Inheritance: MonoBehaviour
 internal static void InitializeUniqueEmailAddressSource()
     var recordCount = Fixture.Words(FromDictionary.PersonEmailAddress).Data.Count;
     var generator = new SequentialGenerator(0, recordCount, listShouldBeUnique: true);
     _uniquePersonEmailAddressSource = new Words(generator, new CachedFileDictionaryRepository(),
Beispiel #2
        public override void Execute()
            currentNodeIndex = this.Parameter<int>("MapReduce.MapIndex");
            topItemsCount = this.Parameter<int>("MapReduce.ItemsCount");
            traceMessage = string.Format("AISTek.DataFlow.Sdk.Samples.MapReduce.Map({0})", currentNodeIndex);

            using (Perfomance.BeginTrace(traceMessage)
                var text = ReadFile(Task.InputFiles.First());
                List<Word> results;
                using (Perfomance.Trace(traceMessage + ": Build groups").BindToConsole())
                    results = (from g in
                                   (from word in Regex.Split(text, @"\W+")
                                    where word.Length > 2
                                    group word by word
                                    into groups
                                    let word = groups.Key
                                    let count = groups.Count()
                                    select new {Word = word, Count = count})
                               orderby g.Count descending
                               select new Word(g.Word, g.Count))

                using (Perfomance.Trace(traceMessage + ": Write results").BindToConsole())
                    var resultSet = new Words(results.Take(topItemsCount));
                    resultSet.Serialize().ToExistingFile(Repository, Task.OutputFiles.First());
 /// <summary>
 /// Gets the Words in the file with the specified dictionary name. 
 /// This method is used by <see cref="AnonymousValueFixture"/>.
 /// </summary>
 /// <param name="dictionaryName">Name of the dictionary file.</param>
 /// <returns></returns>
 internal static Words Get(string dictionaryName)
     if (!_cache.ContainsKey(dictionaryName))
         _cache[dictionaryName] = new Words(dictionaryName);
     return _cache[dictionaryName];
        /// <summary>
        /// Set up the class with the BackgroundWorker class being used for this comptuation (to allow for callbacks), the words in the document, the total
        /// number of tokens, and an indication of whether the results will be displayed onscreen or saved to file.
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="bw">the BackgroundWorker class being used for this comptuation (to allow for callbacks)</param>
        /// <param name="words">an array of the words in the document</param>
        /// <param name="start_word">the word on which this frequency calculator will start counting (including punctuation marks) from the words array.
        /// The lowest allowable value for this parameter is 1.</param>
        /// <param name="start_word">the word on which this frequency calculator will stop counting (including punctuation marks) from the words array</param>
        /// <param name="tosave">whether the result will be saved to CSV (true) or displayed in the taskpane (false).</param>
        public FrequencyCalculation(BackgroundWorker bw, Words words, int start_word, int end_word, bool tosave)
            this.bgWorker = bw;
            this.words = words;
            this.start_word = start_word;
            this.end_word = end_word;
            this.tosave = tosave;

            punctuation = IgnoreList.getIgnoreList();
            this.ignoreNumbers = IgnoreList.ignoringNumbers();
Beispiel #5
 public static string GetWord(Words word)
     switch (Game1.CurrentLanguage)
     case Language.English:
       return English[(int)word];
     case Language.German:
       return German[(int)word];
     case Language.Russian:
       return Russian[(int)word];
       return English[(int)word];
        public void WhenGettingUniqueEmail_ThenReturnUniqueEmailsAcrossFixtureInstances()
            var source = new Words(FromDictionary.PersonEmailAddress);
            var generatedValues = new List<string>();
            var any2 = new AnonymousValueFixture();

            for (var i = 0; i < source.Data.Count - 1; i++)

 public static void Main()
     dynamic The = new Words();
     var poem =
         [email protected].
Beispiel #8
        public override void Execute()
            takeTop = this.Parameter<int>("TakeTop");
            var traceMessage = "AISTek.DataFlow.Sdk.Samples.HashDistribute.TakeTopList()";

            using (Perfomance.BeginTrace(traceMessage)
                var groups = new List<Word>();
                using (Perfomance.Trace(traceMessage + ": Read data").BindToConsole())
                    foreach (var words in from file in Task.InputFiles
                                          let wordsContainer = Repository.Deserialize<Words>(file)
                                          select wordsContainer)

                List<Word> resultGroups;
                using (Perfomance.Trace(traceMessage + ": Build list").BindToConsole())
                    resultGroups = (from grp in
                                        (from g in groups
                                         group g by g.Value
                                             into grp
                                             let count = grp.Sum(x => x.Count)
                                             let word = grp.Key
                                             select new Word(word, count))
                                    orderby grp.Count descending
                                    select grp)
                using (Perfomance.Trace(traceMessage + ": Write result").BindToConsole())
                    var result = new Words(resultGroups);
                    result.Serialize().ToExistingFile(Repository, Task.OutputFiles.First());
Beispiel #9
        public override void Execute()
            nextNodesCount = this.Parameter<int>("Layer.NextSize");
            var nodeId = this.Parameter<int>("Node");
            traceMessage = string.Format("AISTek.DataFlow.Sdk.Samples.HashDistribute.BuildWordsList({0})", nodeId);

            using (Perfomance.BeginTrace(traceMessage)
                var text = ReadFile(Task.InputFiles.First());
                List<Group> wordGroups;

                using (Perfomance.Trace(traceMessage + ": Build groups").BindToConsole())
                    wordGroups = (from word in Regex.Split(text, @"\W+")
                                  where word.Length > 2
                                  group word by word
                                  into groups
                                  let word = groups.Key
                                  let count = groups.Count()
                                  let node = NodeHash(word, nextNodesCount)
                                  select new Group {Word = word, Node = node, Count = count})

                using (Perfomance.Trace(traceMessage + ": Write outputs").BindToConsole())
                    for (var i = 0; i < nextNodesCount; i++)
                        var index = i;
                        var link = Task.OutputFiles.First(x => x.Metadata["Node"] == index.ToString());
                        var words = new Words(from wordGroup in wordGroups
                                              where wordGroup.Node == index
                                              select new Word(wordGroup.Word, wordGroup.Count));
                        words.Serialize().ToExistingFile(Repository, link);
    public static int getValue(string key, string code)
        int i = 0;
        int z = 0;
        List<Words> k = new List<Words>();
        List<Words> c = new List<Words>();
        List<string> endcode = new List<string>();
        foreach (char y in key)
            Words x = new Words();
            x.Letter = y.ToString();
            x.Position = i;
        foreach (char y in code)
            Words x = new Words();
            x.Letter = y.ToString();
            x.Position = z;

        foreach (Words x in c)
            if (c.Contains(x))

        string concat = string.Join(" ", endcode.ToArray());
        int amount = int.Parse(Convert.ToInt32(concat));
        return amount;
Beispiel #11
        public ActionResult Create(string userWord, string userSentence)
            Words myWords = new Words(userWord, userSentence);

Beispiel #12
 /// <summary>
 /// Init.
 /// </summary>
 /// <param name="parent">the parent box of this box</param>
 /// <param name="tag">the html tag data of this box</param>
 public CssBoxImage(CssBox parent, HtmlTag tag)
     : base(parent, tag)
     _imageWord = new CssRectImage(this);
Beispiel #13
 /// <summary>
 /// Determines if the VerbPhrase implies a possession relationship. E.g. in the sentence "They certainly have a lot of ideas." the
 /// VerbPhrase "certainly have" asserts a possessor possessee relationship between "They" and "a lot of ideas".
 /// </summary>
 /// <returns><c>true</c> if the VerbPhrase is a possessive relationship specifier; otherwise, <c>false</c>.</returns>
 private bool DetermineIsPossessive() => Words.OfVerb().DefaultIfEmpty().Last()?.IsPossessive ?? false;
Beispiel #14
 private Punctuator deterimineEndOfClause() => Sentence.Words
 .SkipWhile(w => w != Words.Last())
 .First(w => w is Punctuator) as Punctuator;
Beispiel #15
 internal MenuItem(Action action, Words word)
     State = State.Normal;
     Action = action;
     Dst = new Rectangle(0, 0, 0, 0);
     Word = word;
Beispiel #16
 public String Translate(Words words)
Beispiel #17
        static void Main(string[] args)
            List <float> frequencies = new List <float>();

            Console.WriteLine("Вводите частоту, пока сумма не достигнет 1");

            while (true)
                float FuncSum(float a, float b) => a + b;

                float frequency = InputFloat(0, 1, FuncSum, frequencies);


                float sum = SumFloat(frequencies);

                if (sum == 1)
                    Console.WriteLine("Сумма частот равна 1, ввод закончен");

