Beispiel #1
        private void button1_Click(object sender, EventArgs e)
            WebReference.Service1 srv = new WebReference.Service1();
            foreach (DataGridViewRow r in dataGridView1.Rows)
                if (!(r.Cells[0].Value is null) && !(r.Cells[4].Value ?? "").ToString().StartsWith("#"))
                    string litm = r.Cells[0].Value.ToString();

                    DateTime.TryParse(r.Cells[3].Value.ToString(), out DateTime _dt);
                    int.TryParse(r.Cells[1].Value.ToString(), out int _ilosc);
                    string nr_zam = r.Cells[2].Value.ToString();
                    string opis   = (r.Cells[4].Value ?? "").ToString();
                    if (opis.StartsWith("#"))

                    string test1 = srv.IPO_CreateOrder(_dt, litm, _ilosc, false, 1, 2, nr_zam, opis, _logged);

                    r.Cells[4].Value = "#" + test1.Substring(1, 10);
Beispiel #2
        public ActionResult Post(string scanQRCode)
            string pwd = "jwysoft20122012,";

            WebReference.Service1 method = new WebReference.Service1();
            string result = "\r\n查询结果:\r\n" + method.QueryContract(pwd, scanQRCode);

Beispiel #3
        private void button1_Click(object sender, EventArgs e) //zapisz rekord
            WebReference.Service1 srv = new WebReference.Service1();

            var db2008 = new DB2008DataContext();
            var kod    = (from c in db2008.SLOWNIK_1s where c.IMLITM.Trim() == litm.Trim()
                          select c).First();

            db_raportyDataContext db = new db_raportyDataContext();
            var nrec = new IPO_ZDAWKA_PW();

            nrec.Czy_korygowany      = true;
            nrec.Data_utworzenia_poz = DateTime.Now;
            nrec.Ilosc            = qty;
            nrec.IPO_ID_POZYCJI   = -1;
            nrec.ITM              = itm.ToString();
            nrec.typ              = 0;
            nrec.Zaksiegowany_JDE = false;
            nrec.JM = kod.JM_PROD.Trim();
            nrec.Kod_zlecenia_klienta = tb_litm.Text;
            nrec.Koszt_IPO            = 0;
            nrec.Koszt_mat_IPO        = 0;
            nrec.Magazyn_IPO          = mag_dom;
            nrec.Nazwa_pozycji        = lb_nazwa.Text;
            nrec.Nr_indeksu           = litm;
            nrec.Nr_zam_klienta       = litm;
            nrec.Nr_seryjny           = "";
            nrec.Nr_zam_klienta       = "";
            nrec.Nr_zlecenia_IPO      = nr_zlec_IPO;
            nrec.Powod_korekty        = "DODANE " + DateTime.Now.ToString() + " RĘCZNIE PRZEZ " + user;

            if (rbPW.Checked)
                nrec.RW_PW = "PW";

            if (rbRW.Checked)
                nrec.RW_PW = "RW";

            if (rbPU.Checked)
                nrec.RW_PW = "PU"; nrec.typ = 1;


        public KORYGUJ_ZLEC(string _nr_zlec)
            nr_zlec = _nr_zlec;
            WebReference.Service1 srv = new WebReference.Service1();

            var zlec = srv.IPO_GET_ORDER(int.Parse(nr_zlec));

            lb_nazwa_zlec.Text =;
            lb_ilosc.Text      = "ILOŚĆ PIERWOTNA:" + zlec.quantity;
            il_pierwotna       = zlec.quantity;
Beispiel #5
        private static string getBirthDay(string empid)
            WebReference.Service1 _client = new WebReference.Service1();
            string   s    = _client.GetPatiInfoByCardID(empid);
            XElement root = XElement.Parse(@"" + s + "");
            string   DDBH = root.Element("Nuerse").Element("BirthDate").Value;

            if (!String.IsNullOrEmpty(DDBH) && DDBH.Length > 10)
                return(DDBH.Substring(0, 10));
Beispiel #6
        private void button3_Click(object sender, EventArgs e)
            DB2008DataContext db = new DB2008DataContext();

            WebReference.Service1 srv = new WebReference.Service1();
            double.TryParse(this.tb_qty.Text, out qty);
            int.TryParse(this.tb_nr_zlec.Text, out nr_zlec_IPO);

            var zlecenie = srv.IPO_GET_ORDER(nr_zlec_IPO);

            double itm_zl = 0;

            double.TryParse(zlecenie.item_id, out itm_zl);

            var mat_itm = from c in db.SLOWNIK_1s
                          where c.IMLITM == this.tb_litm.Text
                          select new { c.IMITM, c.NAZWA, c.KOLOR };

            var wyr_itm = from c in db.SLOWNIK_1s
                          where c.IMITM == mat_itm.First().IMITM
                          // where c.IMITM == itm_zl
                          select new { c.IMITM, c.NAZWA, c.KOLOR };

