfActivity = obj["FieldOfActivity"].ToString(), City = obj["City"].ToString(), Password = obj["Password"].ToString() }; WorkWithDb.AddNewUser(user); }
private void markVisit(object items) { object[] parameters = items as object[]; Doctor dc = parameters[2] as Doctor; string time = parameters[3].ToString(); int mynumb; if (time.Length == 4) { mynumb = Convert.ToInt32(time.Substring(0, 1)); } else { mynumb = Convert.ToInt32(time.Substring(0, 2)); } if (mynumb <= DateTime.Now.Hour) { string connectionString = ConfigurationManager.ConnectionStrings["ConnectToDb"].ConnectionString; using (SqlConnection connect = new SqlConnection(connectionString)) { connect.Open(); string sqlexp = "SELECT * FROM Visits WHERE Id_Patient = @Id_p and Date=@Date and Id_Doc=@Id_d "; SqlCommand cmd = new SqlCommand(sqlexp, connect); cmd.Parameters.AddWithValue("@Id_p", parameters[0]); cmd.Parameters.AddWithValue("@Date", parameters[1]); cmd.Parameters.AddWithValue("@Id_d", dc.Id_Doctor); SqlDataReader reader = cmd.ExecuteReader(); if (reader.HasRows) { MessageBox.Show("Patient was marked"); } else { WorkWithDb wwd = new WorkWithDb(); string query = "INSERT INTO Visits(Date,Health_complaints,Id_Patient,Id_Doc) VALUES(@Date,@H_C,@Id_p,@Id_d)"; Dictionary <string, object> mydic = new Dictionary <string, object>() { { "@Date", parameters[1] }, { "@H_C", "" }, { "Id_p", parameters[0] }, { "@Id_d", dc.Id_Doctor } }; Queue <SqlDbType> que = new Queue <SqlDbType>(); que.Enqueue(SqlDbType.Date); que.Enqueue(SqlDbType.NVarChar); que.Enqueue(SqlDbType.Int); que.Enqueue(SqlDbType.Int); wwd.InsertInDb(query, mydic, que); } } } else { MessageBox.Show("The time has not come yet"); } }
public RedirectToRouteResult DelPokemon(int Id) { int ind = new WorkWithDb(db).IsId(Id); if (ind >= 0) { db.Pokemons.Remove(db.Pokemons.Find(Id)); db.SaveChanges(); } return(RedirectToRoute(new { controller = "Pokemon", action = "ListPokemons" })); }
public ActionResult ViewPokemon(int Id = -1) { int ind = new WorkWithDb(db).IsId(Id); if (ind >= 0) { var pokemon = db.Pokemons.Find(Id); ViewBag.Pokemon = pokemon; return(View()); } return(RedirectToRoute(new { controller = "Pokemon", action = "ListPokemons" })); }
public RedirectToRouteResult AddPokemon(Pokemon pokemon) { int ind = new WorkWithDb(db).IsId(pokemon.Id); if (ind >= 0) { db.Pokemons.Remove(db.Pokemons.Find(pokemon.Id)); db.Pokemons.Add(pokemon); db.SaveChanges(); return(RedirectToRoute(new { controller = "Pokemon", action = "ListPokemons" })); } db.Pokemons.Add(pokemon); db.SaveChanges(); ViewBag.CountOfPok = db.Pokemons.Count(); return(RedirectToRoute(new { controller = "Pokemon", action = "Index" })); }
private void addnewpatient() { if (SelectedPatient.Error == String.Empty) { Dictionary <string, object> paramval = new Dictionary <string, object>() { { "@FN", SelectedPatient.FirstName }, { "@SN", SelectedPatient.SurName }, { "@Pat", SelectedPatient.Patronymic }, { "@Sni", SelectedPatient.Snils }, { "@Tele", SelectedPatient.Telephone }, { "@Addr", SelectedPatient.Address }, { "@Poli", SelectedPatient.Policy }, { "@Birth", Convert.ToDateTime(SelectedPatient.Birthday) }, }; string queryaddPat = "INSERT INTO Patients (Firstname,Surname,Patronymic,Snils,Telephone,Address,Policy,Birthday)" + " VALUES(@FN,@SN,@Pat,@Sni,@Tele,@Addr,@Poli,@Birth)"; Queue <SqlDbType> types = new Queue <SqlDbType>(); for (int i = 0; i < 7; i++) { types.Enqueue(SqlDbType.NVarChar); } types.Enqueue(SqlDbType.Date); WorkWithDb insertPat = new WorkWithDb(); if (insertPat.InsertInDb(queryaddPat, paramval, types)) { CreateMedCard(SelectedPatient.Policy); SelectedPatient.FirstName = String.Empty; SelectedPatient.SurName = String.Empty; SelectedPatient.Patronymic = String.Empty; SelectedPatient.Snils = String.Empty; SelectedPatient.Telephone = String.Empty; SelectedPatient.Address = String.Empty; SelectedPatient.Policy = String.Empty; SelectedPatient.Birthday = String.Empty; } } else { MessageBox.Show("Исправте поля"); } }