            Console.WriteLine("\nВведенные частоты:");
            Console.WriteLine(String.Join(" ", frequencies));

            List <BinaryTree> tree = new List <BinaryTree>();

            foreach (var frequency in frequencies)
                tree.Add(new BinaryTree(frequency));

            if (tree.Count == 1)
                BinaryTree first = tree[0];
                tree[0]       = new BinaryTree(;
                tree[0].right = first;

            while (tree.Count > 1)
                BinaryTree first  = tree[0];
                BinaryTree second = tree[1];

                tree[1]       = new BinaryTree( +;
                tree[1].right = first;
                tree[1].left  = second;

            List <string> codesList = Words.GetWords(tree[0]);

            Console.WriteLine("\nРезультат: ");
            Console.WriteLine(String.Join(" ", codesList));

            Console.WriteLine("\nСредняя длина кодового слова(Код Хаффмана): " +
                              GetHuffmanLength(frequencies, codesList));

            Console.WriteLine("Длина минимальной равномерной схемы: " + GetUniformLength(codesList.Count));

 public static Words[] AddToArray(ref Words[] array, Words newValue)
     array = ResizeArray(array, 1);
     array[array.Length - 1] = newValue;
     return array;
Beispiel #19
        private void SaveButton_Click(object sender, System.EventArgs e)
            int result = 0;

            switch (position)
                case 0:
                    Words word = new Words();
                    word.GroupId = groupSpinner.SelectedItemPosition + 1;
                    word.SubGroupId = subgroupSpinner.SelectedItemPosition + 1;
                    word.Word = contentText.Text;

                    result = repository.Save(word);

                case 1:
                    Sentences sentence = new Sentences();
                    sentence.Sentence = contentText.Text;

                    result = repository.Save(sentence);

                case 2:
                    Poems poem = new Poems();
                    poem.Title = poemTitleText.Text;
                    poem.Poem = contentText.Text;

                    result = repository.Save(poem);

            string message = result == 1 ? "Zapisano" : "B³¹d zapisu!";

            Toast.MakeText(this, message, ToastLength.Long).Show();

 public static Words[] ResizeArray(Words[] oldArray, int difference)
     var newArray = new Words[oldArray.Length + difference];
     for (var i = 0; i < oldArray.Length; i++)
         newArray[i] = oldArray[i];
     return newArray;
        public static Words[] SearchElementStruct(ref Words[] distinctWords, string word)
            var newValue = new Words { Word = word, NoOccurences = 1 };

            for (var i = 0; i <= distinctWords.Length - 1; i++)
                if (string.CompareOrdinal(word, distinctWords[i].Word) == 0)
                    return distinctWords;

            AddToArray(ref distinctWords, newValue);

            return distinctWords;
Beispiel #22
 public Parser()
     Words = new Words();
     Images = new List<Image>();
Beispiel #23
        public ActionResult Index()
            List <Words> allWords = Words.GetAll();

Beispiel #24
 /// <summary>
 /// Prepares viewModel for new file selection.
 /// </summary>
 public void FileRowIsAboutToChange()
     currentFile = null;
 public static void GetOrderedWordsByNumberOfOccurrencesAndAlphabetic(Words[] words)
     for (var i = 0; i < words.Length; i++)
         for (var k = i; k > 0; k--)
             if ((words[k].NoOccurences > words[k - 1].NoOccurences)||
                ((words[k].NoOccurences==words[k-1].NoOccurences)&& (string.CompareOrdinal(words[k].Word, words[k - 1].Word) < 0)))
                 Swap(ref words[k], ref words[k - 1]);
Beispiel #26
 /// <summary>
 /// Возвращает слово грамматики
 /// </summary>
 /// <param name="word">Символьное представление слова грамматики</param>
 /// <returns>Возвращает слово грамматики типа <see cref="Word"/> Word</returns>
 public virtual Word GetWord(string word)
     return(Words.FirstOrDefault(item => item.Value == word));
        public static Words[] GetDistinctWordsAndNumberOfWords(string[] text)
            var distinctWords = new Words[0];
            for (var i = 0; i < text.Length; i++)
                SearchElementStruct(ref distinctWords, text[i]);

            return distinctWords;
    private IEnumerator Examples()
        //  Synthesize
        Log.Debug("ExampleTextToSpeech.Examples()", "Attempting synthesize.");
        _textToSpeech.Voice = VoiceType.en_US_Allison;
        _textToSpeech.ToSpeech(HandleToSpeechCallback, OnFail, _testString, true);
        while (!_synthesizeTested)
            yield return(null);

        //	Get Voices
        Log.Debug("ExampleTextToSpeech.Examples()", "Attempting to get voices.");
        _textToSpeech.GetVoices(OnGetVoices, OnFail);
        while (!_getVoicesTested)
            yield return(null);

        //	Get Voice
        Log.Debug("ExampleTextToSpeech.Examples()", "Attempting to get voice {0}.", VoiceType.en_US_Allison);
        _textToSpeech.GetVoice(OnGetVoice, OnFail, VoiceType.en_US_Allison);
        while (!_getVoiceTested)
            yield return(null);

        //	Get Pronunciation
        Log.Debug("ExampleTextToSpeech.Examples()", "Attempting to get pronunciation of {0}", _testWord);
        _textToSpeech.GetPronunciation(OnGetPronunciation, OnFail, _testWord, VoiceType.en_US_Allison);
        while (!_getPronuciationTested)
            yield return(null);

        //  Get Customizations
        Log.Debug("ExampleTextToSpeech.Examples()", "Attempting to get a list of customizations");
        _textToSpeech.GetCustomizations(OnGetCustomizations, OnFail);
        while (!_getCustomizationsTested)
            yield return(null);

        //  Create Customization
        Log.Debug("ExampleTextToSpeech.Examples()", "Attempting to create a customization");
        _textToSpeech.CreateCustomization(OnCreateCustomization, OnFail, _customizationName, _customizationLanguage, _customizationDescription);
        while (!_createCustomizationTested)
            yield return(null);

        //  Get Customization
        Log.Debug("ExampleTextToSpeech.Examples()", "Attempting to get a customization");
        if (!_textToSpeech.GetCustomization(OnGetCustomization, OnFail, _createdCustomizationId))
            Log.Debug("ExampleTextToSpeech.Examples()", "Failed to get custom voice model!");
        while (!_getCustomizationTested)
            yield return(null);

        //  Update Customization
        Log.Debug("ExampleTextToSpeech.Examples()", "Attempting to update a customization");
        Word[] wordsToUpdateCustomization =
            new Word()
                word        = "hello",
                translation = "hullo"
            new Word()
                word        = "goodbye",
                translation = "gbye"
            new Word()
                word        = "hi",
                translation = "ohioooo"

        _customVoiceUpdate = new CustomVoiceUpdate()
            words       = wordsToUpdateCustomization,
            description = "My updated description",
            name        = "My updated name"

        if (!_textToSpeech.UpdateCustomization(OnUpdateCustomization, OnFail, _createdCustomizationId, _customVoiceUpdate))
            Log.Debug("ExampleTextToSpeech.Examples()", "Failed to update customization!");
        while (!_updateCustomizationTested)
            yield return(null);

        //  Get Customization Words
        Log.Debug("ExampleTextToSpeech.Examples()", "Attempting to get a customization's words");
        if (!_textToSpeech.GetCustomizationWords(OnGetCustomizationWords, OnFail, _createdCustomizationId))
            Log.Debug("ExampleTextToSpeech.GetCustomizationWords()", "Failed to get {0} words!", _createdCustomizationId);
        while (!_getCustomizationWordsTested)
            yield return(null);

        //  Add Customization Words
        Log.Debug("ExampleTextToSpeech.Examples()", "Attempting to add words to a customization");
        Word[] wordArrayToAddToCustomization =
            new Word()
                word        = "bananna",
                translation = "arange"
            new Word()
                word        = "orange",
                translation = "gbye"
            new Word()
                word        = "tomato",
                translation = "tomahto"

        Words wordsToAddToCustomization = new Words()
            words = wordArrayToAddToCustomization

        if (!_textToSpeech.AddCustomizationWords(OnAddCustomizationWords, OnFail, _createdCustomizationId, wordsToAddToCustomization))
            Log.Debug("ExampleTextToSpeech.AddCustomizationWords()", "Failed to add words to {0}!", _createdCustomizationId);
        while (!_addCustomizationWordsTested)
            yield return(null);

