public override void Initialize()
     Log.Write("Welcome to Rogue-Subtlety", Color.Green);
     Log.Write("Suggested build:");
     WoW.Speak("Welcome to PixelMagic Subtlety");
Beispiel #2
        public override void Initialize()
            Log.Write("Welcome to Affliction Warlock", Color.Purple);
            Log.Write("READ ME:", Color.Red);
            Log.Write("Please select your talents from the Rotation settings menu", Color.Red);
            Log.Write("Some talents won't impact your rotation, they are there for future use if necesary", Color.Red);
            Log.Write("The script is not retard proof so please don't select more than 1 talent on each row", Color.Red);
            Log.Write("Absolute Corruption NOT SUPPORTED YET due to addon entering infinite error mode for unlimited time debuff", Color.Red);
            Log.Write("Soul Effigy and Phantom Singularity not sypported at this time", Color.Red);
            Log.Write("The rotation is based on Icy Veins data", Color.Red);
            WoW.Speak("Welcome to PixelMagic Affliction Warlock");

            SettingsForm = new Form {
                Text = "Talents", StartPosition = FormStartPosition.CenterScreen, Width = 555, Height = 350, ShowIcon = true

            var lblHauntText = new Label //Haunt LABEL
                Text = "Haunt", Size = new Size(150, 15), Left = 30, Top = 30

            SettingsForm.Controls.Add(lblHauntText); //Haunt TEXT

            HauntBox = new CheckBox {
                Checked = Haunt, TabIndex = 2, Size = new Size(15, 15), Left = 15, Top = 30
            SettingsForm.Controls.Add(HauntBox); //Haunt BOX

            var lblWritheinAgonyText = new Label //Writhe in Agony LABEL
                Text = "Writhe in Agony", Size = new Size(150, 15), Left = 210, Top = 30

            SettingsForm.Controls.Add(lblWritheinAgonyText); //Writhe in Agony TEXT

            WritheinAgonyBox = new CheckBox {
                Checked = WritheinAgony, TabIndex = 4, Size = new Size(15, 15), Left = 195, Top = 30
            SettingsForm.Controls.Add(WritheinAgonyBox); //Writhe in Agony BOX

            var lblDrainSoulText = new Label             // Drain Soul LABEL
                Text = "Drain Soul", Size = new Size(150, 15), Left = 390, Top = 30

            SettingsForm.Controls.Add(lblDrainSoulText); //Drain Soul TEXT

            DrainSoulBox = new CheckBox {
                Checked = DrainSoul, TabIndex = 6, Size = new Size(15, 15), Left = 375, Top = 30
            SettingsForm.Controls.Add(DrainSoulBox); // Drain Soul BOX

            var lblContagionText = new Label         // Contagion LABEL
                Text = "Contagion", Size = new Size(150, 15), Left = 30, Top = 60

            SettingsForm.Controls.Add(lblContagionText); //Contagion TEXT

            ContagionBox = new CheckBox {
                Checked = Contagion, TabIndex = 8, Size = new Size(15, 15), Left = 15, Top = 60
            SettingsForm.Controls.Add(ContagionBox);  //Contagion Box

            var lblAbsoluteCorruptionText = new Label //Absolute Corruption label
                Text = "Absolute Corruption", Size = new Size(150, 15), Left = 210, Top = 60

            SettingsForm.Controls.Add(lblAbsoluteCorruptionText); //Absolute Corruption text

            AbsoluteCorruptionBox = new CheckBox {
                Checked = AbsoluteCorruption, TabIndex = 10, Size = new Size(15, 15), Left = 195, Top = 60
            SettingsForm.Controls.Add(AbsoluteCorruptionBox); //Absolute Corruption box

            var lblManaTapText = new Label                    //Mana Tap label
                Text = "Mana Tap", Size = new Size(150, 15), Left = 390, Top = 60

            SettingsForm.Controls.Add(lblManaTapText); //Mana Tap text

            ManaTapBox = new CheckBox {
                Checked = ManaTap, TabIndex = 12, Size = new Size(15, 15), Left = 375, Top = 60
            SettingsForm.Controls.Add(ManaTapBox); //Mana Tap box

            var lblDemonicCircleText = new Label   //Demonic Circle label
                Text = "Demonic Circle", Size = new Size(150, 15), Left = 30, Top = 90