private void MakeRecord(DateTime currentdate) { if (pat.Error == String.Empty) { using (SqlConnection connect = new SqlConnection(connectionString)) { connect.Open(); string sqlexp = "SELECT * FROM Patients WHERE Policy=@Pol"; SqlCommand cmd = new SqlCommand(sqlexp, connect); cmd.Parameters.AddWithValue("@Pol", pat.Policy); SqlDataReader reader = cmd.ExecuteReader(); if (reader.HasRows) { reader.Read(); Id_Patient = reader.GetInt32(0); if (CheckAppointMent(Id_Patient)) { string sqlquery = "INSERT INTO Appointments(Id_Doctor,Date,Time,Id_Patient) VALUES(@Id_Doc,@Date,@Time,@Id_Pat)"; Dictionary <string, object> newmAppoint = new Dictionary <string, object>() { { "@Id_Doc", record.Doc.Id_Doctor }, { "@Date", currentdate.Date }, { "@Time", currentdate.TimeOfDay }, { "@Id_Pat", Id_Patient } }; var types = new Queue <SqlDbType>(); types.Enqueue(SqlDbType.Int); types.Enqueue(SqlDbType.Date); types.Enqueue(SqlDbType.Time); types.Enqueue(SqlDbType.Int); WorkWithDb wwd = new WorkWithDb(); wwd.InsertInDb(sqlquery, newmAppoint, types); } } else { MessageBox.Show("Такой номер полиса не зарегистрирован"); } } } }
private void CreateMedCard(string policy) { int id_pat = 0; string connectionString = ConfigurationManager.ConnectionStrings["ConnectToDb"].ConnectionString; using (SqlConnection connect = new SqlConnection(connectionString)) { connect.Open(); string sqlexp = "SELECT * FROM Patients WHERE Policy =@pol"; SqlCommand cmd = new SqlCommand(sqlexp, connect); cmd.Parameters.AddWithValue("@pol", policy); SqlDataReader reader = cmd.ExecuteReader(); if (reader.HasRows) { reader.Read(); id_pat = reader.GetInt32(0); } } Dictionary <string, object> newmedcard = new Dictionary <string, object>() { { "@Id_P", id_pat }, { "@D_C", DateTime.Now.Date }, { "@Ins_Co", 666 } }; Dictionary <string, object> mc = new Dictionary <string, object>() { { "@Id", id_pat } }; var query = "INSERT INTO Med_Card (Id_Patient, Date_Created, Institution_Code) VALUES (@Id_P, @D_C, @Ins_Co)"; var query1 = "UPDATE Patients SET Id_Card=(SELECT Id_Card FROM Med_Card WHERE Id_Patient=@Id) WHERE Id_Patient=@Id"; var types = new Queue <SqlDbType>(); types.Enqueue(SqlDbType.Int); types.Enqueue(SqlDbType.Date); types.Enqueue(SqlDbType.SmallInt); WorkWithDb wwd = new WorkWithDb(); wwd.InsertInDb(query, newmedcard, types); wwd.UpdateDb(query1, mc); }
private void addAnalys(Analysis vacc) { if (vacc.Type != "" && vacc.Description != "" && vacc.Error == String.Empty) { WorkWithDb wwd = new WorkWithDb(); string sqlexp = "INSERT INTO Analysis(Id_Patient,Type,DateofDelivery,Description) " + "VALUES(@Id_p,@Type,@DoD,@Desc)"; Dictionary <string, object> values = new Dictionary <string, object>() { { "@Type", vacc.Type }, { "@Id_p", vacc.Id_Patient }, { "@DoD", Convert.ToDateTime(vacc.Date) }, { "@Desc", vacc.Description }, }; Queue <SqlDbType> types = new Queue <SqlDbType>(); types.Enqueue(SqlDbType.NVarChar); types.Enqueue(SqlDbType.Int); types.Enqueue(SqlDbType.Date); types.Enqueue(SqlDbType.NVarChar); wwd.InsertInDb(sqlexp, values, types); } }
