private static String GetPRMailSubject(WoWiModel.WoWiEntities wowidb, WoWiModel.PR_authority_history auth)
     return GetPRMailSubject(wowidb, auth, "request for approval");
    private static String GetPRMailSubject(WoWiModel.WoWiEntities wowidb, WoWiModel.PR_authority_history auth, String message)
        int prid = auth.pr_id;
        WoWiModel.PR obj = (from p in wowidb.PRs where p.pr_id == prid select p).First();
        int tid = wowidb.PR_item.First(c => c.pr_id == obj.pr_id).quotation_target_id;
        WoWiModel.vendor ven = (from v in wowidb.vendors where == obj.vendor_id select v).First();
        String venderName = String.IsNullOrEmpty( ? ven.c_name :;
        //String quotaion_no = (from d in wowidb.Quotation_Version where d.Quotation_Version_Id == obj.quotaion_id select d.Quotation_No).First();
        //var list = from q in wowidb.Quotation_Version
        //               where q.Quotation_No.Equals(quotaion_no)
        //               select new
        //               {
        //                   No = q.Quotation_No,
        //                   Version = q.Vername,
        //                   Id = q.Quotation_Version_Id
        //               };
        //var data = (from t in wowidb.Target_Rates from qt in wowidb.Quotation_Target from q in list where qt.quotation_id == q.Id & qt.target_id == t.Target_rate_id select new { Code =11, Desc = qt.target_description }).First();
        var data = (from t in wowidb.Target_Rates from q in wowidb.Quotation_Version from qt in wowidb.Quotation_Target where qt.Quotation_Target_Id == tid & qt.target_id == t.Target_rate_id && q.Quotation_Version_Id == obj.quotaion_id select new { TargetName = ((from c in wowidb.Authorities where c.authority_id == qt.authority_id select c.authority_name).FirstOrDefault()), Quotation_Target_Id = qt.Quotation_Target_Id, ItemDescription = qt.target_description, ModelNo = q.Model_No, Qty = qt.unit }).First();

        String templateStr = "PR No.#{0} / {1} / {2} / {3}  is " + message;
        return String.Format(templateStr, prid, venderName, data.ItemDescription, data.TargetName);
    public static void PRStatusDone(WoWiModel.WoWiEntities wowidb, WoWiModel.PR_authority_history auth)
          string mailSubject = GetPRMailSubject(wowidb, auth, "approved. PR Status is : " + statusByteToString((byte)auth.status));
          string sender = "<br />" + PRApproval_URL + auth.pr_id;
          string mailContent = mailSubject + sender;
          string to = GetEmail((int)auth.requisitioner_id);
          if (to != null)
        if (auth.finance_id.HasValue)
          //string cc = GetEmail((int)auth.finance_id);
          //Mail(new String[] { to }, new String[] { cc }, mailSubject, mailContent);

          //2014/1/14 : PR修改為要傳送MAIL給所有會計部門的人
          var finances =
            (from e in wowidb.employees
             from jt in wowidb.employee_jobtitle
             where (jt.jobtitle_name.Trim().Equals("Finance") || jt.jobtitle_name.Trim().Equals("Accounting"))
             & e.jobtitle_id == jt.jobtitle_id
             select new { });
          string[] cc = finances.Select(f =>;
          Mail(new String[] { to }, cc, mailSubject, mailContent);
          Mail(new String[] { to }, null, mailSubject, mailContent);

        catch (Exception)

    public static void WaitingForVPApprove(WoWiModel.WoWiEntities wowidb, WoWiModel.PR_authority_history auth)
          string mailSubject = GetPRMailSubject(wowidb, auth, " Waiting For VP Approve");
          string sender = auth.supervisor + "<br />" + PRApproval_URL + auth.pr_id;
          string mailContent = GetPRMailContent(mailSubject, sender);
          string to = GetEmail((int)auth.vp_id);
          if (to != null)
        string cc1 = GetEmail((int)auth.requisitioner_id);
        string cc2 = GetEmail((int)auth.supervisor_id);
        Mail(new String[] { to }, new String[] { cc1, cc2 }, mailSubject, mailContent);
        catch (Exception)

    public static List<SalesClientSeasonReportData> GetSalesClientBySeason_OpenProjDate(WoWiModel.WoWiEntities wowidb, int year)
        List<SalesClientSeasonReportData> list = new List<SalesClientSeasonReportData>();
        SalesClientSeasonReportData temp;
            //Find all Sales
            var sales = from e in wowidb.employees from dep in wowidb.departments where e.department_id == && == "Sales" select e;

            var quos = (from quo in wowidb.Quotation_Version from pj in wowidb.Projects where quo.Quotation_Version_Id == pj.Quotation_Id && pj.Create_Date.Year == year select quo.Quotation_No).Distinct();
            var clients = (from qNo in quos from quo in wowidb.Quotation_Version from cli in wowidb.clientapplicants where quo.Quotation_No == qNo select quo.Client_Id).Distinct();

            decimal M1D = 0, M1Q = 0, M2D = 0, M2Q = 0, M3D = 0, M3Q = 0, M4D = 0, M4Q = 0, TotD = 0, TotQ = 0;
            foreach (var sale in sales)
                decimal imaM1D = 0, imaM1Q = 0, imaM2D = 0, imaM2Q = 0, imaM3D = 0, imaM3Q = 0, imaM4D = 0, imaM4Q = 0, imaTotD = 0, imaTotQ = 0;
                foreach (var client in clients)
                    decimal venM1D = 0, venM1Q = 0, venM2D = 0, venM2Q = 0, venM3D = 0, venM3Q = 0, venM4D = 0, venM4Q = 0, venTotD = 0, venTotQ = 0;
                        var quotas = from quo in wowidb.Quotation_Version where quo.SalesId == && quo.Client_Id == client select quo;
                        temp = new SalesClientSeasonReportData()
                            Sales = String.IsNullOrEmpty(sale.c_fname) ? sale.fname + " " + sale.lname : sale.c_lname + "" + sale.c_fname
                        var v = (from i in wowidb.clientapplicants where == client select i).First();
                        temp.Client = String.IsNullOrEmpty(v.c_companyname) ? v.companyname : v.c_companyname;
                        foreach (var p in quotas)
                                int month = (from qs in wowidb.Quotation_Version from proj in wowidb.Projects where qs.Quotation_No == p.Quotation_No && qs.Quotation_Version_Id == proj.Quotation_Id select proj.Create_Date.Month).First();
                                switch (month)
                                    case 1:
                                    case 2:
                                    case 3:
                                        venM1D += (decimal)p.FinalTotalPrice;
                                        //venM1Q += (decimal)pri.quantity;
                                    case 4:
                                    case 5:
                                    case 6:
                                        venM2D += (decimal)p.FinalTotalPrice;
                                        //venM2Q += (decimal)pri.quantity;
                                    case 7:
                                    case 8:
                                    case 9:
                                        venM3D += (decimal)p.FinalTotalPrice;
                                        //venM3Q += (decimal)pri.quantity;
                                    case 10:
                                    case 11:
                                    case 12:
                                        venM4D += (decimal)p.FinalTotalPrice;
                                        //venM4Q += (decimal)pri.quantity;
                            catch (Exception)


