Beispiel #1
    /// <summary>
    /// Exports properties given in the array list.
    /// </summary>
    /// <param name="elem">List of properties to export</param>
    /// <param name="webPart">WebPart instance with data</param>
    private string GetProperties(ArrayList elem, WebPartInstance webPart)
        StringBuilder sb = new StringBuilder();

        // Iterate through all fields
        foreach (object o in elem)
            FormCategoryInfo fci = o as FormCategoryInfo;
            if (fci != null)
                // We have category now
                sb.Append(Environment.NewLine + fci.CategoryCaption + Environment.NewLine + Environment.NewLine + Environment.NewLine);
                // Form element
                FormFieldInfo ffi = o as FormFieldInfo;
                if (ffi != null)
                    object value = webPart.GetValue(ffi.Name);
                    sb.Append(ffi.Caption + ": " + (value == null ? "" : value.ToString()) + Environment.NewLine + Environment.NewLine);

Beispiel #2
    /// <summary>
    /// Control ID validation.
    /// </summary>
    private void formElem_OnItemValidation(object sender, ref string errorMessage)
        Control ctrl = (Control)sender;

        if (ctrl.ID.ToLowerCSafe() == "webpartcontrolid")
            FormEngineUserControl ctrlTextbox = (FormEngineUserControl)ctrl;
            string newId = ValidationHelper.GetString(ctrlTextbox.Value, null);

            // Validate unique ID
            WebPartInstance existingPart = pti.GetWebPart(newId);
            if ((existingPart != null) && ((webPartInstance == null) || (existingPart.InstanceGUID != webPartInstance.InstanceGUID)))
                // Error - duplicity IDs
                errorMessage = GetString("WebPartProperties.ErrorUniqueID");
                string uniqueId = WebPartZoneInstance.GetUniqueWebPartId(newId, pi.TemplateInstance);
                if (!uniqueId.EqualsCSafe(newId, true))
                    // Check if there is already a widget with the same id in the page
                    existingPart = pi.TemplateInstance.GetWebPart(newId);
                    if ((existingPart != null) && existingPart.IsWidget)
                        // Error - the ID collide with another widget which is already in the page
                        errorMessage = ResHelper.GetString("WidgetProperties.ErrorUniqueID");
    /// <summary>
    /// Loads the data row data from given web part instance.
    /// </summary>
    /// <param name="dr">DataRow to fill</param>
    /// <param name="webPart">Source web part</param>
    private static void LoadDataRowFromWebPart(DataRow dr, WebPartInstance webPart)
        foreach (DataColumn column in dr.Table.Columns)
                object value = webPart.GetValue(column.ColumnName);

                // Convert value into default format
                if (value != null)
                    if (column.DataType == typeof(decimal))
                        value = ValidationHelper.GetDouble(value, 0, "en-us");

                    if (column.DataType == typeof(DateTime))
                        value = ValidationHelper.GetDateTime(value, DateTime.MinValue, "en-us");

                DataHelper.SetDataRowValue(dr, column.ColumnName, value);
    /// <summary>
    /// PreInit event handler
    /// </summary>
    protected override void OnPreInit(EventArgs e)

        // Disable check save changes script
        DocumentManager.RegisterSaveChangesScript = false;

        // Check UI elements for web part zone
        var currentUser = MembershipContext.AuthenticatedUser;

        if (!currentUser.IsAuthorizedPerUIElement("CMS.Design", new string[] { "Design", "Design.WebPartZoneProperties" }, SiteContext.CurrentSiteName))
            RedirectToUIElementAccessDenied("CMS.Design", "Design;Design.WebPartZoneProperties");

        // When displaying an existing variant of a web part, get the variant mode for its original web part
        if ((variantId > 0) || (zoneVariantId > 0))
            PageTemplateInfo pti = PageTemplateInfoProvider.GetPageTemplateInfo(templateId);
            if ((pti != null) && ((pti.TemplateInstance != null)))
                // Get the original webpart and retrieve its variant mode
                WebPartInstance webpartInstance = pti.TemplateInstance.GetWebPart(instanceGuid, zoneVariantId, 0);
                if (webpartInstance != null)
                    variantMode = webpartInstance.VariantMode;
Beispiel #5
    /// <summary>
    /// Exports properties given in the array list.
    /// </summary>
    /// <param name="elem">List of properties to export</param>
    /// <param name="webPart">WebPart instance with data</param>
    private string GetProperties(IEnumerable <IDataDefinitionItem> elem, WebPartInstance webPart)
        StringBuilder sb = new StringBuilder();

        // Iterate through all fields
        foreach (object o in elem)
            FormCategoryInfo fci = o as FormCategoryInfo;
            if (fci != null)
                // We have category now
                sb.Append(Environment.NewLine + fci.GetPropertyValue(FormCategoryPropertyEnum.Caption, MacroContext.CurrentResolver) + Environment.NewLine + Environment.NewLine + Environment.NewLine);
                // Form element
                FormFieldInfo ffi = o as FormFieldInfo;
                if (ffi != null)
                    object value = webPart.GetValue(ffi.Name);
                    sb.Append(ffi.GetPropertyValue(FormFieldPropertyEnum.FieldCaption, MacroContext.CurrentResolver) + ": " + (value == null ? "" : value.ToString()) + Environment.NewLine + Environment.NewLine);

Beispiel #6
    protected override void OnInit(EventArgs e)

        // Check permissions for web part properties UI
        CurrentUserInfo currentUser = CMSContext.CurrentUser;

        if (!currentUser.IsAuthorizedPerUIElement("CMS.Content", "WebPartProperties.Code"))
            RedirectToCMSDeskUIElementAccessDenied("CMS.Content", "WebPartProperties.Code");

        if (webpartId != "")
            // Get page info
            pi = GetPageInfo(aliasPath, templateId);
            if (pi == null)
                this.Visible = false;

            pti = pi.PageTemplateInfo;
            if ((pti != null) && ((pti.TemplateInstance != null)))
                // Get web part instance
                webPart = pti.TemplateInstance.GetWebPart(instanceGuid, zoneVariantId, variantId) ?? pti.GetWebPart(webpartId);

                if (webPart != null)
                    txtCode.Text = ValidationHelper.GetString(webPart.GetValue("WebPartCode"), "");
    /// <summary>
    /// Initializes menu.
    /// </summary>
    protected void InitalizeMenu()
        if (webpartId != "")
            // get pageinfo
            PageInfo pi = GetPageInfo(aliasPath, templateId);
            if (pi == null)
                this.Visible = false;

            PageTemplateInfo pti = pi.PageTemplateInfo;
            if (pti != null)
                WebPartInfo wi = null;

                // Get web part
                WebPartInstance webPart = pti.GetWebPart(instanceGuid, webpartId);
                if (webPart != null)
                    wi = WebPartInfoProvider.GetWebPartInfo(webPart.WebPartType);
                    if (ValidationHelper.GetString(webPart.GetValue("WebPartCode"), "").Trim() != "")
                        showCodeTab = true;
                    if (webPart.Bindings.Count > 0)
                        showBindingTab = true;
                    wi = WebPartInfoProvider.GetWebPartInfo(ValidationHelper.GetInteger(webpartId, 0));

                if (wi != null)
                    // Generate documentation link
                    Literal ltr = new Literal();

                    string docScript = "NewWindow('" + ResolveUrl("~/CMSModules/PortalEngine/UI/WebParts/WebPartDocumentationPage.aspx") + "?webpartid=" + ScriptHelper.GetString(wi.WebPartName, false) + "', 'WebPartPropertiesDocumentation', 800, 800); return false;";

                    ltr.Text  = "<table cellpadding=\"0\" cellspacing=\"0\"><tr><td>";
                    ltr.Text += "<a onclick=\"" + docScript + "\" href=\"#\"><img src=\"" + ResolveUrl(GetImageUrl("CMSModules/CMS_PortalEngine/Documentation.png")) + "\" style=\"border-width: 0px;\"></a>";
                    ltr.Text += "</td>";
                    ltr.Text += "<td>";
                    ltr.Text += "<a onclick=\"" + docScript + "\" href=\"#\">" + GetString("WebPartPropertie.DocumentationLink") + "</a>";
                    ltr.Text += "</td></tr></table>";

                    PageTitle.TitleText = GetString("WebpartProperties.Title") + " (" + HTMLHelper.HTMLEncode(ResHelper.LocalizeString(wi.WebPartDisplayName)) + ")";

        CurrentUserInfo currentUser = CMSContext.CurrentUser;

        tabsElem.UrlTarget = "webpartpropertiescontent";
Beispiel #8
    /// <summary>
    /// Loads the data row data from given web part instance.
    /// </summary>
    /// <param name="dr">DataRow to fill</param>
    /// <param name="webPart">Source web part</param>
    /// <param name="formInfo">Web part form info</param>
    private void LoadDataRowFromWebPart(DataRow dr, WebPartInstance webPart, FormInfo formInfo)
        if (webPart != null)
            foreach (DataColumn column in dr.Table.Columns)
                    var  safeColumnName = column.ColumnName.ToLowerInvariant();
                    bool load           = true;
                    // switch by xml version
                    switch (xmlVersion)
                    case 1:
                        load = webPart.Properties.Contains(safeColumnName) || string.Equals("webpartcontrolid", safeColumnName, StringComparison.OrdinalIgnoreCase);

                    // Version 0
                        // Load default value for Boolean type in old XML version
                        if ((column.DataType == typeof(bool)) && !webPart.Properties.Contains(safeColumnName))
                            FormFieldInfo ffi = formInfo.GetFormField(column.ColumnName);
                            if (ffi != null)
                                webPart.SetValue(column.ColumnName, ffi.GetPropertyValue(FormFieldPropertyEnum.DefaultValue));

                    if (load)
                        var value = webPart.GetValue(column.ColumnName);

                        // Convert value into default format
                        if ((value != null) && (ValidationHelper.GetString(value, String.Empty) != String.Empty))
                            if (column.DataType == typeof(decimal))
                                value = ValidationHelper.GetDouble(value, 0, "en-us");

                            if (column.DataType == typeof(DateTime))
                                value = ValidationHelper.GetDateTime(value, DateTime.MinValue, "en-us");

                        DataHelper.SetDataRowValue(dr, column.ColumnName, value);
                catch (Exception ex)
                    EventLogProvider.LogException("WebPartProperties", "LOADDATAROW", ex);
    protected override void OnPreInit(EventArgs e)
        WebPartInstance webPart = null;

        // Check permissions for web part properties UI
        if (!MembershipContext.AuthenticatedUser.IsAuthorizedPerUIElement("CMS.Design", "WebPartProperties.Layout"))
            RedirectToUIElementAccessDenied("CMS.Design", "WebPartProperties.Layout");

        if (webpartId != "")
            // Get pageinfo
            PageInfo pi = GetPageInfo(aliasPath, templateId, cultureCode);
            if (pi == null)

            // Get page template
            PageTemplateInfo pti = pi.UsedPageTemplateInfo;
            if ((pti != null) && ((pti.TemplateInstance != null)))
                webPart = pti.TemplateInstance.GetWebPart(instanceGuid, zoneVariantId, variantId) ?? pti.TemplateInstance.GetWebPart(webpartId);

        if (webPart != null)
            WebPartInfo wpi = WebPartInfoProvider.GetWebPartInfo(webPart.WebPartType);
            layoutCodeName = QueryHelper.GetString("layoutcodename", String.Empty);

            if (String.IsNullOrEmpty(layoutCodeName))
                // Get the current layout name
                layoutCodeName = ValidationHelper.GetString(webPart.GetValue("WebPartLayout"), "");

            if (wpi != null)
                wpli = WebPartLayoutInfoProvider.GetWebPartLayoutInfo(wpi.WebPartName, layoutCodeName);
                if (wpli != null)
                    if ((layoutCodeName != "|default|") && (layoutCodeName != "|new|") && !QueryHelper.GetBoolean("tabmode", false))
                        string url = UIContextHelper.GetElementUrl("CMS.Design", "Design.WebPartProperties.LayoutEdit", false, wpli.WebPartLayoutID);
                        url = URLHelper.AppendQuery(url, RequestContext.CurrentQueryString);
                        url = URLHelper.AddParameterToUrl(url, "tabmode", "1");
    protected void Page_Load(object sender, EventArgs e)
        // Check permissions for web part properties UI
        var currentUser = MembershipContext.AuthenticatedUser;

        if (!currentUser.IsAuthorizedPerUIElement("CMS.Design", "WebPartProperties.Layout"))
            RedirectToUIElementAccessDenied("CMS.Design", "WebPartProperties.Layout");

        WebPartInstance webPart = null;

        if (webpartId != "")
            // Get pageinfo
            PageInfo pi = GetPageInfo(aliasPath, templateId, cultureCode);
            if (pi != null)
                // Get page template
                PageTemplateInfo pti = pi.UsedPageTemplateInfo;

                // Get web part
                if ((pti != null) && ((pti.TemplateInstance != null)))
                    webPart = pti.TemplateInstance.GetWebPart(instanceGuid, zoneVariantId, variantId) ?? pti.TemplateInstance.GetWebPart(webpartId);

        // If the web part is not found, do not continue
        if (webPart != null)
            WebPartInfo wpi = WebPartInfoProvider.GetWebPartInfo(webPart.WebPartType);
            if (wpi != null)
                // Get the current layout name
                if (String.IsNullOrEmpty(LayoutCodeName))
                    // Get the current layout name
                    LayoutCodeName = ValidationHelper.GetString(webPart.GetValue("WebPartLayout"), "");

                // Load the web part information
                if (LayoutCodeName != "")
                    WebPartLayoutInfo wpli = WebPartLayoutInfoProvider.GetWebPartLayoutInfo(wpi.WebPartName, LayoutCodeName);
                    SetEditedObject(wpli, null);

        // Set page tabs
        SetTab(0, GetString("general.general"), "webpartproperties_layout.aspx" + RequestContext.CurrentQueryString, null);
Beispiel #11
    /// <summary>
    /// Loads the data row data from given web part instance.
    /// </summary>
    /// <param name="dr">DataRow to fill</param>
    /// <param name="webPart">Source web part</param>
    private void LoadDataRowFromWebPart(DataRow dr, WebPartInstance webPart, FormInfo fi)
        foreach (DataColumn column in dr.Table.Columns)
                bool load = true;
                // switch by xml version
                switch (xmlVersion)
                case 1:
                    load = webPart.Properties.Contains(column.ColumnName.ToLowerCSafe()) || column.ColumnName.EqualsCSafe("webpartcontrolid", true);

                // Version 0
                    // Load default value for Boolean type in old XML version
                    if ((column.DataType == typeof(bool)) && !webPart.Properties.Contains(column.ColumnName.ToLowerCSafe()))
                        FormFieldInfo ffi = fi.GetFormField(column.ColumnName);
                        if (ffi != null)
                            webPart.SetValue(column.ColumnName, ffi.DefaultValue);

                if (load)
                    object value = webPart.GetValue(column.ColumnName);

                    // Convert value into default format
                    if ((value != null) && (ValidationHelper.GetString(value, String.Empty) != String.Empty))
                        if (column.DataType == typeof(decimal))
                            value = ValidationHelper.GetDouble(value, 0, "en-us");

                        if (column.DataType == typeof(DateTime))
                            value = ValidationHelper.GetDateTime(value, DateTime.MinValue, "en-us");

                    DataHelper.SetDataRowValue(dr, column.ColumnName, value);
    protected override void OnPreInit(EventArgs e)
        WebPartInstance webPart = null;

        // Check permissions for web part properties UI
        if (!CMSContext.CurrentUser.IsAuthorizedPerUIElement("CMS.Content", "WebPartProperties.Layout"))
            RedirectToCMSDeskUIElementAccessDenied("CMS.Content", "WebPartProperties.Layout");

        if (webpartId != "")
            // Get pageinfo
            PageInfo pi = GetPageInfo(aliasPath, templateId, cultureCode);
            if (pi == null)

            // Get page template
            PageTemplateInfo pti = pi.UsedPageTemplateInfo;
            if ((pti != null) && ((pti.TemplateInstance != null)))
                webPart = pti.TemplateInstance.GetWebPart(instanceGuid, zoneVariantId, variantId) ?? pti.GetWebPart(webpartId);

        if (webPart != null)
            WebPartInfo wpi = WebPartInfoProvider.GetWebPartInfo(webPart.WebPartType);
            layoutCodeName = QueryHelper.GetString("layoutcodename", String.Empty);

            if (String.IsNullOrEmpty(layoutCodeName))
                // Get the current layout name
                layoutCodeName = ValidationHelper.GetString(webPart.GetValue("WebPartLayout"), "");

            if (wpi != null)
                wpli = WebPartLayoutInfoProvider.GetWebPartLayoutInfo(wpi.WebPartName, layoutCodeName);
                if (wpli != null)
                    if ((layoutCodeName != "|default|") && (layoutCodeName != "|new|"))
                        SetEditedObject(wpli, "WebPartProperties_layout_frameset_frameset.aspx");

    /// <summary>
    /// Initializes menu.
    /// </summary>
    protected void InitializeMenu()
        if (webpartId != string.Empty)
            // get pageinfo
            PageInfo pi = GetPageInfo(aliasPath, templateId, cultureCode);
            if (pi == null)
                Visible = false;

            PageTemplateInfo pti = pi.UsedPageTemplateInfo;
            if (pti != null)
                // Get web part
                WebPartInstance webPart = pti.TemplateInstance.GetWebPart(instanceGuid, webpartId);

                // New webpart is loaded via WebPartID
                if ((webPart == null) && !isNew)
                    // Clone templateInstance to avoid caching of the temporary template instance loaded with CP/MVT variants
                    var tempTemplateInstance = pti.TemplateInstance.Clone();
                    tempTemplateInstance.LoadVariants(false, VariantModeEnum.None);

                    webPart = tempTemplateInstance.GetWebPart(instanceGuid, -1, 0);

                WebPartInfo wi = (webPart != null) ? WebPartInfoProvider.GetWebPartInfo(webPart.WebPartType) :
                                 WebPartInfoProvider.GetWebPartInfo(ValidationHelper.GetInteger(webpartId, 0));

                if (wi != null)
                    type = (WebPartTypeEnum)wi.WebPartType;

                    // Generate documentation link
                    Literal ltr       = new Literal();
                    string  docScript = "NewWindow('" + ResolveUrl("~/CMSModules/PortalEngine/UI/WebParts/WebPartDocumentationPage.aspx") + "?webpartid=" + ScriptHelper.GetString(wi.WebPartName, false) + "', 'WebPartPropertiesDocumentation', 800, 800); return false;";
                    string  tooltip   = GetString("help.tooltip");
                    ltr.Text += String.Format
                                    ("<div class=\"action-button\"><a onclick=\"{0}\" href=\"#\"><span class=\"sr-only\">{1}</span><i class=\"icon-modal-question cms-icon-80\" title=\"{1}\" aria-hidden=\"true\"></i></a></div>",
                                    docScript, tooltip);

                    pageTitle.TitleText = GetString("WebpartProperties.Title") + " (" + HTMLHelper.HTMLEncode(ResHelper.LocalizeString(wi.WebPartDisplayName)) + ")";

        tabsElem.UrlTarget = "webpartpropertiescontent";
Beispiel #14
    /// <summary>
    /// Control ID validation.
    /// </summary>
    private void formElem_OnItemValidation(object sender, ref string errorMessage)
        Control ctrl = (Control)sender;

        if (string.Equals("webpartcontrolid", ctrl.ID, StringComparison.OrdinalIgnoreCase))
            FormEngineUserControl ctrlTextbox = (FormEngineUserControl)ctrl;