private void AddMark(int id_patient, int id_doctor) { if (thistext != "" && CheckVisits(id_patient, id_doctor)) { WorkWithDb wwd = new WorkWithDb(); string query = "INSERT INTO Visits(Date,Health_complaints,Id_Patient,Id_Doc)" + "VALUES(@Date,@H_c,@Id_p,@Id_d)"; Dictionary <string, object> dict = new Dictionary <string, object>() { { "@Date", DateTime.Now.Date }, { "@H_c", thistext }, { "@Id_p", id_patient }, { "@Id_d", id_doctor } }; Queue <SqlDbType> types = new Queue <SqlDbType>(); types.Enqueue(SqlDbType.Date); types.Enqueue(SqlDbType.NVarChar); types.Enqueue(SqlDbType.Int); types.Enqueue(SqlDbType.Int); wwd.InsertInDb(query, dict, types); } }
private void addSurvey(Survey vacc) { if (vacc.Title != "" && vacc.Description != "" && vacc.Error == String.Empty) { WorkWithDb wwd = new WorkWithDb(); string sqlexp = "INSERT INTO Surveys(Description,Title,Data,Id_Patient) " + "VALUES(@Title,@Desc,@Date,@Id_p)"; Dictionary <string, object> values = new Dictionary <string, object>() { { "@Title", vacc.Title }, { "@Id_p", vacc.Id_Patient }, { "@Date", Convert.ToDateTime(vacc.Date) }, { "@Desc", vacc.Description }, }; Queue <SqlDbType> types = new Queue <SqlDbType>(); types.Enqueue(SqlDbType.NVarChar); types.Enqueue(SqlDbType.Int); types.Enqueue(SqlDbType.Date); types.Enqueue(SqlDbType.NVarChar); wwd.InsertInDb(sqlexp, values, types); } }
public void PhotoDelete(Newtonsoft.Json.Linq.JObject photo) { WorkWithDb.DeletePhoto(photo["nameImg"].ToString(), Convert.ToInt32(photo["idAlbum"])); }
public string[] PostAktiveUser() { Users user = WorkWithDb.getInformationActiveUser(); return(new string[] { user.Name, user.Surname, user.Email, user.FieldOfActivity, user.City }); }
public string serchActiveUserId() { int id = WorkWithDb.getInformationActiveUser().Id; return(id.ToString()); }
public int AddAlbum(Newtonsoft.Json.Linq.JObject album) { int id = WorkWithDb.AddAlbum(album["userId"].ToString(), album["nameOfAlbum"].ToString()); return(id); }
public string[] SearchAlbum(Newtonsoft.Json.Linq.JObject album) { string[] albums = WorkWithDb.SearchAlbum(album["userId"].ToString()).ToArray(); return(albums); }
public void PhotoDelete(Newtonsoft.Json.Linq.JObject photo) { string userId = HttpContext.Session.Get("userId").ToString(); WorkWithDb.DeletePhoto(photo["nameImg"].ToString(), Convert.ToInt32(photo["idAlbum"]), userId); }
public void AddComment(Newtonsoft.Json.Linq.JObject photo) { WorkWithDb.AddComment(Convert.ToInt32(photo["idPost"]), photo["text"].ToString()); }
public string[] AuthorNameAndImagePath(Newtonsoft.Json.Linq.JObject idPost) { string[] authorsPaths = WorkWithDb.AuthorNameAndImagePath(Convert.ToInt32(idPost["idPost"])).ToArray(); return(authorsPaths); }
public string[] SearchCommentsToPosts(Newtonsoft.Json.Linq.JObject idPost) { string[] comments = WorkWithDb.SearchComments(Convert.ToInt32(idPost["idPost"])).ToArray(); return(comments); }
public string[] searchImagesPosts() { string[] posts = WorkWithDb.SearchPosts().ToArray(); return(posts); }
public string[] SearchPhoto(Newtonsoft.Json.Linq.JObject idUser) { string[] array = WorkWithDb.PathPhoto(Convert.ToInt32(idUser["idActiveUers"]), Convert.ToInt32(idUser["idAlbum"])).ToArray(); return(array); }
public void AddPhoto(Newtonsoft.Json.Linq.JObject photo) { WorkWithDb.AddNewPhoto(photo["NameImg"].ToString(), photo["Path"].ToString(), Convert.ToInt32(photo["idAlbum"])); }