void UpdateTileExpiring_Click(object sender, RoutedEventArgs e)
            int seconds;

            if (!Int32.TryParse(Time.Text, out seconds))
                seconds = 10;

            Windows.Globalization.Calendar cal = new Windows.Globalization.Calendar();

            var            longTime         = new Windows.Globalization.DateTimeFormatting.DateTimeFormatter("longtime");
            DateTimeOffset expiryTime       = cal.GetDateTime();
            string         expiryTimeString = longTime.Format(expiryTime);

            ITileWideText04 tileContent = TileContentFactory.CreateTileWideText04();

            tileContent.TextBodyWrap.Text = "This notification will expire at " + expiryTimeString;

            ITileSquareText04 squareTileContent = TileContentFactory.CreateTileSquareText04();

            squareTileContent.TextBodyWrap.Text = "This notification will expire at " + expiryTimeString;
            tileContent.SquareContent           = squareTileContent;

            TileNotification tileNotification = tileContent.CreateNotification();

            // set the expirationTime
            tileNotification.ExpirationTime = expiryTime;

            OutputTextBlock.Text = "Tile notification sent. It will expire at " + expiryTimeString;
        void UpdateTileExpiring_Click(object sender, RoutedEventArgs e)
            int seconds;

            if (!Int32.TryParse(Time.Text, out seconds))
                seconds = 10;

            Windows.Globalization.Calendar cal = new Windows.Globalization.Calendar();

            var            longTime         = new Windows.Globalization.DateTimeFormatting.DateTimeFormatter("longtime");
            DateTimeOffset expiryTime       = cal.GetDateTime();
            string         expiryTimeString = longTime.Format(expiryTime);

            // Create a notification for the Square310x310 tile using one of the available templates for the size.
            ITileSquare310x310Text09 tileSquare310x310Content = TileContentFactory.CreateTileSquare310x310Text09();

            tileSquare310x310Content.TextHeadingWrap.Text = "This notification will expire at " + expiryTimeString;

            // Create a notification for the Wide310x150 tile using one of the available templates for the size.
            ITileWide310x150Text04 wide310x150TileContent = TileContentFactory.CreateTileWide310x150Text04();

            wide310x150TileContent.TextBodyWrap.Text = "This notification will expire at " + expiryTimeString;

            // Create a notification for the Square150x150 tile using one of the available templates for the size.
            ITileSquare150x150Text04 square150x150TileContent = TileContentFactory.CreateTileSquare150x150Text04();

            square150x150TileContent.TextBodyWrap.Text = "This notification will expire at " + expiryTimeString;

            // Attach the Square150x150 template to the Wide310x150 template.
            wide310x150TileContent.Square150x150Content = square150x150TileContent;

            // Attach the Wide310x150 template to the Square310x310 template.
            tileSquare310x310Content.Wide310x150Content = wide310x150TileContent;

            TileNotification tileNotification = tileSquare310x310Content.CreateNotification();

            // Set the expiration time and update the tile.
            tileNotification.ExpirationTime = expiryTime;

            rootPage.NotifyUser("Tile notification sent. It will expire at " + expiryTime, NotifyType.StatusMessage);
        void UpdateTileExpiring_Click(object sender, RoutedEventArgs e)
            int seconds;
            if (!Int32.TryParse(Time.Text, out seconds))
                seconds = 10;

            Windows.Globalization.Calendar cal = new Windows.Globalization.Calendar();

            var longTime = new Windows.Globalization.DateTimeFormatting.DateTimeFormatter("longtime");
            DateTimeOffset expiryTime = cal.GetDateTime();
            string expiryTimeString = longTime.Format(expiryTime);

            // Create a notification for the Square310x310 tile using one of the available templates for the size.
            ITileSquare310x310Text09 tileSquare310x310Content = TileContentFactory.CreateTileSquare310x310Text09();
            tileSquare310x310Content.TextHeadingWrap.Text = "This notification will expire at " + expiryTimeString;

            // Create a notification for the Wide310x150 tile using one of the available templates for the size.
            ITileWide310x150Text04 wide310x150TileContent = TileContentFactory.CreateTileWide310x150Text04();
            wide310x150TileContent.TextBodyWrap.Text = "This notification will expire at " + expiryTimeString;

            // Create a notification for the Square150x150 tile using one of the available templates for the size.
            ITileSquare150x150Text04 square150x150TileContent = TileContentFactory.CreateTileSquare150x150Text04();
            square150x150TileContent.TextBodyWrap.Text = "This notification will expire at " + expiryTimeString;

