Beispiel #1
        private void Client_DownloadFileCompleted(object sender, AsyncCompletedEventArgs e)
            WixossCard wixCard  = e.UserState as WixossCard;
            String     newLine  = Environment.NewLine;
            String     hadError = e.Error == null ? newLine + "Passed " : newLine + e.Error.InnerException.Message + newLine;

            AuditLog.log(hadError + "Card Name: " + wixCard.CardName + newLine, "Images Updated.txt");
        private void setEffect(HtmlNode tableNode, WixossCard wixossCard)
            // First the *second* table
            HtmlNode effectTable = tableNode.Descendants().Where
                                       (x => (x.Name == "table")).ToList()[1];

            // Check if the table is the 'card abilities' table
            if (HTMLHelper.TableHeaderContains(effectTable, "Card Abilities"))
                HTMLHelper.getCardEffect(effectTable, ref wixossCard);
Beispiel #3
        public static void handleCardCost(HtmlNode costRow, ref WixossCard wixossCard)
            // Find all 'a' tags
            List <HtmlNode> imgNodes = costRow.Descendants().Where
                                           (x => (x.Name == "a")).ToList();

            List <CardCost> costForCard  = new List <CardCost>();
            List <long>     cardCostList = new List <long>();

            // Loop thru all card cost values
            // We first removeHTML then split it based on 'x'
            // i.e 1Gx1W becomes ['1G','1W']
            foreach (var item in removeHTML(costRow.InnerText).Split(new String[] { " x " }, StringSplitOptions.RemoveEmptyEntries))
                // Make sure its not just whitespace
                if (item.Trim() != "")
                    String cleanedItem = item;

                    // sometimes its an 'or' not just 'x'
                    if (item.Contains("or"))
                        cleanedItem = item.Split(' ')[0];


            // Loop thru all img nodes, because those contain what color to use
            for (int i = 0; i < imgNodes.Count; i++)
                CardCost cost = new CardCost();

                if (i < cardCostList.Count)
                    cost.NumberPerColor = (int)cardCostList[i];
                    cost.NumberPerColor = 0;

                cost.Color = colorFromName(imgNodes[i].Attributes["title"].Value);
            wixossCard.Cost = costForCard;
Beispiel #4
        public static void handleCardColor(HtmlNode colorRow, ref WixossCard wixossCard)
            // Find all 'img' tags
            List <HtmlNode> imgNodes = colorRow.Descendants().Where
                                           (x => (x.Name == "img")).ToList();

            List <CardColor> colorsForCard = new List <CardColor>();

            // Loop thru all imgNodes
            foreach (var imgNode in imgNodes)
                // Add the color based on the imgNode's 'alt' attr

            wixossCard.Color = colorsForCard;
        // The main method
        // This is were all the magic happens
        public WixossCard GetCardFromUrl(String urlOfCard)
            WixossCard wixossCard = new WixossCard();

            var html = new HtmlDocument();

            html.LoadHtml(new WebClient().DownloadString(urlOfCard));
            var root = html.DocumentNode;

            // Find all div tags that have an id of 'cftable'
            // i.e. <div id='cftable'></div>
            List <HtmlNode> cardTable = html.DocumentNode.Descendants().Where
                                            (x => (x.Name == "div" && x.Attributes["id"] != null &&

            // assuming we found a table, set up the get the card
            if (cardTable.Count != 0)
                wixossCard.CardName = getCardName(cardTable[0]);//info-main
                setUpCard(cardTable[0], wixossCard);

            // Find the image
            // In this case, we are looking for an 'img' tag that has a width and height of 250 and that starts with 3 (30, 300, 3XX)
            List <HtmlNode> imageTable = html.DocumentNode.Descendants().Where
                                             (x => (x.Name == "img" && x.Attributes["width"] != null &&
                                                    x.Attributes["width"].Value.Contains("250") && x.Attributes["height"] != null &&

            wixossCard.CardUrl = urlOfCard;