        //  Get Customization Word
        Log.Debug("ExampleTextToSpeech.Examples()", "Attempting to get the translation of a custom voice model's word.");
        string customIdentifierWord = wordsToUpdateCustomization[0].word;

        if (!_textToSpeech.GetCustomizationWord(OnGetCustomizationWord, OnFail, _createdCustomizationId, customIdentifierWord))
            Log.Debug("ExampleTextToSpeech.GetCustomizationWord()", "Failed to get the translation of {0} from {1}!", customIdentifierWord, _createdCustomizationId);
        while (!_getCustomizationWordTested)
            yield return(null);

        //  Delete Customization Word
        Log.Debug("ExampleTextToSpeech.Examples()", "Attempting to delete customization word from custom voice model.");
        string wordToDelete = "goodbye";

        if (!_textToSpeech.DeleteCustomizationWord(OnDeleteCustomizationWord, OnFail, _createdCustomizationId, wordToDelete))
            Log.Debug("ExampleTextToSpeech.DeleteCustomizationWord()", "Failed to delete {0} from {1}!", wordToDelete, _createdCustomizationId);
        while (!_deleteCustomizationWordTested)
            yield return(null);

        //  Delete Customization
        Log.Debug("ExampleTextToSpeech.Examples()", "Attempting to delete a customization");
        if (!_textToSpeech.DeleteCustomization(OnDeleteCustomization, OnFail, _createdCustomizationId))
            Log.Debug("ExampleTextToSpeech.DeleteCustomization()", "Failed to delete custom voice model!");
        while (!_deleteCustomizationTested)
            yield return(null);

        Log.Debug("ExampleTextToSpeech.Examples()", "Text to Speech examples complete.");
Beispiel #29
 public Alternative(Words word, params string[] humanWords)
     HumanWords = humanWords.ToList();
     Word = word;
Beispiel #30
 private bool ParseWord(Words word)
     WordStates state = WordStates.__;
     if (context.nodeprocs.Count != 0)
         NodeProc nodeproc = context.nodeprocs[context.nodeprocs.Count - 1];
         state = word_state_table[(int)(nodeproc.state), (int)word];
         if (state == WordStates.__)
             return false;
         else if (state == WordStates.CLOSE)
             context.nodeprocs.RemoveAt(context.nodeprocs.Count - 1);
             return true;
             nodeproc.state = state;
             context.nodeprocs[context.nodeprocs.Count - 1] = nodeproc;
     switch (word)
     case Words.ARRAY_BEGIN:
             Node newnode = Node.NewArray();
             if (!Value(newnode))
                 return false;
             NodeProc nodeproc;
             nodeproc.node = newnode;
             nodeproc.proc = ArrayProc;
             nodeproc.state = WordStates.AE;
     case Words.OBJECT_BEGIN:
             Node newnode = Node.NewTable();
             if (!Value(newnode))
                 return false;
             NodeProc nodeproc;
             nodeproc.node = newnode;
             nodeproc.proc = TableProc;
             nodeproc.state = WordStates.OE;
     case Words.INTEGER:
             uint n = 0;
             double d = 0;
             bool minus = false;
             bool use_double = false;
             for (int i = context.outset; i < context.cursor; ++i)
                 byte c = context.input[i];
                 if (c >= (byte)'0' && c <= (byte)'9')
                     c -= (byte)'0';
                     if (use_double)
                         d = d * 10 + c;
                         if (minus)
                             if (n > int.MaxValue / 10 || (n == int.MaxValue / 10 && c > int.MaxValue % 10))
                                 use_double = true;
                                 d = n;
                                 d = d * 10 + c;
                             if (n > uint.MaxValue / 10 || (n == uint.MaxValue / 10 && c > uint.MaxValue % 10))
                                 use_double = true;
                                 d = n;
                                 d = d * 10 + c;
                         n = n * 10 + c;
                 else if (c == '-')
                     minus = true;
             if (use_double)
                 if (!Value(Node.NewNumber(minus ? -d : d)))
                     return false;
                 if (minus)
                     if (!Value(Node.NewInt(-(int)n)))
                         return false;
                     if (!Value(Node.NewUInt(n)))
                         return false;
     case Words.FLOAT:
             int n = 0;
             double d = 0;
             int dot = -1;
             int exp = 0;
             bool minus = false;
             bool use_double = false;
             for (int i = context.outset; i < context.cursor; ++i)
                 byte c = context.input[i];
                 if (c >= (byte)'0' && c <= (byte)'9')
                     c -= (byte)'0';
                     if (use_double)
                         d = d * 10 + c;
                         if (n > int.MaxValue / 10 || (n == int.MaxValue / 10 && c > int.MaxValue % 10))
                             use_double = true;
                             d = n;
                             d = d * 10 + c;
                             n = n * 10 + c;
                     if (dot >= 0)
                 else if (c == '-')
                     minus = true;
                 else if (c == '.')
                     dot = 0;
                 else if (c == 'e' || c == 'E')
                     bool expminus = false;
                     for (int j = i; j < context.cursor; ++j)
                         c = context.input[j];
                         if (c >= (byte)'0' && c <= (byte)'9')
                             exp = exp * 10 + (c - '0');
                         else if (c == '-')
                             expminus = true;
                     exp = expminus ? -exp : exp;
             if (use_double)
                 if (!Value((minus ? -d : d) * POW10((dot < 0 ? 0 : -dot) + exp)))
                     return false;
                 if (!Value(Node.NewNumber((minus ? -n : n) * POW10((dot < 0 ? 0 : -dot) + exp))))
                     return false;
     case Words.NULL:
             if (!Value(Node.NewNull()))
                 return false;
     case Words.TRUE:
             if (!Value(Node.NewBool(true)))
                 return false;
     case Words.FALSE:
             if (!Value(Node.NewBool(false)))
                 return false;
     case Words.STRING:
             context.bufferused = 0;
             for (int i = context.outset; i < context.cursor; ++i)
                 byte c = context.input[i];
                 if (c == (byte)'\\')
                     switch (context.input[++i])
                     case (byte)'b':
                     case (byte)'f':
                     case (byte)'n':
                     case (byte)'r':
                     case (byte)'t':
                     case (byte)'"':
                     case (byte)'\\':
                     case (byte)'/':
                     case (byte)'u':
                             int unicode = 0;
                             for (int j = 1; j <= 4; ++j)
                                 c = context.input[i + j];
                                 if (c >= (byte)'a')
                                     c -= (byte)'a' - 10;
                                 else if (c >= (byte)'A')
                                     c -= (byte)'A' - 10;
                                     c -= (byte)'0';
                                 unicode <<= 4;
                                 unicode |= c;
                             i += 4;
                             int trail;
                             if (unicode < 0x80)
                                 trail = 0;
                             else if (unicode < 0x800)
                                 trail = 1;
                                 trail = 2;
                             context.BufferAdd((byte)((unicode >> (trail * 6)) | utf8_lead_bits[trail]));
                             for (int j = trail * 6 - 6; j >= 0; j -= 6)
                                 context.BufferAdd((byte)(((unicode >> j) & 0x3F) | 0x80));
             string str = Encoding.UTF8.GetString(context.buffer, 0, context.bufferused);
             if (state == WordStates.CO)
                 context.key = str;
                 if (!Value(Node.NewString(str)))
                     return false;
     return true;
Beispiel #31
 private void OnGetCustomizationWords(Words words, Dictionary <string, object> customData)
     Log.Debug("TestTextToSpeech.OnGetCustomizationWords()", "{0}", customData["json"].ToString());
     Test(words != null);
     _getCustomizationWordsTested = true;
Beispiel #32
 public bool AddWord(String sWord)
Beispiel #33
        public override IEnumerator RunTest()

            VcapCredentials vcapCredentials = new VcapCredentials();
            fsData          data            = null;

            string result = null;

            var vcapUrl      = Environment.GetEnvironmentVariable("VCAP_URL");
            var vcapUsername = Environment.GetEnvironmentVariable("VCAP_USERNAME");
            var vcapPassword = Environment.GetEnvironmentVariable("VCAP_PASSWORD");

            using (SimpleGet simpleGet = new SimpleGet(vcapUrl, vcapUsername, vcapPassword))
                while (!simpleGet.IsComplete)
                    yield return(null);

                result = simpleGet.Result;

            //  Add in a parent object because Unity does not like to deserialize root level collection types.
            result = Utility.AddTopLevelObjectToJson(result, "VCAP_SERVICES");

            //  Convert json to fsResult
            fsResult r = fsJsonParser.Parse(result, out data);

            if (!r.Succeeded)
                throw new WatsonException(r.FormattedMessages);