                        }//Single vender ends
                        venTotD = venM1D + venM2D + venM3D + venM4D;
                        //venTotQ = venM1Q + venM2Q + venM3Q + venM4Q;
                        imaM1D += venM1D;
                        //imaM1Q += venM1Q;
                        imaM2D += venM2D;
                        //imaM2Q += venM2Q;
                        imaM3D += venM3D;
                        //imaM3Q += venM3Q;
                        imaM4D += venM4D;
                        //imaM4Q += venM4Q;

                        imaTotD += venTotD;
                        //imaTotQ += venTotQ;
                        temp.Season01USD = venM1D.ToString("F2");
                        temp.Season02USD = venM2D.ToString("F2");
                        temp.Season03USD = venM3D.ToString("F2");
                        temp.Season04USD = venM4D.ToString("F2");

                        temp.TotalUSD = venTotD.ToString("F2");

                        //temp.Season01QTY = venM1Q.ToString("F0");
                        //temp.Season02QTY = venM2Q.ToString("F0");
                        //temp.Season03QTY = venM3Q.ToString("F0");
                        //temp.Season04QTY = venM4Q.ToString("F0");

                        //temp.TotalQTY = venTotQ.ToString("F0");
                    catch (Exception)

                }//Vender ends
                if (imaTotD != 0)
                    temp = new SalesClientSeasonReportData()
                        Sales = (String.IsNullOrEmpty(sale.c_fname) ? sale.fname + " " + sale.lname : sale.c_lname + "" + sale.c_fname) + " Total : "
                    M1D += imaM1D;
                    //M1Q += imaM1Q;
                    M2D += imaM2D;
                    //M2Q += imaM2Q;
                    M3D += imaM3D;
                    //M3Q += imaM3Q;
                    M4D += imaM4D;
                    //M4Q += imaM4Q;

                    TotD += imaTotD;
                    //TotQ += imaTotQ;
                    temp.Season01USD = imaM1D.ToString("F2");
                    temp.Season02USD = imaM2D.ToString("F2");
                    temp.Season03USD = imaM3D.ToString("F2");
                    temp.Season04USD = imaM4D.ToString("F2");

                    temp.TotalUSD = imaTotD.ToString("F2");

                    //temp.Season01QTY = imaM1Q.ToString("F0");
                    //temp.Season02QTY = imaM2Q.ToString("F0");
                    //temp.Season03QTY = imaM3Q.ToString("F0");
                    //temp.Season04QTY = imaM4Q.ToString("F0");

                    //temp.TotalQTY = imaTotQ.ToString("F0");
            }//ima ends
            if (TotD != 0)
                temp = new SalesClientSeasonReportData()
                    Sales = "Balance Total : "
                temp.Season01USD = M1D.ToString("F2");
                temp.Season02USD = M2D.ToString("F2");
                temp.Season03USD = M3D.ToString("F2");
                temp.Season04USD = M4D.ToString("F2");

                temp.TotalUSD = TotD.ToString("F2");

                //temp.Season01QTY = M1Q.ToString("F0");
                //temp.Season02QTY = M2Q.ToString("F0");
                //temp.Season03QTY = M3Q.ToString("F0");
                //temp.Season04QTY = M4Q.ToString("F0");
                //temp.TotalQTY = TotQ.ToString("F0");

        catch (Exception)

        return list;
    public static List<SalesClientMonthReportData> GetClientByMonth_OpenProjDate(WoWiModel.WoWiEntities wowidb, int year)
        List<SalesClientMonthReportData> list = new List<SalesClientMonthReportData>();
        SalesClientMonthReportData temp;

            var quos = (from quo in wowidb.Quotation_Version from pj in wowidb.Projects where quo.Quotation_Version_Id == pj.Quotation_Id && pj.Create_Date.Year == year select quo.Quotation_No).Distinct();
            var clients = (from qNo in quos from quo in wowidb.Quotation_Version from cli in wowidb.clientapplicants where quo.Quotation_No == qNo select quo.Client_Id).Distinct();