            // New web part control id
            string newControlId = ValidationHelper.GetString(ctrlTextbox.Value, null);

            // Load the web part variants if not loaded yet
            if ((PortalContext.MVTVariantsEnabled && !templateInstance.MVTVariantsLoaded) ||
                (PortalContext.ContentPersonalizationEnabled && !templateInstance.ContentPersonalizationVariantsLoaded))
                templateInstance.LoadVariants(false, VariantModeEnum.None);

            // Check control ID validity
            if (!ValidationHelper.IsIdentifier(newControlId))
                errorMessage = GetString("webpartproperties.controlid.allowedcharacters");

            // New or changed web part control id
            bool checkIdUniqueness = IsNewWebPart || IsNewVariant || (webPartInstance == null) || (webPartInstance.ControlID != newControlId);

            // Try to find a web part with the same web part control id amongst all the web parts and their variants
            if (checkIdUniqueness &&
                (templateInstance.GetWebPart(newControlId, true) != null))
                // Error - duplicity IDs
                errorMessage = GetString("WebPartProperties.ErrorUniqueID");
                string uniqueId = GetUniqueWebPartId(newControlId);
                if (!string.Equals(uniqueId, newControlId, StringComparison.InvariantCultureIgnoreCase))
                    // Check if there is already a widget with the same id in the page
                    WebPartInstance foundWidget = pi.TemplateInstance.GetWebPart(newControlId);
                    if ((foundWidget != null) && foundWidget.IsWidget)
                        // Error - the ID collide with another widget which is already in the page
                        errorMessage = ResHelper.GetString("WidgetProperties.ErrorUniqueID");
Beispiel #15
    /// <summary>
    /// Adds widget.
    /// </summary>
    private void AddWidget()
        int widgetID = ValidationHelper.GetInteger(WidgetId, 0);

        // Add web part to the currently selected zone under currently selected page
        if ((widgetID > 0) && !String.IsNullOrEmpty(ZoneId))
            if (wi != null)
                // Ensure layout zone flag
                if (QueryHelper.GetBoolean("layoutzone", false))
                    WebPartZoneInstance zone = pti.EnsureZone(ZoneId);
                    zone.LayoutZone     = true;
                    zone.WidgetZoneType = zoneType;

                    // Ensure the layout zone flag in the original page template instance
                    WebPartZoneInstance zoneInstance = templateInstance.GetZone(ZoneId);
                    if (zoneInstance != null)
                        zoneInstance.LayoutZone = true;
                        zone.WidgetZoneType     = zoneType;

                // Add the widget
                WebPartInstance newWidget = templateInstance.AddWidget(ZoneId, widgetID);
                if (newWidget != null)
                    // Prepare the form info to get the default properties
                    FormInfo fi = new FormInfo(wi.WidgetProperties);

                    DataRow dr = fi.GetDataRow();


                    // Add webpart to user's last recently used

                    widgetInstance = newWidget;
Beispiel #16
    /// <summary>
    /// Control ID validation.
    /// </summary>
    protected void formElem_OnItemValidation(object sender, ref string errorMessage)
        Control ctrl = (Control)sender;

        if (String.Compare(ctrl.ID, "widgetcontrolid", StringComparison.InvariantCultureIgnoreCase) == 0)
            TextBox ctrlTextbox = (TextBox)ctrl;
            string  newId       = ctrlTextbox.Text;

            // Validate unique ID
            WebPartInstance existingPart = pti.GetWebPart(newId);
            if ((existingPart != null) && (existingPart != widgetInstance) && (existingPart.InstanceGUID != widgetInstance.InstanceGUID))
                // Error - duplicit IDs
                errorMessage = GetString("Widgets.Properties.ErrorUniqueID");
    /// <summary>
    /// PreInit event handler
    /// </summary>
    protected override void OnPreInit(EventArgs e)

        // When displaying an existing variant of a web part, get the variant mode for its original web part
        if ((variantId > 0) || (zoneVariantId > 0))
            PageTemplateInfo pti = PageTemplateInfoProvider.GetPageTemplateInfo(templateId);
            if ((pti != null) && ((pti.TemplateInstance != null)))
                // Get the original webpart and retrieve its variant mode
                WebPartInstance webpartInstance = pti.TemplateInstance.GetWebPart(instanceGuid, zoneVariantId, 0);
                if (webpartInstance != null)
                    variantMode = webpartInstance.VariantMode;
    /// <summary>
    /// Control ID validation.
    /// </summary>
    protected void formElem_OnItemValidation(object sender, ref string errorMessage)
        Control ctrl = (Control)sender;

        if (CMSString.Compare(ctrl.ID, "widgetcontrolid", true) == 0)
            TextBox ctrlTextbox = (TextBox)ctrl;
            string  newId       = ctrlTextbox.Text;

            var pti = CMSPortalManager.GetTemplateInstanceForEditing(CurrentPageInfo);

            // Validate unique ID
            WebPartInstance existingPart = pti.GetWebPart(newId);
            if ((existingPart != null) && (existingPart != mWidgetInstance) && (existingPart.InstanceGUID != mWidgetInstance.InstanceGUID))
                // Error - duplicated IDs
                errorMessage = GetString("Widgets.Properties.ErrorUniqueID");
    /// <summary>
    /// OnInit
    /// </summary>
    protected override void OnInit(EventArgs e)

        // Check permissions for web part properties UI
        CurrentUserInfo currentUser = CMSContext.CurrentUser;

        if (!currentUser.IsAuthorizedPerUIElement("CMS.Content", "WebPartProperties.Code"))
            RedirectToCMSDeskUIElementAccessDenied("CMS.Content", "WebPartProperties.Code");

        if (webpartId != "")
            // Get page info
            pi = GetPageInfo(aliasPath, templateId, cultureCode);
            if (pi == null)
                Visible = false;

            pti = pi.UsedPageTemplateInfo;
            if ((pti != null) && ((pti.TemplateInstance != null)))
                // Get web part instance
                webPart = pti.TemplateInstance.GetWebPart(instanceGuid, zoneVariantId, variantId) ?? pti.GetWebPart(webpartId);

                if (webPart != null)
                    txtCode.Text = ValidationHelper.GetString(webPart.GetValue("WebPartCode"), "");
                EditedObject = webPart;
    protected void Page_Load(object sender, EventArgs e)
        // Check permissions for web part properties UI
        CurrentUserInfo currentUser = CMSContext.CurrentUser;
        if (!currentUser.IsAuthorizedPerUIElement("CMS.Content", "WebPartProperties.Layout"))
            RedirectToCMSDeskUIElementAccessDenied("CMS.Content", "WebPartProperties.Layout");

        // Check saved
        bool saved = false;
        if (QueryHelper.GetBoolean("saved", false))
            saved = true;
            lblInfo.Visible = true;
            lblInfo.Text = GetString("General.ChangesSaved");

        // Init GUI
        mCheckOut = GetString("WebPartLayout.CheckOut");
        mCheckIn = GetString("WebPartLayout.CheckIn");
        mUndoCheckOut = GetString("WebPartLayout.DiscardCheckOut");
        mSave = GetString("General.Save");

        this.imgSave.ImageUrl = GetImageUrl("CMSModules/CMS_Content/EditMenu/Save.png");

        this.imgCheckIn.ImageUrl = GetImageUrl("CMSModules/CMS_Content/EditMenu/checkin.png");
        this.imgCheckOut.ImageUrl = GetImageUrl("CMSModules/CMS_Content/EditMenu/checkout.png");

        this.imgUndoCheckOut.ImageUrl = GetImageUrl("CMSModules/CMS_Content/EditMenu/undocheckout.png");
        this.btnUndoCheckOut.OnClientClick = "return confirm(" + ScriptHelper.GetString(GetString("General.ConfirmUndoCheckOut")) + ");";

        if (webpartId != "")
            // Get pageinfo
            pi = GetPageInfo(aliasPath, templateId);
            if (pi == null)
                this.lblInfo.Text = GetString("WebPartProperties.WebPartNotFound");
                this.pnlFormArea.Visible = false;

            // Get page template
            pti = pi.PageTemplateInfo;
            if ((pti != null) && ((pti.TemplateInstance != null)))
                webPart = pti.TemplateInstance.GetWebPart(instanceGuid, zoneVariantId, variantId) ?? pti.GetWebPart(webpartId);

        // If the web part is not found, do not continue
        if (webPart == null)
            this.lblInfo.Text = GetString("WebPartProperties.WebPartNotFound");
            this.pnlFormArea.Visible = false;

            if (String.IsNullOrEmpty(LayoutCodeName))
                // Get the current layout name
                LayoutCodeName = ValidationHelper.GetString(webPart.GetValue("WebPartLayout"), "");

        WebPartInfo wpi = WebPartInfoProvider.GetWebPartInfo(webPart.WebPartType);
        if (wpi != null)
            // Load the web part information
            webPartInfo = wpi;
            bool loaded = false;

            if (!RequestHelper.IsPostBack())
                pnlMenu.Visible = false;
                pnlCheckOutInfo.Visible = false;

                if (LayoutCodeName != "")
                    WebPartLayoutInfo wpli = WebPartLayoutInfoProvider.GetWebPartLayoutInfo(wpi.WebPartName, LayoutCodeName);
                    if (wpli != null)
                        if ((LayoutCodeName != "|default|") && (LayoutCodeName != "|new|"))
                            SetEditedObject(wpli, "WebPartProperties_layout_frameset_frameset.aspx");

                        pnlMenu.Visible = true;
                        pnlCheckOutInfo.Visible = true;

                        // Read-only code text area
                        etaCode.ReadOnly = false;
                        etaCSS.ReadOnly = false;

                        // Set checkout panel

                        etaCode.Text = wpli.WebPartLayoutCode;
                        etaCSS.Text = wpli.WebPartLayoutCSS;
                        loaded = true;

                if (!loaded)
                    string fileName = webPartInfo.WebPartFileName;

                    if (webPartInfo.WebPartParentID > 0)
                        WebPartInfo pwpi = WebPartInfoProvider.GetWebPartInfo(webPartInfo.WebPartParentID);
                        if (pwpi != null)
                            fileName = pwpi.WebPartFileName;

                    if (!fileName.StartsWith("~"))
                        fileName = "~/CMSWebparts/" + fileName;

                    // Check if filename exist
                    if (!FileHelper.FileExists(fileName))
                        lblError.Text = GetString("WebPartProperties.FileNotExist");
                        lblError.Visible = true;
                        plcContent.Visible = false;
                        // Load default web part layout code
                        etaCode.Text = File.ReadAllText(Server.MapPath(fileName));

                        // Load default web part CSS
                        etaCSS.Text = wpi.WebPartCSS;

        btnOnOK.Click += new EventHandler(btnOnOK_Click);

        ScriptHelper.RegisterClientScriptBlock(this, typeof(string), "ApplyButton", ScriptHelper.GetScript(
               "function SetRefresh(refreshpage) { document.getElementById('" + this.hidRefresh.ClientID + "').value = refreshpage; } \n" +
               "function OnApplyButton(refreshpage) { SetRefresh(refreshpage); " + Page.ClientScript.GetPostBackEventReference(lnkSave, "") + "} \n" +
               "function OnOKButton(refreshpage) { SetRefresh(refreshpage); " + Page.ClientScript.GetPostBackEventReference(btnOnOK, "") + "} \n"

        if (saved && (LayoutCodeName == "|new|"))
            // Refresh menu
            string query = URLHelper.Url.Query;
            query = URLHelper.AddParameterToUrl(query, "layoutcodename", webPart.GetValue("WebPartLayout").ToString());
            query = URLHelper.AddParameterToUrl(query, "reload", "true");

            string scriptText = ScriptHelper.GetScript(@"parent.frames['webpartpropertiesmenu'].location = 'webpartproperties_layout_menu.aspx" + query + "';");
            ScriptHelper.RegisterStartupScript(this, typeof(string), "ReloadAfterNewLayout", scriptText);

        if (!RequestHelper.IsPostBack())

        this.plcCssLink.Visible = String.IsNullOrEmpty(etaCSS.Text.Trim());
        this.lnkStyles.Visible = !String.IsNullOrEmpty(LayoutCodeName) && (LayoutCodeName != "|default|");
    /// <summary>
    /// Loads the data row data from given web part instance.
    /// </summary>
    /// <param name="dr">DataRow to fill</param>
    /// <param name="webPart">Source web part</param>
    private static void LoadDataRowFromWebPart(DataRow dr, WebPartInstance webPart)
        foreach (DataColumn column in dr.Table.Columns)
                object value = webPart.GetValue(column.ColumnName);

                // Convert value into default format
                if (value != null)
                    if (column.DataType == typeof(decimal))
                        value = ValidationHelper.GetDouble(value, 0, "en-us");

                    if (column.DataType == typeof(DateTime))
                        value = ValidationHelper.GetDateTime(value, DateTime.MinValue, "en-us");

                DataHelper.SetDataRowValue(dr, column.ColumnName, value);
    protected override void OnInit(EventArgs e)
        // Do not check changes
        DocumentManager.RegisterSaveChangesScript = false;

        EditForm.OnBeforeSave += EditForm_OnBeforeSave;

        etaCode.Editor.Language = LanguageEnum.HTML;
        etaCSS.Editor.Language = LanguageEnum.CSS;

        wpli = CMSContext.EditedObject as WebPartLayoutInfo;

        layoutID = QueryHelper.GetInteger("layoutid", 0);

        isSiteManager = ((CMSContext.CurrentUser.IsGlobalAdministrator && layoutID != 0) || QueryHelper.GetBoolean("sitemanager", false));
        isNew = (LayoutCodeName == "|new|");
        isDefault = (LayoutCodeName == "|default|") || (!isSiteManager && string.IsNullOrEmpty(LayoutCodeName));

        if ((wpli == null) && isSiteManager)
            isNew = true;

        if (wpli == null)
            editMenuElem.ObjectManager.ObjectType = PredefinedObjectType.WEBPARTLAYOUT;

        ScriptHelper.RegisterClientScriptBlock(Page, typeof(string), "PreviewHierarchyPerformAction", ScriptHelper.GetScript("function actionPerformed(action) { if (action == 'saveandclose') { document.getElementById('" + hdnClose.ClientID + "').value = '1'; } " + editMenuElem.ObjectManager.GetJSFunction(ComponentEvents.SAVE, null, null) + "; }"));


        currentUser = CMSContext.CurrentUser;

        // Get webpart instance (if edited in CMSDesk)
        if ((webpartId != "") && !isSiteManager)
            // Get pageinfo
            pi = CMSWebPartPropertiesPage.GetPageInfo(aliasPath, templateId, culture);
            if (pi == null)
                ShowInformation(GetString("WebPartProperties.WebPartNotFound"), null, false);

            // Get page template
            pti = pi.UsedPageTemplateInfo;
            if ((pti != null) && ((pti.TemplateInstance != null)))
                webPart = pti.TemplateInstance.GetWebPart(instanceGuid, zoneVariantId, variantId) ?? pti.GetWebPart(webpartId);

        // If the web part is not found, try webpart ID
        if (webPart == null)
            // Site manager
            wpi = WebPartInfoProvider.GetWebPartInfo(ValidationHelper.GetInteger(webpartId, 0));
            if (wpi == null)
                ShowError(GetString("WebPartProperties.WebPartNotFound"), null, null);
                startWithFullScreen = false;
            // CMS desk
            wpi = WebPartInfoProvider.GetWebPartInfo(webPart.WebPartType);
            if (string.IsNullOrEmpty(LayoutCodeName))
                // Get the current layout name
                LayoutCodeName = ValidationHelper.GetString(webPart.GetValue("WebPartLayout"), "");

        if (wpi != null)
            if (CMSObjectHelper.UseCheckinCheckout && (!isNew || isSiteManager))
                pnlFormArea.CssClass = "PreviewDefaultContentLarge";
                pnlFormArea.CssClass = "PreviewDefaultContent";

            // Load the web part information
            webPartInfo = wpi;
            bool loaded = false;

            if (!RequestHelper.IsPostBack())
                if (wpli != null)
                    editMenuElem.MenuPanel.Visible = true;

                    // Read-only code text area
                    etaCode.Editor.ReadOnly = false;
                    loaded = true;

                if (!loaded)
                    string fileName = webPartInfo.WebPartFileName;

                    if (webPartInfo.WebPartParentID > 0)
                        WebPartInfo pwpi = WebPartInfoProvider.GetWebPartInfo(webPartInfo.WebPartParentID);
                        if (pwpi != null)
                            fileName = pwpi.WebPartFileName;

                    if (!fileName.StartsWithCSafe("~"))
                        fileName = "~/CMSWebparts/" + fileName;

                    // Check if filename exist
                    if (!FileHelper.FileExists(fileName))
                        ShowError(GetString("WebPartProperties.FileNotExist"), null, null);
                        plcContent.Visible = false;
                        // Load default web part layout code
                        etaCode.Text = File.ReadAllText(Server.MapPath(fileName));

                        // Load default web part CSS
                        etaCSS.Text = wpi.WebPartCSS;
                        startWithFullScreen = false;

        if ((wpli == null) && isSiteManager)
            pnlFormArea.CssClass += " NewPreviewContent";

            var breadcrumbs = new string[2, 3];
            breadcrumbs[0, 0] = GetString("WebParts.Layout");
            breadcrumbs[0, 1] = ResolveUrl("~/CMSModules/PortalEngine/UI/WebParts/Development/WebPart_Edit_Layout.aspx?webpartid=" + QueryHelper.GetInteger("webpartid", 0));
            breadcrumbs[1, 0] = GetString("webparts_layout_newlayout");
            editMenuElem.PageTitleBreadcrumbs = breadcrumbs;

        ScriptHelper.RegisterClientScriptBlock(this, typeof(string), "ApplyButton", ScriptHelper.GetScript(
            "function SetRefresh(refreshpage) { document.getElementById('" + hidRefresh.ClientID + @"').value = refreshpage; }
             function OnApplyButton(refreshpage) { SetRefresh(refreshpage); actionPerformed('save');refreshPreview(); }
             function OnOKButton(refreshpage) { SetRefresh(refreshpage); actionPerformed('saveandclose'); } "));


        plcCssLink.Visible = string.IsNullOrEmpty(etaCSS.Text.Trim());

    /// <summary>
    /// Loads the web part form.
    /// </summary>
    protected void LoadForm()
        // Load settings
        if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(Request.Form[hdnIsNewWebPart.UniqueID]))
            IsNewWebPart = ValidationHelper.GetBoolean(Request.Form[hdnIsNewWebPart.UniqueID], false);
        if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(Request.Form[hdnInstanceGUID.UniqueID]))
            InstanceGUID = ValidationHelper.GetGuid(Request.Form[hdnInstanceGUID.UniqueID], Guid.Empty);