            //  Convert fsResult to VcapCredentials
            object obj = vcapCredentials;

            r = _serializer.TryDeserialize(data, obj.GetType(), ref obj);
            if (!r.Succeeded)
                throw new WatsonException(r.FormattedMessages);

            //  Set credentials from imported credntials
            Credential credential = vcapCredentials.VCAP_SERVICES["text_to_speech"];

            _username = credential.Username.ToString();
            _password = credential.Password.ToString();
            _url      = credential.Url.ToString();

            //  Create credential and instantiate service
            Credentials credentials = new Credentials(_username, _password, _url);

            //  Or authenticate using token
            //Credentials credentials = new Credentials(_url)
            //    AuthenticationToken = _token

            _textToSpeech = new TextToSpeech(credentials);

            //  Synthesize
            Log.Debug("TestTextToSpeech.RunTest()", "Attempting synthesize.");
            _textToSpeech.Voice = VoiceType.en_US_Allison;
            _textToSpeech.ToSpeech(HandleToSpeechCallback, OnFail, _testString, true);
            while (!_synthesizeTested)
                yield return(null);

            //  Synthesize Conversation string
            Log.Debug("TestTextToSpeech.RunTest()", "Attempting synthesize a string as returned by Watson Conversation.");
            _textToSpeech.Voice = VoiceType.en_US_Allison;
            _textToSpeech.ToSpeech(HandleConversationToSpeechCallback, OnFail, _testConversationString, true);
            while (!_synthesizeConversationTested)
                yield return(null);

            //	Get Voices
            Log.Debug("TestTextToSpeech.RunTest()", "Attempting to get voices.");
            _textToSpeech.GetVoices(OnGetVoices, OnFail);
            while (!_getVoicesTested)
                yield return(null);

            //	Get Voice
            Log.Debug("TestTextToSpeech.RunTest()", "Attempting to get voice {0}.", VoiceType.en_US_Allison);
            _textToSpeech.GetVoice(OnGetVoice, OnFail, VoiceType.en_US_Allison);
            while (!_getVoiceTested)
                yield return(null);

            //	Get Pronunciation
            Log.Debug("TestTextToSpeech.RunTest()", "Attempting to get pronunciation of {0}", _testWord);
            _textToSpeech.GetPronunciation(OnGetPronunciation, OnFail, _testWord, VoiceType.en_US_Allison);
            while (!_getPronuciationTested)
                yield return(null);

            //  Get Customizations
            Log.Debug("TestTextToSpeech.RunTest()", "Attempting to get a list of customizations");
            _textToSpeech.GetCustomizations(OnGetCustomizations, OnFail);
            while (!_getCustomizationsTested)
                yield return(null);

            //  Create Customization
            Log.Debug("TestTextToSpeech.RunTest()", "Attempting to create a customization");
            _textToSpeech.CreateCustomization(OnCreateCustomization, OnFail, _customizationName, _customizationLanguage, _customizationDescription);
            while (!_createCustomizationTested)
                yield return(null);

            //  Get Customization
            Log.Debug("TestTextToSpeech.RunTest()", "Attempting to get a customization");
            if (!_textToSpeech.GetCustomization(OnGetCustomization, OnFail, _createdCustomizationId))
                Log.Debug("TestTextToSpeech.RunTest()", "Failed to get custom voice model!");
            while (!_getCustomizationTested)
                yield return(null);

            //  Update Customization
            Log.Debug("TestTextToSpeech.RunTest()", "Attempting to update a customization");
            Word[] wordsToUpdateCustomization =
                new Word()
                    word        = "hello",
                    translation = "hullo"
                new Word()
                    word        = "goodbye",
                    translation = "gbye"
                new Word()
                    word        = "hi",
                    translation = "ohioooo"

            _customVoiceUpdate = new CustomVoiceUpdate()
                words       = wordsToUpdateCustomization,
                description = "My updated description",
                name        = "My updated name"

            if (!_textToSpeech.UpdateCustomization(OnUpdateCustomization, OnFail, _createdCustomizationId, _customVoiceUpdate))
                Log.Debug("TestTextToSpeech.UpdateCustomization()", "Failed to update customization!");
            while (!_updateCustomizationTested)
                yield return(null);

            //  Get Customization Words
            Log.Debug("TestTextToSpeech.RunTest()", "Attempting to get a customization's words");
            if (!_textToSpeech.GetCustomizationWords(OnGetCustomizationWords, OnFail, _createdCustomizationId))
                Log.Debug("TestTextToSpeech.GetCustomizationWords()", "Failed to get {0} words!", _createdCustomizationId);
            while (!_getCustomizationWordsTested)
                yield return(null);

            //  Add Customization Words
            Log.Debug("TestTextToSpeech.RunTest()", "Attempting to add words to a customization");
            Word[] wordArrayToAddToCustomization =
                new Word()
                    word        = "bananna",
                    translation = "arange"
                new Word()
                    word        = "orange",
                    translation = "gbye"
                new Word()
                    word        = "tomato",
                    translation = "tomahto"

            Words wordsToAddToCustomization = new Words()
                words = wordArrayToAddToCustomization

            if (!_textToSpeech.AddCustomizationWords(OnAddCustomizationWords, OnFail, _createdCustomizationId, wordsToAddToCustomization))
                Log.Debug("TestTextToSpeech.AddCustomizationWords()", "Failed to add words to {0}!", _createdCustomizationId);
            while (!_addCustomizationWordsTested)
                yield return(null);

            //  Get Customization Word
            Log.Debug("TestTextToSpeech.RunTest()", "Attempting to get the translation of a custom voice model's word.");
            string customIdentifierWord = wordsToUpdateCustomization[0].word;

            if (!_textToSpeech.GetCustomizationWord(OnGetCustomizationWord, OnFail, _createdCustomizationId, customIdentifierWord))
                Log.Debug("TestTextToSpeech.GetCustomizationWord()", "Failed to get the translation of {0} from {1}!", customIdentifierWord, _createdCustomizationId);
            while (!_getCustomizationWordTested)
                yield return(null);

            //  Delete Customization Word
            Log.Debug("TestTextToSpeech.RunTest()", "Attempting to delete customization word from custom voice model.");
            string wordToDelete = "goodbye";

            if (!_textToSpeech.DeleteCustomizationWord(OnDeleteCustomizationWord, OnFail, _createdCustomizationId, wordToDelete))
                Log.Debug("TestTextToSpeech.DeleteCustomizationWord()", "Failed to delete {0} from {1}!", wordToDelete, _createdCustomizationId);
            while (!_deleteCustomizationWordTested)
                yield return(null);

            //  Delete Customization
            Log.Debug("TestTextToSpeech.RunTest()", "Attempting to delete a customization");
            if (!_textToSpeech.DeleteCustomization(OnDeleteCustomization, OnFail, _createdCustomizationId))
                Log.Debug("TestTextToSpeech.DeleteCustomization()", "Failed to delete custom voice model!");
            while (!_deleteCustomizationTested)
                yield return(null);

            Log.Debug("TestTextToSpeech.RunTest()", "Text to Speech examples complete.");

            yield break;
Beispiel #34
 /// <summary>
 /// Determines if the VerbPhrase acts as a classifier. E.g. in the sentence "Rodents are definitely prey animals." the VerbPhrase
 /// "are definitely" acts as a classifier because it states that rodents are a subset of prey animals.
 /// </summary>
 /// <returns><c>true</c> if the VerbPhrase is a classifier; otherwise, <c>false</c>.</returns>
 private bool DetermineIsClassifier() => Words.OfVerb().DefaultIfEmpty().Last()?.IsClassifier ?? false;
Beispiel #35
 public Sentence(Word word)
     Words  = new Words(word);
     Length = word.OriginWord.Length;
Beispiel #36
        public ActionResult Show(int id)
            Words words = Words.Find(id);

Beispiel #37
 public void SetUp()
     _mplc  = Substitute.For <IMPLCProvider>();
     _words = new Words(_mplc, StartAddress, 2);
Beispiel #38
 public ActionResult DeleteAll()
Beispiel #39
        public void ScrabbleConstructor_CreatesInstanceOfScrabble_True()
            Words newScrabble = new Words();

            Assert.AreEqual(3, newScrabble.GetPoints('C'));
Beispiel #40
        public override IEnumerator RunTest()

            VcapCredentials vcapCredentials = new VcapCredentials();
            fsData          data            = null;

            string result = null;

            var vcapUrl      = Environment.GetEnvironmentVariable("VCAP_URL");
            var vcapUsername = Environment.GetEnvironmentVariable("VCAP_USERNAME");
            var vcapPassword = Environment.GetEnvironmentVariable("VCAP_PASSWORD");

            using (SimpleGet simpleGet = new SimpleGet(vcapUrl, vcapUsername, vcapPassword))
                while (!simpleGet.IsComplete)
                    yield return(null);

                result = simpleGet.Result;