            SettingsForm.Controls.Add(lblDemonicCircleText); //Demonic Circle text

            DemonicCircleBox = new CheckBox {
                Checked = DemonicCircle, TabIndex = 12, Size = new Size(15, 15), Left = 15, Top = 90
            SettingsForm.Controls.Add(DemonicCircleBox); //Demonic Circle box

            var lblMortalCoilText = new Label            //Mortal Coil LABEL
                Text = "Mortal Coil", Size = new Size(150, 15), Left = 210, Top = 90

            SettingsForm.Controls.Add(lblMortalCoilText); //Mortal Coil TEXT

            MortalCoilBox = new CheckBox {
                Checked = MortalCoil, TabIndex = 4, Size = new Size(15, 15), Left = 195, Top = 90
            SettingsForm.Controls.Add(MortalCoilBox); //Mortal Coil BOX

            var lblHowlofTerrorText = new Label       // Howl of Terror LABEL
                Text = "Howl of Terror", Size = new Size(150, 15), Left = 390, Top = 90

            SettingsForm.Controls.Add(lblHowlofTerrorText); //Howl of Terror TEXT

            HowlofTerrorBox = new CheckBox {
                Checked = HowlofTerror, TabIndex = 6, Size = new Size(15, 15), Left = 375, Top = 90
            SettingsForm.Controls.Add(HowlofTerrorBox); // Howl of Terror BOX

            var lblSiphonLifeText = new Label           //Siphon Life LABEL
                Text = "Siphon Life", Size = new Size(150, 15), Left = 30, Top = 120

            SettingsForm.Controls.Add(lblSiphonLifeText); //Siphon Life TEXT

            SiphonLifeBox = new CheckBox {
                Checked = SiphonLife, TabIndex = 2, Size = new Size(15, 15), Left = 15, Top = 120
            SettingsForm.Controls.Add(SiphonLifeBox); //Siphon Life BOX

            var lblSowtheSeedsText = new Label        //Sow the Seeds LABEL
                Text = "Sow the Seeds", Size = new Size(150, 15), Left = 210, Top = 120

            SettingsForm.Controls.Add(lblSowtheSeedsText); //Sow the Seeds TEXT

            SowtheSeedsBox = new CheckBox {
                Checked = SowtheSeeds, TabIndex = 4, Size = new Size(15, 15), Left = 195, Top = 120
            SettingsForm.Controls.Add(SowtheSeedsBox); //Sow the Seeds BOX

            var lblSoulHarvestText = new Label         // Soul Harvest LABEL
                Text = "Soul Harvest", Size = new Size(150, 15), Left = 390, Top = 120

            SettingsForm.Controls.Add(lblSoulHarvestText); //Soul Harvest TEXT

            SoulHarvestBox = new CheckBox {
                Checked = SoulHarvest, TabIndex = 6, Size = new Size(15, 15), Left = 375, Top = 120
            SettingsForm.Controls.Add(SoulHarvestBox); // Soul Harvest BOX

            var lblDemonSkinText = new Label           //Demon Skin LABEL
                Text = "Demon Skin", Size = new Size(150, 15), Left = 30, Top = 150

            SettingsForm.Controls.Add(lblDemonSkinText); //Demon Skin TEXT

            DemonSkinBox = new CheckBox {
                Checked = DemonSkin, TabIndex = 2, Size = new Size(15, 15), Left = 15, Top = 150
            SettingsForm.Controls.Add(DemonSkinBox); //Demon Skin BOX

            var lblBurningRushText = new Label       //Burning Rush LABEL
                Text = "Burning Rush", Size = new Size(150, 15), Left = 210, Top = 150

            SettingsForm.Controls.Add(lblBurningRushText); //Burning Rush TEXT

            BurningRushBox = new CheckBox {
                Checked = BurningRush, TabIndex = 4, Size = new Size(15, 15), Left = 195, Top = 150
            SettingsForm.Controls.Add(BurningRushBox); //Burning Rush BOX

            var lblDarkPactText = new Label            //Dark Pact LABEL
                Text = "DarkPact", Size = new Size(150, 15), Left = 390, Top = 150