        // Indicates whether the new variant should be chosen when closing this dialog
        selectNewVariant = IsNewVariant;

        // Try to find the web part variant in the database and set its VariantID
        if (IsNewVariant)
            Hashtable varProperties = WindowHelper.GetItem("variantProperties") as Hashtable;
            if (varProperties != null)
                // Get the variant code name from the WindowHelper
                string variantName = ValidationHelper.GetString(varProperties["codename"], string.Empty);

                // Check if the variant exists in the database
                int variantIdFromDB = VariantHelper.GetVariantID(VariantMode, PageTemplateID, variantName, true);

                // Set the variant id from the database
                if (variantIdFromDB > 0)
                    VariantID = variantIdFromDB;
                    IsNewVariant = false;

        if (!String.IsNullOrEmpty(WebPartID))
            // Get the page info
            pi = CMSWebPartPropertiesPage.GetPageInfo(AliasPath, PageTemplateID, CultureCode);
            if (pi != null)
                // Get template
                pti = pi.UsedPageTemplateInfo;

                // Get template instance
                templateInstance = pti.TemplateInstance;

                if (!IsNewWebPart)
                    // Standard zone
                    webPartInstance = templateInstance.GetWebPart(InstanceGUID, WebPartID);

                    // If the web part not found, try to find it among the MVT/CP variants
                    if (webPartInstance == null)
                        // MVT/CP variant
                        templateInstance.LoadVariants(false, VariantModeEnum.None);
                        webPartInstance = templateInstance.GetWebPart(InstanceGUID, -1, 0);

                        // Set the VariantMode according to the selected web part/zone variant
                        if ((webPartInstance != null) && (webPartInstance.ParentZone != null))
                            VariantMode = (webPartInstance.VariantMode != VariantModeEnum.None) ? webPartInstance.VariantMode : webPartInstance.ParentZone.VariantMode;
                            VariantMode = VariantModeEnum.None;
                        // Ensure that the ZoneVariantID is not set when the web part was found in a regular zone
                        ZoneVariantID = 0;

                    if ((VariantID > 0) && (webPartInstance != null) && (webPartInstance.PartInstanceVariants != null))
                        // Check OnlineMarketing permissions.
                        if (CheckPermissions("Read"))
                            webPartInstance = webPartInstance.FindVariant(VariantID);
                            // Not authorized for OnlineMarketing - Manage.
                            RedirectToInformation(String.Format(GetString("general.permissionresource"), "Read", (VariantMode == VariantModeEnum.ContentPersonalization) ? "CMS.ContentPersonalization" : "CMS.MVTest"));

                    if (webPartInstance == null)
                        UIContext.EditedObject = null;

                mainWebPartInstance = webPartInstance;

                // Keep xml version
                if (webPartInstance != null)
                    xmlVersion = webPartInstance.XMLVersion;

                    // If data source ID set, edit the data source
                    if (NestedWebPartID > 0)
                        webPartInstance = webPartInstance.NestedWebParts[NestedWebPartKey] ?? new WebPartInstance() { InstanceGUID = Guid.NewGuid() };

                // Get the form info
                FormInfo fi = GetWebPartFormInfo();

                // Get the form definition
                if (fi != null)
                    fi.ContextResolver.Settings.RelatedObject = templateInstance;
                    form.AllowMacroEditing = ((WebPartTypeEnum)wpi.WebPartType != WebPartTypeEnum.Wireframe);

                    // Get data row with required columns
                    DataRow dr = fi.GetDataRow();

                    if (IsNewWebPart || (xmlVersion > 0))

                    // Load values from existing web part
                    LoadDataRowFromWebPart(dr, webPartInstance, fi);

                    // Set a unique WebPartControlID for the new variant
                    if (IsNewVariant || IsNewWebPart)
                        // Set control ID
                        string webPartControlId = ValidationHelper.GetCodeName(wpi.WebPartDisplayName);
                        dr["WebPartControlID"] = WebPartZoneInstance.GetUniqueWebPartId(webPartControlId, templateInstance);

                    // Init the form
                    InitForm(form, dr, fi);

                    UIContext.EditedObject = null;
    protected override void OnLoad(EventArgs e)

        CurrentMaster.DisplaySiteSelectorPanel = true;

        if (webpartId != "")
            // Get pageinfo
            pi = GetPageInfo(aliasPath, templateId, cultureCode);
            if (pi == null)

            // Get page template
            pti = pi.UsedPageTemplateInfo;
            if ((pti != null) && ((pti.TemplateInstance != null)))
                webPart = pti.TemplateInstance.GetWebPart(instanceGuid, zoneVariantId, variantId) ?? pti.TemplateInstance.GetWebPart(webpartId);

        bool hide = false;

        // If the web part is not found, do not continue
        // Redirect to information is in main window, just hide selector
        if (webPart == null)
            hide = true;
            webPartInfo = WebPartInfoProvider.GetWebPartInfo(webPart.WebPartType);
            if (webPartInfo == null)
                hide = true;

            // Get the current layout name
            if (String.IsNullOrEmpty(LayoutCodeName))
                mLayoutCodeName = ValidationHelper.GetString(webPart.GetValue("WebPartLayout"), "");

        if (hide)
            pnlContent.Visible = false;

        // Strings
        lblLayouts.Text = GetString("WebPartPropertise.LayoutList");

        // Add default drop down items
        selectLayout.ShowDefaultItem = true;

        // Add new item
        if (CurrentUser.IsAuthorizedPerResource("CMS.Design", "EditCode"))
            selectLayout.ShowNewItem = true;

        // Set where condition
        selectLayout.WhereCondition = "WebPartLayoutWebPartID =" + webPartInfo.WebPartID;

        // Hide loader, it appears on wrong position because of small frame
        selectLayout.UniSelector.OnBeforeClientChanged = "if (window.Loader) { window.Loader.hide(); }";

        // Load layouts
        if (!RequestHelper.IsPostBack() && (LayoutCodeName != ""))
            selectLayout.Value = LayoutCodeName;

        // Reload the content page if required
        if (!RequestHelper.IsPostBack() || QueryHelper.GetBoolean("reload", false))
    /// <summary>
    /// Saves widget properties.
    /// </summary>
    public bool Save()
        if (VariantID > 0)
            // Check MVT/CP security
            if (!CheckPermissions("Manage"))
                return false;

        // Save the data
        if ((CurrentPageInfo != null) && (templateInstance != null) && SaveForm(formCustom))
            ViewModeEnum viewMode = PortalContext.ViewMode;

            // Check manage permission for non-livesite version
            if (!viewMode.IsLiveSite() && (viewMode != ViewModeEnum.DashboardWidgets))
                if (CurrentUser.IsAuthorizedPerDocument(CurrentPageInfo.NodeID, CurrentPageInfo.ClassName, NodePermissionsEnum.Modify) != AuthorizationResultEnum.Allowed)
                    return false;

                // Check design permissions
                if (PortalContext.IsDesignMode(viewMode, false) && !PortalContext.CurrentUserIsDesigner)
                    RedirectToAccessDenied("CMS.Design", "Design");

            PageTemplateInfo pti = templateInstance.ParentPageTemplate;
            if (PortalContext.IsDesignMode(viewMode) && SynchronizationHelper.IsCheckedOutByOtherUser(pti))
                string userName = null;
                UserInfo ui = UserInfoProvider.GetUserInfo(pti.Generalized.IsCheckedOutByUserID);
                if (ui != null)
                    userName = HTMLHelper.HTMLEncode(ui.GetFormattedUserName(IsLiveSite));

                DisplayError(string.Format(GetString("ObjectEditMenu.CheckedOutByAnotherUser"), pti.TypeInfo.ObjectType, pti.DisplayName, userName));
                return false;

            // Get the zone
            zone = templateInstance.EnsureZone(ZoneId);

            if (zone != null)
                zone.WidgetZoneType = ZoneType;

                // Add new widget
                if (IsNewWidget)
                    bool isLayoutZone = (QueryHelper.GetBoolean("layoutzone", false));
                    int widgetID = ValidationHelper.GetInteger(WidgetId, 0);

                    // Create new widget instance
                    widgetInstance = PortalHelper.AddNewWidget(widgetID, ZoneId, ZoneType, isLayoutZone, templateInstance, null);

                // Ensure handling of the currently edited object (if not exists -> redirect)
                UIContext.EditedObject = widgetInstance;

                widgetInstance.XMLVersion = 1;
                if (IsNewVariant)
                    widgetInstance = widgetInstance.Clone();

                    // Check whether the editor widgets have been already customized
                    if (CurrentPageInfo.DocumentTemplateInstance.WebPartZones.Count == 0)
                        // There are no customized editor widgets yet => copy the default editor widgets from the page template under the document (to enable customization)

                        // Save to the document as editor admin changes
                        TreeNode node = DocumentHelper.GetDocument(CurrentPageInfo.DocumentID, tree);

                        // Extract and set the document web parts
                        node.SetValue("DocumentWebParts", templateInstance.GetZonesXML(WidgetZoneTypeEnum.Editor));

                        // Save the document
                        DocumentHelper.UpdateDocument(node, tree);

                bool isLayoutWidget = ((wpi != null) && ((WebPartTypeEnum)wpi.WebPartType == WebPartTypeEnum.Layout));

                // Get basicform's datarow and update widget
                SaveFormToWidget(formCustom, templateInstance, isLayoutWidget);

                // Ensure unique id for new widget variant or layout widget
                if (IsNewVariant || (isLayoutWidget && IsNewWidget))
                    string controlId = GetUniqueWidgetId(wi.WidgetName);

                    if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(controlId))
                        widgetInstance.ControlID = controlId;
                        DisplayError("Unable to generate unique widget id.");
                        return false;

                // Allow set dashboard in design mode
                if ((ZoneType == WidgetZoneTypeEnum.Dashboard) && String.IsNullOrEmpty(PortalContext.DashboardName))
                    viewMode = ViewModeEnum.Design;

                bool isWidgetVariant = (VariantID > 0) || IsNewVariant;
                if (!isWidgetVariant)
                    // Save the changes
                    if ((viewMode.IsEdit(true) || viewMode.IsEditLive()) && (ZoneType == WidgetZoneTypeEnum.Editor))
                        if (DocumentManager.AllowSave)
                            // Store the editor widgets in the temporary interlayer
                            PortalContext.SaveEditorWidgets(CurrentPageInfo.DocumentID, templateInstance.GetZonesXML(WidgetZoneTypeEnum.Editor));
                        // Save the changes
                        CMSPortalManager.SaveTemplateChanges(CurrentPageInfo, templateInstance, ZoneType, viewMode, tree);
                else if ((viewMode.IsEdit()) && (ZoneType == WidgetZoneTypeEnum.Editor))
                    Hashtable properties = WindowHelper.GetItem("variantProperties") as Hashtable;

                    VariantHelper.SaveWebPartVariantChanges(widgetInstance, VariantID, 0, VariantMode, properties);

                    // Clear the document template
                    templateInstance.ParentPageTemplate.ParentPageInfo.DocumentTemplateInstance = null;

                    // Log widget variant synchronization
                    TreeNode node = DocumentHelper.GetDocument(CurrentPageInfo.DocumentID, tree);
                    DocumentSynchronizationHelper.LogDocumentChange(node, TaskTypeEnum.UpdateDocument, tree);

            // Reload the form (because of macro values set only by JS)

            // Display info message

            // Clear the cached web part
            if (InstanceGUID != null)
                CacheHelper.TouchKey("webpartinstance|" + InstanceGUID.ToString().ToLowerCSafe());

            return true;

        return false;
    /// <summary>
    /// Initializes menu.
    /// </summary>
    protected void InitalizeMenu()
        string             zoneId       = QueryHelper.GetString("zoneid", string.Empty);
        string             culture      = QueryHelper.GetString("culture", CMSContext.PreferredCultureCode);
        Guid               instanceGuid = QueryHelper.GetGuid("instanceguid", Guid.Empty);
        bool               isNewWidget  = QueryHelper.GetBoolean("isnew", false);
        WidgetZoneTypeEnum zoneType     = WidgetZoneTypeEnum.None;

        if (!String.IsNullOrEmpty(widgetId) || !String.IsNullOrEmpty(widgetName))
            WidgetInfo wi = null;

            // get pageinfo
            PageInfo pi = null;
                pi = CMSWebPartPropertiesPage.GetPageInfo(aliasPath, templateId, culture);
            catch (PageNotFoundException)
                // Do not throw exception if page info not found (e.g. bad alias path)

            if (pi == null)
                Visible = false;

            // Get template instance
            PageTemplateInstance templateInstance = CMSPortalManager.GetTemplateInstanceForEditing(pi);
            if (templateInstance != null)
                // Get zone type
                WebPartZoneInstance zoneInstance = templateInstance.GetZone(zoneId);

                if (zoneInstance != null)
                    zoneType = zoneInstance.WidgetZoneType;

                // Get web part
                WebPartInstance widget = templateInstance.GetWebPart(instanceGuid, widgetId);

                if ((widget != null) && widget.IsWidget)
                    // WebPartType = codename, get widget by codename
                    wi = WidgetInfoProvider.GetWidgetInfo(widget.WebPartType);

            // New widget
            if (isNewWidget)
                int id = ValidationHelper.GetInteger(widgetId, 0);
                if (id > 0)
                    wi = WidgetInfoProvider.GetWidgetInfo(id);
                else if (!String.IsNullOrEmpty(widgetName))
                    wi = WidgetInfoProvider.GetWidgetInfo(widgetName);

            // Get widget info from name if not found yet
            if ((wi == null) && (!String.IsNullOrEmpty(widgetName)))
                wi = WidgetInfoProvider.GetWidgetInfo(widgetName);

            if (wi != null)
                PageTitle.TitleText = GetString("Widgets.Properties.Title") + " (" + HTMLHelper.HTMLEncode(ResHelper.LocalizeString(wi.WidgetDisplayName)) + ")";

            // If no zonetype defined or not inline dont show documentation
            string documentationUrl = String.Empty;
            switch (zoneType)
            case WidgetZoneTypeEnum.Dashboard:
            case WidgetZoneTypeEnum.Editor:
            case WidgetZoneTypeEnum.Group:
            case WidgetZoneTypeEnum.User:
                documentationUrl = ResolveUrl("~/CMSModules/Widgets/LiveDialogs/WidgetDocumentation.aspx");

            // If no zone set dont create documentation link
                if (isInline)
                    documentationUrl = ResolveUrl("~/CMSModules/Widgets/Dialogs/WidgetDocumentation.aspx");

            // Generate documentation link
            Literal ltr = new Literal();

            // Ensure correct parameters in documentation url
            documentationUrl += URLHelper.GetQuery(URLHelper.CurrentURL);
            if (!String.IsNullOrEmpty(widgetName))
                documentationUrl = URLHelper.UpdateParameterInUrl(documentationUrl, "widgetname", widgetName);
            if (!String.IsNullOrEmpty(widgetId))
                documentationUrl = URLHelper.UpdateParameterInUrl(documentationUrl, "widgetid", widgetId);
            string docScript = "NewWindow('" + documentationUrl + "', 'WebPartPropertiesDocumentation', 800, 800); return false;";

            ltr.Text += "<a onclick=\"" + docScript + "\" href=\"#\"><img src=\"" + ResolveUrl(GetImageUrl("General/HelpLargeDark.png")) + "\" style=\"border-width: 0px;\"></a>";
Beispiel #27
    /// <summary>
    /// Initializes menu.
    /// </summary>
    protected void InitalizeMenu()
        if (!String.IsNullOrEmpty(widgetId) || !String.IsNullOrEmpty(widgetName))
            WidgetInfo wi = null;

            // Get page info
            PageInfo pi = CMSWebPartPropertiesPage.GetPageInfo(aliasPath, templateId, culture);

            if (pi == null)
                Visible = false;

            // Get template instance
            PageTemplateInstance templateInstance = CMSPortalManager.GetTemplateInstanceForEditing(pi);

            if (templateInstance != null)
                // Get zone type
                WebPartZoneInstance zoneInstance = templateInstance.GetZone(zoneId);

                if (zoneInstance != null)
                    zoneType = zoneInstance.WidgetZoneType;
                if (!isNewWidget)
                    // Get web part
                    WebPartInstance widget = templateInstance.GetWebPart(instanceGuid, widgetId);

                    if ((widget != null) && widget.IsWidget)
                        // WebPartType = codename, get widget by codename
                        wi = WidgetInfoProvider.GetWidgetInfo(widget.WebPartType);

                        // Set the variant mode (MVT/Content personalization)
                        variantMode = widget.VariantMode;
            // New widget
            if (isNewWidget)
                int id = ValidationHelper.GetInteger(widgetId, 0);
                if (id > 0)
                    wi = WidgetInfoProvider.GetWidgetInfo(id);
                else if (!String.IsNullOrEmpty(widgetName))
                    wi = WidgetInfoProvider.GetWidgetInfo(widgetName);

            // Get widget info from name if not found yet
            if ((wi == null) && (!String.IsNullOrEmpty(widgetName)))
                wi = WidgetInfoProvider.GetWidgetInfo(widgetName);

            if (wi != null)
                pageTitle.TitleText = GetString("Widgets.Properties.Title") + " (" + HTMLHelper.HTMLEncode(ResHelper.LocalizeString(wi.WidgetDisplayName)) + ")";

            // Use live or non live dialogs
            string documentationUrl = String.Empty;

            // If no zone type defined or not inline => do not show documentation
            switch (zoneType)
            case WidgetZoneTypeEnum.Dashboard:
            case WidgetZoneTypeEnum.Editor:
            case WidgetZoneTypeEnum.Group:
            case WidgetZoneTypeEnum.User:
                documentationUrl = ResolveUrl("~/CMSModules/Widgets/Dialogs/WidgetDocumentation.aspx");

            // If no zone set => do not create documentation link
                if (inline)
                    documentationUrl = ResolveUrl("~/CMSModules/Widgets/Dialogs/WidgetDocumentation.aspx");

            // Generate documentation link
            Literal ltr = new Literal();

            // Ensure correct parameters in documentation URL
            documentationUrl += URLHelper.GetQuery(RequestContext.CurrentURL);
            if (wi != null)
                documentationUrl = URLHelper.UpdateParameterInUrl(documentationUrl, "widgetid", wi.WidgetID.ToString());

            string docScript = "NewWindow('" + ScriptHelper.GetString(documentationUrl, encapsulate: false) + "', 'WebPartPropertiesDocumentation', 800, 800); return false;";
            string tooltip   = GetString("help.tooltip");
            ltr.Text += String.Format
                            ("<div class=\"action-button\"><a onclick=\"{0}\" href=\"#\"><span class=\"sr-only\">{1}</span><i class=\"icon-modal-question cms-icon-80\" title=\"{1}\" aria-hidden=\"true\"></i></a></div>",
                            HTMLHelper.EncodeForHtmlAttribute(docScript), tooltip);
    /// <summary>
    /// Handles the Load event of the Page control.
    /// </summary>
    protected void Page_Load(object sender, EventArgs e)
        // Public user is not allowed for widgets
        if (!AuthenticationHelper.IsAuthenticated())

        var viewMode = ViewModeCode.FromString(QueryHelper.GetString("viewmode", String.Empty));
        var hash     = QueryHelper.GetString("hash", String.Empty);