            if (mat_itm.Count() == 1 && wyr_itm.Count() == 1 && zlecenie.ipo_order_id > 0)
                var mag = from c in db.IPO_MAGAZYN_PODSTAWOWY_PWs
                          where c.LIITM == wyr_itm.First().IMITM
                          select c;

                mag_dom     = mag.First().mag_ipo;
                lb_mag.Text = mag_dom.Trim();

                if (qty != 0 && nr_zlec_IPO != 0)
                    this.button1.Enabled = true;
                lb_nazwa.Text = mat_itm.First().NAZWA;
                itm           = mat_itm.First().IMITM;
                litm          = tb_litm.Text;
Beispiel #7
        private void DrukujKKC()
            WebReference.Service1 client = new WebReference.Service1();
            db_raportyDataContext db     = new db_raportyDataContext();

            DateTime _to   = DateTime.Now;
            DateTime _from = DateTime.Now.AddDays(0);

            int ito   = _to.Year * 10000 + _to.Month * 100 + _to.Day;
            int ifrom = _from.Year * 10000 + _from.Month * 100 + _from.Day;

            string[] setts = client.IPO_GET_TASKS(_from, _to);

            var task = from c in db.IPO_KKC_WYDRUKIs
                       where c.DATA_WYST.Value.Day + c.DATA_WYST.Value.Month * 100 + c.DATA_WYST.Value.Year * 10000 >= ifrom &&
                       c.DATA_WYST.Value.Day + c.DATA_WYST.Value.Month * 100 + c.DATA_WYST.Value.Year * 10000 <= ito
                       select c.TASK_ID;

            foreach (string sett in setts)
                if (!task.ToArray <int?>().Contains(int.Parse(sett.Split('@')[0])))
                    IPO_KKC_WYDRUKI wyd = new IPO_KKC_WYDRUKI();
                    wyd.NR_ZLECENIA = int.Parse(sett.Split('@')[1]);
                    wyd.OPERACJA    = sett.Split('@')[3];
                    wyd.TASK_ID     = int.Parse(sett.Split('@')[0]);
                    wyd.USTAWIACZ   = sett.Split('@')[2];
                    wyd.OPIS_OPER   = sett.GetHashCode().ToString();
                    wyd.DATA_WYST   = DateTime.Now;
                    if (sett.Split('@')[4].StartsWith(comboBox1.SelectedItem.ToString()))
                        pdf_przewodnik.GenKKC((int)wyd.NR_ZLECENIA, wyd.USTAWIACZ, wyd.OPERACJA, sett.Split('@')[4]);
Beispiel #8
        public Analiza(string _nr_zlec, string user)

            nr_zlec   = int.Parse(_nr_zlec);
            user_name = user;
            var srv = new WebReference.Service1();

            var db       = new db_raportyDataContext();
            var db2008   = new DB2008DataContext();
            var zlecenie = srv.IPO_GET_ORDER(nr_zlec);

            double itm_zl = 0;

            double.TryParse(zlecenie.item_id, out itm_zl);

            var wyr_itm = (from c in db2008.SLOWNIK_1s
                           where c.IMITM == itm_zl
                           select new { c.IMITM, c.NAZWA, c.KOLOR, c.IMLITM }).FirstOrDefault();

            kod_wyr = wyr_itm.IMLITM.Trim();

            var mag = (from c in db2008.IPO_MAGAZYN_PODSTAWOWY_PWs
                       where c.LIITM == wyr_itm.IMITM
                       select c).FirstOrDefault();

            mag_zlec = mag.mag_ipo;

Beispiel #9
        private void button1_Click(object sender, EventArgs e)
            WebReference.Service1 srv = new WebReference.Service1();
            //Dodaj nowy rekord do bazy...
            DB2008DataContext db2   = new DB2008DataContext();
            double            il_ok = 0;
            double            il_br = 0;
            int    nr_zlec          = 0;
            string Indeks           = "";

            double.TryParse(tb_ilosc.Text, out il_ok);
            double.TryParse(tb_ilosc_brak.Text, out il_br);
            int.TryParse(tb_nr_zlecenia.Text, out nr_zlec);

            db_raportyDataContext db = new db_raportyDataContext();

            var task_id = db.IPO_GET_TASK_ID().First();

            var zlec = srv.IPO_GET_ORDER(nr_zlec);

            var idx = from c in db2.SLOWNIK_1s
                      where c.IMITM == double.Parse(zlec.item_id)
                      select c;

            if (idx.Count() == 1)
                Indeks = idx.First().IMLITM.Trim();

            if (zlec.ipo_order_id == 0)
                MessageBox.Show("Popraw nr zlecenia!!!"); return;