            // Attach the Square150x150 template to the Wide310x150 template.
            wide310x150TileContent.Square150x150Content = square150x150TileContent;

            // Attach the Wide310x150 template to the Square310x310 template.
            tileSquare310x310Content.Wide310x150Content = wide310x150TileContent;

            TileNotification tileNotification = tileSquare310x310Content.CreateNotification();

            // Set the expiration time and update the tile.
            tileNotification.ExpirationTime = expiryTime;

            rootPage.NotifyUser("Tile notification sent. It will expire at " + expiryTime, NotifyType.StatusMessage);
        private async void ButtonSendNotification_Click(object sender, RoutedEventArgs e)
            base.IsEnabled = false;

                if (_tileId == null)
                    await new MessageDialog("No secondary tile was pinned. In the previous step, you had to pin the tile.", "Error").ShowAsync();

                SecondaryTile tile = (await SecondaryTile.FindAllAsync()).FirstOrDefault(i => i.TileId.Equals(_tileId));
                if (tile == null)
                    await new MessageDialog("The secondary tile that was previously pinned could not be found. Has it been removed from Start?", "Error").ShowAsync();

                // Decide expiration time
                Windows.Globalization.Calendar cal = new Windows.Globalization.Calendar();

                // Get expiration time and date
                var longTime = new Windows.Globalization.DateTimeFormatting.DateTimeFormatter("longtime");
                DateTimeOffset expiryTime = cal.GetDateTime();
                string expiryTimeString = longTime.Format(expiryTime);

                // Create the custom tile that will expire
                string tileXmlString = 
                + "<visual>"
                + "<binding template='TileMedium'>"
                + "<text hint-wrap='true'>This notification will expire at " + expiryTimeString + "</text>"
                + "</binding>"
                + "<binding template='TileWide'>"
                + "<text hint-wrap='true'>This notification will expire at " + expiryTimeString + "</text>"
                + "</binding>"
                + "<binding template='TileLarge'>"
                + "<text hint-wrap='true'>This notification will expire at " + expiryTimeString + "</text>"
                + "</binding>"
                + "</visual>"
                + "</tile>";

                XmlDocument xmlDoc = new XmlDocument();

                // Create the notification
                TileNotification notifyTile = new TileNotification(xmlDoc);

                // Set expiration time for the notification
                notifyTile.ExpirationTime = expiryTime;

                // And send the notification to the tile

            catch (Exception ex)
                await new MessageDialog(ex.ToString(), "Error updating tile").ShowAsync();

                base.IsEnabled = true;
        private async void ButtonSendNotification_Click(object sender, RoutedEventArgs e)
            base.IsEnabled = false;

                if (_tileId == null)
                    await new MessageDialog("No secondary tile was pinned. In the previous step, you had to pin the tile.", "Error").ShowAsync();

                SecondaryTile tile = (await SecondaryTile.FindAllAsync()).FirstOrDefault(i => i.TileId.Equals(_tileId));
                if (tile == null)
                    await new MessageDialog("The secondary tile that was previously pinned could not be found. Has it been removed from Start?", "Error").ShowAsync();

                // Decide expiration time
                Windows.Globalization.Calendar cal = new Windows.Globalization.Calendar();

                // Get expiration time and date
                var            longTime         = new Windows.Globalization.DateTimeFormatting.DateTimeFormatter("longtime");
                DateTimeOffset expiryTime       = cal.GetDateTime();
                string         expiryTimeString = longTime.Format(expiryTime);

                // Create the custom tile that will expire
                string tileXmlString =
                    + "<visual>"
                    + "<binding template='TileMedium'>"
                    + "<text hint-wrap='true'>This notification will expire at " + expiryTimeString + "</text>"
                    + "</binding>"
                    + "<binding template='TileWide'>"
                    + "<text hint-wrap='true'>This notification will expire at " + expiryTimeString + "</text>"
                    + "</binding>"
                    + "<binding template='TileLarge'>"
                    + "<text hint-wrap='true'>This notification will expire at " + expiryTimeString + "</text>"
                    + "</binding>"
                    + "</visual>"
                    + "</tile>";

                XmlDocument xmlDoc = new XmlDocument();

                // Create the notification
                TileNotification notifyTile = new TileNotification(xmlDoc);

                // Set expiration time for the notification
                notifyTile.ExpirationTime = expiryTime;

                // And send the notification to the tile

            catch (Exception ex)
                await new MessageDialog(ex.ToString(), "Error updating tile").ShowAsync();

                base.IsEnabled = true;