        LiveSiteWidgetsParameters dialogparameters = new LiveSiteWidgetsParameters(aliasPath, viewMode)
            ZoneId         = zoneId,
            ZoneType       = zoneType,
            InstanceGuid   = instanceGuid,
            TemplateId     = templateId,
            IsInlineWidget = inline

        if (!dialogparameters.ValidateHash(hash))

        // Set page title
        Page.Title = GetString(isNewWidget ? "widgets.propertiespage.titlenew" : "widgets.propertiespage.title");

        if ((widgetId != string.Empty) && (aliasPath != string.Empty))
            // Get page info
            var      siteName = SiteContext.CurrentSiteName;
            PageInfo pi       = PageInfoProvider.GetPageInfo(siteName, aliasPath, LocalizationContext.PreferredCultureCode, null, SiteInfoProvider.CombineWithDefaultCulture(siteName));

            if (pi == null)

            // Get template instance
            PageTemplateInstance templateInstance = CMSPortalManager.GetTemplateInstanceForEditing(pi);

            // Get widget from instance
            WidgetInfo wi = null;
            if (!isNewWidget)
                // Get the instance of widget
                WebPartInstance widgetInstance = templateInstance.GetWebPart(instanceGuid, widgetId);
                if (widgetInstance == null)

                // Get widget info by widget name(widget type)
                wi = WidgetInfoProvider.GetWidgetInfo(widgetInstance.WebPartType);
            // Widget instance hasn't created yet
                wi = WidgetInfoProvider.GetWidgetInfo(ValidationHelper.GetInteger(widgetId, 0));

            if (wi != null)
                WebPartZoneInstance zone = templateInstance.GetZone(zoneId);
                if (zone != null)
                    var currentUser = MembershipContext.AuthenticatedUser;

                    bool checkSecurity = true;

                    // Check security
                    // It is group zone type but widget is not allowed in group
                    if (zone.WidgetZoneType == WidgetZoneTypeEnum.Group)
                        // Should always be, only group widget are allowed in group zone
                        if (wi.WidgetForGroup)
                            if (!currentUser.IsGroupAdministrator(pi.NodeGroupID))

                            // All ok, don't check classic security
                            checkSecurity = false;

                    if (checkSecurity && !WidgetRoleInfoProvider.IsWidgetAllowed(wi, currentUser.UserID, AuthenticationHelper.IsAuthenticated()))
        // If all ok, set up frames
        rowsFrameset.Attributes.Add("rows", string.Format("{0}, *", TitleOnlyHeight));

        frameHeader.Attributes.Add("src", "widgetproperties_header.aspx" + RequestContext.CurrentQueryString);
        if (inline && !isNewWidget)
            frameContent.Attributes.Add("src", ResolveUrl("~/CMSPages/Blank.htm"));
            frameContent.Attributes.Add("src", "widgetproperties_properties_frameset.aspx" + RequestContext.CurrentQueryString);
    protected override void OnLoad(EventArgs e)

        CurrentMaster.DisplaySiteSelectorPanel = true;

        if (webpartId != "")
            // Get pageinfo
            pi = GetPageInfo(aliasPath, templateId, cultureCode);
            if (pi == null)

            // Get page template
            pti = pi.UsedPageTemplateInfo;
            if ((pti != null) && ((pti.TemplateInstance != null)))
                webPart = pti.TemplateInstance.GetWebPart(instanceGuid, zoneVariantId, variantId) ?? pti.TemplateInstance.GetWebPart(webpartId);

        bool hide = false;

        // If the web part is not found, do not continue
        // Redirect to information is in main window, just hide selector
        if (webPart == null)
            hide = true;
            webPartInfo = WebPartInfoProvider.GetWebPartInfo(webPart.WebPartType);
            if (webPartInfo == null)
                hide = true;

            // Get the current layout name
            if (String.IsNullOrEmpty(LayoutCodeName))
                mLayoutCodeName = ValidationHelper.GetString(webPart.GetValue("WebPartLayout"), "");

        if (hide)
            pnlContent.Visible = false;

        // Strings
        lblLayouts.Text = GetString("WebPartPropertise.LayoutList");

        // Add default drop down items
        selectLayout.ShowDefaultItem = true;

        // Add new item
        if (CurrentUser.IsAuthorizedPerResource("CMS.Design", "EditCode"))
            selectLayout.ShowNewItem = true;

        // Set where condition
        selectLayout.WhereCondition = "WebPartLayoutWebPartID =" + webPartInfo.WebPartID;

        // Hide loader, it appears on wrong position because of small frame
        selectLayout.UniSelector.OnBeforeClientChanged = "if (window.Loader) { window.Loader.hide(); }";

        // Load layouts
        if (!RequestHelper.IsPostBack() && (LayoutCodeName != ""))
            selectLayout.Value = LayoutCodeName;

        // Reload the content page if required
        if (!RequestHelper.IsPostBack() || QueryHelper.GetBoolean("reload", false))
    /// <summary>
    /// Saves widget properties.
    /// </summary>
    public bool Save()
        if (VariantID > 0)
            // Check MVT/CP security
            if (!CheckPermissions("Manage"))
                return false;

        // Save the data
        if ((pi != null) && (templateInstance != null) && SaveForm(formCustom))
            // Check manage permission for non-livesite version
            if ((CMSContext.ViewMode != ViewModeEnum.LiveSite) && (CMSContext.ViewMode != ViewModeEnum.DashboardWidgets))
                if (CMSContext.CurrentUser.IsAuthorizedPerDocument(pi.NodeID, pi.ClassName, NodePermissionsEnum.Modify) != AuthorizationResultEnum.Allowed)
                    return false;

            PageTemplateInfo pti = templateInstance.ParentPageTemplate;
            if ((CMSContext.ViewMode == ViewModeEnum.Design) && CMSObjectHelper.IsCheckedOutByOtherUser(pti))
                string userName = null;
                UserInfo ui = UserInfoProvider.GetUserInfo(pti.Generalized.IsCheckedOutByUserID);
                if (ui != null)
                    userName = HTMLHelper.HTMLEncode(ui.GetFormattedUserName(IsLiveSite));

                DisplayError(string.Format(GetString("ObjectEditMenu.CheckedOutByAnotherUser"), pti.ObjectType, pti.DisplayName, userName));
                return false;

            // Get the zone
            zone = templateInstance.EnsureZone(ZoneId);

            if (zone != null)
                zone.WidgetZoneType = zoneType;

                // Add new widget
                if (IsNewWidget)
                    bool isLayoutZone = (QueryHelper.GetBoolean("layoutzone", false));
                    int widgetID = ValidationHelper.GetInteger(WidgetId, 0);

                    // Create new widget instance
                    widgetInstance = PortalHelper.AddNewWidget(widgetID, ZoneId, ZoneType, isLayoutZone, templateInstance, null);

                widgetInstance.XMLVersion = 1;
                if (IsNewVariant)
                    widgetInstance = widgetInstance.Clone();

                    if (pi.DocumentTemplateInstance.WebPartZones.Count == 0)
                        // Save to the document as editor admin changes
                        TreeNode node = DocumentHelper.GetDocument(pi.DocumentID, tree);

                        // Extract and set the document web parts
                        node.SetValue("DocumentWebParts", templateInstance.GetZonesXML(WidgetZoneTypeEnum.Editor));

                        // Save the document
                        DocumentHelper.UpdateDocument(node, tree);

                // Get basicform's datarow and update widget
                SaveFormToWidget(formCustom, templateInstance);

                if (IsNewVariant)
                    // Ensures unique id for new widget variant
                    widgetInstance.ControlID = WebPartZoneInstance.GetUniqueWebPartId(wi.WidgetName, zone.ParentTemplateInstance);

                // Allow set dashboard in design mode
                if ((zoneType == WidgetZoneTypeEnum.Dashboard) && String.IsNullOrEmpty(PortalContext.DashboardName))

                bool isWidgetVariant = (VariantID > 0) || IsNewVariant;
                if (!isWidgetVariant)
                    // Save the changes
                    CMSPortalManager.SaveTemplateChanges(pi, templateInstance, zoneType, CMSContext.ViewMode, tree);
                else if ((CMSContext.ViewMode == ViewModeEnum.Edit) && (zoneType == WidgetZoneTypeEnum.Editor))
                    Hashtable properties = WindowHelper.GetItem("variantProperties") as Hashtable;

                    PortalHelper.SaveWebPartVariantChanges(widgetInstance, VariantID, 0, VariantMode, properties);

                    // Clear the document template
                    templateInstance.ParentPageTemplate.ParentPageInfo.DocumentTemplateInstance = null;

                    // Log widget variant synchronization
                    TreeNode node = DocumentHelper.GetDocument(pi.DocumentID, tree);
                    DocumentSynchronizationHelper.LogDocumentChange(node, TaskTypeEnum.UpdateDocument, tree);

            // Reload the form (because of macro values set only by JS)

            // Clear the cached web part
            if (InstanceGUID != null)
                CacheHelper.TouchKey("webpartinstance|" + InstanceGUID.ToString().ToLowerCSafe());

            return true;

        return false;
Beispiel #31
    protected void Page_Load(object sender, EventArgs e)
        string aliasPath   = QueryHelper.GetString("aliaspath", "");
        string webpartId   = QueryHelper.GetString("webpartid", "");
        string zoneId      = QueryHelper.GetString("zoneid", "");
        Guid   webpartGuid = QueryHelper.GetGuid("webpartguid", Guid.Empty);
        int    templateId  = QueryHelper.GetInteger("templateId", 0);

        PageTemplateInfo pti = null;

        if (templateId > 0)
            pti = PageTemplateInfoProvider.GetPageTemplateInfo(templateId);

        if (pti == null)
            var      siteName = SiteContext.CurrentSiteName;
            PageInfo pi       = PageInfoProvider.GetPageInfo(siteName, aliasPath, LocalizationContext.PreferredCultureCode, null, SiteInfoProvider.CombineWithDefaultCulture(siteName));
            if (pi != null)
                pti = pi.UsedPageTemplateInfo;

        if (pti != null)
            // Get web part
            WebPartInstance webPart = pti.TemplateInstance.GetWebPart(webpartGuid, webpartId);
            if (webPart != null)
                StringBuilder sb         = new StringBuilder();
                Hashtable     properties = webPart.Properties;

                // Get the webpart object
                WebPartInfo wi = WebPartInfoProvider.GetWebPartInfo(webPart.WebPartType);
                if (wi != null)
                    // Add the header
                    sb.Append("Webpart properties (" + wi.WebPartDisplayName + ")" + Environment.NewLine + Environment.NewLine);
                    sb.Append("Alias path: " + aliasPath + Environment.NewLine);
                    sb.Append("Zone ID: " + zoneId + Environment.NewLine + Environment.NewLine);

                    string wpProperties = "<default></default>";
                    // Get the form info object and load it with the data

                    if (wi.WebPartParentID > 0)
                        // Load parent properties
                        WebPartInfo wpi = WebPartInfoProvider.GetWebPartInfo(wi.WebPartParentID);
                        if (wpi != null)
                            wpProperties = FormHelper.MergeFormDefinitions(wpi.WebPartProperties, wi.WebPartProperties);
                        wpProperties = wi.WebPartProperties;

                    FormInfo fi = new FormInfo(wpProperties);

                    // General properties of webparts
                    string beforeFormDefinition = PortalFormHelper.GetWebPartProperties((WebPartTypeEnum)wi.WebPartType, PropertiesPosition.Before);
                    string afterFormDefinition  = PortalFormHelper.GetWebPartProperties((WebPartTypeEnum)wi.WebPartType, PropertiesPosition.After);

                    // General properties before custom
                    if (!String.IsNullOrEmpty(beforeFormDefinition))
                        // Load before definition
                        fi = new FormInfo(FormHelper.MergeFormDefinitions(beforeFormDefinition, wpProperties, true));

                        // Add Default category for first before items
                        sb.Append(Environment.NewLine + "Default" + Environment.NewLine + Environment.NewLine + Environment.NewLine);

                    // General properties after custom
                    if (!String.IsNullOrEmpty(afterFormDefinition))
                        // Load after definition
                        fi = new FormInfo(FormHelper.MergeFormDefinitions(fi.GetXmlDefinition(), afterFormDefinition, true));

                    // Generate all properties
                    sb.Append(GetProperties(fi.GetFormElements(true, false), webPart));

                    // Send the text file to the user to download
                    UTF8Encoding enc  = new UTF8Encoding();
                    byte[]       file = enc.GetBytes(sb.ToString());

                    Response.AddHeader("Content-disposition", "attachment; filename=webpartproperties_" + HTTPHelper.GetDispositionFilename(webPart.ControlID) + ".txt");
                    Response.ContentType = "text/plain";

    /// <summary>
    /// Saves webpart properties.
    /// </summary>
    public bool Save()
        // Check MVT/CP security
        if (VariantID > 0)
            // Check OnlineMarketing permissions.
            if (!CheckPermissions("Manage"))
                lblError.Visible = true;
                lblError.Text = GetString("general.modifynotallowed");
                return false;

        // Save the data
        if ((pi != null) && (pti != null) && (templateInstance != null) && SaveForm(form))
            // Add web part if new
            if (IsNewWebPart)

            WebPartInstance originalWebPartInstance = webPartInstance;
            if (IsNewVariant)
                webPartInstance = webPartInstance.Clone();
                webPartInstance.VariantMode = VariantModeFunctions.GetVariantModeEnum(QueryHelper.GetString("variantmode", String.Empty).ToLower());

            // Get basicform's datarow and update webpart

            bool isWebPartVariant = (VariantID > 0) || (ZoneVariantID > 0) || IsNewVariant;
            if (!isWebPartVariant)
                // Save the changes
                CMSPortalManager.SaveTemplateChanges(pi, pti, templateInstance, WidgetZoneTypeEnum.None, ViewModeEnum.Design, tree);
                // Save the variant properties
                if ((webPartInstance != null)
                    && (webPartInstance.ParentZone != null)
                    && (!webPartInstance.ParentZone.HasVariants) // Save only if the parent zone does not have any variants
                    && (webPartInstance.ParentZone.ParentTemplateInstance != null)
                    && (webPartInstance.ParentZone.ParentTemplateInstance.ParentPageTemplate != null))
                    string variantName = string.Empty;
                    string variantDisplayName = string.Empty;
                    string variantDisplayCondition = string.Empty;
                    string variantDescription = string.Empty;
                    bool variantEnabled = true;
                    string zoneId = webPartInstance.ParentZone.ZoneID;
                    int templateId = webPartInstance.ParentZone.ParentTemplateInstance.ParentPageTemplate.PageTemplateId;
                    Guid instanceGuid = Guid.Empty;
                    XmlDocument doc = new XmlDocument();
                    XmlNode xmlWebParts = null;

                    if (ZoneVariantID > 0)
                        // This webpart is in a zone variant therefore save the whole variant webparts
                        xmlWebParts = webPartInstance.ParentZone.GetXmlNode(doc);
                        if (VariantMode == VariantModeEnum.MVT)
                            // MVT variant
                            ModuleCommands.OnlineMarketingSaveMVTVariantWebParts(ZoneVariantID, xmlWebParts);
                        else if (VariantMode == VariantModeEnum.ContentPersonalization)
                            // Content personalization variant
                            ModuleCommands.OnlineMarketingSaveContentPersonalizationVariantWebParts(ZoneVariantID, xmlWebParts);
                        // web part/widget variant
                        xmlWebParts = webPartInstance.GetXmlNode(doc);
                        instanceGuid = InstanceGUID;

                        Hashtable properties = WindowHelper.GetItem("variantProperties") as Hashtable;
                        if (properties != null)
                            variantName = ValidationHelper.GetString(properties["codename"], string.Empty);
                            variantDisplayName = ValidationHelper.GetString(properties["displayname"], string.Empty);
                            variantDescription = ValidationHelper.GetString(properties["description"], string.Empty);
                            variantEnabled = ValidationHelper.GetBoolean(properties["enabled"], true);
                            if (VariantMode == VariantModeEnum.ContentPersonalization)
                                variantDisplayCondition = ValidationHelper.GetString(properties["condition"], string.Empty);

                        // Save the web part variant properties
                        if (VariantMode == VariantModeEnum.MVT)
                            // MVT variant
                            ModuleCommands.OnlineMarketingSaveMVTVariant(VariantID, variantName, variantDisplayName, variantDescription, variantEnabled, zoneId, webPartInstance.InstanceGUID, templateId, 0, xmlWebParts);
                        else if (VariantMode == VariantModeEnum.ContentPersonalization)
                            // Content personalization variant
                            ModuleCommands.OnlineMarketingSaveContentPersonalizationVariant(VariantID, variantName, variantDisplayName, variantDescription, variantEnabled, variantDisplayCondition, zoneId, webPartInstance.InstanceGUID, templateId, 0, xmlWebParts);

                        // The variants are cached -> Reload
                        if (originalWebPartInstance != null)
                            originalWebPartInstance.LoadVariants(true, VariantMode);

            // Reload the form (because of macro values set only by JS)

            // Clear the cached web part
            if (InstanceGUID != null)
                CacheHelper.TouchKey("webpartinstance|" + InstanceGUID.ToString().ToLower());

            return true;

        return false;
Beispiel #33
    /// <summary>
    /// Handles form's after data load event.
    /// </summary>
    protected void EditForm_OnAfterDataLoad(object sender, EventArgs e)
        etaCode.Language = LanguageEnum.HTML;

        cssLayoutEditor.Editor.Language      = LanguageEnum.CSS;
        cssLayoutEditor.Editor.ShowBookmarks = true;

        // Do not check changes
        DocumentManager.RegisterSaveChangesScript = false;

        EditForm.OnBeforeSave += EditForm_OnBeforeSave;

        etaCode.Language = LanguageEnum.HTML;

        wpli = UIContext.EditedObject as WebPartLayoutInfo;

        layoutID = QueryHelper.GetInteger("layoutid", 0);

        isSiteManager = ((MembershipContext.AuthenticatedUser.CheckPrivilegeLevel(UserPrivilegeLevelEnum.Admin) && layoutID != 0) || QueryHelper.GetBoolean("sitemanager", false));
        isNew         = (LayoutCodeName == "|new|");
        isDefault     = (LayoutCodeName == "|default|") || (!isSiteManager && string.IsNullOrEmpty(LayoutCodeName));

        if ((wpli == null) || (wpli.WebPartLayoutID <= 0))
            isNew |= isSiteManager;
            editMenuElem.ObjectManager.ObjectType = WebPartLayoutInfo.OBJECT_TYPE;

        ScriptHelper.RegisterClientScriptBlock(Page, typeof(string), "PreviewHierarchyPerformAction", ScriptHelper.GetScript("function actionPerformed(action) { if (action == 'saveandclose') { document.getElementById('" + hdnClose.ClientID + "').value = '1'; } " + editMenuElem.ObjectManager.GetJSFunction(ComponentEvents.SAVE, null, null) + "; }"));

        currentUser = MembershipContext.AuthenticatedUser;

