private async Task ManageUploadedFile(WorkOffer workOffer, IFormFile file)
            string Id = "file-" + workOffer.Email.Replace('.', '-').Replace('@', '-');

            if (!System.IO.Directory.Exists("./temp"))
            using (var stream = System.IO.File.Create("./temp/" + file.FileName))
                await file.CopyToAsync(stream);
            var bytes = System.IO.File.ReadAllBytes("./temp/" + file.FileName);

            //check the existence of the asset
                var assetFound = await managementClient.GetAsset(Id);

                if (assetFound.SystemProperties.PublishedVersion != null)
                    await managementClient.UnpublishAsset(Id, assetFound.SystemProperties.Version ?? 1);
                await managementClient.DeleteAsset(Id, assetFound.SystemProperties.Version ?? 1);
            catch (ContentfulException)
                //do nothing, the asset doesn't existst and it's ok

            var managementAsset = new ManagementAsset
                SystemProperties = new SystemProperties {
                    Id = Id, Version = 1
                Title = new Dictionary <string, string> {
                    { "en-US", workOffer.Email }
                Files = new Dictionary <string, File>
                    { "en-US", new File()
                          ContentType = "text/plain",
                          FileName    = file.FileName
                      } }

            await managementClient.UploadFileAndCreateAsset(managementAsset, bytes)
            .ContinueWith(async delegate
                // in this phase the upper function seems to make a different version is supposed to make, probably  UploadFileAndCreateAsset
                // in order to upload and create the assets it makes 2 operation recognized by Contentful
                // var uploadedAsset = await managementClient.GetAsset(Id);
                var uploadedAsset = await managementClient.GetAsset(Id);
                await managementClient.PublishAsset(Id, version: uploadedAsset.SystemProperties.Version ?? 2);
                workOffer.Offer = await client.GetAsset(Id);
        private async Task HandleOffer(WorkOffer workOffer)
            string offerId = "offer-" + workOffer.Email.Replace('.', '-').Replace('@', '-');

            //check the existence of the entry
                var assetFound = await managementClient.GetEntry(offerId);

                if (assetFound.SystemProperties.PublishedVersion != null)
                    await managementClient.UnpublishEntry(offerId, assetFound.SystemProperties.Version ?? 1);
                await managementClient.DeleteEntry(offerId, assetFound.SystemProperties.Version ?? 1);
            catch (ContentfulException)
                //do nothing, the entry doesn't existst and it's ok
            var entry = new Entry <dynamic>
                SystemProperties = new SystemProperties
                    Id      = offerId,
                    Version = 1,
                Fields = new
                    Name = new Dictionary <string, string>()
                        { "en-US", workOffer.Name },
                    Email = new Dictionary <string, string>()
                        { "en-US", workOffer.Email },
                    Message = new Dictionary <string, string>()
                        { "en-US", workOffer.Message },
                    CompanyName = new Dictionary <string, string>()
                        { "en-US", workOffer.CompanyName },
                    Offer = new Dictionary <string, Reference>()
                        { "en-US", new Reference(SystemLinkTypes.Asset, "file-" + workOffer.Email.Replace('.', '-').Replace('@', '-')) },
            await managementClient.CreateOrUpdateEntry(entry, contentTypeId : "workOffer").ContinueWith(
                async delegate
                var uploadedEntry = await managementClient.GetEntry(offerId);
                await managementClient.PublishEntry(offerId, version: uploadedEntry.SystemProperties.Version ?? 1);
        public async Task <IActionResult> Index(WorkOffer workOffer, IFormFile fileUploaded)
            string resumeId = config.GetValue <string>("ResumeId");
            var    builder  = new QueryBuilder <Resume>().FieldEquals(a => a.Sys.Id, resumeId).Include(3);
            var    resume   = (await client.GetEntries(builder)).FirstOrDefault();

                //  didn't find any docs about checking the existence of a content Type, fix this on i the later time
                var wrk = await managementClient.GetContentType("workOffer");

                    if (fileUploaded.Length > 0)
                        await ManageUploadedFile(workOffer, fileUploaded);
                        await HandleOffer(workOffer);
                        await sendEmailToUser(workOffer.Email, workOffer, resume);

                        TempData["message"] = "Message submitted with success.";
                        return(await Task.Run <ActionResult>(() =>
                            return RedirectToAction("Index", "Home");
                catch (Exception ex)
                    ViewBag.ErrMessage = "OPS! Something went wrong, try again.";
            catch (ContentfulException)
                // the following catch was made to understand if the content type existed,
                // unfortunately I didn't find any docs on how to check the existence without raising an exception
                await CreateWorkOffer();

        private async Task sendEmailToUser(string email, WorkOffer workOffer, Resume resume)
            string      root    = config.GetValue <string>("path");
            MailMessage message = new MailMessage(new MailAddress("*****@*****.**", "Davide Donadio - Better With Dona"), new MailAddress(email));
            //MailMessage message = new MailMessage("*****@*****.**", email);
            string mailTemplate = System.IO.File.ReadAllText(root + "/DefaultDocuments/MailTemplate/notifica_mail.html");

            message.Subject = "Thank you for Submitting your Request";
            mailTemplate    = mailTemplate.Replace("%NAME%", workOffer.Name);
            mailTemplate    = mailTemplate.Replace("%CONTACT%", resume.Contacts.FirstOrDefault(a => a.ContactType == "email").Contact);
            mailTemplate    = mailTemplate.Replace("%LINKEDIN%", resume.UsefulLinks.FirstOrDefault(a => a.EntryType == "linkedin").Name);
            message.Body    = mailTemplate;

            message.IsBodyHtml = true;
            var srvCred = config.GetSection("ServerMail").Get <ServerMailCredentials>();

            using (SmtpClient smtp = new SmtpClient(srvCred.smtp, srvCred.port))
                smtp.UseDefaultCredentials = false;
                smtp.Credentials           = new NetworkCredential(srvCred.userSmtp, srvCred.pwdSmtp);
                smtp.EnableSsl             = true;
                await smtp.SendMailAsync(message);