            // Assuming we found the image, set the cards image url to that's 'src'
            if (imageTable.Count != 0)
                // Set image url to the first found 'img' tag via its 'src' attr
                // i.e. '<img src='BLAH BLAH.jpg'>
                wixossCard.ImageUrl = imageTable[0].Attributes["src"].Value;

        // The real main method.
        // Updates the passed in 'wixossCard' object
        private void setUpCard(HtmlNode tableNode, WixossCard wixossCard)
            // Find a div that has a class of 'info-main'
            // <div class='info-main'></div>
            HtmlNode infoTable = tableNode.Descendants().Where
                                     (x => (x.Name == "div" && x.Attributes["class"] != null && x.Attributes["class"].Value.Contains("info-main"))).ToList()[0];

            // Find the first table in 'infoTable'
            infoTable = infoTable.Descendants().Where
                            (x => (x.Name == "table")).ToList()[0];

            // Convert each row in table into a hash map
            // Key: title
            // Value: HTML Node (the value)
            Dictionary <String, HtmlNode> tableMap = htmlTableToDictionary(infoTable);

            setInfoTable(tableMap, wixossCard);

            setEffect(tableNode, wixossCard);
            setCardSetInfo(tableNode, wixossCard);
Beispiel #7
        // Method to get cards
        private void updateCardsWork(object sender, DoWorkEventArgs e)
            BackgroundWorker worker = (BackgroundWorker)sender;
            int setCount            = 0;

            // Loop thru cardSets
            foreach (var cardSet in cardSets)

                // Get a hashmap of all the sets card
                // Key: Card URL
                // Value: Number of cards (This only really matters for decks)
                Dictionary <String, int> cardList = cardMaker.GetCardsFromUrl(cardSet.Value);
                List <WixossCard>        setCards = new List <WixossCard>();

                worker.ReportProgress(cardList.Values.Count, "Card Set Count");
                worker.ReportProgress(setCount, "Card Set Value");
                int cardCount = 0;

                // Loop thru all cards in the set
                foreach (var cardItem in cardList)
                    worker.ReportProgress(cardCount, "Card Value");

                    // Get card from url
                    WixossCard theCard = cardMaker.GetCardFromUrl(cardItem.Key);

                    // Create or update the card to sql lite db

                worker.ReportProgress(-1, "Set: " + cardSet + " updated");
            worker.ReportProgress(setCount + 1, "Card Set Value");
        private void setCardSetInfo(HtmlNode tableNode, WixossCard wixossCard)
            HtmlNode setTable = null;

            // Find all table elements
            List <HtmlNode> tableNodes = tableNode.Descendants().Where
                                             (x => (x.Name == "table")).ToList();

            // Look for the one true 'setTable'
            foreach (var theTableNode in tableNodes)
                // Check if the table contins 'Sets' in the header
                if (HTMLHelper.TableHeaderContains(theTableNode, "Sets"))
                    setTable = theTableNode;

            // make sure the 'setTable' is not null
            if (setTable != null)
                // loop thru all row data
                foreach (var setInfo in HTMLHelper.getRowData(setTable, "Sets"))
                    // make sure it's not null or blank... well i guess just blank
                    if (setInfo != "")
                        HtmlDocument htmlTableData = new HtmlDocument();

                        // Look for all 'a' tags that have a title and href contain 'WX' or 'SP'
                        // <a title='anything' href='asdasdasWXdasdadasd'></a>
                        var aTags = htmlTableData.DocumentNode.Descendants("a")
                                    .Where(d =>
                                           d.Attributes.Contains("title") &&
                                               d.Attributes["href"].Value.Contains("WX") ||

                        // Loop thru all 'a' tags
                        foreach (var aTag in aTags)
                            //A very cheap way to do this.
                            //Will have to update if they ever do in the three digits

                            // Set setName to the tags 'href' value
                            String setName = aTag.Attributes["href"].Value;