        // Get web part instance (if edited in administration)
        if ((webpartId != "") && !isSiteManager)
            // Get page info
            pi = CMSWebPartPropertiesPage.GetPageInfo(aliasPath, templateId, culture);
            if (pi == null)
                ShowInformation(GetString("WebPartProperties.WebPartNotFound"), persistent: false);
                // Get page template
                pti = pi.UsedPageTemplateInfo;
                if ((pti != null) && ((pti.TemplateInstance != null)))
                    webPart = pti.TemplateInstance.GetWebPart(instanceGuid, zoneVariantId, variantId) ?? pti.TemplateInstance.GetWebPart(webpartId);

        // If the web part is not found, try web part ID
        if (webPart == null)
            wpi = WebPartInfoProvider.GetWebPartInfo(ValidationHelper.GetInteger(webpartId, 0));
            if (wpi == null)
            // CMS desk
            wpi = WebPartInfoProvider.GetWebPartInfo(webPart.WebPartType);
            if (string.IsNullOrEmpty(LayoutCodeName))
                // Get the current layout name
                LayoutCodeName = ValidationHelper.GetString(webPart.GetValue("WebPartLayout"), "");

        if (wpi != null)
            // Load the web part information
            webPartInfo = wpi;
            bool loaded = false;

            if (!RequestHelper.IsPostBack())
                if (wpli != null)
                    editMenuElem.MenuPanel.Visible = true;

                    // Read-only code text area
                    etaCode.Editor.ReadOnly = false;
                    loaded = true;

                if (!loaded)
                    string fileName = WebPartInfoProvider.GetFullPhysicalPath(webPartInfo);

                    // Check if filename exist
                    if (!FileHelper.FileExists(fileName))
                        pnlContent.Visible = false;
                        editMenuElem.ObjectEditMenu.Visible = false;
                        // Load default web part layout code
                        etaCode.Text = File.ReadAllText(Server.MapPath(fileName));

                        // Load default web part CSS
                        cssLayoutEditor.Text = wpi.WebPartCSS;

        if (((wpli == null) || (wpli.WebPartLayoutID <= 0)) && isSiteManager)
            editMenuElem.Title.Breadcrumbs.AddBreadcrumb(new BreadcrumbItem
                Text        = GetString("WebParts.Layout"),
                RedirectUrl = String.Format("{0}&parentobjectid={1}&displaytitle={2}", UIContextHelper.GetElementUrl("CMS.Design", "WebPart.Layout"), QueryHelper.GetInteger("webpartid", 0), false)

            editMenuElem.Title.Breadcrumbs.AddBreadcrumb(new BreadcrumbItem
                Text = GetString("webparts_layout_newlayout"),

        ScriptHelper.RegisterClientScriptBlock(this, typeof(string), "ApplyButton", ScriptHelper.GetScript(
                                                   "function SetRefresh(refreshpage) { document.getElementById('" + hidRefresh.ClientID + @"').value = refreshpage; }
             function OnApplyButton(refreshpage) { SetRefresh(refreshpage); actionPerformed('save');refreshPreview(); }  
             function OnOKButton(refreshpage) { SetRefresh(refreshpage); actionPerformed('saveandclose'); } "));

    /// <summary>
    /// Loads the widget form.
    /// </summary>
    private void LoadForm()
        // Setup basic form on live site
        formCustom.AllowMacroEditing = false;
        formCustom.IsLiveSite        = IsLiveSite;

        // Load settings
        if (!String.IsNullOrEmpty(Request.Form[hdnIsNewWebPart.UniqueID]))
            IsNewWidget = ValidationHelper.GetBoolean(Request.Form[hdnIsNewWebPart.UniqueID], false);
        if (!String.IsNullOrEmpty(Request.Form[hdnInstanceGUID.UniqueID]))
            InstanceGUID = ValidationHelper.GetGuid(Request.Form[hdnInstanceGUID.UniqueID], Guid.Empty);

        // Try to find the widget variant in the database and set its VariantID
        if (IsNewVariant)
            Hashtable properties = WindowHelper.GetItem("variantProperties") as Hashtable;
            if (properties != null)
                // Get the variant code name from the WindowHelper
                string variantName = ValidationHelper.GetString(properties["codename"], string.Empty);

                // Check if the variant exists in the database
                int variantIdFromDB = VariantHelper.GetVariantID(VariantMode, PageTemplateId, variantName, false);

                // Set the variant id from the database
                if (variantIdFromDB > 0)
                    VariantID    = variantIdFromDB;
                    IsNewVariant = false;


        if (!String.IsNullOrEmpty(WidgetId) && !IsInline)
            if (CurrentPageInfo == null)
                pnlFormArea.Visible = false;

            // Get template instance
            mTemplateInstance = CMSPortalManager.GetTemplateInstanceForEditing(CurrentPageInfo);

            if (!IsNewWidget)
                // Get the instance of widget
                mWidgetInstance = mTemplateInstance.GetWebPart(InstanceGUID, WidgetId);
                if (mWidgetInstance == null)
                    pnlFormArea.Visible = false;

                if ((VariantID > 0) && (mWidgetInstance != null) && (mWidgetInstance.PartInstanceVariants != null))
                    // Check OnlineMarketing permissions.
                    if (CheckPermissions("Read"))
                        mWidgetInstance = CurrentPageInfo.DocumentTemplateInstance.GetWebPart(InstanceGUID, WidgetId);
                        mWidgetInstance = mWidgetInstance.PartInstanceVariants.Find(v => v.VariantID.Equals(VariantID));
                        // Set the widget variant mode
                        if (mWidgetInstance != null)
                            VariantMode = mWidgetInstance.VariantMode;
                        // Not authorized for OnlineMarketing - Manage.
                        RedirectToInformation(String.Format(GetString("general.permissionresource"), "Read", (VariantMode == VariantModeEnum.ContentPersonalization) ? "CMS.ContentPersonalization" : "CMS.MVTest"));

                // Get widget info by widget name(widget type)
                mWidgetInfo = WidgetInfoProvider.GetWidgetInfo(mWidgetInstance.WebPartType);
            // Widget instance hasn't created yet
                mWidgetInfo = WidgetInfoProvider.GetWidgetInfo(ValidationHelper.GetInteger(WidgetId, 0));

            // Keep xml version
            if (mWidgetInstance != null)
                mXmlVersion = mWidgetInstance.XMLVersion;

            UIContext.EditedObject = mWidgetInfo;

            // Get the zone to which it inserts
            WebPartZoneInstance zone = mTemplateInstance.GetZone(ZoneId);
            if ((ZoneType == WidgetZoneTypeEnum.None) && (zone != null))
                ZoneType = zone.WidgetZoneType;

            // Check security
            var currentUser = MembershipContext.AuthenticatedUser;

            switch (ZoneType)
            // Group zone => Only group widgets and group admin
            case WidgetZoneTypeEnum.Group:
                // Should always be, only group widget are allowed in group zone
                if (!mWidgetInfo.WidgetForGroup || (!currentUser.IsGroupAdministrator(CurrentPageInfo.NodeGroupID) && ((PortalContext.ViewMode != ViewModeEnum.Design) || ((PortalContext.ViewMode == ViewModeEnum.Design) && (!currentUser.IsAuthorizedPerResource("CMS.Design", "Design"))))))
                    if (OnNotAllowed != null)
                        OnNotAllowed(this, null);

            // Widget must be allowed for editor zones
            case WidgetZoneTypeEnum.Editor:
                if (!mWidgetInfo.WidgetForEditor)
                    if (OnNotAllowed != null)
                        OnNotAllowed(this, null);

            // Widget must be allowed for user zones
            case WidgetZoneTypeEnum.User:
                if (!mWidgetInfo.WidgetForUser)
                    if (OnNotAllowed != null)
                        OnNotAllowed(this, null);

            // Widget must be allowed for dashboard zones
            case WidgetZoneTypeEnum.Dashboard:
                if (!mWidgetInfo.WidgetForDashboard)
                    if (OnNotAllowed != null)
                        OnNotAllowed(this, null);

            // Check security
            if ((ZoneType != WidgetZoneTypeEnum.Group) && !WidgetRoleInfoProvider.IsWidgetAllowed(mWidgetInfo, currentUser.UserID, AuthenticationHelper.IsAuthenticated()))
                if (OnNotAllowed != null)
                    OnNotAllowed(this, null);

            // Get form schemas
            mWebPartInfo = WebPartInfoProvider.GetWebPartInfo(mWidgetInfo.WidgetWebPartID);
            string   widgetProperties = FormHelper.MergeFormDefinitions(mWebPartInfo.WebPartProperties, mWidgetInfo.WidgetProperties);
            FormInfo fi = PortalFormHelper.GetWidgetFormInfo(mWidgetInfo.WidgetName, ZoneType, widgetProperties, true, mWidgetInfo.WidgetDefaultValues);

            if (fi != null)
                fi.ContextResolver.Settings.RelatedObject = mTemplateInstance;

                // Check if there are some editable properties
                var ffi = fi.GetFields(true, false);
                if ((ffi == null) || (ffi.Count == 0))

                DataRow dr = fi.GetDataRow();

                // Load overridden values for new widget
                if (IsNewWidget || (mXmlVersion > 0))
                    fi.LoadDefaultValues(dr, FormResolveTypeEnum.WidgetVisible);

                if (IsNewWidget)
                    // Override default value and set title as widget display name
                    DataHelper.SetDataRowValue(dr, "WidgetTitle", ResHelper.LocalizeString(mWidgetInfo.WidgetDisplayName));

                // Load values from existing widget
                LoadDataRowFromWidget(dr, fi);

                // Init HTML toolbar if exists

                // Init the form
                InitForm(formCustom, dr, fi);

                // Set the context name
                formCustom.ControlContext.ContextName = CMS.Base.Web.UI.ControlContext.WIDGET_PROPERTIES;

        if (IsInline)
            // Load text definition from session
            string definition = ValidationHelper.GetString(SessionHelper.GetValue("WidgetDefinition"), String.Empty);
            if (String.IsNullOrEmpty(definition))
                definition = Request.Form[hdnWidgetDefinition.UniqueID];
                hdnWidgetDefinition.Value = definition;

            Hashtable parameters = null;
            string    widgetName = String.Empty;

            if (IsNewWidget)
                // New widget - load widget info by id
                if (!String.IsNullOrEmpty(WidgetId))
                    mWidgetInfo = WidgetInfoProvider.GetWidgetInfo(ValidationHelper.GetInteger(WidgetId, 0));
                    // Try to get widget from codename
                    widgetName  = QueryHelper.GetString("WidgetName", String.Empty);
                    mWidgetInfo = WidgetInfoProvider.GetWidgetInfo(widgetName);
                if (definition == null)

                // Parse definition
                parameters = CMSDialogHelper.GetHashTableFromString(definition);

                // Trim control name
                if (parameters["name"] != null)
                    widgetName = parameters["name"].ToString();

                mWidgetInfo = WidgetInfoProvider.GetWidgetInfo(widgetName);
            if (mWidgetInfo == null)

            // If widget cant be used as inline
            if (!mWidgetInfo.WidgetForInline)

            // Test permission for user
            var currentUser = MembershipContext.AuthenticatedUser;
            if (!WidgetRoleInfoProvider.IsWidgetAllowed(mWidgetInfo, currentUser.UserID, AuthenticationHelper.IsAuthenticated()))
                mIsValidWidget = false;
                OnNotAllowed(this, null);

            // If user is editor, more properties are shown
            WidgetZoneTypeEnum zoneType = WidgetZoneTypeEnum.User;
            if (currentUser.CheckPrivilegeLevel(UserPrivilegeLevelEnum.Editor, SiteContext.CurrentSiteName))
                zoneType = WidgetZoneTypeEnum.Editor;

            WebPartInfo wpi = WebPartInfoProvider.GetWebPartInfo(mWidgetInfo.WidgetWebPartID);
            string      widgetProperties = FormHelper.MergeFormDefinitions(wpi.WebPartProperties, mWidgetInfo.WidgetProperties);
            FormInfo    fi = PortalFormHelper.GetWidgetFormInfo(mWidgetInfo.WidgetName, zoneType, widgetProperties, true, mWidgetInfo.WidgetDefaultValues);
            if (fi != null)
                // Check if there are some editable properties
                mFields = fi.GetFields(true, true);
                if ((mFields == null) || !mFields.Any())

                // Get datarows with required columns
                DataRow dr = PortalHelper.CombineWithDefaultValues(fi, mWidgetInfo);

                if (IsNewWidget)
                    // Load default values for new widget
                    fi.LoadDefaultValues(dr, FormResolveTypeEnum.WidgetVisible);
                    foreach (string key in parameters.Keys)
                        object value = parameters[key];
                        // Test if given property exists
                        if (dr.Table.Columns.Contains(key) && (value != null))
                                dr[key] = DataHelper.ConvertValue(value, dr.Table.Columns[key].DataType);

                // Override default value and set title as widget display name
                DataHelper.SetDataRowValue(dr, "WidgetTitle", mWidgetInfo.WidgetDisplayName);

                // Init HTML toolbar if exists

                // Init the form
                InitForm(formCustom, dr, fi);

                // Set the context name
                formCustom.ControlContext.ContextName = CMS.Base.Web.UI.ControlContext.WIDGET_PROPERTIES;
Beispiel #35
    /// <summary>
    /// Saves webpart properties.
    /// </summary>
    public bool Save()
        // Check MVT/CP security
        if (VariantID > 0)
            // Check OnlineMarketing permissions.
            if (!CheckPermissions("Manage"))

        // Save the data
        if ((pi != null) && (pti != null) && (templateInstance != null) && SaveForm(form))
            if (SynchronizationHelper.IsCheckedOutByOtherUser(pti))
                string   userName = null;
                UserInfo ui       = UserInfoProvider.GetUserInfo(pti.Generalized.IsCheckedOutByUserID);
                if (ui != null)
                    userName = HTMLHelper.HTMLEncode(ui.GetFormattedUserName(IsLiveSite));

                ShowError(string.Format(GetString("ObjectEditMenu.CheckedOutByAnotherUser"), pti.TypeInfo.ObjectType, pti.DisplayName, userName));

            // Add web part if new
            if (IsNewWebPart)
                int webpartId = ValidationHelper.GetInteger(WebPartID, 0);

                // Ensure layout zone flag
                if (QueryHelper.GetBoolean("layoutzone", false))
                    WebPartZoneInstance zone = pti.TemplateInstance.EnsureZone(ZoneID);
                    zone.LayoutZone = true;

                webPartInstance = PortalHelper.AddNewWebPart(webpartId, ZoneID, false, ZoneVariantID, Position, templateInstance);

                // Set default layout
                if (wpi.WebPartParentID > 0)
                    WebPartLayoutInfo wpli = WebPartLayoutInfoProvider.GetDefaultLayout(wpi.WebPartID);
                    if (wpli != null)
                        webPartInstance.SetValue("WebPartLayout", wpli.WebPartLayoutCodeName);

            webPartInstance.XMLVersion = 1;
            if (IsNewVariant)
                webPartInstance             = webPartInstance.Clone();
                webPartInstance.VariantMode = VariantModeFunctions.GetVariantModeEnum(QueryHelper.GetString("variantmode", String.Empty).ToLowerInvariant());

            // Get basic form's data row and update web part

            // Set new position if set
            if (PositionLeft > 0)
                webPartInstance.SetValue("PositionLeft", PositionLeft);
            if (PositionTop > 0)
                webPartInstance.SetValue("PositionTop", PositionTop);

            bool isWebPartVariant = (VariantID > 0) || (ZoneVariantID > 0) || IsNewVariant;
            if (!isWebPartVariant)
                // Save the changes
                CMSPortalManager.SaveTemplateChanges(pi, templateInstance, WidgetZoneTypeEnum.None, ViewModeEnum.Design, tree);
                Hashtable varProperties = WindowHelper.GetItem("variantProperties") as Hashtable;
                // Save changes to the web part variant
                VariantHelper.SaveWebPartVariantChanges(webPartInstance, VariantID, ZoneVariantID, VariantMode, varProperties);

            // Reload the form (because of macro values set only by JS)

            // Clear the cached web part
            CacheHelper.TouchKey("webpartinstance|" + InstanceGUID.ToString().ToLowerInvariant());



        if (webPartInstance?.ParentZone?.ParentTemplateInstance != null)
            // Reload the zone/web part variants when saving of the form fails
            webPartInstance.ParentZone.ParentTemplateInstance.LoadVariants(true, VariantModeEnum.None);

    /// <summary>
    /// Saves widget properties.
    /// </summary>
    public bool Save()
        if (VariantID > 0)
            // Check MVT/CP security
            if (!CheckPermissions("Manage"))

        // Save the data
        if ((CurrentPageInfo != null) && (mTemplateInstance != null) && SaveForm(formCustom))
            ViewModeEnum viewMode = PortalContext.ViewMode;

            // Check manage permission for non-livesite version
            if (!viewMode.IsLiveSite() && viewMode != ViewModeEnum.DashboardWidgets && viewMode != ViewModeEnum.UserWidgets)
                if (CurrentUser.IsAuthorizedPerDocument(CurrentPageInfo.NodeID, CurrentPageInfo.ClassName, NodePermissionsEnum.Modify) != AuthorizationResultEnum.Allowed)

                // Check design permissions
                if (PortalContext.IsDesignMode(viewMode, false) && !PortalContext.CurrentUserIsDesigner)
                    RedirectToAccessDenied("CMS.Design", "Design");

            PageTemplateInfo pti = mTemplateInstance.ParentPageTemplate;
            if (PortalContext.IsDesignMode(viewMode) && SynchronizationHelper.IsCheckedOutByOtherUser(pti))
                string   userName = null;
                UserInfo ui       = UserInfoProvider.GetUserInfo(pti.Generalized.IsCheckedOutByUserID);
                if (ui != null)
                    userName = HTMLHelper.HTMLEncode(ui.GetFormattedUserName(IsLiveSite));

                DisplayError(string.Format(GetString("ObjectEditMenu.CheckedOutByAnotherUser"), pti.TypeInfo.ObjectType, pti.DisplayName, userName));

            // Get the zone
            mWebPartZoneInstance = mTemplateInstance.EnsureZone(ZoneId);

            if (mWebPartZoneInstance != null)
                mWebPartZoneInstance.WidgetZoneType = ZoneType;

                // Add new widget
                if (IsNewWidget)
                    bool isLayoutZone = (QueryHelper.GetBoolean("layoutzone", false));
                    int  widgetID     = ValidationHelper.GetInteger(WidgetId, 0);

                    // Create new widget instance
                    mWidgetInstance = PortalHelper.AddNewWidget(widgetID, ZoneId, ZoneType, isLayoutZone, mTemplateInstance);

                // Ensure handling of the currently edited object (if not exists -> redirect)
                UIContext.EditedObject = mWidgetInstance;

                mWidgetInstance.XMLVersion = 1;
                if (IsNewVariant)
                    mWidgetInstance = mWidgetInstance.Clone();

                    // Check whether the editor widgets have been already customized
                    if (CurrentPageInfo.DocumentTemplateInstance.WebPartZones.Count == 0)
                        // There are no customized editor widgets yet => copy the default editor widgets from the page template under the document (to enable customization)