            //  Add in a parent object because Unity does not like to deserialize root level collection types.
            result = Utility.AddTopLevelObjectToJson(result, "VCAP_SERVICES");

            //  Convert json to fsResult
            fsResult r = fsJsonParser.Parse(result, out data);

            if (!r.Succeeded)
                throw new WatsonException(r.FormattedMessages);

            //  Convert fsResult to VcapCredentials
            object obj = vcapCredentials;

            r = _serializer.TryDeserialize(data, obj.GetType(), ref obj);
            if (!r.Succeeded)
                throw new WatsonException(r.FormattedMessages);

            //  Set credentials from imported credntials
            Credential credential = vcapCredentials.VCAP_SERVICES["speech_to_text"];

            _username = credential.Username.ToString();
            _password = credential.Password.ToString();
            _url      = credential.Url.ToString();

            //  Create credential and instantiate service
            Credentials credentials = new Credentials(_username, _password, _url);

            //  Or authenticate using token
            //Credentials credentials = new Credentials(_url)
            //    AuthenticationToken = _token

            _speechToText             = new SpeechToText(credentials);
            _customCorpusFilePath     = Application.dataPath + "/Watson/Examples/ServiceExamples/TestData/theJabberwocky-utf8.txt";
            _customWordsFilePath      = Application.dataPath + "/Watson/Examples/ServiceExamples/TestData/test-stt-words.json";
            _acousticResourceMimeType = Utility.GetMimeType(Path.GetExtension(_acousticResourceUrl));

            while (!_isAudioLoaded)
                yield return(null);

            //  Recognize
            Log.Debug("ExampleSpeechToText.Examples()", "Attempting to recognize");
            List <string> keywords = new List <string>();

            _speechToText.KeywordsThreshold = 0.5f;
            _speechToText.InactivityTimeout = 120;
            _speechToText.StreamMultipart   = false;
            _speechToText.Keywords          = keywords.ToArray();
            _speechToText.Recognize(HandleOnRecognize, OnFail, _acousticResourceData, _acousticResourceMimeType);
            while (!_recognizeTested)
                yield return(null);

            //  Get models
            Log.Debug("ExampleSpeechToText.Examples()", "Attempting to get models");
            _speechToText.GetModels(HandleGetModels, OnFail);
            while (!_getModelsTested)
                yield return(null);

            //  Get model
            Log.Debug("ExampleSpeechToText.Examples()", "Attempting to get model {0}", _modelNameToGet);
            _speechToText.GetModel(HandleGetModel, OnFail, _modelNameToGet);
            while (!_getModelTested)
                yield return(null);

            //  Get customizations
            Log.Debug("ExampleSpeechToText.Examples()", "Attempting to get customizations");
            _speechToText.GetCustomizations(HandleGetCustomizations, OnFail);
            while (!_getCustomizationsTested)
                yield return(null);

            //  Create customization
            Log.Debug("ExampleSpeechToText.Examples()", "Attempting create customization");
            _speechToText.CreateCustomization(HandleCreateCustomization, OnFail, "unity-test-customization", "en-US_BroadbandModel", "Testing customization unity");
            while (!_createCustomizationsTested)
                yield return(null);

            //  Get customization
            Log.Debug("ExampleSpeechToText.Examples()", "Attempting to get customization {0}", _createdCustomizationID);
            _speechToText.GetCustomization(HandleGetCustomization, OnFail, _createdCustomizationID);
            while (!_getCustomizationTested)
                yield return(null);

            //  Get custom corpora
            Log.Debug("ExampleSpeechToText.Examples()", "Attempting to get custom corpora for {0}", _createdCustomizationID);
            _speechToText.GetCustomCorpora(HandleGetCustomCorpora, OnFail, _createdCustomizationID);
            while (!_getCustomCorporaTested)
                yield return(null);

            //  Add custom corpus
            Log.Debug("ExampleSpeechToText.Examples()", "Attempting to add custom corpus {1} in customization {0}", _createdCustomizationID, _createdCorpusName);
            string corpusData = File.ReadAllText(_customCorpusFilePath);

            _speechToText.AddCustomCorpus(HandleAddCustomCorpus, OnFail, _createdCustomizationID, _createdCorpusName, true, corpusData);
            while (!_addCustomCorpusTested)
                yield return(null);

            //  Get custom corpus
            Log.Debug("ExampleSpeechToText.Examples()", "Attempting to get custom corpus {1} in customization {0}", _createdCustomizationID, _createdCorpusName);
            _speechToText.GetCustomCorpus(HandleGetCustomCorpus, OnFail, _createdCustomizationID, _createdCorpusName);
            while (!_getCustomCorpusTested)
                yield return(null);

            //  Wait for customization
            while (!_isCustomizationReady)
                yield return(null);

            //  Get custom words
            Log.Debug("ExampleSpeechToText.Examples()", "Attempting to get custom words.");
            _speechToText.GetCustomWords(HandleGetCustomWords, OnFail, _createdCustomizationID);
            while (!_getCustomWordsTested)
                yield return(null);

            //  Add custom words from path
            Log.Debug("ExampleSpeechToText.Examples()", "Attempting to add custom words in customization {0} using Words json path {1}", _createdCustomizationID, _customWordsFilePath);
            string customWords = File.ReadAllText(_customWordsFilePath);

            _speechToText.AddCustomWords(HandleAddCustomWordsFromPath, OnFail, _createdCustomizationID, customWords);
            while (!_addCustomWordsFromPathTested)
                yield return(null);

            //  Wait for customization
            _isCustomizationReady = false;
            while (!_isCustomizationReady)
                yield return(null);

            //  Add custom words from object
            Words       words    = new Words();
            Word        w0       = new Word();
            List <Word> wordList = new List <Word>();

            w0.word           = "mikey";
            w0.sounds_like    = new string[1];
            w0.sounds_like[0] = "my key";
            w0.display_as     = "Mikey";
            Word w1 = new Word();

            w1.word           = "charlie";
            w1.sounds_like    = new string[1];
            w1.sounds_like[0] = "char lee";
            w1.display_as     = "Charlie";
            Word w2 = new Word();

            w2.word           = "bijou";
            w2.sounds_like    = new string[1];
            w2.sounds_like[0] = "be joo";
            w2.display_as     = "Bijou";
            words.words = wordList.ToArray();

            Log.Debug("ExampleSpeechToText.Examples()", "Attempting to add custom words in customization {0} using Words object", _createdCustomizationID);
            _speechToText.AddCustomWords(HandleAddCustomWordsFromObject, OnFail, _createdCustomizationID, words);
            while (!_addCustomWordsFromObjectTested)
                yield return(null);

            //  Wait for customization
            _isCustomizationReady = false;
            while (!_isCustomizationReady)
                yield return(null);

            //  Get custom word
            Log.Debug("ExampleSpeechToText.Examples()", "Attempting to get custom word {1} in customization {0}", _createdCustomizationID, words.words[0].word);
            _speechToText.GetCustomWord(HandleGetCustomWord, OnFail, _createdCustomizationID, words.words[0].word);
            while (!_getCustomWordTested)
                yield return(null);

            //  Train customization
            Log.Debug("ExampleSpeechToText.Examples()", "Attempting to train customization {0}", _createdCustomizationID);
            _speechToText.TrainCustomization(HandleTrainCustomization, OnFail, _createdCustomizationID);
            while (!_trainCustomizationTested)
                yield return(null);

            //  Wait for customization
            _isCustomizationReady = false;
            while (!_isCustomizationReady)
                yield return(null);

            //  Upgrade customization - not currently implemented in service
            //Log.Debug("ExampleSpeechToText.Examples()", "Attempting to upgrade customization {0}", _createdCustomizationID);
            //_speechToText.UpgradeCustomization(HandleUpgradeCustomization, _createdCustomizationID);
            //while (!_upgradeCustomizationTested)
            //    yield return null;

            //  Delete custom word
            Log.Debug("ExampleSpeechToText.Examples()", "Attempting to delete custom word {1} in customization {0}", _createdCustomizationID, words.words[2].word);
            _speechToText.DeleteCustomWord(HandleDeleteCustomWord, OnFail, _createdCustomizationID, words.words[2].word);
            while (!_deleteCustomWordTested)
                yield return(null);

            //  Delay
            Log.Debug("ExampleSpeechToText.Examples()", string.Format("Delaying delete environment for {0} sec", _delayTimeInSeconds));
            while (!_readyToContinue)
                yield return(null);