                            // The 'cheap' thing.  Sometimes we grab 'WXD' instead of 'WX'
                            // this throws all sub string logic out of wack
                            // to avoid this will increase the count by one based on 'WXD' or 'WX'
                            int maxCount = setName.Contains("WXD") ? 6 : 5;
                            setName = setName.Substring(setName.LastIndexOf("/") + 1, maxCount);

        private void setInfoTable(Dictionary <String, HtmlNode> tableMap, WixossCard wixossCard)
            // loop thru all keys and set up the 'wixossCard' based on the keys
            foreach (var key in tableMap.Keys)
                switch (key)
                case "LevelLimit":
                    try { wixossCard.LevelLimit = Convert.ToInt16(tableMap[key].FirstChild.InnerText.Trim()); }
                    catch (Exception ex) { wixossCard.LevelLimit = 0; }

                case "Card Type":
                    wixossCard.Type = (CardType)Enum.Parse(typeof(CardType), tableMap[key].ChildNodes[1].InnerText.Trim());

                case "Level":
                    wixossCard.Level = Convert.ToInt16(tableMap[key].FirstChild.InnerText.Trim());

                case "Color":
                    HTMLHelper.handleCardColor(tableMap[key], ref wixossCard);

                case "Grow Cost":
                    HTMLHelper.handleCardCost(tableMap[key], ref wixossCard);

                case "Cost":
                    HTMLHelper.handleCardCost(tableMap[key], ref wixossCard);

                case "Power":
                    wixossCard.Power = Convert.ToInt16(tableMap[key].FirstChild.InnerText.Trim());

                case "Class":

                case "Use Timing":
                    // Regular expression, aka magical string
                    // I have long since forgotten what this is suppose to match
                    var pattern = @"\[(.*?)\]";
                    var matches = Regex.Matches(tableMap[key].FirstChild.InnerText.Trim(), pattern);

                    // For each match, add it as the correct timing
                    foreach (Match m in matches)
                        switch (m.Groups[1].Value)
                        case "Attack Phase":

                        case "Main Phase":

                        case "Spell Cut-In":

Beispiel #10
        public static void getCardEffect(HtmlNode effect, ref WixossCard wixossCard)
            String cardEffect = "";

            // Find the first 'td'
            effect = effect.Descendants().Where
                         (x => (x.Name == "td")).ToList()[0];

            // Loop thru all decendants as well as itself
            foreach (var node in effect.DescendantsAndSelf())
                // check if it has child
                // if not do nothing
                if (!node.HasChildNodes)
                    // Convert br to new line
                    if (node.Name == "br")
                        cardEffect += "\n";

                    // Check if the node is an image that has class with nothing
                    // <img class=""></img>
                    if (node.Name == "img" && node.Attributes["class"].Value == "")
                        // The 'alt' attr has what the image is suppose to be. In this case only lifeburst
                        cardEffect += "{" + node.Attributes["alt"].Value + "}";
                        switch (node.Attributes["alt"].Value)
                        case "Lifeburst":
                            // set the lifeburst value to ture
                            wixossCard.LifeBurst = true;


                    // Check if the effect contains 'Guard'
                    if (node.InnerText == "Guard")
                        wixossCard.Guard = true;

                    // Check if the effect has 'Multi Ener'
                    if (node.InnerText == "Multi Ener")
                        wixossCard.MultiEner = true;

                    string text = node.InnerText;

                    // Make sure the text is not null or empty
                    // Then remove an html value or convert them to real values
                    if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(text))
                        cardEffect += removeHTML(text);

            //Check timing
            if (cardEffect.Contains("Use Timing"))
                cardEffect = cardEffect.Replace("Use Timing", "");

                // Theres that magical string again... still don't know what it matches
                var pattern = @"\[(.*?)\]";
                var matches = Regex.Matches(cardEffect, pattern);

                // Find every match and set timming on the card accordingly
                foreach (Match m in matches)
                    switch (m.Groups[1].Value)
                    case "Attack Phase":
                        cardEffect = cardEffect.Replace("[Attack Phase]", "");

                    case "Main Phase":
                        cardEffect = cardEffect.Replace("[Main Phase]", "");

                    case "Spell Cut-In":
                        cardEffect = cardEffect.Replace("[Spell Cut-In]", "");


            // Remove any HTML and remove whitespace on both sides
            wixossCard.CardEffect = removeHTML(cardEffect).Trim();