public async Task ProvideMultiFormWordAsync()
            var cert = new System.Security.Cryptography.X509Certificates.X509Certificate2();

            cert.Import(@"d:\temp\RussianWordApp.pfx", "1ma_Bi11", System.Security.Cryptography.X509Certificates.X509KeyStorageFlags.DefaultKeySet);
            var translator = new Mock <ITranslator>();

            translator.Setup(t => t.Translate(It.IsAny <string>())).Returns(Task.FromResult("-- translation --"));
            var provider = new WordProvider(translator.Object);
            var words    = await provider.GetWords("знать");

            Assert.IsTrue(words.Count() == 2, "Expected 2 words in the collection");
            Assert.IsTrue(words.First().WordType == "verb", $"For the value of word.WordType, 'verb' was expected, but value is '{words.First().WordType}'");
            Assert.IsTrue(words.First().WordForms.Count == 18, $"Expected words.First().WordForms.Count == 18, but value is {words.First().WordForms.Count}");
            Assert.IsTrue(words.First().Tags.Count() == 1);
            Assert.IsTrue(words.First().Rank == 40);
            Assert.IsTrue(words.First().Translations.Count == 9);

            Assert.IsTrue(words.Last().WordType == "noun", $"For the value of word.WordType, 'noun' was expected, but value is '{words.First().WordType}'");
            Assert.IsTrue(words.Last().WordForms.Count == 6);
            Assert.IsTrue(words.Last().Rank == 40);
        public static void WhenRequestingWordsMakeSureThereAreNoDuplicates()
            IWordProvider provider = new WordProvider();
            var           words    = provider.GetWords("testwordlist.txt", 3);

            Assert.Equal("dog", words[3]);
            Assert.NotEqual("dog", words[4]);
        public static void WhenRequestingWordsWithALengthReturnAllWordsOfThatLength()
            IWordProvider provider = new WordProvider();
            var           words    = provider.GetWords("testwordlist.txt", 3);

            Assert.Equal("cat", words[0]);
            Assert.Equal("cot", words[1]);
            Assert.Equal("cog", words[2]);
            Assert.Equal("dog", words[3]);
        public static void WhenRequestingWordsWithoutALengthReturnAllElements()
            IWordProvider provider = new WordProvider();
            var           words    = provider.GetWords("testwordlist.txt", 0);

            Assert.Equal("i", words[0]);
            Assert.Equal("am", words[1]);
            Assert.Equal("a", words[2]);
            Assert.Equal("test", words[3]);
            Assert.Equal("case", words[4]);
Beispiel #5
        public static void WhenProvidedAListOfWordsReturnAllWordChains()
            var input = "mat";
            IAvailableWordFinder wordFinder = new AvailableWordFinder();
            IWordProvider        provider   = new WordProvider();
            var words = provider.GetWords("testwordlist.txt", input.Length);

            string[] expected = { "cat", "hat" };
            var      actual   = wordFinder.FindAllAvailableWords(input, words);

            Assert.Equal(expected, actual);
Beispiel #6
        public static void WhenProvidedAnInputWithNoMatchesReturnAnEmptyString()
            var input = "Something";
            IAvailableWordFinder wordFinder = new AvailableWordFinder();
            IWordProvider        provider   = new WordProvider();
            var words = provider.GetWords("testwordlist.txt", input.Length);

            string[] expected = { };
            var      actual   = wordFinder.FindAllAvailableWords(input, words);

            Assert.Equal(expected, actual);
        public async Task ProvideNounAsync()
            var translator = new Mock <ITranslator>();

            translator.Setup(t => t.Translate(It.IsAny <string>())).Returns(Task.FromResult("-- translation --"));
            var provider = new WordProvider(translator.Object);
            var words    = await provider.GetWords("жизнь", getSamples : false);

            Assert.IsTrue(words.Count() == 1, "Expected 1 words in the collection");
            Assert.IsTrue(words.First().WordType == "noun");
            Assert.IsTrue(words.First().WordForms.Count == 12);
            Assert.IsTrue(words.First().Rank == 69);
Beispiel #8
        private static void Main(string[] args)
            /* FOR ALL EXERCISES:
             * 1) All output needs to be sent to the console.
             * 2) Each exercise must be separated by a System.Console.ReadLine(); statement.
             * 3) All provided code must be used as is, unless otherwise explicitly stated.
             * 4) You may use the "MyCode" folder in DevTest.Library or within this class for any code you develop
             *    (unless otherwise specified).

            /* Exercise 1:
             * Implement the IsPalindrome method in the MyPalindromeChecker class.
             * Use the WordProvider to retrieve a randomized list of words, which may or may not be palindromes.
             * Check each word returned by the WordProvider and output the word and whether or not is a palindrome. A
             * word may contain one or more whitespaces.
             * Example output:
             * Word: radar; IsPalindrome: true
             * Word: chicken; IsPalindrome: false
            var words = WordProvider.GetWords();

            //implement exercise 1

            System.Console.WriteLine("End of exercise 1.");

            /* Exercise 2:
             * Implement a paging algorithm using the given WordProvider. The provider will output a random number
             * of strings, in order. The list will include a minimum of 10 strings. A single page will be between 3 and 6
             * (inclusive) items. (represented by the pageSize variable). Your output should page all the way to the end
             * of the list, showing every item in the list, and include the page number. Each page should be separated
             * by a System.Console.ReadLine(); statement.
             * Example output (pageSize = 5):
             * Page #1
             * 1. word1
             * 2. word2
             * 3. word3
             * 4. word4
             * 5. word5
             * Page #2
             * 6. word6
             * 7. word7
             * 8. word8
             * 9. word9
             * 10. word10
            var wordList = WordProvider.GetWordList();
            var pageSize = new Random().Next(3, 6);

            //implement exercise 2

            System.Console.WriteLine("End of exercise 2.");

            /* Exercise 3:
             * Given the posts supplied by the PostProvider, do the following:
             * 1) Display a list of all posts that contain the following information:
             *      - User who made the post
             *      - The textual content of the post
             *      - The total number of comments
             *      - The user names of each commenter, separated by commas
             * 2) Display a list of users that have liked a post. Include the post content and a comma
             *    separated list of the user's names.
             *    Example output:
             *    post1: sasha, brittany, eric
             *    post4: amber
             *    post8: monica
             * 3) Display a list of comments, grouped by commenter, made by persons older than 25 (as
             *    of "today"). Include the commenter's name.
             *    Example output:
             *    steve
             *    -----
             *    Every strike brings me closer to the next home run. –Babe Ruth
             *    Everything you’ve ever wanted is on the other side of fear. –George Addair
             *    jeremy
             *    ------
             *    Challenges are what make life interesting and overcoming them is what makes life meaningful. –Joshua J. Marine
             *    There are no traffic jams along the extra mile. –Roger Staubach
             *    It’s your place in the world; it’s your life. Go on and do all you can with it, and make it the life you want to live. –Mae Jemison
            var posts   = PostProvider.GetPosts();
            var persons = PostProvider.GetPersons();

            //implement exercise 3.1

            System.Console.WriteLine("End of exercise 3.1.");

            //implement exercise 3.2

            System.Console.WriteLine("End of exercise 3.2.");

            //implement exercise 3.3
            System.Console.WriteLine("End of exercise 3.3.");