            SettingsForm.Controls.Add(lblDarkPactText); //Dark Pact TEXT

            DarkPactBox = new CheckBox {
                Checked = DarkPact, TabIndex = 6, Size = new Size(15, 15), Left = 375, Top = 150
            SettingsForm.Controls.Add(DarkPactBox);    //Dark Pact BOX

            var lblGrimoireofSupremacyText = new Label //Grimoire of Supremacy LABEL
                Text = "Grimoire of Supremacy", Size = new Size(150, 15), Left = 30, Top = 180

            SettingsForm.Controls.Add(lblGrimoireofSupremacyText); //Grimoire of Supremacy TEXT

            GrimoireofSupremacyBox = new CheckBox {
                Checked = GrimoireofSupremacy, TabIndex = 2, Size = new Size(15, 15), Left = 15, Top = 180
            SettingsForm.Controls.Add(GrimoireofSupremacyBox); //Grimoire of Supremacy BOX

            var lblGrimoireofServiceText = new Label           //Grimoire of Service LABEL
                Text = "Grimoire of Service", Size = new Size(150, 15), Left = 210, Top = 180

            SettingsForm.Controls.Add(lblGrimoireofServiceText); //Grimoire of Service TEXT

            GrimoireofServiceBox = new CheckBox {
                Checked = GrimoireofService, TabIndex = 4, Size = new Size(15, 15), Left = 195, Top = 180
            SettingsForm.Controls.Add(GrimoireofServiceBox); //Grimoire of Service BOX

            var lblGrimoireofSacrificeText = new Label       //Grimoire of Sacrifice LABEL
                Text = "Grimoire of Sacrifice", Size = new Size(150, 15), Left = 390, Top = 180

            SettingsForm.Controls.Add(lblGrimoireofSacrificeText); //Grimoire of Sacrifice TEXT

            GrimoireofSacrificeBox = new CheckBox {
                Checked = GrimoireofSacrifice, TabIndex = 6, Size = new Size(15, 15), Left = 375, Top = 180
            SettingsForm.Controls.Add(GrimoireofSacrificeBox); // Grimoire of Sacrifice BOX

            var lblSoulEffigyText = new Label                  //Soul Effigy LABEL
                Text = "Soul Effigy", Size = new Size(150, 15), Left = 30, Top = 210

            SettingsForm.Controls.Add(lblSoulEffigyText); //Soul Effigy TEXT

            SoulEffigyBox = new CheckBox {
                Checked = SoulEffigy, TabIndex = 2, Size = new Size(15, 15), Left = 15, Top = 210
            SettingsForm.Controls.Add(SoulEffigyBox); //Soul Effigy BOX

            var lblPhantomSingularityText = new Label //Phantom Singularity LABEL
                Text = "Phantom Singularity", Size = new Size(150, 15), Left = 210, Top = 210

            SettingsForm.Controls.Add(lblPhantomSingularityText); //Phantom Singularity TEXT

            PhantomSingularityBox = new CheckBox {
                Checked = PhantomSingularity, TabIndex = 4, Size = new Size(15, 15), Left = 195, Top = 210
            SettingsForm.Controls.Add(PhantomSingularityBox); //Phantom Singularity BOX

            var lblSoulConduitText = new Label                //Soul Conduit LABEL
                Text = "Soul Conduit", Size = new Size(150, 15), Left = 390, Top = 210

            SettingsForm.Controls.Add(lblSoulConduitText); //Soul Conduit TEXT

            SoulConduitBox = new CheckBox {
                Checked = SoulConduit, TabIndex = 6, Size = new Size(15, 15), Left = 375, Top = 210
            SettingsForm.Controls.Add(SoulConduitBox); //Soul Conduit BOX

            var cmdSave = new Button                   //Save Button
                Text = "Save", Width = 40, Height = 20, Left = 445, Top = 270, Size = new Size(80, 30)