            Regex reg = new Regex("[1-9][0-9]-");

            if (!reg.IsMatch(tb_opis.Text))
                MessageBox.Show("Popraw opis pracy musi zawierac nr operacji i znak -  , np 10-na gotowo"); return;

            reg = new Regex("[1-9][0-9][0-9]");

            if (!reg.IsMatch(tb_nr_masz.Text))
                MessageBox.Show("Popraw nr maszyny!!! "); return;

            IPO_Task tsk = new IPO_Task();

            DateTime start = dtp_start_data.Value.Date + dtp_start_czas.Value.TimeOfDay;
            DateTime stop  = dtp_stop_data.Value.Date + dtp_stop_czas.Value.TimeOfDay;

            if (start > stop)
                MessageBox.Show("Popraw daty i godziny!!! Start nie może być poźniej niż stop!!!"); return;

            tsk.Czas_planowany  = 0;
            tsk.Czas_realizacji = (int)(stop - start).TotalMinutes;
            tsk.Czas_start      = start;
            tsk.Czas_stop       = stop;

            tsk.Id_maszyny    = tb_nr_masz.Text;
            tsk.Id_pracownika = ddPracownik.SelectedValue.ToString();
            tsk.Pracownik     = ddPracownik.Text;

            if (tb_id_pracownika.Text != "")
                string nazwa = srv.IPO_get_user(tb_id_pracownika.Text);

                tsk.Id_pracownika = tb_id_pracownika.Text;
                tsk.Pracownik     = nazwa;

            if (tsk.Pracownik == "BŁĄD!!!")
                MessageBox.Show("Popraw Id pracownika!!!");  return;
            tsk.Id_zlecenia     = nr_zlec;
            tsk.Ilosc_brak      = il_br;
            tsk.Ilosc_wykonana  = il_ok;
            tsk.Indeks          = Indeks;
            tsk.Indeks_ITM      = int.Parse(zlec.item_id);
            tsk.Task_Id         = task_id.IPO_TASK_ID_KOREKTA;
            tsk.Ilosc_planowana = 0;
            tsk.Nr_zamowienia   = _logged;

            tsk.Opis_pracy     = tb_opis.Text;
            tsk.Nazwa_operacji = dd_operacja.Text;

Beispiel #10
        public void Update_grid()
            var db1    = new db_raportyDataContext();
            var nlinie = from c in db1.IPO_ZDAWKA_PWs
                         where c.Nr_zlecenia_IPO == nr_zlec
                         select c;

            var    n_linie     = Analiza_zlec.Lista_pozycji(nr_zlec);
            double nilosc_zlec = (double)(from c in nlinie where c.RW_PW == "PW" select c.Ilosc).Sum();

            label1.Text = kod_wyr + " : " + nilosc_zlec.ToString() + " SZT" + " ; Korekty na magazyn: " + mag_zlec;
            dataGridView1.DataSource = n_linie;


            var srv = new WebReference.Service1();

            var db     = new db_raportyDataContext();
            var db2008 = new DB2008DataContext();

            //skasuj stare rozpisy
            var do_skas = from c in db.IPO_ZDAWKA_PW_NORMAs where c.Nr_zlecenia_IPO == nr_zlec select c;


            //znajdz magazyn domyślny dla zlecenia

            var linie = from c in db.IPO_ZDAWKA_PWs
                        where c.Nr_zlecenia_IPO == nr_zlec
                        select c;

            //wyceń materiały - nie przejmujemy się jednostkami.
            foreach (var l in linie)
                var tkw = (from c in db.słownik_TKWs where c.Indeks.Trim() == l.Nr_indeksu.Trim() select c.Koszt).FirstOrDefault();

                if (l.RW_PW == "PW")
                    l.Koszt_IPO = Math.Round((double)tkw * (double)l.Ilosc, 3);
                if (l.RW_PW == "RW")
                    l.Koszt_IPO = Math.Round((double)tkw * (double)-l.Ilosc, 3);
                if (l.RW_PW == "PU")
                    l.Koszt_IPO = Math.Round((double)tkw * (double)-l.Ilosc, 3);


            double ilosc_zlec = (double)(from c in linie where c.RW_PW == "PW" select c.Ilosc).Sum();

            // utwórz zlecenie w tabeli przejściowej.
            label1.Text = kod_wyr + " : " + ilosc_zlec.ToString() + " SZT" + " ; Korekty na magazyn: " + mag_zlec;
            srv.Dodaj_rozpis_do_Tabeli(nr_zlec, 0, ilosc_zlec);

            // wyceń rozpis
            var linie_norma = from c in db.IPO_ZDAWKA_PW_NORMAs
                              where c.Nr_zlecenia_IPO == nr_zlec && c.RW_PW == "RW"
                              select c;