                        // Save to the document as editor admin changes
                        TreeNode node = DocumentHelper.GetDocument(CurrentPageInfo.DocumentID, mTreeProvider);

                        // Extract and set the document web parts
                        node.SetValue("DocumentWebParts", mTemplateInstance.GetZonesXML(WidgetZoneTypeEnum.Editor));

                        // Save the document
                        DocumentHelper.UpdateDocument(node, mTreeProvider);

                bool isLayoutWidget = ((mWebPartInfo != null) && ((WebPartTypeEnum)mWebPartInfo.WebPartType == WebPartTypeEnum.Layout));

                // Get basicform's datarow and update widget
                SaveFormToWidget(formCustom, mTemplateInstance, isLayoutWidget);

                // Ensure unique id for new widget variant or layout widget
                if (IsNewVariant || (isLayoutWidget && IsNewWidget))
                    string controlId = GetUniqueWidgetId(mWidgetInfo.WidgetName);

                    if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(controlId))
                        mWidgetInstance.ControlID = controlId;
                        DisplayError("Unable to generate unique widget id.");

                // Allow set dashboard in design mode
                if ((ZoneType == WidgetZoneTypeEnum.Dashboard) && String.IsNullOrEmpty(PortalContext.DashboardName))
                    viewMode = ViewModeEnum.Design;

                bool isWidgetVariant = (VariantID > 0) || IsNewVariant;
                if (!isWidgetVariant)
                    // Save the changes
                    if ((viewMode.IsEdit(true) || viewMode.IsEditLive()) && (ZoneType == WidgetZoneTypeEnum.Editor))
                        if (DocumentManager.AllowSave)
                            // Store the editor widgets in the temporary interlayer
                            PortalContext.SaveEditorWidgets(CurrentPageInfo.DocumentID, mTemplateInstance.GetZonesXML(WidgetZoneTypeEnum.Editor));
                        // Save the changes
                        CMSPortalManager.SaveTemplateChanges(CurrentPageInfo, mTemplateInstance, ZoneType, viewMode, mTreeProvider);
                else if ((viewMode.IsEdit()) && (ZoneType == WidgetZoneTypeEnum.Editor))
                    Hashtable properties = WindowHelper.GetItem("variantProperties") as Hashtable;

                    VariantHelper.SaveWebPartVariantChanges(mWidgetInstance, VariantID, 0, VariantMode, properties);

                    // Log widget variant synchronization
                    TreeNode node = DocumentHelper.GetDocument(CurrentPageInfo.DocumentID, mTreeProvider);
                    DocumentSynchronizationHelper.LogDocumentChange(node, TaskTypeEnum.UpdateDocument, mTreeProvider);

            // Reload the form (because of macro values set only by JS)

            // Display info message

            // Clear the cached web part
            CacheHelper.TouchKey("webpartinstance|" + InstanceGUID.ToString().ToLowerCSafe());


    /// <summary>
    /// Handles form's after data load event.
    /// </summary>
    protected void EditForm_OnAfterDataLoad(object sender, EventArgs e)
        etaCode.Language = LanguageEnum.HTML;

        cssLayoutEditor.Editor.Language = LanguageEnum.CSS;
        cssLayoutEditor.Editor.ShowBookmarks = true;

        // Do not check changes
        DocumentManager.RegisterSaveChangesScript = false;

        EditForm.OnBeforeSave += EditForm_OnBeforeSave;

        etaCode.Language = LanguageEnum.HTML;

        wpli = UIContext.EditedObject as WebPartLayoutInfo;

        layoutID = QueryHelper.GetInteger("layoutid", 0);

        isSiteManager = ((MembershipContext.AuthenticatedUser.IsGlobalAdministrator && layoutID != 0) || QueryHelper.GetBoolean("sitemanager", false));
        isNew = (LayoutCodeName == "|new|");
        isDefault = (LayoutCodeName == "|default|") || (!isSiteManager && string.IsNullOrEmpty(LayoutCodeName));

        if ((wpli == null) || (wpli.WebPartLayoutID <= 0))
            isNew |= isSiteManager;
            editMenuElem.ObjectManager.ObjectType = WebPartLayoutInfo.OBJECT_TYPE;

        ScriptHelper.RegisterClientScriptBlock(Page, typeof(string), "PreviewHierarchyPerformAction", ScriptHelper.GetScript("function actionPerformed(action) { if (action == 'saveandclose') { document.getElementById('" + hdnClose.ClientID + "').value = '1'; } " + editMenuElem.ObjectManager.GetJSFunction(ComponentEvents.SAVE, null, null) + "; }"));

        currentUser = MembershipContext.AuthenticatedUser;

        // Get web part instance (if edited in CMSDesk)
        if ((webpartId != "") && !isSiteManager)
            // Get page info
            pi = CMSWebPartPropertiesPage.GetPageInfo(aliasPath, templateId, culture);
            if (pi == null)
                ShowInformation(GetString("WebPartProperties.WebPartNotFound"), persistent: false);
                // Get page template
                pti = pi.UsedPageTemplateInfo;
                if ((pti != null) && ((pti.TemplateInstance != null)))
                    webPart = pti.TemplateInstance.GetWebPart(instanceGuid, zoneVariantId, variantId) ?? pti.TemplateInstance.GetWebPart(webpartId);

        // If the web part is not found, try web part ID
        if (webPart == null)
            wpi = WebPartInfoProvider.GetWebPartInfo(ValidationHelper.GetInteger(webpartId, 0));
            if (wpi == null)
                startWithFullScreen = false;
            // CMS desk
            wpi = WebPartInfoProvider.GetWebPartInfo(webPart.WebPartType);
            if (string.IsNullOrEmpty(LayoutCodeName))
                // Get the current layout name
                LayoutCodeName = ValidationHelper.GetString(webPart.GetValue("WebPartLayout"), "");

        if (wpi != null)
            // Load the web part information
            webPartInfo = wpi;
            bool loaded = false;

            if (!RequestHelper.IsPostBack())
                if (wpli != null)
                    editMenuElem.MenuPanel.Visible = true;

                    // Read-only code text area
                    etaCode.Editor.ReadOnly = false;
                    loaded = true;

                if (!loaded)
                    string fileName = webPartInfo.WebPartFileName;

                    if (webPartInfo.WebPartParentID > 0)
                        WebPartInfo pwpi = WebPartInfoProvider.GetWebPartInfo(webPartInfo.WebPartParentID);
                        if (pwpi != null)
                            fileName = pwpi.WebPartFileName;

                    if (!fileName.StartsWithCSafe("~"))
                        fileName = "~/CMSWebparts/" + fileName;

                    // Check if filename exist
                    if (!FileHelper.FileExists(fileName))
                        pnlContent.Visible = false;
                        editMenuElem.ObjectEditMenu.Visible = false;
                        // Load default web part layout code
                        etaCode.Text = File.ReadAllText(Server.MapPath(fileName));

                        // Load default web part CSS
                        cssLayoutEditor.Text = wpi.WebPartCSS;
                        startWithFullScreen = false;

        if (((wpli == null) || (wpli.WebPartLayoutID <= 0)) && isSiteManager)
            editMenuElem.Title.Breadcrumbs.AddBreadcrumb(new BreadcrumbItem
                Text = GetString("WebParts.Layout"),
                RedirectUrl = String.Format("{0}&parentobjectid={1}&displaytitle={2}", UIContextHelper.GetElementUrl("CMS.Design", "WebPart.Layout"), QueryHelper.GetInteger("webpartid", 0), false)

            editMenuElem.Title.Breadcrumbs.AddBreadcrumb(new BreadcrumbItem
                Text = GetString("webparts_layout_newlayout"),

        ScriptHelper.RegisterClientScriptBlock(this, typeof(string), "ApplyButton", ScriptHelper.GetScript(
            "function SetRefresh(refreshpage) { document.getElementById('" + hidRefresh.ClientID + @"').value = refreshpage; }
             function OnApplyButton(refreshpage) { SetRefresh(refreshpage); actionPerformed('save');refreshPreview(); }
             function OnOKButton(refreshpage) { SetRefresh(refreshpage); actionPerformed('saveandclose'); } "));

    /// <summary>
    /// Loads the widget form.
    /// </summary>
    private void LoadForm()
        // Setup basic form on live site
        formCustom.AllowMacroEditing = false;
        formCustom.IsLiveSite = IsLiveSite;

        // Load settings
        if (!String.IsNullOrEmpty(Request.Form[hdnIsNewWebPart.UniqueID]))
            IsNewWidget = ValidationHelper.GetBoolean(Request.Form[hdnIsNewWebPart.UniqueID], false);
        if (!String.IsNullOrEmpty(Request.Form[hdnInstanceGUID.UniqueID]))
            InstanceGUID = ValidationHelper.GetGuid(Request.Form[hdnInstanceGUID.UniqueID], Guid.Empty);

        // Try to find the widget variant in the database and set its VariantID
        if (IsNewVariant)
            Hashtable properties = WindowHelper.GetItem("variantProperties") as Hashtable;
            if (properties != null)
                // Get the variant code name from the WindowHelper
                string variantName = ValidationHelper.GetString(properties["codename"], string.Empty);

                // Check if the variant exists in the database
                int variantIdFromDB = VariantHelper.GetVariantID(VariantMode, PageTemplateId, variantName, false);

                // Set the variant id from the database
                if (variantIdFromDB > 0)
                    VariantID = variantIdFromDB;
                    IsNewVariant = false;


        if (!String.IsNullOrEmpty(WidgetId) && !IsInline)
            if (CurrentPageInfo == null)
                pnlFormArea.Visible = false;

            // Get template instance
            templateInstance = CMSPortalManager.GetTemplateInstanceForEditing(CurrentPageInfo);

            if (!IsNewWidget)
                // Get the instance of widget
                widgetInstance = templateInstance.GetWebPart(InstanceGUID, WidgetId);
                if (widgetInstance == null)
                    pnlFormArea.Visible = false;

                if ((VariantID > 0) && (widgetInstance != null) && (widgetInstance.PartInstanceVariants != null))
                    // Check OnlineMarketing permissions.
                    if (CheckPermissions("Read"))
                        widgetInstance = CurrentPageInfo.DocumentTemplateInstance.GetWebPart(InstanceGUID, WidgetId);
                        widgetInstance = widgetInstance.PartInstanceVariants.Find(v => v.VariantID.Equals(VariantID));
                        // Set the widget variant mode
                        if (widgetInstance != null)
                            VariantMode = widgetInstance.VariantMode;
                        // Not authorized for OnlineMarketing - Manage.
                        RedirectToInformation(String.Format(GetString("general.permissionresource"), "Read", (VariantMode == VariantModeEnum.ContentPersonalization) ? "CMS.ContentPersonalization" : "CMS.MVTest"));

                // Get widget info by widget name(widget type)
                wi = WidgetInfoProvider.GetWidgetInfo(widgetInstance.WebPartType);
            // Widget instance hasn't created yet
                wi = WidgetInfoProvider.GetWidgetInfo(ValidationHelper.GetInteger(WidgetId, 0));

            // Keep xml version
            if (widgetInstance != null)
                xmlVersion = widgetInstance.XMLVersion;

            UIContext.EditedObject = wi;

            // Get the zone to which it inserts
            WebPartZoneInstance zone = templateInstance.GetZone(ZoneId);
            if ((ZoneType == WidgetZoneTypeEnum.None) && (zone != null))
                ZoneType = zone.WidgetZoneType;

            // Check security
            var currentUser = MembershipContext.AuthenticatedUser;

            switch (ZoneType)
                // Group zone => Only group widgets and group admin
                case WidgetZoneTypeEnum.Group:
                    // Should always be, only group widget are allowed in group zone
                    if (!wi.WidgetForGroup || (!currentUser.IsGroupAdministrator(CurrentPageInfo.NodeGroupID) && ((PortalContext.ViewMode != ViewModeEnum.Design) || ((PortalContext.ViewMode == ViewModeEnum.Design) && (!currentUser.IsAuthorizedPerResource("CMS.Design", "Design"))))))
                        if (OnNotAllowed != null)
                            OnNotAllowed(this, null);

                // Widget must be allowed for editor zones
                case WidgetZoneTypeEnum.Editor:
                    if (!wi.WidgetForEditor)
                        if (OnNotAllowed != null)
                            OnNotAllowed(this, null);

                // Widget must be allowed for user zones
                case WidgetZoneTypeEnum.User:
                    if (!wi.WidgetForUser)
                        if (OnNotAllowed != null)
                            OnNotAllowed(this, null);

                // Widget must be allowed for dashboard zones
                case WidgetZoneTypeEnum.Dashboard:
                    if (!wi.WidgetForDashboard)
                        if (OnNotAllowed != null)
                            OnNotAllowed(this, null);

            // Check security
            if ((ZoneType != WidgetZoneTypeEnum.Group) && !WidgetRoleInfoProvider.IsWidgetAllowed(wi, currentUser.UserID, AuthenticationHelper.IsAuthenticated()))
                if (OnNotAllowed != null)
                    OnNotAllowed(this, null);

            // Get form schemas
            wpi = WebPartInfoProvider.GetWebPartInfo(wi.WidgetWebPartID);
            FormInfo zoneTypeDefinition = PortalFormHelper.GetPositionFormInfo(ZoneType);
            string widgetProperties = FormHelper.MergeFormDefinitions(wpi.WebPartProperties, wi.WidgetProperties);
            FormInfo fi = PortalFormHelper.GetWidgetFormInfo(wi.WidgetName, Enum.GetName(typeof(WidgetZoneTypeEnum), ZoneType), widgetProperties, zoneTypeDefinition, true, wi.WidgetDefaultValues);

            if (fi != null)

                fi.ContextResolver.Settings.RelatedObject = templateInstance;

                // Check if there are some editable properties
                var ffi = fi.GetFields(true, false).ToList<FormFieldInfo>();
                if ((ffi == null) || (ffi.Count == 0))

                DataRow dr = fi.GetDataRow();

                // Load overridden values for new widget
                if (IsNewWidget || (xmlVersion > 0))
                    fi.LoadDefaultValues(dr, FormResolveTypeEnum.WidgetVisible);

                if (IsNewWidget)
                    // Override default value and set title as widget display name
                    DataHelper.SetDataRowValue(dr, "WidgetTitle", ResHelper.LocalizeString(wi.WidgetDisplayName));

                // Load values from existing widget
                LoadDataRowFromWidget(dr, fi);

                // Init HTML toolbar if exists

                // Init the form
                InitForm(formCustom, dr, fi);

                // Set the context name
                formCustom.ControlContext.ContextName = CMS.ExtendedControls.ControlContext.WIDGET_PROPERTIES;

        if (IsInline)
            // Load text definition from session
            string definition = ValidationHelper.GetString(SessionHelper.GetValue("WidgetDefinition"), string.Empty);
            if (String.IsNullOrEmpty(definition))
                definition = Request.Form[hdnWidgetDefinition.UniqueID];
                hdnWidgetDefinition.Value = definition;

            Hashtable parameters = null;
            string widgetName = string.Empty;

            if (IsNewWidget)
                // New widget - load widget info by id
                if (!String.IsNullOrEmpty(WidgetId))
                    wi = WidgetInfoProvider.GetWidgetInfo(ValidationHelper.GetInteger(WidgetId, 0));
                    // Try to get widget from codename
                    widgetName = QueryHelper.GetString("WidgetName", String.Empty);
                    wi = WidgetInfoProvider.GetWidgetInfo(widgetName);
                if (definition == null)

                // Parse definition
                parameters = CMSDialogHelper.GetHashTableFromString(definition);

                // Trim control name
                if (parameters["name"] != null)
                    widgetName = parameters["name"].ToString();

                wi = WidgetInfoProvider.GetWidgetInfo(widgetName);
            if (wi == null)

            // If widget cant be used as inline
            if (!wi.WidgetForInline)

            // Test permission for user
            var currentUser = MembershipContext.AuthenticatedUser;
            if (!WidgetRoleInfoProvider.IsWidgetAllowed(wi, currentUser.UserID, AuthenticationHelper.IsAuthenticated()))
                isValidWidget = false;
                OnNotAllowed(this, null);

            // If user is editor, more properties are shown
            WidgetZoneTypeEnum zoneType = WidgetZoneTypeEnum.User;
            if (currentUser.CheckPrivilegeLevel(UserPrivilegeLevelEnum.Editor, SiteContext.CurrentSiteName))
                zoneType = WidgetZoneTypeEnum.Editor;

            WebPartInfo wpi = WebPartInfoProvider.GetWebPartInfo(wi.WidgetWebPartID);
            string widgetProperties = FormHelper.MergeFormDefinitions(wpi.WebPartProperties, wi.WidgetProperties);
            FormInfo zoneTypeDefinition = PortalFormHelper.GetPositionFormInfo(zoneType);
            FormInfo fi = PortalFormHelper.GetWidgetFormInfo(wi.WidgetName, Enum.GetName(typeof(WidgetZoneTypeEnum), zoneType), widgetProperties, zoneTypeDefinition, true, wi.WidgetDefaultValues);
            if (fi != null)
                // Check if there are some editable properties
                mFields = fi.GetFields(true, true);
                if ((mFields == null) || !mFields.Any())

                // Get datarows with required columns
                DataRow dr = PortalHelper.CombineWithDefaultValues(fi, wi);

                if (IsNewWidget)
                    // Load default values for new widget
                    fi.LoadDefaultValues(dr, FormResolveTypeEnum.WidgetVisible);
                    foreach (string key in parameters.Keys)
                        object value = parameters[key];
                        // Test if given property exists
                        if (dr.Table.Columns.Contains(key) && (value != null))
                                dr[key] = DataHelper.ConvertValue(value, dr.Table.Columns[key].DataType);

                // Override default value and set title as widget display name
                DataHelper.SetDataRowValue(dr, "WidgetTitle", wi.WidgetDisplayName);

                // Init HTML toolbar if exists

                // Init the form
                InitForm(formCustom, dr, fi);

                // Set the context name
                formCustom.ControlContext.ContextName = CMS.ExtendedControls.ControlContext.WIDGET_PROPERTIES;
    public void BindData()
        if (WebpartId != "")
            // Get page info
            pi = CMSWebPartPropertiesPage.GetPageInfo(AliasPath, PageTemplateId, CultureCode);
            if (pi == null)
                Visible = false;

            // Get page template info
            pti = pi.UsedPageTemplateInfo;
            if (pti != null)
                // Get web part instance
                webPart = pti.GetWebPart(InstanceGUID, WebpartId);
                if (webPart == null)
                    CMSPage.EditedObject = null;

                // Get the web part info
                WebPartInfo wpi = WebPartInfoProvider.GetBaseWebPart(webPart.WebPartType);
                if (wpi == null)

                // Get webpart properties (XML)
                string wpProperties = wpi.WebPartProperties;
                FormInfo fi = PortalFormHelper.GetWebPartFormInfo(wpi.WebPartName + FormHelper.CORE, wpi.WebPartProperties, null, null, false);

                // Get datarow with required columns
                DataRow dr = fi.GetDataRow();