                decimal imaM1D = 0, imaM1Q = 0, imaM2D = 0, imaM2Q = 0, imaM3D = 0, imaM3Q = 0, imaM4D = 0, imaM4Q = 0, imaM5D = 0, imaM5Q = 0, imaM6D = 0, imaM6Q = 0, imaM7D = 0, imaM7Q = 0, imaM8D = 0, imaM8Q = 0, imaM9D = 0, imaM9Q = 0, imaM10D = 0, imaM10Q = 0, imaM11D = 0, imaM11Q = 0, imaM12D = 0, imaM12Q = 0, imaTotD = 0, imaTotQ = 0;
                foreach (var client in clients)
                    decimal venM1D = 0, venM1Q = 0, venM2D = 0, venM2Q = 0, venM3D = 0, venM3Q = 0, venM4D = 0, venM4Q = 0, venM5D = 0, venM5Q = 0, venM6D = 0, venM6Q = 0, venM7D = 0, venM7Q = 0, venM8D = 0, venM8Q = 0, venM9D = 0, venM9Q = 0, venM10D = 0, venM10Q = 0, venM11D = 0, venM11Q = 0, venM12D = 0, venM12Q = 0, venTotD = 0, venTotQ = 0;
                        var quotas = from quo in wowidb.Quotation_Version where quo.Client_Id == client select quo;
                        temp = new SalesClientMonthReportData();
                        var v = (from i in wowidb.clientapplicants where == client select i).First();
                        temp.Client = String.IsNullOrEmpty(v.c_companyname) ? v.companyname : v.c_companyname;
                        foreach (var p in quotas)
                                int month = (from qs in wowidb.Quotation_Version from proj in wowidb.Projects where qs.Quotation_No == p.Quotation_No && qs.Quotation_Version_Id == proj.Quotation_Id select proj.Create_Date.Month).First();
                                switch (month)
                                    case 1:
                                        venM1D += (decimal)p.FinalTotalPrice;
                                        //venM1Q += (decimal)p.quantity;
                                    case 2:
                                        venM2D += (decimal)p.FinalTotalPrice;
                                        //venM2Q += (decimal)pri.quantity;
                                    case 3:
                                        venM3D += (decimal)p.FinalTotalPrice;
                                        //venM3Q += (decimal)pri.quantity;
                                    case 4:
                                        venM4D += (decimal)p.FinalTotalPrice;
                                        //venM4Q += (decimal)pri.quantity;
                                    case 5:
                                        venM5D += (decimal)p.FinalTotalPrice;
                                        //venM5Q += (decimal)pri.quantity;
                                    case 6:
                                        venM6D += (decimal)p.FinalTotalPrice;
                                        //venM6Q += (decimal)pri.quantity;
                                    case 7:
                                        venM7D += (decimal)p.FinalTotalPrice;
                                        //venM7Q += (decimal)pri.quantity;
                                    case 8:
                                        venM8D += (decimal)p.FinalTotalPrice;
                                        //venM8Q += (decimal)pri.quantity;
                                    case 9:
                                        venM9D += (decimal)p.FinalTotalPrice;
                                        //venM9Q += (decimal)pri.quantity;
                                    case 10:
                                        venM10D += (decimal)p.FinalTotalPrice;
                                        //venM10Q += (decimal)pri.quantity;
                                    case 11:
                                        venM11D += (decimal)p.FinalTotalPrice;
                                        //venM11Q += (decimal)pri.quantity;
                                    case 12:
                                        venM12D += (decimal)p.FinalTotalPrice;
                                        //venM12Q += (decimal)pri.quantity;
                            catch (Exception)


                        }//Single vender ends
                        venTotD = venM1D + venM2D + venM3D + venM4D + venM5D + venM6D + venM7D + venM8D + venM9D + venM10D + venM11D + venM12D;
                        //venTotQ = venM1Q + venM2Q + venM3Q + venM4Q + venM5Q + venM6Q + venM7Q + venM8Q + venM9Q + venM10Q + venM11Q + venM12Q;
                        imaM1D += venM1D;
                        //imaM1Q += venM1Q;
                        imaM2D += venM2D;
                        //imaM2Q += venM2Q;
                        imaM3D += venM3D;
                        //imaM3Q += venM3Q;
                        imaM4D += venM4D;
                        //imaM4Q += venM4Q;
                        imaM5D += venM5D;
                        //imaM5Q += venM5Q;
                        imaM6D += venM6D;
                        //imaM6Q += venM6Q;
                        imaM7D += venM7D;
                        //imaM7Q += venM7Q;
                        imaM8D += venM8D;
                        //imaM8Q += venM8Q;
                        imaM9D += venM9D;
                        //imaM9Q += venM9Q;
                        imaM10D += venM10D;
                        //imaM10Q += venM10Q;
                        imaM11D += venM11D;
                        //imaM11Q += venM11Q;
                        imaM12D += venM12D;
                        //imaM12Q += venM12Q;
                        imaTotD += venTotD;
                        //imaTotQ += venTotQ;
                        temp.Month01USD = venM1D.ToString("F2");
                        temp.Month02USD = venM2D.ToString("F2");
                        temp.Month03USD = venM3D.ToString("F2");
                        temp.Month04USD = venM4D.ToString("F2");
                        temp.Month05USD = venM5D.ToString("F2");
                        temp.Month06USD = venM6D.ToString("F2");
                        temp.Month07USD = venM7D.ToString("F2");
                        temp.Month08USD = venM8D.ToString("F2");
                        temp.Month09USD = venM9D.ToString("F2");
                        temp.Month10USD = venM10D.ToString("F2");
                        temp.Month11USD = venM11D.ToString("F2");
                        temp.Month12USD = venM12D.ToString("F2");
                        temp.TotalUSD = venTotD.ToString("F2");

                        //temp.Month01QTY = venM1Q.ToString("F0");
                        //temp.Month02QTY = venM2Q.ToString("F0");
                        //temp.Month03QTY = venM3Q.ToString("F0");
                        //temp.Month04QTY = venM4Q.ToString("F0");
                        //temp.Month05QTY = venM5Q.ToString("F0");
                        //temp.Month06QTY = venM6Q.ToString("F0");
                        //temp.Month07QTY = venM7Q.ToString("F0");
                        //temp.Month08QTY = venM8Q.ToString("F0");
                        //temp.Month09QTY = venM9Q.ToString("F0");
                        //temp.Month10QTY = venM10Q.ToString("F0");
                        //temp.Month11QTY = venM11Q.ToString("F0");
                        //temp.Month12QTY = venM12Q.ToString("F0");
                        //temp.TotalQTY = venTotQ.ToString("F0");
                    catch (Exception)


                }//ima ends
                if (imaTotD != 0)
                    temp = new SalesClientMonthReportData()
                        Client = "Balance Total : "

                    temp.Month01USD = imaM1D.ToString("F2");
                    temp.Month02USD = imaM2D.ToString("F2");
                    temp.Month03USD = imaM3D.ToString("F2");
                    temp.Month04USD = imaM4D.ToString("F2");
                    temp.Month05USD = imaM5D.ToString("F2");
                    temp.Month06USD = imaM6D.ToString("F2");
                    temp.Month07USD = imaM7D.ToString("F2");
                    temp.Month08USD = imaM8D.ToString("F2");
                    temp.Month09USD = imaM9D.ToString("F2");
                    temp.Month10USD = imaM10D.ToString("F2");
                    temp.Month11USD = imaM11D.ToString("F2");
                    temp.Month12USD = imaM12D.ToString("F2");
                    temp.TotalUSD = imaTotD.ToString("F2");