            //wyceń materiały - nie przejmujemy się jednostkami.
            foreach (var l in linie_norma)
                var tkw = (from c in db.słownik_TKWs where c.Indeks.Trim() == l.Nr_indeksu.Trim() select c.Koszt).FirstOrDefault();

                if (l.RW_PW == "PW")
                    l.Koszt_IPO = Math.Round((double)tkw * (double)l.Ilosc, 3);
                if (l.RW_PW == "RW")
                    l.Koszt_IPO = Math.Round((double)tkw * (double)-l.Ilosc, 3);
                if (l.RW_PW == "PU")
                    l.Koszt_IPO = Math.Round((double)tkw * (double)-l.Ilosc, 3);


            var total = (from c in linie where c.RW_PW == "RW" select new { TYP = "JDE", c.Nr_zlecenia_IPO, Indeks = c.Nr_indeksu.Trim(), c.Nazwa_pozycji, c.Ilosc, c.Koszt_IPO })
                        .Concat(from g in linie_norma select new { TYP = "NORMA", g.Nr_zlecenia_IPO, Indeks = g.Nr_indeksu.Trim(), g.Nazwa_pozycji, g.Ilosc, g.Koszt_IPO }).ToArray();

            // zgrupuj
            List <Item> lst = new List <Item>();
            //utwórz listę indeksów
            var lista_indeksow = (from c in total select c.Indeks).Distinct();

            foreach (var i in lista_indeksow)
                Item itm = new Item();

                var tmp = from c in total where c.Indeks == i select c;
                itm.Nr_indeksu      = i;
                itm.Nazwa           = tmp.First().Nazwa_pozycji;
                itm.Ilość_JDE       = (double)(from c in tmp where c.TYP == "JDE" select c.Ilosc).Sum();
                itm.Wartość_JDE     = (double)(from c in tmp where c.TYP == "JDE" select c.Koszt_IPO).Sum();
                itm.Ilość_NORMA     = (double)(from c in tmp where c.TYP == "NORMA" select c.Ilosc).Sum();
                itm.Wartość_NORMA   = (double)(from c in tmp where c.TYP == "NORMA" select c.Koszt_IPO).Sum();
                itm.Różnica_ilość   = Math.Round(itm.Ilość_JDE + itm.Ilość_NORMA);
                itm.Różnica_wartość = Math.Round(itm.Wartość_JDE + itm.Wartość_NORMA, 3);


            dataGridView1.DataSource = lst;
Beispiel #11
        public static void GenKKC(int nr_zlec, string id_prac, string oper, string id_masz)
            db_raportyDataContext db = new db_raportyDataContext();

            string ARIALUNI_TFF = Path.Combine(Environment.GetFolderPath(Environment.SpecialFolder.Fonts), "ARIALUNI.TTF");

            //Create a base font object making sure to specify IDENTITY-H
            BaseFont bf = BaseFont.CreateFont(ARIALUNI_TFF, BaseFont.IDENTITY_H, BaseFont.NOT_EMBEDDED);

            //Create a specific font object
            iTextSharp.text.Font  f      = new iTextSharp.text.Font(bf, 8, iTextSharp.text.Font.NORMAL);
            iTextSharp.text.Font  fb     = new iTextSharp.text.Font(bf, 13, iTextSharp.text.Font.NORMAL);
            iTextSharp.text.Font  fn     = new iTextSharp.text.Font(bf, 10, iTextSharp.text.Font.NORMAL);
            iTextSharp.text.Font  fvb    = new iTextSharp.text.Font(bf, 16, iTextSharp.text.Font.BOLDITALIC);
            WebReference.Service1 client = new WebReference.Service1();
            DB2008DataContext     dbx    = new DB2008DataContext();

            string     file_path = System.IO.Path.GetTempPath() + "_" + nr_zlec + "_" + DateTime.Now.ToString("yyyyMMdd") + "_" + DateTime.Now.ToString("HHmmssfff") + ".pdf";
            FileStream fs        = new FileStream(file_path, FileMode.OpenOrCreate, FileAccess.ReadWrite);
            Document   document  = new Document(PageSize.A4, 10f, 10f, 10f, 20f);
            PdfWriter  writer    = PdfWriter.GetInstance(document, fs);

            WebReference.IPO_Order ord = client.IPO_GET_ORDER(nr_zlec);
            WebReference.Item      itm = client.IPO_GET_ITEM_BY_ITM(int.Parse(ord.item_id));


