/// <summary> /// Logs the given info to the audit table in the pplog database /// </summary> public void Log( String executingEntity, WlkMiEvent eventId, WlkMiCat cat, String msg) { Log(executingEntity, eventId, cat, msg, null); }
public static DataSet GetLogsByCategory(WlkMiCat categoryType) { SqlParameter param = new SqlParameter("@categoryType", categoryType); SqlCommand sql = new SqlCommand( "select * from wc_audit_log where event_id=@categoryType", new SqlConnection(Constants.ConnectionString)); sql.Parameters.Add(param); DataSet ds = new DataSet(); SqlDataAdapter sqlData = new SqlDataAdapter(sql); sqlData.Fill(ds); return ds; }
/// <summary> /// Logs the given info to the audit table in the log database /// </summary> public void Log( String executingEntity, WlkMiEvent eventId, WlkMiCat cat, String msg, Exception e) { Log(executingEntity, eventId, cat, msg, e, false); }
/// <summary> /// Logs the given info to the audit table in the wclog database /// </summary> public void Log( String executingEntity, WlkMiEvent eventId, WlkMiCat cat, String msg, Exception e, bool forceIntoEventLog) { switch (cat) { case WlkMiCat.Error: Logger.Error( executingEntity + ":" + eventId.ToString() + ":" + msg, e); break; case WlkMiCat.Warning: Logger.Warn( executingEntity + ":" + eventId.ToString() + ":" + msg, e); break; default: Logger.Info( executingEntity + ":" + eventId.ToString() + ":" + msg, e); break; } }