                // Bind drop down list
                if (!RequestHelper.IsPostBack())
                    DataTable dropTable = new DataTable();

                    foreach (DataColumn column in dr.Table.Columns)

                    dropTable.DefaultView.Sort = "name";
                    drpProperty.DataTextField = "name";
                    drpProperty.DataValueField = "name";
                    drpProperty.DataSource = dropTable.DefaultView;

                // Bind grid view
                DataTable table = new DataTable();
                bindings = webPart.Bindings;

                foreach (DataColumn column in dr.Table.Columns)
                    string propertyName = column.ColumnName.ToLowerCSafe();
                    if (bindings.ContainsKey(propertyName))
                        WebPartBindingInfo bi = (WebPartBindingInfo)bindings[propertyName];
                        table.Rows.Add(column.ColumnName, bi.SourceWebPart + "." + bi.SourceProperty);

                gvBinding.DataSource = table;
    /// <summary>
    /// Saves webpart properties.
    /// </summary>
    public bool Save()
        // Check MVT/CP security
        if (VariantID > 0)
            // Check OnlineMarketing permissions.
            if (!CheckPermissions("Manage"))
                return false;

        // Save the data
        if ((pi != null) && (pti != null) && (templateInstance != null) && SaveForm(form))
            if (SynchronizationHelper.IsCheckedOutByOtherUser(pti))
                string userName = null;
                UserInfo ui = UserInfoProvider.GetUserInfo(pti.Generalized.IsCheckedOutByUserID);
                if (ui != null)
                    userName = HTMLHelper.HTMLEncode(ui.GetFormattedUserName(IsLiveSite));

                ShowError(string.Format(GetString("ObjectEditMenu.CheckedOutByAnotherUser"), pti.TypeInfo.ObjectType, pti.DisplayName, userName));
                return false;

            // Add web part if new
            if (IsNewWebPart)
                int webpartId = ValidationHelper.GetInteger(WebPartID, 0);

                // Ensure layout zone flag
                if (QueryHelper.GetBoolean("layoutzone", false))
                    WebPartZoneInstance zone = pti.TemplateInstance.EnsureZone(ZoneID);
                    zone.LayoutZone = true;

                webPartInstance = PortalHelper.AddNewWebPart(webpartId, ZoneID, false, ZoneVariantID, Position, templateInstance);

                // Set default layout
                if (wpi.WebPartParentID > 0)
                    WebPartLayoutInfo wpli = WebPartLayoutInfoProvider.GetDefaultLayout(wpi.WebPartID);
                    if (wpli != null)
                        webPartInstance.SetValue("WebPartLayout", wpli.WebPartLayoutCodeName);

            webPartInstance.XMLVersion = 1;
            if (IsNewVariant)
                webPartInstance = webPartInstance.Clone();
                webPartInstance.VariantMode = VariantModeFunctions.GetVariantModeEnum(QueryHelper.GetString("variantmode", String.Empty).ToLowerCSafe());

            // Get basic form's data row and update web part

            // Set new position if set
            if (PositionLeft > 0)
                webPartInstance.SetValue("PositionLeft", PositionLeft);
            if (PositionTop > 0)
                webPartInstance.SetValue("PositionTop", PositionTop);

            // Ensure the data source web part instance in the main web part
            if (NestedWebPartID > 0)
                webPartInstance.WebPartType = wpi.WebPartName;
                mainWebPartInstance.NestedWebParts[NestedWebPartKey] = webPartInstance;

            bool isWebPartVariant = (VariantID > 0) || (ZoneVariantID > 0) || IsNewVariant;
            if (!isWebPartVariant)
                // Save the changes
                CMSPortalManager.SaveTemplateChanges(pi, templateInstance, WidgetZoneTypeEnum.None, ViewModeEnum.Design, tree);
                Hashtable varProperties = WindowHelper.GetItem("variantProperties") as Hashtable;
                // Save changes to the web part variant
                VariantHelper.SaveWebPartVariantChanges(webPartInstance, VariantID, ZoneVariantID, VariantMode, varProperties);

            // Reload the form (because of macro values set only by JS)

            // Clear the cached web part
            CacheHelper.TouchKey("webpartinstance|" + InstanceGUID.ToString().ToLowerCSafe());


            return true;
        else if ((mainWebPartInstance != null) && (mainWebPartInstance.ParentZone != null) && (mainWebPartInstance.ParentZone.ParentTemplateInstance != null))
            // Reload the zone/web part variants when saving of the form fails
            mainWebPartInstance.ParentZone.ParentTemplateInstance.LoadVariants(true, VariantModeEnum.None);

        return false;
    /// <summary>
    /// Exports properties given in the array list.
    /// </summary>
    /// <param name="elem">List of properties to export</param>
    /// <param name="webPart">WebPart instance with data</param>
    private string GetProperties(ArrayList elem, WebPartInstance webPart)
        StringBuilder sb = new StringBuilder();

        // Iterate through all fields
        foreach (object o in elem)
            FormCategoryInfo fci = o as FormCategoryInfo;
            if (fci != null)
                // We have category now
                sb.Append(Environment.NewLine + fci.CategoryCaption + Environment.NewLine + Environment.NewLine + Environment.NewLine);
                // Form element
                FormFieldInfo ffi = o as FormFieldInfo;
                if (ffi != null)
                    object value = webPart.GetValue(ffi.Name);
                    sb.Append(ffi.Caption + ": " + (value == null ? "" : value.ToString()) + Environment.NewLine + Environment.NewLine);

        return sb.ToString();
    /// <summary>
    /// Loads the data row data from given web part instance.
    /// </summary>
    /// <param name="dr">DataRow to fill</param>
    /// <param name="webPart">Source web part</param>
    /// <param name="formInfo">Web part form info</param>
    private void LoadDataRowFromWebPart(DataRow dr, WebPartInstance webPart, FormInfo formInfo)
        if (webPart != null)
            foreach (DataColumn column in dr.Table.Columns)
                    bool load = true;
                    // switch by xml version
                    switch (xmlVersion)
                        case 1:
                            load = webPart.Properties.Contains(column.ColumnName.ToLowerCSafe()) || column.ColumnName.EqualsCSafe("webpartcontrolid", true);
                        // Version 0
                            // Load default value for Boolean type in old XML version
                            if ((column.DataType == typeof(bool)) && !webPart.Properties.Contains(column.ColumnName.ToLowerCSafe()))
                                FormFieldInfo ffi = formInfo.GetFormField(column.ColumnName);
                                if (ffi != null)
                                    webPart.SetValue(column.ColumnName, ffi.GetPropertyValue(FormFieldPropertyEnum.DefaultValue));

                    if (load)
                        var value = webPart.GetValue(column.ColumnName);

                        // Convert value into default format
                        if ((value != null) && (ValidationHelper.GetString(value, String.Empty) != String.Empty))
                            if (column.DataType == typeof(decimal))
                                value = ValidationHelper.GetDouble(value, 0, "en-us");

                            if (column.DataType == typeof(DateTime))
                                value = ValidationHelper.GetDateTime(value, DateTime.MinValue, "en-us");

                        DataHelper.SetDataRowValue(dr, column.ColumnName, value);
                catch (Exception ex)
                    EventLogProvider.LogException("WebPartProperties", "LOADDATAROW", ex);
    /// <summary>
    /// Exports properties given in the array list.
    /// </summary>
    /// <param name="elem">List of properties to export</param>
    /// <param name="webPart">WebPart instance with data</param>
    private string GetProperties(IEnumerable<IField> elem, WebPartInstance webPart)
        StringBuilder sb = new StringBuilder();

        // Iterate through all fields
        foreach (object o in elem)
            FormCategoryInfo fci = o as FormCategoryInfo;
            if (fci != null)
                // We have category now
                sb.Append(Environment.NewLine + fci.GetPropertyValue(FormCategoryPropertyEnum.Caption, MacroContext.CurrentResolver) + Environment.NewLine + Environment.NewLine + Environment.NewLine);
                // Form element
                FormFieldInfo ffi = o as FormFieldInfo;
                if (ffi != null)
                    object value = webPart.GetValue(ffi.Name);
                    sb.Append(ffi.GetPropertyValue(FormFieldPropertyEnum.FieldCaption, MacroContext.CurrentResolver) + ": " + (value == null ? "" : value.ToString()) + Environment.NewLine + Environment.NewLine);

        return sb.ToString();
Beispiel #44
    /// <summary>
    /// Loads the web part form.
    /// </summary>
    protected void LoadForm()
        // Load settings
        if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(Request.Form[hdnIsNewWebPart.UniqueID]))
            IsNewWebPart = ValidationHelper.GetBoolean(Request.Form[hdnIsNewWebPart.UniqueID], false);
        if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(Request.Form[hdnInstanceGUID.UniqueID]))
            InstanceGUID = ValidationHelper.GetGuid(Request.Form[hdnInstanceGUID.UniqueID], Guid.Empty);

        // Indicates whether the new variant should be chosen when closing this dialog
        selectNewVariant = IsNewVariant;

        // Try to find the web part variant in the database and set its VariantID
        if (IsNewVariant)
            Hashtable varProperties = WindowHelper.GetItem("variantProperties") as Hashtable;
            if (varProperties != null)
                // Get the variant code name from the WindowHelper
                string variantName = ValidationHelper.GetString(varProperties["codename"], string.Empty);

                // Check if the variant exists in the database
                int variantIdFromDB = VariantHelper.GetVariantID(VariantMode, PageTemplateID, variantName, true);

                // Set the variant id from the database
                if (variantIdFromDB > 0)
                    VariantID    = variantIdFromDB;
                    IsNewVariant = false;

        if (!String.IsNullOrEmpty(WebPartID))
            // Get the page info
            pi = CMSWebPartPropertiesPage.GetPageInfo(AliasPath, PageTemplateID, CultureCode);

            if (pi == null)
                pnlExport.Visible = false;

            // Get template
            pti = pi.UsedPageTemplateInfo;

            // Get template instance
            templateInstance = pti.TemplateInstance;

            if (!IsNewWebPart)
                // Standard zone
                webPartInstance = templateInstance.GetWebPart(InstanceGUID, WebPartID);

                // If the web part not found, try to find it among the MVT/CP variants
                if (webPartInstance == null)
                    // MVT/CP variant

                    // Clone templateInstance to avoid caching of the temporary template instance loaded with CP/MVT variants
                    var tempTemplateInstance = templateInstance.Clone();
                    tempTemplateInstance.LoadVariants(false, VariantModeEnum.None);

                    webPartInstance = tempTemplateInstance.GetWebPart(InstanceGUID, -1);

                    // Set the VariantMode according to the selected web part/zone variant
                    if (webPartInstance?.ParentZone != null)
                        VariantMode = (webPartInstance.VariantMode != VariantModeEnum.None) ? webPartInstance.VariantMode : webPartInstance.ParentZone.VariantMode;
                        VariantMode = VariantModeEnum.None;
                    // Ensure that the ZoneVariantID is not set when the web part was found in a regular zone
                    ZoneVariantID = 0;

                if ((VariantID > 0) && webPartInstance?.PartInstanceVariants != null)
                    // Check OnlineMarketing permissions.
                    if (CheckPermissions("Read"))
                        webPartInstance = webPartInstance.FindVariant(VariantID);
                        // Not authorized for OnlineMarketing - Manage.
                        RedirectToInformation(String.Format(GetString("general.permissionresource"), "Read", (VariantMode == VariantModeEnum.ContentPersonalization) ? "CMS.ContentPersonalization" : "CMS.MVTest"));

                if (webPartInstance == null)
                    UIContext.EditedObject = null;

            // Keep xml version
            if (webPartInstance != null)
                xmlVersion = webPartInstance.XMLVersion;

            // Get the form info
            FormInfo fi = GetWebPartFormInfo();

            // Get the form definition
            if (fi != null)
                fi.ContextResolver.Settings.RelatedObject = templateInstance;
                form.AllowMacroEditing = true;

                // Get data row with required columns
                DataRow dr = fi.GetDataRow();

                if (IsNewWebPart || (xmlVersion > 0))

                // Load values from existing web part
                LoadDataRowFromWebPart(dr, webPartInstance, fi);

                // Set a unique WebPartControlID for the new variant
                if (IsNewVariant || IsNewWebPart)
                    dr["WebPartControlID"] = GetUniqueWebPartId();

                // Init the form
                InitForm(form, dr, fi);

                UIContext.EditedObject = null;
    /// <summary>
    /// Init event handler.
    /// </summary>
    protected override void OnInit(EventArgs e)

        // Load settings
        if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(Request.Form[hdnIsNewWebPart.UniqueID]))
            IsNewWebPart = ValidationHelper.GetBoolean(Request.Form[hdnIsNewWebPart.UniqueID], false);
        if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(Request.Form[hdnInstanceGUID.UniqueID]))
            InstanceGUID = ValidationHelper.GetGuid(Request.Form[hdnInstanceGUID.UniqueID], Guid.Empty);

        // Try to find the web part variant in the database and set its VariantID
        if (IsNewVariant)
            Hashtable properties = WindowHelper.GetItem("variantProperties") as Hashtable;
            if (properties != null)
                // Get the variant code name from the WindowHelper
                string variantName = ValidationHelper.GetString(properties["codename"], string.Empty);

                // Check if the variant exists in the database
                int variantIdFromDB = 0;
                if (VariantMode == VariantModeEnum.MVT)
                    variantIdFromDB = ModuleCommands.OnlineMarketingGetMVTVariantId(PageTemplateId, variantName);
                else if (VariantMode == VariantModeEnum.ContentPersonalization)
                    variantIdFromDB = ModuleCommands.OnlineMarketingGetContentPersonalizationVariantId(PageTemplateId, variantName);

                // Set the variant id from the database
                if (variantIdFromDB > 0)
                    VariantID = variantIdFromDB;
                    IsNewVariant = false;

        if (!String.IsNullOrEmpty(WebpartId))
            // Get the page info
            pi = CMSWebPartPropertiesPage.GetPageInfo(this.AliasPath, this.PageTemplateId);
            if (pi != null)
                // Get template
                pti = pi.PageTemplateInfo;

                // Get template instance
                templateInstance = pti.TemplateInstance;

                // Parent webpart
                WebPartInfo parentWpi = null;

                //Before FormInfo
                FormInfo beforeFI = null;

                //After FormInfo
                FormInfo afterFI = null;

                // Webpart form info
                FormInfo fi = null;

                if (!IsNewWebPart)
                    if (ZoneVariantID > 0)
                        // Zone variant
                        WebPartZoneInstance wpzi = pti.GetZone(ZoneId, ZoneVariantID);
                        webPartInstance = wpzi.GetWebPart(InstanceGUID);
                        // Standard zone
                        webPartInstance = pti.GetWebPart(InstanceGUID, WebpartId);

                    if ((VariantID > 0) && (webPartInstance != null) && (webPartInstance.PartInstanceVariants != null))
                        // Check OnlineMarketing permissions.
                        if (CheckPermissions("Read"))
                            webPartInstance = webPartInstance.FindVariant(VariantID);
                            // Not authorised for OnlineMarketing - Manage.
                            RedirectToInformation(String.Format(GetString("general.permissionresource"), "Read", (VariantMode == VariantModeEnum.ContentPersonalization) ? "CMS.ContentPersonalization" : "CMS.MVTest"));

                    if (webPartInstance == null)
                        lblInfo.Text = GetString("WebPartProperties.WebPartNotFound");
                        pnlFormArea.Visible = false;

                    wpi = WebPartInfoProvider.GetWebPartInfo(webPartInstance.WebPartType);
                    form.Mode = FormModeEnum.Update;
                // Webpart instance hasn't created yet
                    wpi = WebPartInfoProvider.GetWebPartInfo(ValidationHelper.GetInteger(WebpartId, 0));
                    form.Mode = FormModeEnum.Insert;

                // Load parent
                if (wpi != null)
                    if (wpi.WebPartParentID > 0)
                        parentWpi = WebPartInfoProvider.GetWebPartInfo(wpi.WebPartParentID);

                // Get the form definition
                string wpProperties = "<form></form>";
                if (wpi != null)
                    wpProperties = wpi.WebPartProperties;

                    // Use parent webpart if is defined
                    if (parentWpi != null)
                        wpProperties = parentWpi.WebPartProperties;

                    // Get before FormInfo
                    if (BeforeFormDefinition == null)
                        beforeFI = PortalHelper.GetPositionFormInfo((WebPartTypeEnum)wpi.WebPartType, PropertiesPosition.Before);
                        beforeFI = new FormInfo(BeforeFormDefinition);

                    // Get after FormInfo
                    if (AfterFormDefinition == null)
                        afterFI = PortalHelper.GetPositionFormInfo((WebPartTypeEnum)wpi.WebPartType, PropertiesPosition.After);
                        afterFI = new FormInfo(AfterFormDefinition);

                // Add 'General' category at the beginning if no one is specified
                if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(wpProperties) && (!wpProperties.StartsWith("<form><category", StringComparison.InvariantCultureIgnoreCase)))
                    wpProperties = wpProperties.Insert(6, "<category name=\"" + GetString("general.general") + "\" />");

                // Get merged web part FormInfo
                fi = FormHelper.GetWebPartFormInfo(wpi.WebPartName, wpProperties, beforeFI, afterFI, true);

                // Get datarow with required columns
                DataRow dr = fi.GetDataRow();

                if (IsNewWebPart)
                    // Load default properties values

                    // Load overriden system values
                    fi.LoadDefaultValues(dr, wpi.WebPartDefaultValues);

                    // Set control ID
                    FormFieldInfo ffi = fi.GetFormField("WebPartControlID");
                    if (ffi != null)
                        ffi.DefaultValue = WebPartZoneInstance.GetUniqueWebPartId(wpi.WebPartName, templateInstance);
                        fi.UpdateFormField("WebPartControlID", ffi);

                // Load values from existing webpart
                LoadDataRowFromWebPart(dr, webPartInstance);

                // Set a unique WebPartControlID for athe new variant
                if (IsNewVariant)
                    // Set control ID
                    dr["WebPartControlID"] = WebPartZoneInstance.GetUniqueWebPartId(wpi.WebPartName, templateInstance);

                // Init the form
                InitForm(form, dr, fi);

    /// <summary>
    /// Adds widget.
    /// </summary>
    private void AddWidget()
        int widgetID = ValidationHelper.GetInteger(WidgetId, 0);

        // Add web part to the currently selected zone under currently selected page
        if ((widgetID > 0) && !String.IsNullOrEmpty(ZoneId))
            if (wi != null)
                // Ensure layout zone flag
                if (QueryHelper.GetBoolean("layoutzone", false))
                    WebPartZoneInstance zone = pti.EnsureZone(ZoneId);
                    zone.LayoutZone = true;
                    zone.WidgetZoneType = zoneType;

                    // Ensure the layout zone flag in the original page template instance
                    WebPartZoneInstance zoneInstance = templateInstance.GetZone(ZoneId);
                    if (zoneInstance != null)
                        zoneInstance.LayoutZone = true;
                        zone.WidgetZoneType = zoneType;

                // Add the widget
                WebPartInstance newWidget = templateInstance.AddWidget(ZoneId, widgetID);
                if (newWidget != null)
                    // Prepare the form info to get the default properties
                    FormInfo fi = new FormInfo(wi.WidgetProperties);