            Paragraph nri = new Paragraph("39WF01 rev. 27.10.2016", f);

            nri.Alignment = 2;
            nri           = new Paragraph("KKC - KARTA KONTROLI CYKLU DO ZLECENIA IPO NR: " + nr_zlec.ToString(), fb);
            nri.Alignment = 1;

            document.Add(new Paragraph("NAZWA: " +, fb));
            document.Add(new Paragraph("INDEKS: " + itm.index, fb));
            document.Add(new Paragraph("OPERACJA:         " + oper, fvb));
            document.Add(new Paragraph("NR MASZYNY:       " + id_masz, fvb));
            var marsz = from c in dbx.IPO_Marszruties
                        orderby c.Typ, c.Nr_oper
            where c.Indeks == itm.index && c.Typ == "M"
            select c;

            string co_ile = "";

            co_ile = "Kontrolować zgodnie z instrukcją 39W.";

            document.Add(new Paragraph(" ", f));
            document.Add(new Paragraph("Wymiary kontrolne. " + co_ile, fb));
            document.Add(new Paragraph(" ", f));

            var kart = (from c in marsz.Where(x => x.Nr_Karty != "") select new { KARTA = c.Nr_Karty }).Distinct();

            PdfPTable kkc = new PdfPTable(23);

            float[] widths = new float[] { 10f, 25f, 45f, 14f, 14f, 14f, 14f, 14f, 14f, 14f, 14f, 14f, 14f, 14f, 14f, 14f, 14f, 14f, 14f, 14f, 14f, 14f, 14f };

            PdfPCell cell;

            cell = new PdfPCell(new Phrase("Nr", f)); kkc.AddCell(cell);
            cell = new PdfPCell(new Phrase("Nr_karty", f)); kkc.AddCell(cell);
            cell = new PdfPCell(new Phrase("Wymiar kontr.", f)); kkc.AddCell(cell);
            cell = new PdfPCell(new Phrase("Pierw, szt 1-...", f)); kkc.AddCell(cell);
            for (int t = 1; t < 20; t++)
                cell = new PdfPCell(new Phrase("Spr" + t.ToString(), f)); kkc.AddCell(cell);

            if (kart.Count() > 0)
                var cykl = from g in kart
                           join k in dbx.F00192s.Where(x => x.CFSY == "48" && x.CFRT == "SN") on g.KARTA equals k.CFKY
                           select new { g.KARTA, NR = k.CFLINS / 100, k.CFDS80 };

                foreach (var c in cykl)
                    cell = new PdfPCell(new Phrase(c.NR.ToString(), f)); kkc.AddCell(cell);
                    cell = new PdfPCell(new Phrase(c.KARTA, f)); kkc.AddCell(cell);
                    cell = new PdfPCell(new Phrase(c.CFDS80, f)); kkc.AddCell(cell);
                    cell = new PdfPCell(new Phrase(".        .         .        ", f)); kkc.AddCell(cell);
                    for (int t = 1; t < 20; t++)
                        cell = new PdfPCell(new Phrase(" ", f)); kkc.AddCell(cell);

                document.Add(new Paragraph(" ", f));
                document.Add(new Paragraph("Utworzono: " + DateTime.Now.ToString(), f));
                document.Add(new Paragraph("ZALECENIA I UWAGI USTAWIACZA:  ", f));



Beispiel #12
        public static void Gen_przew(List <int> tab_nr_zlec, string user_name, bool KKC)
            db_raportyDataContext db = new db_raportyDataContext();

            string ARIALUNI_TFF = Path.Combine(Environment.GetFolderPath(Environment.SpecialFolder.Fonts), "ARIALUNI.TTF");

            //Create a base font object making sure to specify IDENTITY-H
            BaseFont bf = BaseFont.CreateFont(ARIALUNI_TFF, BaseFont.IDENTITY_H, BaseFont.NOT_EMBEDDED);

            //Create a specific font object
            iTextSharp.text.Font f  = new iTextSharp.text.Font(bf, 8, iTextSharp.text.Font.NORMAL);
            iTextSharp.text.Font fb = new iTextSharp.text.Font(bf, 13, iTextSharp.text.Font.NORMAL);
            iTextSharp.text.Font fn = new iTextSharp.text.Font(bf, 10, iTextSharp.text.Font.NORMAL);

            WebReference.Service1 client = new WebReference.Service1();
            DB2008DataContext     dbx    = new DB2008DataContext();

            string     file_path = System.IO.Path.GetTempPath() + user_name + "_" + DateTime.Now.ToString("yyyyMMdd") + "_" + DateTime.Now.ToString("HHmmssfff") + ".pdf";
            FileStream fs        = new FileStream(file_path, FileMode.OpenOrCreate, FileAccess.ReadWrite);
            Document   document  = new Document(PageSize.A4, 10f, 10f, 10f, 20f);
            PdfWriter  writer    = PdfWriter.GetInstance(document, fs);

            foreach (int nr_zlec in tab_nr_zlec)
                // PdfContentByte cb = writer.DirectContent;
                // cb.Rectangle(20f, 20f, 100f, 200f);

                // cb.Stroke();
                // var zl1 = (from c in db.IPO_ZLECENIAs
                //           where c.ipo_nr_zlec == nr_zlec
                //          select c).Single();

                WebReference.IPO_Order ord = client.IPO_GET_ORDER(nr_zlec);
                WebReference.Item      itm = client.IPO_GET_ITEM_BY_ITM(int.Parse(ord.item_id));

