/// <summary>
        ///     Handle DPI changes for the specified ContextMenuStrip
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="contextMenuStrip">ContextMenuStrip</param>
        /// <returns>DpiHandler</returns>
        public static DpiHandler AttachDpiHandler(this ContextMenuStrip contextMenuStrip)
            // Create a DpiHandler which runs "outside" of the contextMenu (not via WinProc)
            var dpiHandler = new DpiHandler(true);
            var listener   = new WinProcListener(contextMenuStrip);

            dpiHandler.MessageHandler = listener;
        /// <summary>
        ///     Handle DPI changes for the specified Form
        ///     Using this DOES NOT enable dpi scaling in the non client area, for this you will need to call:
        ///     DpiHandler.TryEnableNonClientDpiScaling(this.Handle) from the WndProc in the WM_NCCREATE message.
        ///     It's better to extend DpiAwareForm, which does this for you.
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="form">Control</param>
        /// <returns>DpiHandler</returns>
        public static DpiHandler AttachDpiHandler(this Form form)
            // Create a DpiHandler which runs "outside" of the form (not via WinProc)
            var dpiHandler = new DpiHandler(true);
            var listener   = new WinProcListener(form);

            dpiHandler.MessageHandler = listener;