Beispiel #1
        private async Task <TfsInfo> ProcessWorkItemRevisions(WorkItemReference workItemRef)
            var revisions = await this.workItemClient.GetRevisionsAsync(
                expand : WorkItemExpand.Fields);

            string lastState = null;
            var    revs      = new WorkItemRevisionBuilder();

            foreach (var workItemRev in revisions)
                var state = workItemRev.State();

                if (state != null && lastState != state)
                    lastState = state;
                    await ProcessWorkItemRevision(workItemRev, revs);

            if (revs.States.Count > 1)
                var sbTemp = new StringBuilder();

                for (int i = 0; i < revs.States.Count; i++)

                    if (i + 1 < revs.States.Count)

                    revs.TfsInfo.Transitions = sbTemp.ToString().Trim();

                revs.TfsInfo.TransitionCount = revs.States.Count;

            lock (this.lockObject)

                var progress = new ReportProgress
                    Message            = $"{revs.TfsInfo.Title}",
                    WorkItemsProcessed = this.processedCount,
                    TotalCount         = this.totalCount


Beispiel #2
        public WorkItem FindWorkItem(int number, string repo)
            string pat     = _options.Value.ADO_Pat;
            string org     = _options.Value.ADO_Org;
            string project = _options.Value.ADO_Project;

            Uri baseUri = new Uri("" + org);

            VssCredentials clientCredentials = new VssCredentials(new VssBasicCredential("username", pat));
            VssConnection  connection        = new VssConnection(baseUri, clientCredentials);

            WorkItemTrackingHttpClient client = connection.GetClient <WorkItemTrackingHttpClient>();
            WorkItem result = null;

            Wiql wiql = new Wiql()
                Query = "SELECT [System.Id], [System.WorkItemType], [System.Title], [System.AssignedTo], [System.State] FROM workitems WHERE [System.TeamProject] = @project AND [System.Title] CONTAINS '(GitHub Issue #" + number + ")' AND [System.Tags] CONTAINS 'GitHub Issue' AND [System.Tags] CONTAINS '" + repo + "'"

                WorkItemQueryResult queryResult = client.QueryByWiqlAsync(wiql, project).Result;
                WorkItemReference   workItem    = null;

                workItem = queryResult.WorkItems.Count() > 0 ? queryResult.WorkItems.First() : null;

                result = workItem != null?client.GetWorkItemAsync(workItem.Id, null, null, WorkItemExpand.All).Result : null;
            catch (Exception)
                result = null;
                clientCredentials = null;
                connection        = null;
                client            = null;

Beispiel #3
    public void UpdateProjectTestCases()
        // Retrieve list of postman test cases in Wrapper project
        List <MethodInfo> testMethods = GetTestMethods(Assembly.GetAssembly(typeof(PostmanWrapper)));

        // Create/update postman test cases in ADO project
        foreach (MethodInfo mi in testMethods)
            int workItemId = -1;

            foreach (CustomAttributeData cad in  mi.CustomAttributes)
                if (cad.ConstructorArguments.Count == 2 && cad.ConstructorArguments[0].Value.ToString() == "AdoId")
                    workItemId = int.Parse(cad.ConstructorArguments[1].Value.ToString());

            if (workItemId > 0)
                Wiql query = new Wiql()
                    Query = string.Format("SELECT [Id] FROM workitems WHERE [System.TeamProject] = '{0}' AND [System.WorkItemType] = '{1}' AND [System.Id] = '{2}'",
                                          project, ADOTestCaseWorkItemType(), workItemId)
                WorkItemQueryResult result = witClient.QueryByWiqlAsync(query, project).Result;
                if (result.WorkItems.Count() == 0)
                    throw new Exception(string.Format("Linked Test Case with prescribed id {0} could not be found", workItemId));

                WorkItemReference wir      = result.WorkItems.First();
                WorkItem          wi       = witClient.GetWorkItemAsync(workItemId).Result;
                JsonPatchDocument patchDoc = GetPatchDocumentAutomation(mi, wi);
                if (patchDoc.Count > 0)
                    Task <WorkItem> item = witClient.UpdateWorkItemAsync(patchDoc, project, wir.Id);
                    Console.WriteLine("Update manually linked Test Case : " + workItemId);
                    Console.WriteLine("Manually linked Test Case already up to date : " + workItemId);
                Wiql query = new Wiql()
                    Query = string.Format("SELECT [Id] FROM workitems WHERE [System.TeamProject] = '{0}' AND [System.WorkItemType] = '{1}' AND [System.Title] = '{2}' AND [Microsoft.VSTS.TCM.AutomatedTestType] =  '{3}'",
                                          project, ADOTestCaseWorkItemType(), ADOTestCaseTitle(mi), ADOTestCaseAutomatedTestType())
                WorkItemQueryResult result = witClient.QueryByWiqlAsync(query, project).Result;
                if (result.WorkItems.Count() == 0)
                    JsonPatchDocument patchDoc = GetPatchDocumentFull(mi, null);
                    Task <WorkItem>   item     = witClient.CreateWorkItemAsync(patchDoc, project, ADOTestCaseWorkItemType());
                    var res = item.GetAwaiter().GetResult();
                    workItemId = (int)res.Id;
                    Console.WriteLine("Create automatically linked Test Case : " + workItemId);
                else if (result.WorkItems.Count() == 1)
                    WorkItemReference wir = result.WorkItems.First();
                    workItemId = wir.Id;
                    WorkItem          wi       = witClient.GetWorkItemAsync(workItemId).Result;
                    JsonPatchDocument patchDoc = GetPatchDocumentFull(mi, wi);
                    if (patchDoc.Count > 0)
                        Task <WorkItem> item = witClient.UpdateWorkItemAsync(patchDoc, project, wir.Id);
                        Console.WriteLine("Update automatically linked Test Case : " + workItemId);
                        Console.WriteLine("Automatically linked Test Case already up to date : " + workItemId);
                    // For now, we ignore multiple instances of the same test case representation in ADO.
                    // Most likely multiple instances exist in ADO because the test case has been copied.
 public SingleMigrationWorkItem(WorkItemReference actualItemRef)
     WorkItemRef = actualItemRef;
     Fields      = new Dictionary <string, object>();