public TitlingResult WikipediaSummarize(TitlingRequest req, string htmlDoc)
            WikipediaArticle article = WikipediaTools.Parse(htmlDoc);

            // The paragraph to be summarized.
            string p = null;

            // Check if the URL has an anchor to a specific section in the article.
            int anchorIndex = req.Url.IndexOf("#", StringComparison.OrdinalIgnoreCase);

            if (anchorIndex >= 0 && (anchorIndex + 1) < req.Url.Length)
                var anchorId = req.Url.Substring(anchorIndex + 1);
                p = article.GetFirstParagraph(anchorId);
            // If no anchor or if we couldn't extract a paragraph for the specific anchor,
            // get first paragraph of the article.
            if (p == null && article.SummaryParagraphs.Length > 0)
                p = article.SummaryParagraphs[0];

            if (!string.IsNullOrWhiteSpace(p))
                string summary = Format.Shorten(p, MaxCharacters, ContinuationSymbol);
                req.IrcTitle.SetFormat("[ {0} ]", summary);

Beispiel #2
        public async Task <WikipediaArticle> GetArticleAsync(string language, string name)
            if (rateLimiter.IsRatelimited())

            var article = new WikipediaArticle
                Url = $"https://{language}{name}"

                var pageInfo = await HttpWebClient.ReturnStringAsync(new Uri($"https://{language}{name}")).ConfigureAwait(false);

                var     jsonresp = JObject.Parse(pageInfo);
                dynamic item     = jsonresp["query"]["pages"].First.First;

                string desc = Convert.ToString(item["extract"]);

                article.Name = item["title"].ToString();

                if (desc.Length >= 1024)
                    var split = desc.Split(". ").ToList();
                    article.Description = string.Join(". ", split.Take(4)) + ".";
                    article.Description = desc;

                var pageImage = await HttpWebClient.ReturnStringAsync(new Uri($"https://{language}{name}")).ConfigureAwait(false);

                var     jsonresp = JObject.Parse(pageImage);
                dynamic item     = jsonresp["query"]["pages"].First.First["original"];

                if (item != null)
                    article.Original = new WikipediaImage
                        Source = item["source"].ToString(),
                        Width  = Convert.ToInt32(item["width"]),
                        Height = Convert.ToInt32(item["height"])

Beispiel #3
        public async Task <WikipediaArticle> GetArticleAsync(string language, string name)
            if (rateLimiter.IsRatelimited())

            var article = new WikipediaArticle
                Url = $"https://{language}{name}"

            var page = new WikiPage(wikipediaSite, name);

            await page.RefreshAsync(new WikiPageQueryProvider
                Properties =
                    new ExtractsPropertyProvider
                        MaxCharacters    = 1024,
                        AsPlainText      = true,
                        IntroductionOnly = true

            var extractGroup = page.GetPropertyGroup <ExtractsPropertyGroup>();

            article.Name = page.Title;
            article.Url  = WikiLink.Parse(wikipediaSite, name).TargetUrl;

            article.Description = extractGroup.Extract;

            if (article.Description.Length >= 1024)
                var split = article.Description.Split(". ").ToList();
                article.Description = string.Join(". ", split.Take(4)) + ".";

            var response = await HttpWebClient.ReturnStringAsync(new System.Uri($"{language}wiki&props=claims&titles={name}"));

            var jsonresp  = JObject.Parse(response);
            var container = (JObject)jsonresp["entities"].First.Value <JProperty>().Value;
            var claims    = container["claims"];

            JToken snak = null;

            if (claims["P18"] is not null)
                snak = claims["P18"];
            else if (claims["P154"] is not null)
                snak = claims["P154"];
            else if (claims["P242"] is not null)
                snak = claims["P242"];
            else if (claims["P109"] is not null)
                snak = claims["P109"];
            else if (claims["P1621"] is not null)
                snak = claims["P1621"];

            if (snak is not null)
                var val = snak.First["mainsnak"]["datavalue"]["value"].ToObject <string>();

                val = val.Replace(" ", "_");

                var md5 = val.CreateMD5(true);;

                article.ImageUrl = $"{md5[0]}/{md5[0]}{md5[1]}/{val}";