            _readyToContinue = false;
            //  Delete custom corpus
            Log.Debug("ExampleSpeechToText.Examples()", "Attempting to delete custom corpus {1} in customization {0}", _createdCustomizationID, _createdCorpusName);
            _speechToText.DeleteCustomCorpus(HandleDeleteCustomCorpus, OnFail, _createdCustomizationID, _createdCorpusName);
            while (!_deleteCustomCorpusTested)
                yield return(null);

            //  Delay
            Log.Debug("ExampleSpeechToText.Examples()", string.Format("Delaying delete environment for {0} sec", _delayTimeInSeconds));
            while (!_readyToContinue)
                yield return(null);

            _readyToContinue = false;
            //  Reset customization
            Log.Debug("ExampleSpeechToText.Examples()", "Attempting to reset customization {0}", _createdCustomizationID);
            _speechToText.ResetCustomization(HandleResetCustomization, OnFail, _createdCustomizationID);
            while (!_resetCustomizationTested)
                yield return(null);

            //  Delay
            Log.Debug("ExampleSpeechToText.Examples()", string.Format("Delaying delete environment for {0} sec", _delayTimeInSeconds));
            while (!_readyToContinue)
                yield return(null);

            _readyToContinue = false;
            //  Delete customization
            Log.Debug("ExampleSpeechToText.Examples()", "Attempting to delete customization {0}", _createdCustomizationID);
            _speechToText.DeleteCustomization(HandleDeleteCustomization, OnFail, _createdCustomizationID);
            while (!_deleteCustomizationsTested)
                yield return(null);

            //  List acoustic customizations
            Log.Debug("ExampleSpeechToText.Examples()", "Attempting to get acoustic customizations");
            _speechToText.GetCustomAcousticModels(HandleGetCustomAcousticModels, OnFail);
            while (!_getAcousticCustomizationsTested)
                yield return(null);

            //  Create acoustic customization
            Log.Debug("ExampleSpeechToText.Examples()", "Attempting to create acoustic customization");
            _speechToText.CreateAcousticCustomization(HandleCreateAcousticCustomization, OnFail, _createdAcousticModelName);
            while (!_createAcousticCustomizationsTested)
                yield return(null);

            //  Get acoustic customization
            Log.Debug("ExampleSpeechToText.Examples()", "Attempting to get acoustic customization {0}", _createdAcousticModelId);
            _speechToText.GetCustomAcousticModel(HandleGetCustomAcousticModel, OnFail, _createdAcousticModelId);
            while (!_getAcousticCustomizationTested)
                yield return(null);

            while (!_isAudioLoaded)
                yield return(null);

            //  Create acoustic resource
            Log.Debug("ExampleSpeechToText.Examples()", "Attempting to create audio resource {1} on {0}", _createdAcousticModelId, _acousticResourceName);
            string mimeType = Utility.GetMimeType(Path.GetExtension(_acousticResourceUrl));

            _speechToText.AddAcousticResource(HandleAddAcousticResource, OnFail, _createdAcousticModelId, _acousticResourceName, mimeType, mimeType, true, _acousticResourceData);
            while (!_addAcousticResourcesTested)
                yield return(null);

            //  Wait for customization
            _isAcousticCustomizationReady = false;
            while (!_isAcousticCustomizationReady)
                yield return(null);

            //  List acoustic resources
            Log.Debug("ExampleSpeechToText.Examples()", "Attempting to get audio resources {0}", _createdAcousticModelId);
            _speechToText.GetCustomAcousticResources(HandleGetCustomAcousticResources, OnFail, _createdAcousticModelId);
            while (!_getAcousticResourcesTested)
                yield return(null);

            //  Train acoustic customization
            Log.Debug("ExampleSpeechToText.Examples()", "Attempting to train acoustic customization {0}", _createdAcousticModelId);
            _speechToText.TrainAcousticCustomization(HandleTrainAcousticCustomization, OnFail, _createdAcousticModelId, null, true);
            while (!_trainAcousticCustomizationsTested)
                yield return(null);

            //  Get acoustic resource
            Log.Debug("ExampleSpeechToText.Examples()", "Attempting to get audio resource {1} from {0}", _createdAcousticModelId, _acousticResourceName);
            _speechToText.GetCustomAcousticResource(HandleGetCustomAcousticResource, OnFail, _createdAcousticModelId, _acousticResourceName);
            while (!_getAcousticResourceTested)
                yield return(null);

            //  Wait for customization
            _isAcousticCustomizationReady = false;
            while (!_isAcousticCustomizationReady)
                yield return(null);

            //  Delete acoustic resource
            while (!_deleteAcousticResource)
                yield return(null);

            //  Delay
            Log.Debug("ExampleSpeechToText.Examples()", string.Format("Delaying delete acoustic resource for {0} sec", _delayTimeInSeconds));
            while (!_readyToContinue)
                yield return(null);

            //  Reset acoustic customization
            Log.Debug("ExampleSpeechToText.Examples()", "Attempting to reset acoustic customization {0}", _createdAcousticModelId);
            _speechToText.ResetAcousticCustomization(HandleResetAcousticCustomization, OnFail, _createdAcousticModelId);
            while (!_resetAcousticCustomizationsTested)
                yield return(null);

            //  Delay
            Log.Debug("ExampleSpeechToText.Examples()", string.Format("Delaying delete acoustic customization for {0} sec", _delayTimeInSeconds));
            while (!_readyToContinue)
                yield return(null);

            //  Delete acoustic customization
            while (!_deleteAcousticCustomizationsTested)
                yield return(null);

            //  Delay
            Log.Debug("ExampleSpeechToText.Examples()", string.Format("Delaying complete for {0} sec", _delayTimeInSeconds));
            while (!_readyToContinue)
                yield return(null);

            Log.Debug("TestSpeechToText.RunTest()", "Speech to Text examples complete.");

            yield break;
 public static string WordString(Words Word)
Beispiel #42
        public bool LoadFromXmlResource(string langFolder)
                if (!Directory.Exists(langFolder))

                if (int.TryParse(SerializerHelper.LoadText(Path.Combine(langFolder, CurrentLangFile)), out int landId))

                    foreach (string lang in Directory.GetDirectories(langFolder))
                        string name = new DirectoryInfo(lang).Name;

                        if (int.TryParse(name.Substring(0, name.IndexOf('.')), out int id))
                            name = name.Substring(name.IndexOf('.') + 1);

                            Langs.Add(new Lang
                                Id   = id,
                                Name = name

                            string text = SerializerHelper.LoadText(Path.Combine(lang, WordsFile));

                            while (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(text))
                                if (text[0] == '<')
                                    string key   = text.Substring(1, text.IndexOf('>') - 1);
                                    string value = text.Substring(text.IndexOf('>') + 1, text.IndexOf($"</{key}>") - $"</{key}>".Length + 1);

                                    Word word = Words.FirstOrDefault(w => w.Key == key);

                                    if (word == null)
                                        word = new Word
                                            Key    = key,
                                            Values = new Dictionary <int, string>()


                                    if (word.Values.ContainsKey(id))
                                        word.Values[id] = value;
                                        word.Values.Add(id, value);

                                    text = text.Substring(key.Length * 2 + value.Length + 5).TrimStart('\r', '\n');

                    CurrentLang = Langs.FirstOrDefault(l => l.Id == landId) ?? Langs.FirstOrDefault();

            catch (Exception ex)

        public ActionResult CreateAnswer(vm_AnswerEventQuestion Answer)
            List<string> words = Answer.Words.Split(',').ToList();
            foreach (var singleword in words)
                var lowerword = singleword.ToLower().Trim();
                var word = _wordRepository.FindAll(w => w.Word == lowerword).FirstOrDefault();
                if (word != null)
                    word.WordCount = word.WordCount + 1;
                    var newword = new Words();
                    newword.WordCount = 1;
                    newword.ID = Guid.NewGuid();
                    newword.Word = lowerword;
            var eventQuestionIDs = Answer.EventQuestionIDs.Split(';').Select(e => new Guid(e)).ToList();
            List<int> ar = new List<int>();
            for(int n =0; n < Answer.StringAnswers.Length; n++)
            int i = 0;
            foreach (var id in eventQuestionIDs)
                var qAnswer = new Answer
                    Age = Answer.Age,
                    Username = Answer.Username,
                    Email = Answer.Email,
                    ID = Guid.NewGuid(),
                    Gender = Answer.Gender,
                    EventQuestionID = id,
                    Score = ar[i]
                    catch (DbEntityValidationException ex)
                    StringBuilder sb = new StringBuilder();

                    foreach (var failure in ex.EntityValidationErrors)
                        sb.AppendFormat("{0} failed validation\n",