                Paragraph p = new Paragraph("PRZEWODNIK DO ZLECENIA IPO NR: " + nr_zlec.ToString(), fb);
                p.Alignment = 1;
                document.Add(new Paragraph(" ", f));

                p = new Paragraph(itm.index + " " +, fb);

                p.Alignment = 1;

                document.Add(new Paragraph(" ", f));
                PdfPTable table  = new PdfPTable(6);
                float[]   widths = new float[] { 15f, 50f, 15f, 25f, 25f, 25f };

                PdfPCell cell = new PdfPCell(new Phrase("Indeks", f));

                cell = new PdfPCell(new Phrase("Nazwa", f)); table.AddCell(cell);
                cell = new PdfPCell(new Phrase("Seria", f)); table.AddCell(cell);
                cell = new PdfPCell(new Phrase("PLAN IPO", f)); table.AddCell(cell);
                cell = new PdfPCell(new Phrase("KKC", f)); table.AddCell(cell);
                cell = new PdfPCell(new Phrase("Wystawił:", f)); table.AddCell(cell);

                cell = new PdfPCell(new Phrase(itm.index, f)); table.AddCell(cell);

                cell = new PdfPCell(new Phrase(, f)); table.AddCell(cell);

                cell = new PdfPCell(new Phrase(ord.quantity.ToString(), f)); table.AddCell(cell);
                cell = new PdfPCell(new Phrase(ord.order_no_cust, f)); table.AddCell(cell);
                cell = new PdfPCell(new Phrase(" ", f)); table.AddCell(cell);
                cell = new PdfPCell(new Phrase(user_name + " " + DateTime.Now.ToShortDateString() + " " + DateTime.Now.ToShortTimeString(), f)); table.AddCell(cell);


                document.Add(new Paragraph(" ", f));
                document.Add(new Paragraph("LISTA MATERIAŁÓW DO POBRANIA: ", fn));
                document.Add(new Paragraph(" ", f));
                List <WebReference.IPO_BOM_Line> bom = client.IPO_BOM_ITEM(itm.index).ToList <WebReference.IPO_BOM_Line>();

                PdfPTable tbom = new PdfPTable(14);

                widths = new float[] { 15f, 50f, 15f, 10f, 10f, 10f, 10f, 10f, 10f, 10f, 10f, 10f, 10f, 10f };
                cell = new PdfPCell(new Phrase("Indeks", f)); tbom.AddCell(cell);
                cell = new PdfPCell(new Phrase("Nazwa", f)); tbom.AddCell(cell);
                cell = new PdfPCell(new Phrase("Do pobrania", f)); tbom.AddCell(cell);
                cell = new PdfPCell(new Phrase("Pobrano na RW", f)); tbom.AddCell(cell);
                cell = new PdfPCell(new Phrase("Wykorzystano", f)); tbom.AddCell(cell);
                cell = new PdfPCell(new Phrase("BRAK-1", f)); tbom.AddCell(cell);
                cell = new PdfPCell(new Phrase("BRAK-2", f)); tbom.AddCell(cell);
                cell = new PdfPCell(new Phrase("BRAK-3", f)); tbom.AddCell(cell);
                cell = new PdfPCell(new Phrase("BRAK-4", f)); tbom.AddCell(cell);
                cell = new PdfPCell(new Phrase("BRAK-5", f)); tbom.AddCell(cell);
                cell = new PdfPCell(new Phrase("BRAK-6", f)); tbom.AddCell(cell);
                cell = new PdfPCell(new Phrase("BRAK-7", f)); tbom.AddCell(cell);
                cell = new PdfPCell(new Phrase("BRAK-8", f)); tbom.AddCell(cell);
                cell = new PdfPCell(new Phrase("JW", f)); tbom.AddCell(cell);

                foreach (WebReference.IPO_BOM_Line b in bom)
                    WebReference.Item bitm = client.IPO_GET_ITEM_BY_ITM(b.item_id);

                    cell = new PdfPCell(new Phrase(bitm.index, f)); tbom.AddCell(cell);
                    cell = new PdfPCell(new Phrase(, f)); tbom.AddCell(cell);
                    cell = new PdfPCell(new Phrase((Convert.ToDouble(b.quantity) * (double)ord.quantity).ToString("###.00"), f)); tbom.AddCell(cell);
                    cell = new PdfPCell(new Phrase(".        .         .         . ", f)); tbom.AddCell(cell);
                    cell = new PdfPCell(new Phrase(" ", f)); tbom.AddCell(cell);
                    cell = new PdfPCell(new Phrase(" ", f)); tbom.AddCell(cell);
                    cell = new PdfPCell(new Phrase(" ", f)); tbom.AddCell(cell);
                    cell = new PdfPCell(new Phrase(" ", f)); tbom.AddCell(cell);
                    cell = new PdfPCell(new Phrase(" ", f)); tbom.AddCell(cell);
                    cell = new PdfPCell(new Phrase(" ", f)); tbom.AddCell(cell);
                    cell = new PdfPCell(new Phrase(" ", f)); tbom.AddCell(cell);
                    cell = new PdfPCell(new Phrase(" ", f)); tbom.AddCell(cell);
                    cell = new PdfPCell(new Phrase(" ", f)); tbom.AddCell(cell);
                    cell = new PdfPCell(new Phrase(" ", f)); tbom.AddCell(cell);