                    //temp.Month01QTY = imaM1Q.ToString("F0");
                    //temp.Month02QTY = imaM2Q.ToString("F0");
                    //temp.Month03QTY = imaM3Q.ToString("F0");
                    //temp.Month04QTY = imaM4Q.ToString("F0");
                    //temp.Month05QTY = imaM5Q.ToString("F0");
                    //temp.Month06QTY = imaM6Q.ToString("F0");
                    //temp.Month07QTY = imaM7Q.ToString("F0");
                    //temp.Month08QTY = imaM8Q.ToString("F0");
                    //temp.Month09QTY = imaM9Q.ToString("F0");
                    //temp.Month10QTY = imaM10Q.ToString("F0");
                    //temp.Month11QTY = imaM11Q.ToString("F0");
                    //temp.Month12QTY = imaM12Q.ToString("F0");
                    //temp.TotalQTY = imaTotQ.ToString("F0");
        catch (Exception)

        return list;
    public static List<IMAVenderCostSeasonReportData> GetVenderClientCostBySeason(WoWiModel.WoWiEntities wowidb, int year)
        List<IMAVenderCostSeasonReportData> list = new List<IMAVenderCostSeasonReportData>();
        IMAVenderCostSeasonReportData temp;

            var venders = (from pr in wowidb.PRs from pj in wowidb.Projects where pr.project_id == pj.Project_Id && pj.Create_Date.Year == year select pr.vendor_id).Distinct();
            decimal M1D = 0, M1Q = 0, M2D = 0, M2Q = 0, M3D = 0, M3Q = 0, M4D = 0, M4Q = 0, TotD = 0, TotQ = 0;

            foreach (var ven in venders)
                    String vName = "";
                    var prs = from pr in wowidb.PRs where pr.vendor_id == ven select pr;
                    temp = new IMAVenderCostSeasonReportData();
                    var v = (from i in wowidb.vendors where == ven select i).First();
                    temp.VenderName = String.IsNullOrEmpty(v.c_name) ? : v.c_name;
                    vName = temp.VenderName;
                    decimal venM1D = 0, venM1Q = 0, venM2D = 0, venM2Q = 0, venM3D = 0, venM3Q = 0, venM4D = 0, venM4Q = 0, venTotD = 0, venTotQ = 0;
                    foreach (var p in prs)
                            var pj = (from proj in wowidb.Projects where proj.Project_Id == p.project_id select proj).First();
                            int month = pj.Create_Date.Month;
                            var quo = (from q in wowidb.Quotation_Version where q.Quotation_Version_Id == pj.Quotation_Id select q).First();
                            temp.Model = quo.Model_No;
                            int cid = (int)quo.Client_Id;
                                var client = (from cli in wowidb.clientapplicants where == cid select cli).First();
                                temp.Client = String.IsNullOrEmpty(client.c_companyname) ? client.companyname : client.c_companyname;

                            var pri = (from pi in wowidb.PR_item where pi.pr_id == p.pr_id select pi).First();
                                //var tDesc = (from kk in wowidb.Quotation_Target from kkk in wowidb.Targets where pri.quotation_target_id == kk.Quotation_Target_Id && kk.target_id == kkk.target_id select kkk.target_description).First();
                                var tDesc = (from kk in wowidb.Quotation_Target where pri.quotation_target_id == kk.Quotation_Target_Id  select kk.target_description).First();
                                temp.Country = tDesc;

                            catch (Exception)
                            decimal avenM1D = 0, avenM1Q = 0, avenM2D = 0, avenM2Q = 0, avenM3D = 0, avenM3Q = 0, avenM4D = 0, avenM4Q = 0,  avenTotD = 0, avenTotQ = 0;

                            switch (month)
                                case 1:
                                case 2:
                                case 3:
                                    avenM1D = (decimal)pri.amount;
                                    avenM1Q = (decimal)pri.quantity;
                                case 4:
                                case 5:
                                case 6:
                                    avenM2D = (decimal)pri.amount;
                                    avenM2Q = (decimal)pri.quantity;
                                case 7:
                                case 8:
                                case 9:
                                    avenM3D = (decimal)pri.amount;
                                    avenM3Q = (decimal)pri.quantity;
                                case 10:
                                case 11:
                                case 12:
                                    avenM4D = (decimal)pri.amount;
                                    avenM4Q = (decimal)pri.quantity;

                            avenTotD = avenM1D + avenM2D + avenM3D + avenM4D ;
                            avenTotQ = avenM1Q + avenM2Q + avenM3Q + avenM4Q ;

                            venM1D += avenM1D;
                            venM1Q += avenM1Q;
                            venM2D += avenM2D;
                            venM2Q += avenM2Q;
                            venM3D += avenM3D;
                            venM3Q += avenM3Q;
                            venM4D += avenM4D;
                            venM4Q += avenM4Q;
                            venTotD += avenTotD;
                            venTotQ += avenTotQ;
                            temp.Season01USD = M1D.ToString("F2");
                            temp.Season02USD = M2D.ToString("F2");
                            temp.Season03USD = M3D.ToString("F2");
                            temp.Season04USD = M4D.ToString("F2");
                            temp.TotalUSD = avenTotD.ToString("F2");

                            temp.Season01QTY = M1Q.ToString("F0");
                            temp.Season02QTY = M2Q.ToString("F0");
                            temp.Season03QTY = M3Q.ToString("F0");
                            temp.Season04QTY = M4Q.ToString("F0");
                            temp.TotalQTY = avenTotQ.ToString("F0");
                        catch (Exception)