                        foreach (var error in failure.ValidationErrors)
                        sb.AppendFormat("- {0} : {1}", error.PropertyName, error.ErrorMessage);
                        throw new DbEntityValidationException("Entity Validation Failed - errors follow:\n" + sb.ToString(), ex);
            if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(Answer.Email))
                Subscriber subscriber = _subScriberRepository.FindAll(s => s.Email == Answer.Email).FirstOrDefault();
                if(subscriber == null){
                    subscriber = new Subscriber();
                    subscriber.Email = Answer.Email;
                    subscriber.City = Answer.City;
                    subscriber.Name = Answer.Username;
                    subscriber.ID = Guid.NewGuid();
            return RedirectToAction("CreateAnswer", "Event");
Beispiel #44
        internal void SelectWord(Word w)
            var toSelect = Words.FirstOrDefault(vm => vm.word == w);

            SelectedWord = toSelect;
        public static string WordMarkup(Words Word)
            int Size = 80;

            return(string.Format("{{p{1},?,{0}}}", Size, WordToTextureName(Word)));
        /// <summary>
        /// Проверка слов. Начало тренировки
        /// </summary>
        public void CheckWords()
            //Мод изучения слов включён
            _User.LearningMode = true;

            //Сообщенаем пользователю о начале тренировки
            if (FirstWord)
                StringBuilder sb = new StringBuilder();

                for (int i = 0; i <= 10; i++)

                Sender.SendTextMessage(_User.ChatId, sb.ToString());
                Sender.SendTextMessage(_User.ChatId, "Start!");

            Random r = new Random();

                //Формируем список слов, которые будут проверятся
                if (FirstWord)
                    int index;

                    var selectedWords = from word in _User.Words where word.LearningProgress < Word.NeededProgress select word;

                    List <Word> temp = selectedWords.ToList();

                    if (temp.Count == 0)
                        Sender.SendTextMessage(_User.ChatId, "Вы уже выучили все слова!");
                        _User.LearningMode = false;

                    for (int i = 0; i < AmountOfQuestions; i++)
                        if (temp.Count <= 10)
                            if (temp.Count < AmountOfQuestions)
                                AmountOfQuestions = temp.Count;
                                Counter           = AmountOfQuestions;

                            for (int j = 0; j < AmountOfQuestions; j++)

                            AmountOfQuestions = 5;


                        index = r.Next(temp.Count - 1);

                        Word w = temp[index];

                    FirstWord = false;

                WordIndex  = r.Next(Words.Count - 1);
                WordObject = Words[WordIndex];

                CurrentWord   = WordObject._Word;
                CorrectAnswer = WordObject.Translation;

                Sender.SendTextMessage(_User.ChatId, $"Translate: {CurrentWord}");
 public static string WordMarkup(Words Word, int Size)
     return(string.Format("{{p{1},{0},?}}", Size, WordToTextureName(Word)));
 private void OnGetCustomizationWords(Words words, Dictionary <string, object> customData = null)
     Log.Debug("ExampleTextToSpeech.OnGetCustomizationWords()", "Text to Speech - Get customization words response: {0}", customData["json"].ToString());
     _getCustomizationWordsTested = true;
Beispiel #49
 private void AddTo(Words words)
     words.Add(this.verb, this.synonyms);
    private IEnumerator Examples()
        while (!_isAudioLoaded)
            yield return(null);

        while (!_isOggLoaded)
            yield return(null);

        //  Recognize
        Log.Debug("ExampleSpeechToText.Examples()", "Attempting to recognize");
        List <string> keywords = new List <string>();

        _service.KeywordsThreshold = 0.5f;
        _service.InactivityTimeout = 120;
        _service.StreamMultipart   = false;
        _service.Keywords          = keywords.ToArray();
        _service.Recognize(HandleOnRecognize, OnFail, _acousticResourceData, _acousticResourceMimeType);
        while (!_recognizeTested)
            yield return(null);

        //  Recognize ogg
        Log.Debug("ExampleSpeechToText", "Attempting to recognize ogg: mimeType: {0} | _speechTText.StreamMultipart: {1}", _oggResourceMimeType, _service.StreamMultipart);
        _service.Recognize(HandleOnRecognizeOgg, OnFail, _oggResourceData, _oggResourceMimeType + ";codecs=vorbis");
        while (!_recognizeOggTested)
            yield return(null);

        //  Get models
        Log.Debug("ExampleSpeechToText.Examples()", "Attempting to get models");
        _service.GetModels(HandleGetModels, OnFail);
        while (!_getModelsTested)
            yield return(null);

        //  Get model
        Log.Debug("ExampleSpeechToText.Examples()", "Attempting to get model {0}", _modelNameToGet);
        _service.GetModel(HandleGetModel, OnFail, _modelNameToGet);
        while (!_getModelTested)
            yield return(null);

        //  Get customizations
        Log.Debug("ExampleSpeechToText.Examples()", "Attempting to get customizations");
        _service.GetCustomizations(HandleGetCustomizations, OnFail);
        while (!_getCustomizationsTested)
            yield return(null);

        //  Create customization
        Log.Debug("ExampleSpeechToText.Examples()", "Attempting create customization");
        _service.CreateCustomization(HandleCreateCustomization, OnFail, "unity-test-customization", "en-US_BroadbandModel", "Testing customization unity");
        while (!_createCustomizationsTested)
            yield return(null);

        //  Get customization
        Log.Debug("ExampleSpeechToText.Examples()", "Attempting to get customization {0}", _createdCustomizationID);
        _service.GetCustomization(HandleGetCustomization, OnFail, _createdCustomizationID);
        while (!_getCustomizationTested)
            yield return(null);

        //  Get custom corpora
        Log.Debug("ExampleSpeechToText.Examples()", "Attempting to get custom corpora for {0}", _createdCustomizationID);
        _service.GetCustomCorpora(HandleGetCustomCorpora, OnFail, _createdCustomizationID);
        while (!_getCustomCorporaTested)
            yield return(null);

        //  Add custom corpus
        Log.Debug("ExampleSpeechToText.Examples()", "Attempting to add custom corpus {1} in customization {0}", _createdCustomizationID, _createdCorpusName);
        string corpusData = File.ReadAllText(_customCorpusFilePath);

        _service.AddCustomCorpus(HandleAddCustomCorpus, OnFail, _createdCustomizationID, _createdCorpusName, true, corpusData);
        while (!_addCustomCorpusTested)
            yield return(null);

        //  Get custom corpus
        Log.Debug("ExampleSpeechToText.Examples()", "Attempting to get custom corpus {1} in customization {0}", _createdCustomizationID, _createdCorpusName);
        _service.GetCustomCorpus(HandleGetCustomCorpus, OnFail, _createdCustomizationID, _createdCorpusName);
        while (!_getCustomCorpusTested)
            yield return(null);

        //  Wait for customization
        while (!_isCustomizationReady)
            yield return(null);

        //  Get custom words
        Log.Debug("ExampleSpeechToText.Examples()", "Attempting to get custom words.");
        _service.GetCustomWords(HandleGetCustomWords, OnFail, _createdCustomizationID);
        while (!_getCustomWordsTested)
            yield return(null);

        //  Add custom words from path
        Log.Debug("ExampleSpeechToText.Examples()", "Attempting to add custom words in customization {0} using Words json path {1}", _createdCustomizationID, _customWordsFilePath);
        string customWords = File.ReadAllText(_customWordsFilePath);

        _service.AddCustomWords(HandleAddCustomWordsFromPath, OnFail, _createdCustomizationID, customWords);
        while (!_addCustomWordsFromPathTested)
            yield return(null);

        //  Wait for customization
        _isCustomizationReady = false;
        while (!_isCustomizationReady)
            yield return(null);

        //  Add custom words from object
        Words       words    = new Words();
        Word        w0       = new Word();
        List <Word> wordList = new List <Word>();

        w0.word           = "mikey";
        w0.sounds_like    = new string[1];
        w0.sounds_like[0] = "my key";
        w0.display_as     = "Mikey";
        Word w1 = new Word();

        w1.word           = "charlie";
        w1.sounds_like    = new string[1];
        w1.sounds_like[0] = "char lee";
        w1.display_as     = "Charlie";
        Word w2 = new Word();

        w2.word           = "bijou";
        w2.sounds_like    = new string[1];
        w2.sounds_like[0] = "be joo";
        w2.display_as     = "Bijou";
        words.words = wordList.ToArray();

        Log.Debug("ExampleSpeechToText.Examples()", "Attempting to add custom words in customization {0} using Words object", _createdCustomizationID);
        _service.AddCustomWords(HandleAddCustomWordsFromObject, OnFail, _createdCustomizationID, words);
        while (!_addCustomWordsFromObjectTested)
            yield return(null);