                document.Add(new Paragraph(" ", f));
                document.Add(new Paragraph("Informacja o marszrucie: ", fn));
                document.Add(new Paragraph(" ", f));

                PdfPTable mtab = new PdfPTable(5);
                widths = new float[] { 10f, 15f, 50f, 35f, 15f };

                cell = new PdfPCell(new Phrase("Nr operacji", f)); mtab.AddCell(cell);
                cell = new PdfPCell(new Phrase("Grupa operacji", f)); mtab.AddCell(cell);
                cell = new PdfPCell(new Phrase("Opis", f)); mtab.AddCell(cell);
                cell = new PdfPCell(new Phrase("Operacja", f)); mtab.AddCell(cell);
                cell = new PdfPCell(new Phrase("Nr_karty", f)); mtab.AddCell(cell);

                var marsz = from c in dbx.IPO_Marszruties
                            orderby c.Typ, c.Nr_oper
                where c.Indeks == itm.index && c.Typ == "M"
                select c;
                foreach (var l in marsz)
                    cell = new PdfPCell(new Phrase(l.Nr_oper.ToString(), f)); mtab.AddCell(cell);
                    cell = new PdfPCell(new Phrase(l.Grupa_oper, f)); mtab.AddCell(cell);
                    cell = new PdfPCell(new Phrase(l.Opis, f)); mtab.AddCell(cell);
                    cell = new PdfPCell(new Phrase(l.Operacja, f)); mtab.AddCell(cell);
                    cell = new PdfPCell(new Phrase(l.Nr_Karty, f)); mtab.AddCell(cell);


                var kart = (from c in marsz.Where(x => x.Nr_Karty != "") select new { KARTA = c.Nr_Karty }).Distinct();

                if (kart.Count() > 0)
                    var cykl = from g in kart
                               join k in dbx.F00192s.Where(x => x.CFSY == "48" && x.CFRT == "SN") on g.KARTA equals k.CFKY
                               select new { g.KARTA, NR = k.CFLINS / 100, k.CFDS80 };

                    PdfPTable kkc = new PdfPTable(23);
                    widths = new float[] { 10f, 25f, 45f, 14f, 14f, 14f, 14f, 14f, 14f, 14f, 14f, 14f, 14f, 14f, 14f, 14f, 14f, 14f, 14f, 14f, 14f, 14f, 14f };

                    cell = new PdfPCell(new Phrase("Nr", f)); kkc.AddCell(cell);
                    cell = new PdfPCell(new Phrase("Nr_karty", f)); kkc.AddCell(cell);
                    cell = new PdfPCell(new Phrase("Wymiar kontr.", f)); kkc.AddCell(cell);
                    cell = new PdfPCell(new Phrase("Pierw, szt 1-...", f)); kkc.AddCell(cell);
                    for (int t = 1; t < 20; t++)
                        cell = new PdfPCell(new Phrase("Spr" + t.ToString(), f)); kkc.AddCell(cell);

                    foreach (var c in cykl)
                        cell = new PdfPCell(new Phrase(c.NR.ToString(), f)); kkc.AddCell(cell);
                        cell = new PdfPCell(new Phrase(c.KARTA, f)); kkc.AddCell(cell);
                        cell = new PdfPCell(new Phrase(c.CFDS80, f)); kkc.AddCell(cell);
                        cell = new PdfPCell(new Phrase(".        .         .        ", f)); kkc.AddCell(cell);
                        for (int t = 1; t < 20; t++)
                            cell = new PdfPCell(new Phrase(" ", f)); kkc.AddCell(cell);

                    if (KKC)
                        if (cykl.Count() > 0)
                            document.Add(new Paragraph("KKC - KARTA KONTROLI CYKLU DO ZLECENIA IPO NR: " + nr_zlec.ToString(), fb));

                            document.Add(new Paragraph(" ", f));

                            document.Add(new Paragraph(" ", f));

                            document.Add(new Paragraph("Informacja  o marszrucie: ", fn));
                            document.Add(new Paragraph(" ", f));


                            string co_ile = "";