                    }//Single vender ends
                    M1D += venM1D;
                    M1Q += venM1Q;
                    M2D += venM2D;
                    M2Q += venM2Q;
                    M3D += venM3D;
                    M3Q += venM3Q;
                    M4D += venM4D;
                    M4Q += venM4Q;
                    TotD += venTotD;
                    TotQ += venTotQ;
                    if (venTotD != 0)
                        temp = new IMAVenderCostSeasonReportData()
                            VenderName = " Total : "
                        temp.Season01USD = M1D.ToString("F2");
                        temp.Season02USD = M2D.ToString("F2");
                        temp.Season03USD = M3D.ToString("F2");
                        temp.Season04USD = M4D.ToString("F2");
                        temp.TotalUSD = venTotD.ToString("F2");

                        temp.Season01QTY = M1Q.ToString("F0");
                        temp.Season02QTY = M2Q.ToString("F0");
                        temp.Season03QTY = M3Q.ToString("F0");
                        temp.Season04QTY = M4Q.ToString("F0");
                        temp.TotalQTY = venTotQ.ToString("F0");
                catch (Exception)

            }//Vender ends

            if (TotD != 0)
                temp = new IMAVenderCostSeasonReportData()
                    VenderName = "Balance Total : "
                temp.Season01USD = M1D.ToString("F2");
                temp.Season02USD = M2D.ToString("F2");
                temp.Season03USD = M3D.ToString("F2");
                temp.Season04USD = M4D.ToString("F2");
                temp.TotalUSD = TotD.ToString("F2");

                temp.Season01QTY = M1Q.ToString("F0");
                temp.Season02QTY = M2Q.ToString("F0");
                temp.Season03QTY = M3Q.ToString("F0");
                temp.Season04QTY = M4Q.ToString("F0");
                temp.TotalQTY = TotQ.ToString("F0");

        catch (Exception)

        return list;
    public static List<SalesClientIntervalReportData> GetSalesClientByInterval_OpenProjDate(WoWiModel.WoWiEntities wowidb, DateTime f, DateTime t)
        List<SalesClientIntervalReportData> list = new List<SalesClientIntervalReportData>();
        SalesClientIntervalReportData temp;
            //Find all Sales
            var sales = from e in wowidb.employees from dep in wowidb.departments where e.department_id == && == "Sales" select e;
            var quos = (from quo in wowidb.Quotation_Version from pj in wowidb.Projects where quo.Quotation_Version_Id == pj.Quotation_Id && pj.Create_Date >= f && pj.Create_Date <= t select quo.Quotation_No).Distinct();
            var clients = (from qNo in quos from quo in wowidb.Quotation_Version from cli in wowidb.clientapplicants where quo.Quotation_No == qNo select quo.Client_Id).Distinct();
            decimal TotD = 0, TotQ = 0;
            foreach (var sale in sales)
                decimal imaTotD = 0, imaTotQ = 0;
                foreach (var client in clients)
                    decimal venTotD = 0, venTotQ = 0;
                        var quotas = from quo in wowidb.Quotation_Version where quo.SalesId == && quo.Client_Id == client select quo;
                        temp = new SalesClientIntervalReportData()
                            Sales = String.IsNullOrEmpty(sale.c_fname) ? sale.fname + " " + sale.lname : sale.c_lname + "" + sale.c_fname
                        var v = (from i in wowidb.clientapplicants where == client select i).First();
                        temp.Client = String.IsNullOrEmpty(v.c_companyname) ? v.companyname : v.c_companyname;
                        foreach (var p in quotas)
                                venTotD += (decimal)p.FinalTotalPrice;
                                //venTotQ += (decimal)pri.quantity;

                            catch (Exception)


                        }//Single vender ends

                        imaTotD += venTotD;
                        //imaTotQ += venTotQ;
                        temp.TotalUSD = venTotD.ToString("F2");
                        //temp.TotalQTY = venTotQ.ToString("F0");
                    catch (Exception)

                }//Vender ends
                if (imaTotD != 0)
                    temp = new SalesClientIntervalReportData()
                        Sales = (String.IsNullOrEmpty(sale.c_fname) ? sale.fname + " " + sale.lname : sale.c_lname + "" + sale.c_fname) + " Total : "

                    TotD += imaTotD;
                    //TotQ += imaTotQ;
                    temp.TotalUSD = imaTotD.ToString("F2");
                    //temp.TotalQTY = imaTotQ.ToString("F0");
            }//ima ends
            if (TotD != 0)
                temp = new SalesClientIntervalReportData()
                    Sales = "Balance Total : "

                temp.TotalUSD = TotD.ToString("F2");
                //temp.TotalQTY = TotQ.ToString("F0");

        catch (Exception)

        return list;
    public static List<IMAVenderCostIntervalReportData> GetVenderClientCostByInterval(WoWiModel.WoWiEntities wowidb, DateTime f, DateTime t)
        List<IMAVenderCostIntervalReportData> list = new List<IMAVenderCostIntervalReportData>();
        IMAVenderCostIntervalReportData temp;

            var venders = (from pr in wowidb.PRs from pj in wowidb.Projects where pr.project_id == pj.Project_Id && pj.Create_Date >= f && pj.Create_Date <= t select pr.vendor_id).Distinct();
            decimal TotD = 0, TotQ = 0;

            foreach (var ven in venders)
                decimal venTotD = 0, venTotQ = 0;
                    String vName = "";
                    var prs = from pr in wowidb.PRs where pr.vendor_id == ven select pr;
                    temp = new IMAVenderCostIntervalReportData();
                    var v = (from i in wowidb.vendors where == ven select i).First();
                    temp.VenderName = String.IsNullOrEmpty(v.c_name) ? : v.c_name;
                    vName = temp.VenderName;
                    foreach (var p in prs)
                            var pj = (from proj in wowidb.Projects where proj.Project_Id == p.project_id select proj).First();
                            int month = pj.Create_Date.Month;
                            var quo = (from q in wowidb.Quotation_Version where q.Quotation_Version_Id == pj.Quotation_Id select q).First();
                            temp.Model = quo.Model_No;
                            int cid = (int)quo.Client_Id;
                                var client = (from cli in wowidb.clientapplicants where == cid select cli).First();
                                temp.Client = String.IsNullOrEmpty(client.c_companyname) ? client.companyname : client.c_companyname;