            HauntBox.Checked               = Haunt;
            WritheinAgonyBox.Checked       = WritheinAgony;
            DrainSoulBox.Checked           = DrainSoul;
            ContagionBox.Checked           = Contagion;
            AbsoluteCorruptionBox.Checked  = AbsoluteCorruption;
            ManaTapBox.Checked             = ManaTap;
            DemonicCircleBox.Checked       = DemonicCircle;
            MortalCoilBox.Checked          = MortalCoil;
            HowlofTerrorBox.Checked        = HowlofTerror;
            SiphonLifeBox.Checked          = SiphonLife;
            SowtheSeedsBox.Checked         = SowtheSeeds;
            SoulHarvestBox.Checked         = SoulHarvest;
            DemonSkinBox.Checked           = DemonSkin;
            BurningRushBox.Checked         = BurningRush;
            DarkPactBox.Checked            = DarkPact;
            GrimoireofSupremacyBox.Checked = GrimoireofSupremacy;
            GrimoireofServiceBox.Checked   = GrimoireofService;
            GrimoireofSacrificeBox.Checked = GrimoireofSacrifice;
            SoulEffigyBox.Checked          = SoulEffigy;
            PhantomSingularityBox.Checked  = PhantomSingularity;
            SoulConduitBox.Checked         = SoulConduit;

            cmdSave.Click                         += CmdSave_Click;
            HauntBox.CheckedChanged               += Haunt_Click;
            WritheinAgonyBox.CheckedChanged       += WritheinAgony_Click;
            DrainSoulBox.CheckedChanged           += DrainSoul_Click;
            ContagionBox.CheckedChanged           += Contagion_Click;
            AbsoluteCorruptionBox.CheckedChanged  += AbsoluteCorruption_Click;
            ManaTapBox.CheckedChanged             += ManaTap_Click;
            DemonicCircleBox.CheckedChanged       += DemonicCircle_Click;
            MortalCoilBox.CheckedChanged          += MortalCoil_Click;
            HowlofTerrorBox.CheckedChanged        += HowlofTerror_Click;
            SiphonLifeBox.CheckedChanged          += SiphonLife_Click;
            SowtheSeedsBox.CheckedChanged         += SowtheSeeds_Click;
            SoulHarvestBox.CheckedChanged         += SoulHarvest_Click;
            DemonSkinBox.CheckedChanged           += DemonSkin_Click;
            BurningRushBox.CheckedChanged         += BurningRush_Click;
            DarkPactBox.CheckedChanged            += DarkPact_Click;
            GrimoireofSupremacyBox.CheckedChanged += GrimoireofSupremacy_Click;
            GrimoireofServiceBox.CheckedChanged   += GrimoireofService_Click;
            GrimoireofSacrificeBox.CheckedChanged += GrimoireofSacrifice_Click;
            SoulEffigyBox.CheckedChanged          += SoulEffigy_Click;
            PhantomSingularityBox.CheckedChanged  += PhantomSingularity_Click;
            SoulConduitBox.CheckedChanged         += SoulConduit_Click;


            Log.Write("Haunt = " + Haunt + "                                                  " + "Writhe in Agony = " + WritheinAgony + "                                                   " +
                      "Drain Soul = " + DrainSoul);
            Log.Write("Contagion = " + Contagion + "                                           " + "Absolute Corruption = " + AbsoluteCorruption + "                                           " +
                      "Mana Tap = " + ManaTap);
            Log.Write("Demonic Circle = " + DemonicCircle + "                                  " + "Mortal Coil = " + MortalCoil +
                      "                                                            " + "Howl of Terror = " + HowlofTerror);
            Log.Write("Siphon Life = " + SiphonLife + "                                          " + "Sow the Seeds = " + SowtheSeeds + "                                                      " +
                      "Soul Harvest = " + SoulHarvest);
            Log.Write("Demon Skin = " + DemonSkin + "                                        " + "Burning Rush = " + BurningRush + "                                                        " +
                      "Dark Pact = " + DarkPact);
            Log.Write("Grimoire of Supremacy = " + GrimoireofSupremacy + "                     " + "Grimoire of Service = " + GrimoireofService +
                      "                                              " + "Grimoire of Sacrifice = " + GrimoireofSacrifice);
            Log.Write("Soul Effigy = " + SoulEffigy + "                                          " + "PhantomSingularity = " + PhantomSingularity +
                      "                                             " + "Soul Conduit = " + SoulConduit);
 public override void Initialize()
     Log.Write("Welcome to Rogue-Assassination", Color.Green);
     Log.Write("Suggested build: 2112111");
     WoW.Speak("OK Google!");
 public override void Initialize()
     Log.Write("Welcome to Hunter Survival", Color.Green);
     WoW.Speak("Welcome to PixelMagic Survival");