                            if (ord.quantity < 10)
                                co_ile = "Kontrolować wszystkie szt.";
                            if (ord.quantity >= 10)
                                co_ile = "Kontrolować co 10 szt.";
                            if (ord.quantity >= 50)
                                co_ile = "Kontrolować co 20 szt.";
                            if (ord.quantity >= 101)
                                co_ile = "Kontrolować co 50 szt.";
                            if (ord.quantity >= 1001)
                                co_ile = "Kontrolować co 150 szt.";
                            if (ord.quantity >= 3001)
                                co_ile = "Kontrolować co 300 szt.";
                            document.Add(new Paragraph(" ", f));
                            document.Add(new Paragraph("Wymiary kontrolne. " + co_ile, fb));
                            document.Add(new Paragraph(" ", f));




Beispiel #13
        public static List <Item> Lista_pozycji(int nr_zlec)
            var         srv    = new WebReference.Service1();
            List <Item> lst    = new List <Item>();
            var         db     = new db_raportyDataContext();
            var         db2008 = new DB2008DataContext();

            //skasuj stare rozpisy
            var do_skas = from c in db.IPO_ZDAWKA_PW_NORMAs where c.Nr_zlecenia_IPO == nr_zlec select c;


            var linie = from c in db.IPO_ZDAWKA_PWs
                        where c.Nr_zlecenia_IPO == nr_zlec
                        select c;

            double ilosc_zlec = (double)(from c in linie where c.RW_PW == "PW" select c.Ilosc).Sum();

            srv.Dodaj_rozpis_do_Tabeli(nr_zlec, 0, ilosc_zlec);

            var linie_norma = from c in db.IPO_ZDAWKA_PW_NORMAs
                              where c.Nr_zlecenia_IPO == nr_zlec && c.RW_PW == "RW"
                              select c;

            //wycen normę
            foreach (var l in linie_norma)
                var tkw = (from c in db.słownik_TKWs where c.Indeks.Trim() == l.Nr_indeksu.Trim() select c.Koszt).FirstOrDefault();

                if (l.RW_PW == "PW")
                    l.Koszt_IPO = Math.Round((double)tkw * (double)l.Ilosc, 3);
                if (l.RW_PW == "RW")
                    l.Koszt_IPO = Math.Round((double)tkw * (double)-l.Ilosc, 3);
                if (l.RW_PW == "PU")
                    l.Koszt_IPO = Math.Round((double)tkw * (double)-l.Ilosc, 3);


            //wyceń materiały - nie przejmujemy się jednostkami.
            foreach (var l in linie)
                var tkw = (from c in db.słownik_TKWs where c.Indeks.Trim() == l.Nr_indeksu.Trim() select c.Koszt).FirstOrDefault();

                if (l.RW_PW == "PW")
                    l.Koszt_IPO = Math.Round((double)tkw * (double)l.Ilosc, 3);
                if (l.RW_PW == "RW")
                    l.Koszt_IPO = Math.Round((double)tkw * (double)-l.Ilosc, 3);
                if (l.RW_PW == "PU")
                    l.Koszt_IPO = Math.Round((double)tkw * (double)-l.Ilosc, 3);


            var total = (from c in linie where c.RW_PW == "RW" select new { TYP = "JDE", c.Nr_zlecenia_IPO, Indeks = c.Nr_indeksu.Trim(), c.Nazwa_pozycji, c.Ilosc, c.Koszt_IPO })
                        .Concat(from g in linie_norma select new { TYP = "NORMA", g.Nr_zlecenia_IPO, Indeks = g.Nr_indeksu.Trim(), g.Nazwa_pozycji, g.Ilosc, g.Koszt_IPO }).ToArray();

            // zgrupuj

            //utwórz listę indeksów
            var lista_indeksow = (from c in total select c.Indeks).Distinct();

            foreach (var i in lista_indeksow)
                Item itm = new Item();

                var tmp = from c in total where c.Indeks == i select c;
                itm.Nr_zlecenia      = nr_zlec;
                itm.Indeks_wyrobu_zl = linie.Where(c => c.RW_PW == "PW").First().Nazwa_pozycji;
                itm.Nr_indeksu       = i;
                itm.Nazwa            = tmp.First().Nazwa_pozycji;
                itm.Ilość_JDE        = (double)(from c in tmp where c.TYP == "JDE" select c.Ilosc).Sum();
                itm.Wartość_JDE      = (double)(from c in tmp where c.TYP == "JDE" select c.Koszt_IPO).Sum();
                itm.Ilość_NORMA      = (double)(from c in tmp where c.TYP == "NORMA" select c.Ilosc).Sum();
                itm.Wartość_NORMA    = (double)(from c in tmp where c.TYP == "NORMA" select c.Koszt_IPO).Sum();
                itm.Różnica_ilość    = Math.Round(itm.Ilość_JDE + itm.Ilość_NORMA);
                itm.Różnica_wartość  = Math.Round(itm.Wartość_JDE + itm.Wartość_NORMA, 3);