                            var pri = (from pi in wowidb.PR_item where pi.pr_id == p.pr_id select pi).First();
                                //var tDesc = (from kk in wowidb.Quotation_Target from kkk in wowidb.Targets where pri.quotation_target_id == kk.Quotation_Target_Id && kk.target_id == kkk.target_id select kkk.target_description).First();
                                var tDesc = (from kk in wowidb.Quotation_Target where pri.quotation_target_id == kk.Quotation_Target_Id select kk.target_description).First();
                                temp.Country = tDesc;

                            catch (Exception)
                            temp.TotalUSD = ((decimal)pri.amount).ToString("F2");
                            temp.TotalQTY = ((decimal)pri.quantity).ToString("F0");
                            venTotD += (decimal)pri.amount;
                            venTotQ += (decimal)pri.quantity;
                        catch (Exception)


                    }//Single vender ends

                    TotD += venTotD;
                    TotQ += venTotQ;
                    if (venTotD!=0)
                        temp = new IMAVenderCostIntervalReportData()
                            VenderName = " Total : "
                        temp.TotalUSD = venTotD.ToString("F2");
                        temp.TotalQTY = venTotQ.ToString("F0");

                catch (Exception)

            }//Vender ends

            if (TotD != 0)
                temp = new IMAVenderCostIntervalReportData()
                    VenderName = "Balance Total : "
                temp.TotalUSD = TotD.ToString("F2");
                temp.TotalQTY = TotQ.ToString("F0");

        catch (Exception)

        return list;
    public static List<IMAVenderCostSeasonReportData> GetIMACostBySeason(WoWiModel.WoWiEntities wowidb, int year)
        List<IMAVenderCostSeasonReportData> list = new List<IMAVenderCostSeasonReportData>();
        IMAVenderCostSeasonReportData temp;
            //Find all IMAs
            var imas = (from pr in wowidb.PRs from pj in wowidb.Projects where pr.project_id == pj.Project_Id && pj.Create_Date.Year == year select pr.create_user).Distinct();

            var venders = (from pr in wowidb.PRs from pj in wowidb.Projects where pr.project_id == pj.Project_Id && pj.Create_Date.Year == year select pr.vendor_id).Distinct();
            decimal M1D = 0, M1Q = 0, M2D = 0, M2Q = 0, M3D = 0, M3Q = 0, M4D = 0, M4Q = 0, TotD = 0, TotQ = 0;
            foreach (var ima in imas)
                decimal imaM1D = 0, imaM1Q = 0, imaM2D = 0, imaM2Q = 0, imaM3D = 0, imaM3Q = 0, imaM4D = 0, imaM4Q = 0, imaTotD = 0, imaTotQ = 0;
                foreach (var ven in venders)
                    decimal venM1D = 0, venM1Q = 0, venM2D = 0, venM2Q = 0, venM3D = 0, venM3Q = 0, venM4D = 0, venM4Q = 0, venTotD = 0, venTotQ = 0;
                        var prs = from pr in wowidb.PRs where pr.create_user == ima && pr.vendor_id == ven select pr;
                        temp = new IMAVenderCostSeasonReportData()
                            IMA = ima
                        var v = (from i in wowidb.vendors where == ven select i).First();
                        temp.VenderName = String.IsNullOrEmpty(v.c_name) ? : v.c_name;
                        foreach (var p in prs)
                                int month = (from proj in wowidb.Projects where proj.Project_Id == p.project_id select proj.Create_Date.Month).First();
                                var pri = (from pi in wowidb.PR_item where pi.pr_id == p.pr_id select pi).First();
                                switch (month)
                                    case 1:
                                    case 2:
                                    case 3:
                                        venM1D += (decimal)pri.amount;
                                        venM1Q += (decimal)pri.quantity;
                                    case 4:
                                    case 5:
                                    case 6:
                                        venM2D += (decimal)pri.amount;
                                        venM2Q += (decimal)pri.quantity;
                                    case 7:
                                    case 8:
                                    case 9:
                                        venM3D += (decimal)pri.amount;
                                        venM3Q += (decimal)pri.quantity;
                                    case 10:
                                    case 11:
                                    case 12:
                                        venM4D += (decimal)pri.amount;
                                        venM4Q += (decimal)pri.quantity;
                            catch (Exception)


                        }//Single vender ends
                        venTotD = venM1D + venM2D + venM3D + venM4D;
                        venTotQ = venM1Q + venM2Q + venM3Q + venM4Q;
                        imaM1D += venM1D;
                        imaM1Q += venM1Q;
                        imaM2D += venM2D;
                        imaM2Q += venM2Q;
                        imaM3D += venM3D;
                        imaM3Q += venM3Q;
                        imaM4D += venM4D;
                        imaM4Q += venM4Q;

                        imaTotD += venTotD;
                        imaTotQ += venTotQ;
                        temp.Season01USD = venM1D.ToString("F2");
                        temp.Season02USD = venM2D.ToString("F2");
                        temp.Season03USD = venM3D.ToString("F2");
                        temp.Season04USD = venM4D.ToString("F2");

                        temp.TotalUSD = venTotD.ToString("F2");

                        temp.Season01QTY = venM1Q.ToString("F0");
                        temp.Season02QTY = venM2Q.ToString("F0");
                        temp.Season03QTY = venM3Q.ToString("F0");
                        temp.Season04QTY = venM4Q.ToString("F0");

                        temp.TotalQTY = venTotQ.ToString("F0");
                    catch (Exception)

                }//Vender ends
                if (imaTotD != 0)
                    temp = new IMAVenderCostSeasonReportData()
                        IMA = ima + " Total : "
                    M1D += imaM1D;
                    M1Q += imaM1Q;
                    M2D += imaM2D;
                    M2Q += imaM2Q;
                    M3D += imaM3D;
                    M3Q += imaM3Q;
                    M4D += imaM4D;
                    M4Q += imaM4Q;