        //  Wait for customization
        _isCustomizationReady = false;
        while (!_isCustomizationReady)
            yield return(null);

        //  Get custom word
        Log.Debug("ExampleSpeechToText.Examples()", "Attempting to get custom word {1} in customization {0}", _createdCustomizationID, words.words[0].word);
        _service.GetCustomWord(HandleGetCustomWord, OnFail, _createdCustomizationID, words.words[0].word);
        while (!_getCustomWordTested)
            yield return(null);

        //  Train customization
        Log.Debug("ExampleSpeechToText.Examples()", "Attempting to train customization {0}", _createdCustomizationID);
        _service.TrainCustomization(HandleTrainCustomization, OnFail, _createdCustomizationID);
        while (!_trainCustomizationTested)
            yield return(null);

        //  Wait for customization
        _isCustomizationReady = false;
        while (!_isCustomizationReady)
            yield return(null);

        //  Upgrade customization - not currently implemented in service
        //Log.Debug("ExampleSpeechToText.Examples()", "Attempting to upgrade customization {0}", _createdCustomizationID);
        //_speechToText.UpgradeCustomization(HandleUpgradeCustomization, _createdCustomizationID);
        //while (!_upgradeCustomizationTested)
        //    yield return null;

        //  Delete custom word
        Log.Debug("ExampleSpeechToText.Examples()", "Attempting to delete custom word {1} in customization {0}", _createdCustomizationID, words.words[2].word);
        _service.DeleteCustomWord(HandleDeleteCustomWord, OnFail, _createdCustomizationID, words.words[2].word);
        while (!_deleteCustomWordTested)
            yield return(null);

        //  Delay
        Log.Debug("ExampleSpeechToText.Examples()", string.Format("Delaying delete environment for {0} sec", _delayTimeInSeconds));
        while (!_readyToContinue)
            yield return(null);

        _readyToContinue = false;
        //  Delete custom corpus
        Log.Debug("ExampleSpeechToText.Examples()", "Attempting to delete custom corpus {1} in customization {0}", _createdCustomizationID, _createdCorpusName);
        _service.DeleteCustomCorpus(HandleDeleteCustomCorpus, OnFail, _createdCustomizationID, _createdCorpusName);
        while (!_deleteCustomCorpusTested)
            yield return(null);

        //  Delay
        Log.Debug("ExampleSpeechToText.Examples()", string.Format("Delaying delete environment for {0} sec", _delayTimeInSeconds));
        while (!_readyToContinue)
            yield return(null);

        _readyToContinue = false;
        //  Reset customization
        Log.Debug("ExampleSpeechToText.Examples()", "Attempting to reset customization {0}", _createdCustomizationID);
        _service.ResetCustomization(HandleResetCustomization, OnFail, _createdCustomizationID);
        while (!_resetCustomizationTested)
            yield return(null);

        //  Delay
        Log.Debug("ExampleSpeechToText.Examples()", string.Format("Delaying delete environment for {0} sec", _delayTimeInSeconds));
        while (!_readyToContinue)
            yield return(null);

        _readyToContinue = false;
        //  Delete customization
        Log.Debug("ExampleSpeechToText.Examples()", "Attempting to delete customization {0}", _createdCustomizationID);
        _service.DeleteCustomization(HandleDeleteCustomization, OnFail, _createdCustomizationID);
        while (!_deleteCustomizationsTested)
            yield return(null);

        //  List acoustic customizations
        Log.Debug("ExampleSpeechToText.Examples()", "Attempting to get acoustic customizations");
        _service.GetCustomAcousticModels(HandleGetCustomAcousticModels, OnFail);
        while (!_getAcousticCustomizationsTested)
            yield return(null);

        //  Create acoustic customization
        Log.Debug("ExampleSpeechToText.Examples()", "Attempting to create acoustic customization");
        _service.CreateAcousticCustomization(HandleCreateAcousticCustomization, OnFail, _createdAcousticModelName);
        while (!_createAcousticCustomizationsTested)
            yield return(null);

        //  Get acoustic customization
        Log.Debug("ExampleSpeechToText.Examples()", "Attempting to get acoustic customization {0}", _createdAcousticModelId);
        _service.GetCustomAcousticModel(HandleGetCustomAcousticModel, OnFail, _createdAcousticModelId);
        while (!_getAcousticCustomizationTested)
            yield return(null);

        while (!_isAudioLoaded)
            yield return(null);

        //  Create acoustic resource
        Log.Debug("ExampleSpeechToText.Examples()", "Attempting to create audio resource {1} on {0}", _createdAcousticModelId, _acousticResourceName);
        string mimeType = Utility.GetMimeType(Path.GetExtension(_acousticResourceUrl));

        _service.AddAcousticResource(HandleAddAcousticResource, OnFail, _createdAcousticModelId, _acousticResourceName, mimeType, mimeType, true, _acousticResourceData);
        while (!_addAcousticResourcesTested)
            yield return(null);

        //  Wait for customization
        _isAcousticCustomizationReady = false;
        while (!_isAcousticCustomizationReady)
            yield return(null);

        //  List acoustic resources
        Log.Debug("ExampleSpeechToText.Examples()", "Attempting to get audio resources {0}", _createdAcousticModelId);
        _service.GetCustomAcousticResources(HandleGetCustomAcousticResources, OnFail, _createdAcousticModelId);
        while (!_getAcousticResourcesTested)
            yield return(null);

        //  Train acoustic customization
        Log.Debug("ExampleSpeechToText.Examples()", "Attempting to train acoustic customization {0}", _createdAcousticModelId);
        _service.TrainAcousticCustomization(HandleTrainAcousticCustomization, OnFail, _createdAcousticModelId, null, true);
        while (!_trainAcousticCustomizationsTested)
            yield return(null);

        //  Get acoustic resource
        Log.Debug("ExampleSpeechToText.Examples()", "Attempting to get audio resource {1} from {0}", _createdAcousticModelId, _acousticResourceName);
        _service.GetCustomAcousticResource(HandleGetCustomAcousticResource, OnFail, _createdAcousticModelId, _acousticResourceName);
        while (!_getAcousticResourceTested)
            yield return(null);

        //  Wait for customization
        _isAcousticCustomizationReady = false;
        while (!_isAcousticCustomizationReady)
            yield return(null);

        //  Delay
        Log.Debug("ExampleSpeechToText.Examples()", string.Format("Delaying delete acoustic resource for {0} sec", _delayTimeInSeconds));
        while (!_readyToContinue)
            yield return(null);

        //  Delete acoustic resource
        while (!_deleteAcousticResource)
            yield return(null);

        //  Reset acoustic customization
        Log.Debug("ExampleSpeechToText.Examples()", "Attempting to reset acoustic customization {0}", _createdAcousticModelId);
        _service.ResetAcousticCustomization(HandleResetAcousticCustomization, OnFail, _createdAcousticModelId);
        while (!_resetAcousticCustomizationsTested)
            yield return(null);

        //  Delay
        Log.Debug("ExampleSpeechToText.Examples()", string.Format("Delaying delete acoustic customization for {0} sec", _delayTimeInSeconds));
        while (!_readyToContinue)
            yield return(null);

        //  Delete acoustic customization
        while (!_deleteAcousticCustomizationsTested)
            yield return(null);

        //  Delay
        Log.Debug("ExampleSpeechToText.Examples()", string.Format("Delaying complete for {0} sec", _delayTimeInSeconds));
        while (!_readyToContinue)
            yield return(null);

        Log.Debug("ExampleSpeechToText.Examples()", "Speech to Text examples complete.");
Beispiel #51
 private void myAutocompleteBox_TextChanged(object sender, RoutedEventArgs e)
         if (myAutocompleteBox.SelectedItem == null || string.IsNullOrEmpty(((Word)myAutocompleteBox.SelectedItem).Name))
             if (!String.IsNullOrEmpty(myAutocompleteBox.Text) && !String.IsNullOrEmpty(myAutocompleteBox.Text.Trim()))
                 List<Word> list = tccvm.FindAllWords(myAutocompleteBox.Text.TrimStart(), 8);
                 if (list != null && list.Count > 0)
                     Words wordlist = new Words();
                     for (int ix = 0; ix < list.Count; ix++)
                     myAutocompleteBox.ItemsSource = wordlist.ListOfWords;
     catch (Exception ex)
 public static string WordToTextureName(Words Word)
 public static void Swap(ref Words x, ref Words y)
     var temp = y;
     y = x;
     x = temp;