                    TotD += imaTotD;
                    TotQ += imaTotQ;
                    temp.Season01USD = imaM1D.ToString("F2");
                    temp.Season02USD = imaM2D.ToString("F2");
                    temp.Season03USD = imaM3D.ToString("F2");
                    temp.Season04USD = imaM4D.ToString("F2");

                    temp.TotalUSD = imaTotD.ToString("F2");

                    temp.Season01QTY = imaM1Q.ToString("F0");
                    temp.Season02QTY = imaM2Q.ToString("F0");
                    temp.Season03QTY = imaM3Q.ToString("F0");
                    temp.Season04QTY = imaM4Q.ToString("F0");

                    temp.TotalQTY = imaTotQ.ToString("F0");
            }//ima ends
            if (TotD != 0)
                temp = new IMAVenderCostSeasonReportData()
                    IMA = "Balance Total : "
                temp.Season01USD = M1D.ToString("F2");
                temp.Season02USD = M2D.ToString("F2");
                temp.Season03USD = M3D.ToString("F2");
                temp.Season04USD = M4D.ToString("F2");

                temp.TotalUSD = TotD.ToString("F2");

                temp.Season01QTY = M1Q.ToString("F0");
                temp.Season02QTY = M2Q.ToString("F0");
                temp.Season03QTY = M3Q.ToString("F0");
                temp.Season04QTY = M4Q.ToString("F0");
                temp.TotalQTY = TotQ.ToString("F0");

        catch (Exception)

        return list;
    public static List<IMAVenderCostIntervalReportData> GetIMACostByInterval(WoWiModel.WoWiEntities wowidb, DateTime f, DateTime t)
        List<IMAVenderCostIntervalReportData> list = new List<IMAVenderCostIntervalReportData>();
        IMAVenderCostIntervalReportData temp;
            //Find all IMAs
            var imas = (from pr in wowidb.PRs from pj in wowidb.Projects where pr.project_id == pj.Project_Id && pj.Create_Date >= f && pj.Create_Date <= t select pr.create_user).Distinct();

            var venders = (from pr in wowidb.PRs from pj in wowidb.Projects where pr.project_id == pj.Project_Id && pj.Create_Date >= f && pj.Create_Date <= t select pr.vendor_id).Distinct();
            decimal TotD = 0, TotQ = 0;
            foreach (var ima in imas)
                decimal imaTotD = 0, imaTotQ = 0;
                foreach (var ven in venders)
                    decimal venTotD = 0, venTotQ = 0;
                        var prs = from pr in wowidb.PRs where pr.create_user == ima && pr.vendor_id == ven select pr;
                        temp = new IMAVenderCostIntervalReportData()
                            IMA = ima
                        var v = (from i in wowidb.vendors where == ven select i).First();
                        temp.VenderName = String.IsNullOrEmpty(v.c_name) ? : v.c_name;
                        foreach (var p in prs)
                                var pri = (from pi in wowidb.PR_item where pi.pr_id == p.pr_id select pi).First();

                                venTotD += (decimal)pri.amount;
                                venTotQ += (decimal)pri.quantity;

                            catch (Exception)


                        }//Single vender ends

                        imaTotD += venTotD;
                        imaTotQ += venTotQ;
                        temp.TotalUSD = venTotD.ToString("F2");
                        temp.TotalQTY = venTotQ.ToString("F0");
                    catch (Exception)

                }//Vender ends
                if (imaTotD != 0)
                    temp = new IMAVenderCostIntervalReportData()
                        IMA = ima + " Total : "

                    TotD += imaTotD;
                    TotQ += imaTotQ;
                    temp.TotalUSD = imaTotD.ToString("F2");
                    temp.TotalQTY = imaTotQ.ToString("F0");
            }//ima ends
            if (TotD != 0)
                temp = new IMAVenderCostIntervalReportData()
                    IMA = "Balance Total : "

                temp.TotalUSD = TotD.ToString("F2");
                temp.TotalQTY = TotQ.ToString("F0");

        catch (Exception)

        return list;
    public static List<IMAVenderCostMonthReportData> GetVenderCostByMonth(WoWiModel.WoWiEntities wowidb, int year)
        List<IMAVenderCostMonthReportData> list = new List<IMAVenderCostMonthReportData>();
        IMAVenderCostMonthReportData temp;

            var venders = (from pr in wowidb.PRs from pj in wowidb.Projects where pr.project_id == pj.Project_Id && pj.Create_Date.Year == year select pr.vendor_id).Distinct();
            decimal M1D = 0, M1Q = 0, M2D = 0, M2Q = 0, M3D = 0, M3Q = 0, M4D = 0, M4Q = 0, M5D = 0, M5Q = 0, M6D = 0, M6Q = 0, M7D = 0, M7Q = 0, M8D = 0, M8Q = 0, M9D = 0, M9Q = 0, M10D = 0, M10Q = 0, M11D = 0, M11Q = 0, M12D = 0, M12Q = 0, TotD = 0, TotQ = 0;

            foreach (var ven in venders)
                decimal venM1D = 0, venM1Q = 0, venM2D = 0, venM2Q = 0, venM3D = 0, venM3Q = 0, venM4D = 0, venM4Q = 0, venM5D = 0, venM5Q = 0, venM6D = 0, venM6Q = 0, venM7D = 0, venM7Q = 0, venM8D = 0, venM8Q = 0, venM9D = 0, venM9Q = 0, venM10D = 0, venM10Q = 0, venM11D = 0, venM11Q = 0, venM12D = 0, venM12Q = 0, venTotD = 0, venTotQ = 0;
                    var prs = from pr in wowidb.PRs where pr.vendor_id == ven select pr;
                    temp = new IMAVenderCostMonthReportData();
                    var v = (from i in wowidb.vendors where == ven select i).First();
                    temp.VenderName = String.IsNullOrEmpty(v.c_name) ? : v.c_name;
                    foreach (var p in prs)
                            int month = (from proj in wowidb.Projects where proj.Project_Id == p.project_id select proj.Create_Date.Month).First();
                            var pri = (from pi in wowidb.PR_item where pi.pr_id == p.pr_id select pi).First();
                            switch (month)
                                case 1:
                                    venM1D += (decimal)pri.amount;
                                    venM1Q += (decimal)pri.quantity;
                                case 2:
                                    venM2D += (decimal)pri.amount;
                                    venM2Q += (decimal)pri.quantity;
                                case 3:
                                    venM3D += (decimal)pri.amount;
                                    venM3Q += (decimal)pri.quantity;
                                case 4:
                                    venM4D += (decimal)pri.amount;
                                    venM4Q += (decimal)pri.quantity;
                                case 5:
                                    venM5D += (decimal)pri.amount;
                                    venM5Q += (decimal)pri.quantity;
                                case 6:
                                    venM6D += (decimal)pri.amount;
                                    venM6Q += (decimal)pri.quantity;
                                case 7:
                                    venM7D += (decimal)pri.amount;
                                    venM7Q += (decimal)pri.quantity;
                                case 8:
                                    venM8D += (decimal)pri.amount;
                                    venM8Q += (decimal)pri.quantity;
                                case 9:
                                    venM9D += (decimal)pri.amount;
                                    venM9Q += (decimal)pri.quantity;
                                case 10:
                                    venM10D += (decimal)pri.amount;
                                    venM10Q += (decimal)pri.quantity;
                                case 11:
                                    venM11D += (decimal)pri.amount;
                                    venM11Q += (decimal)pri.quantity;
                                case 12:
                                    venM12D += (decimal)pri.amount;
                                    venM12Q += (decimal)pri.quantity;
                        catch (Exception)


                    }//Single vender ends
                    venTotD = venM1D + venM2D + venM3D + venM4D + venM5D + venM6D + venM7D + venM8D + venM9D + venM10D + venM11D + venM12D;
                    venTotQ = venM1Q + venM2Q + venM3Q + venM4Q + venM5Q + venM6Q + venM7Q + venM8Q + venM9Q + venM10Q + venM11Q + venM12Q;
                    M1D += venM1D;
                    M1Q += venM1Q;
                    M2D += venM2D;
                    M2Q += venM2Q;
                    M3D += venM3D;
                    M3Q += venM3Q;
                    M4D += venM4D;
                    M4Q += venM4Q;
                    M5D += venM5D;
                    M5Q += venM5Q;
                    M6D += venM6D;
                    M6Q += venM6Q;
                    M7D += venM7D;
                    M7Q += venM7Q;
                    M8D += venM8D;
                    M8Q += venM8Q;
                    M9D += venM9D;
                    M9Q += venM9Q;
                    M10D += venM10D;
                    M10Q += venM10Q;
                    M11D += venM11D;
                    M11Q += venM11Q;
                    M12D += venM12D;
                    M12Q += venM12Q;
                    TotD += venTotD;
                    TotQ += venTotQ;
                    temp.Month01USD = venM1D.ToString("F2");
                    temp.Month02USD = venM2D.ToString("F2");
                    temp.Month03USD = venM3D.ToString("F2");
                    temp.Month04USD = venM4D.ToString("F2");
                    temp.Month05USD = venM5D.ToString("F2");
                    temp.Month06USD = venM6D.ToString("F2");
                    temp.Month07USD = venM7D.ToString("F2");
                    temp.Month08USD = venM8D.ToString("F2");
                    temp.Month09USD = venM9D.ToString("F2");
                    temp.Month10USD = venM10D.ToString("F2");
                    temp.Month11USD = venM11D.ToString("F2");
                    temp.Month12USD = venM12D.ToString("F2");
                    temp.TotalUSD = venTotD.ToString("F2");

                    temp.Month01QTY = venM1Q.ToString("F0");
                    temp.Month02QTY = venM2Q.ToString("F0");
                    temp.Month03QTY = venM3Q.ToString("F0");
                    temp.Month04QTY = venM4Q.ToString("F0");
                    temp.Month05QTY = venM5Q.ToString("F0");
                    temp.Month06QTY = venM6Q.ToString("F0");
                    temp.Month07QTY = venM7Q.ToString("F0");
                    temp.Month08QTY = venM8Q.ToString("F0");
                    temp.Month09QTY = venM9Q.ToString("F0");
                    temp.Month10QTY = venM10Q.ToString("F0");
                    temp.Month11QTY = venM11Q.ToString("F0");
                    temp.Month12QTY = venM12Q.ToString("F0");
                    temp.TotalQTY = venTotQ.ToString("F0");
                catch (Exception)

            }//Vender ends

            if (TotD != 0)
                temp = new IMAVenderCostMonthReportData()
                    VenderName = "Balance Total : "
                temp.Month01USD = M1D.ToString("F2");
                temp.Month02USD = M2D.ToString("F2");
                temp.Month03USD = M3D.ToString("F2");
                temp.Month04USD = M4D.ToString("F2");
                temp.Month05USD = M5D.ToString("F2");
                temp.Month06USD = M6D.ToString("F2");
                temp.Month07USD = M7D.ToString("F2");
                temp.Month08USD = M8D.ToString("F2");
                temp.Month09USD = M9D.ToString("F2");
                temp.Month10USD = M10D.ToString("F2");
                temp.Month11USD = M11D.ToString("F2");
                temp.Month12USD = M12D.ToString("F2");
                temp.TotalUSD = TotD.ToString("F2");

                temp.Month01QTY = M1Q.ToString("F0");
                temp.Month02QTY = M2Q.ToString("F0");
                temp.Month03QTY = M3Q.ToString("F0");
                temp.Month04QTY = M4Q.ToString("F0");
                temp.Month05QTY = M5Q.ToString("F0");
                temp.Month06QTY = M6Q.ToString("F0");
                temp.Month07QTY = M7Q.ToString("F0");
                temp.Month08QTY = M8Q.ToString("F0");
                temp.Month09QTY = M9Q.ToString("F0");
                temp.Month10QTY = M10Q.ToString("F0");
                temp.Month11QTY = M11Q.ToString("F0");
                temp.Month12QTY = M12Q.ToString("F0");
                temp.TotalQTY = TotQ.ToString("F0");

        catch (Exception)

        return list;
 public static Object GetEmployeeList(WoWiModel.WoWiEntities db)
     var list = from e in db.employees where e.status == "Active" orderby e.fname, e.c_fname  select new { id =, name = String.IsNullOrEmpty(e.fname) ? e.c_lname + " " + e.c_fname : e.fname + " " + e.lname };
     return list;