                    DataRow dr = fi.GetDataRow();


                    // Add webpart to user's last recently used

                    widgetInstance = newWidget;
Beispiel #47
    protected override void OnLoad(EventArgs e)
        plImg  = GetImageUrl("CMSModules/CMS_PortalEngine/WebpartProperties/plus.png");
        minImg = GetImageUrl("CMSModules/CMS_PortalEngine/WebpartProperties/minus.png");

        if (WebpartID != String.Empty)
            wpi = WebPartInfoProvider.GetWebPartInfo(WebpartID);

        // Ensure correct view mode
        if (String.IsNullOrEmpty(AliasPath))
            // Ensure the dashboard mode for the dialog
            if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(DashboardName))
                PortalContext.DashboardName     = DashboardName;
                PortalContext.DashboardSiteName = DashboardSiteName;
            // Ensure the design mode for the dialog

        if (WidgetID != 0)
            PageInfo pi = null;
                // Load page info from alias path and page template
                pi = CMSWebPartPropertiesPage.GetPageInfo(AliasPath, PageTemplateID, CultureCode);
            catch (PageNotFoundException)
                // Do not throw exception if page info not found (e.g. bad alias path)

            if (pi != null)
                PageTemplateInstance templateInstance = CMSPortalManager.GetTemplateInstanceForEditing(pi);

                if (templateInstance != null)
                    // Get the instance of widget
                    WebPartInstance widgetInstance = templateInstance.GetWebPart(InstanceGUID);

                    // Info for zone type
                    WebPartZoneInstance zone = templateInstance.GetZone(ZoneID);

                    if (zone != null)
                        zoneType = zone.WidgetZoneType;

                    if (widgetInstance != null)
                        // Create widget from webpart instance
                        wi = WidgetInfoProvider.GetWidgetInfo(widgetInstance.WebPartType);

            // If inline widget display columns as in editor zone
            if (IsInline)
                zoneType = WidgetZoneTypeEnum.Editor;

            // If no zone set (only global admins allowed to continue)
            if (zoneType == WidgetZoneTypeEnum.None)
                if (!MembershipContext.AuthenticatedUser.CheckPrivilegeLevel(UserPrivilegeLevelEnum.GlobalAdmin))

            // If wi is still null (new item f.e.)
            if (wi == null)
                // Try to get widget info directly by ID
                wi = WidgetInfoProvider.GetWidgetInfo(WidgetID);

        String itemDescription   = String.Empty;
        String itemType          = String.Empty;
        String itemDisplayName   = String.Empty;
        String itemDocumentation = String.Empty;
        String itemIcon          = String.Empty;
        int    itemID            = 0;

        // Check whether webpart was found
        if (wpi != null)
            itemDescription   = wpi.WebPartDescription;
            itemType          = WebPartInfo.OBJECT_TYPE;
            itemID            = wpi.WebPartID;
            itemDisplayName   = wpi.WebPartDisplayName;
            itemDocumentation = wpi.WebPartDocumentation;

            itemIcon = PortalHelper.GetIconHtml(wpi.WebPartThumbnailGUID, wpi.WebPartIconClass ?? PortalHelper.DefaultWebPartIconClass);
        // Or widget was found
        else if (wi != null)
            itemDescription   = wi.WidgetDescription;
            itemType          = WidgetInfo.OBJECT_TYPE;
            itemID            = wi.WidgetID;
            itemDisplayName   = wi.WidgetDisplayName;
            itemDocumentation = wi.WidgetDocumentation;
            itemIcon          = PortalHelper.GetIconHtml(wi.WidgetThumbnailGUID, wi.WidgetIconClass ?? PortalHelper.DefaultWidgetIconClass);

        if ((wpi != null) || (wi != null))
            // Get WebPart (widget) icon
            ltrImage.Text = itemIcon;

            // Set description of webpart
            ltlDescription.Text = HTMLHelper.HTMLEncode(ResHelper.LocalizeString(itemDescription));

            // Get description from parent weboart if webpart is inherited
            if ((wpi != null) && (string.IsNullOrEmpty(wpi.WebPartDescription) && (wpi.WebPartParentID > 0)))
                WebPartInfo pwpi = WebPartInfoProvider.GetWebPartInfo(wpi.WebPartParentID);
                if (pwpi != null)
                    ltlDescription.Text = HTMLHelper.HTMLEncode(pwpi.WebPartDescription);

            FormInfo fi = null;

            // Generate properties
            if (wpi != null)
                // Get form info from parent if webpart is inherited
                if (wpi.WebPartParentID != 0)
                    WebPartInfo pwpi = WebPartInfoProvider.GetWebPartInfo(wpi.WebPartParentID);
                    if (pwpi != null)
                        fi = GetWebPartProperties(pwpi);
                    fi = GetWebPartProperties(wpi);
            else if (wi != null)
                fi = GetWidgetProperties(wi);

            // Generate properties
            if (fi != null)

            // Generate documentation text
            if (itemDocumentation == null || itemDocumentation.Trim() == "")
                if ((wpi != null) && (wpi.WebPartParentID != 0))
                    WebPartInfo pwpi = WebPartInfoProvider.GetWebPartInfo(wpi.WebPartParentID);
                    if (pwpi != null && pwpi.WebPartDocumentation.Trim() != "")
                        ltlContent.Text = HTMLHelper.ResolveUrls(pwpi.WebPartDocumentation, null);
                        ltlContent.Text = "<br /><div style=\"padding-left:5px; font-weight: bold;\">" + GetString("WebPartDocumentation.DocumentationText") + "</div><br />";
                    ltlContent.Text = "<br /><div style=\"padding-left:5px; font-weight: bold;\">" + GetString("WebPartDocumentation.DocumentationText") + "</div><br />";
                ltlContent.Text = HTMLHelper.ResolveUrls(itemDocumentation, null);

        string script = @"
function initializeResize ()  { 
    $cmsj(window).resize(function() { resizeareainternal(); });

function resizeareainternal () {
    var height = document.body.clientHeight ; 
    var panel = document.getElementById ('" + divScrolable.ClientID + @"');
    // Get parent footer to count proper height (with padding included)
    var footer = $cmsj('#divFooter');                  = (height - footer.outerHeight() - panel.offsetTop) +'px';                  

        ScriptHelper.RegisterClientScriptBlock(Page, typeof(Page), "mainScript", ScriptHelper.GetScript(script));

        // Init tabs
        tabControlElem.UsePostback = true;

        tabControlElem.AddTab(new UITabItem()
            Text = GetString("webparts.documentation"),

        tabControlElem.AddTab(new UITabItem()
            Text = GetString(""),

        // Disable caching

    protected void Page_Load(object sender, EventArgs e)
        this.CurrentMaster.DisplaySiteSelectorPanel = true;

        if (webpartId != "")
            // Get pageinfo
            pi = GetPageInfo(aliasPath, templateId);
            if (pi == null)

            // Get page template
            pti = pi.PageTemplateInfo;
            if ((pti != null) && ((pti.TemplateInstance != null)))
                webPart = pti.TemplateInstance.GetWebPart(instanceGuid, zoneVariantId, variantId) ?? pti.GetWebPart(webpartId);

        // If the web part is not found, do not continue
        if (webPart == null)
            // Get the current layout name
            if (String.IsNullOrEmpty(LayoutCodeName))
                mLayoutCodeName = ValidationHelper.GetString(webPart.GetValue("WebPartLayout"), "");

        // Strings
        lblLayouts.Text = GetString("WebPartPropertise.LayoutList");

        if (!RequestHelper.IsPostBack())

        // Add default drop down items
        selectLayout.ShowDefaultItem = true;

        // Add new item
        if (SettingsKeyProvider.UsingVirtualPathProvider && CurrentUser.IsAuthorizedPerResource("CMS.Design", "EditCode"))
            selectLayout.ShowNewItem = true;

        webPartInfo = WebPartInfoProvider.GetWebPartInfo(webPart.WebPartType);

        // Where condition
        selectLayout.WhereCondition = "WebPartLayoutWebPartID =" + webPartInfo.WebPartID;

        if (QueryHelper.GetBoolean("reload", false))
    /// <summary>
    /// Saves widget properties.
    /// </summary>
    public bool Save()
        if (VariantID > 0)
            // Check MVT/CP security
            if (!CheckPermissions("Manage"))
                return false;

        // Save the data
        if ((pi != null) && (pti != null) && (templateInstance != null) && SaveForm(formCustom))
            // Check manage permission for non-livesite version
            if ((CMSContext.ViewMode != ViewModeEnum.LiveSite) && (CMSContext.ViewMode != ViewModeEnum.DashboardWidgets))
                if (CMSContext.CurrentUser.IsAuthorizedPerDocument(pi.NodeId, pi.ClassName, NodePermissionsEnum.Modify, CMSContext.CurrentSiteName) != AuthorizationResultEnum.Allowed)
                    return false;

            // Get the zone
            zone = templateInstance.EnsureZone(ZoneId);

            if (zone != null)
                zone.WidgetZoneType = zoneType;

                // Add new widget
                if (IsNewWidget)

                if (IsNewVariant)
                    widgetInstance = widgetInstance.Clone();

                    if (pi.DocumentTemplateInstance.WebPartZones.Count == 0)
                        // Save to the document as editor admin changes
                        TreeNode node = DocumentHelper.GetDocument(pi.DocumentId, tree);

                        // Extract and set the document web parts
                        node.SetValue("DocumentWebParts", templateInstance.GetZonesXML(WidgetZoneTypeEnum.Editor));

                        // Save the document
                        DocumentHelper.UpdateDocument(node, tree);

                // Get basicform's datarow and update widget

                if (IsNewVariant)
                    // Ensures unique id for new widget variant
                    widgetInstance.ControlID = WebPartZoneInstance.GetUniqueWebPartId(wi.WidgetName, zone.ParentTemplateInstance);

                // Allow set dashboard in design mode
                if ((zoneType == WidgetZoneTypeEnum.Dashboard) && String.IsNullOrEmpty(PortalContext.DashboardName))

                bool isWidgetVariant = (VariantID > 0) || IsNewVariant;
                if (!isWidgetVariant)
                    // Save the changes
                    CMSPortalManager.SaveTemplateChanges(pi, pti, templateInstance, zoneType, CMSContext.ViewMode, tree);
                else if ((CMSContext.ViewMode == ViewModeEnum.Edit) && (zoneType == WidgetZoneTypeEnum.Editor))
                    // Save the variant properties
                    if ((widgetInstance != null)
                        && (widgetInstance.ParentZone != null)
                        && (widgetInstance.ParentZone.ParentTemplateInstance != null)
                        && (widgetInstance.ParentZone.ParentTemplateInstance.ParentPageTemplate != null))
                        string variantName = string.Empty;
                        string variantDisplayName = string.Empty;
                        string variantDisplayCondition = string.Empty;
                        string variantDescription = string.Empty;
                        bool variantEnabled = true;
                        string zoneId = widgetInstance.ParentZone.ZoneID;
                        int templateId = widgetInstance.ParentZone.ParentTemplateInstance.ParentPageTemplate.PageTemplateId;
                        Guid instanceGuid = Guid.Empty;
                        XmlDocument doc = new XmlDocument();
                        XmlNode xmlWebParts = null;

                        xmlWebParts = widgetInstance.GetXmlNode(doc);
                        instanceGuid = InstanceGUID;

                        Hashtable properties = WindowHelper.GetItem("variantProperties") as Hashtable;
                        if (properties != null)
                            variantName = ValidationHelper.GetString(properties["codename"], string.Empty);
                            variantDisplayName = ValidationHelper.GetString(properties["displayname"], string.Empty);
                            variantDescription = ValidationHelper.GetString(properties["description"], string.Empty);
                            variantEnabled = ValidationHelper.GetBoolean(properties["enabled"], true);

                            if (VariantMode == VariantModeEnum.ContentPersonalization)
                                variantDisplayCondition = ValidationHelper.GetString(properties["condition"], string.Empty);

                        // Save the web part variant properties
                        if (VariantMode == VariantModeEnum.MVT)
                            ModuleCommands.OnlineMarketingSaveMVTVariant(VariantID, variantName, variantDisplayName, variantDescription, variantEnabled, zoneId, widgetInstance.InstanceGUID, templateId, pi.DocumentId, xmlWebParts);
                        else if (VariantMode == VariantModeEnum.ContentPersonalization)
                            ModuleCommands.OnlineMarketingSaveContentPersonalizationVariant(VariantID, variantName, variantDisplayName, variantDescription, variantEnabled, variantDisplayCondition, zoneId, widgetInstance.InstanceGUID, templateId, pi.DocumentId, xmlWebParts);

                        // Clear the document template
                        templateInstance.ParentPageTemplate.ParentPageInfo.DocumentTemplateInstance = null;

                        // Log widget variant synchronization
                        TreeNode node = DocumentHelper.GetDocument(pi.DocumentId, tree);
                        DocumentSynchronizationHelper.LogDocumentChange(node, TaskTypeEnum.UpdateDocument, tree);


            // Reload the form (because of macro values set only by JS)

            // Clear the cached web part
            if (InstanceGUID != null)
                CacheHelper.TouchKey("webpartinstance|" + InstanceGUID.ToString().ToLower());

            return true;

        return false;
    /// <summary>
    /// Handles the Load event of the Page control.
    /// </summary>
    protected void Page_Load(object sender, EventArgs e)
        string widgetId     = QueryHelper.GetString("widgetid", String.Empty);
        string aliasPath    = QueryHelper.GetString("aliasPath", String.Empty);
        int    templateId   = QueryHelper.GetInteger("templateid", 0);
        string zoneId       = QueryHelper.GetString("zoneid", String.Empty);
        Guid   instanceGUID = QueryHelper.GetGuid("instanceguid", Guid.Empty);

        bool   isNewWidget = QueryHelper.GetBoolean("isnew", false);
        bool   inline      = QueryHelper.GetBoolean("inline", false);
        int    variantId   = QueryHelper.GetInteger("variantid", 0);
        string culture     = QueryHelper.GetString("culture", CMSContext.PreferredCultureCode);

        // Set page title
        Page.Title = GetString(isNewWidget ? "widgets.propertiespage.titlenew" : "widgets.propertiespage.title");

        // Resize the header (enlarge) to make a space for the tabs header when displaying a widget variant
        if (variantId > 0)
            rowsFrameset.Attributes.Add("rows", "67, *");

        // Ensure correct view mode
        if (String.IsNullOrEmpty(aliasPath))
            // Ensure the dashboard mode for the dialog
            if (QueryHelper.Contains("dashboard"))
                PortalContext.DashboardName     = QueryHelper.GetString("dashboard", String.Empty);
                PortalContext.DashboardSiteName = QueryHelper.GetString("sitename", String.Empty);
            // Ensure the design mode for the dialog

        if (widgetId != "")
            // Get pageinfo
            PageInfo pi = null;
                pi = CMSWebPartPropertiesPage.GetPageInfo(aliasPath, templateId, culture);
            catch (PageNotFoundException)
                // Do not throw exception if page info not found (e.g. bad alias path)

            if (pi == null)

            // Get template instance
            PageTemplateInstance templateInstance = CMSPortalManager.GetTemplateInstanceForEditing(pi);

            // Get widget from instance
            WidgetInfo wi = null;
            if (!isNewWidget)
                // Get the instance of widget
                WebPartInstance widgetInstance = templateInstance.GetWebPart(instanceGUID, widgetId);
                if (widgetInstance == null)

                // Get widget info by widget name(widget type)
                wi = WidgetInfoProvider.GetWidgetInfo(widgetInstance.WebPartType);
            // Widget instance hasn't created yet
                wi = WidgetInfoProvider.GetWidgetInfo(ValidationHelper.GetInteger(widgetId, 0));

            if (wi != null)
                WebPartZoneInstance zone = templateInstance.GetZone(zoneId);
                if (zone != null)
                    CurrentUserInfo currentUser = CMSContext.CurrentUser;

                    switch (zone.WidgetZoneType)
                    // Group zone => Only group widgets and group admin
                    case WidgetZoneTypeEnum.Group:
                        // Should always be, only group widget are allowed in group zone
                        if (!wi.WidgetForGroup || (!currentUser.IsGroupAdministrator(pi.NodeGroupID) && ((CMSContext.ViewMode != ViewModeEnum.Design) || ((CMSContext.ViewMode == ViewModeEnum.Design) && (!currentUser.IsAuthorizedPerResource("CMS.Design", "Design"))))))

                    // Widget must be allowed for editor zones
                    case WidgetZoneTypeEnum.Editor:
                        if (!wi.WidgetForEditor)

                    // Widget must be allowed for user zones
                    case WidgetZoneTypeEnum.User:
                        if (!wi.WidgetForUser)

                    if ((zone.WidgetZoneType != WidgetZoneTypeEnum.Group) && !WidgetRoleInfoProvider.IsWidgetAllowed(wi, currentUser.UserID, currentUser.IsAuthenticated()))

                // If all ok, set up frames
                frameHeader.Attributes.Add("src", "widgetproperties_header.aspx" + URLHelper.Url.Query);
                frameContent.Attributes.Add("src", "widgetproperties_properties_frameset.aspx" + URLHelper.Url.Query);

        frameHeader.Attributes.Add("src", "widgetproperties_header.aspx" + URLHelper.Url.Query);
        if (inline && !isNewWidget)
            frameContent.Attributes.Add("src", ResolveUrl("~/CMSPages/Blank.htm"));
            frameContent.Attributes.Add("src", "widgetproperties_properties_frameset.aspx" + URLHelper.Url.Query);
    /// <summary>
    /// Adds web part.
    /// </summary>
    private void AddWebPart()
        int webpartID = ValidationHelper.GetInteger(WebpartId, 0);
        // Add web part to the currently selected zone under currently selected page
        if ((webpartID > 0) && !string.IsNullOrEmpty(ZoneId))
            // Get the web part by code name
            WebPartInfo wi = WebPartInfoProvider.GetWebPartInfo(webpartID);
            if (wi != null)
                // Ensure layout zone flag
                if (QueryHelper.GetBoolean("layoutzone", false))
                    WebPartZoneInstance zone = pti.EnsureZone(ZoneId);
                    zone.LayoutZone = true;

                // Add the web part
                WebPartInstance newPart = null;
                if (ZoneVariantID == 0)
                    newPart = pti.AddWebPart(ZoneId, webpartID);
                    WebPartZoneInstance wpzi = templateInstance.EnsureZone(ZoneId);
                    wpzi = wpzi.ZoneInstanceVariants.Find(z => z.VariantID.Equals(ZoneVariantID));
                    if (wpzi != null)
                        newPart = wpzi.AddWebPart(webpartID);

                if (newPart != null)
                    // Prepare the form info to get the default properties
                    FormInfo fi = null;
                    if (wi.WebPartParentID > 0)
                        // Get from parent
                        WebPartInfo parentWi = WebPartInfoProvider.GetWebPartInfo(wi.WebPartParentID);
                        if (parentWi != null)
                            fi = new FormInfo(parentWi.WebPartProperties);
                    if (fi == null)
                        fi = new FormInfo(wi.WebPartProperties);

                    // Load the default values to the properties
                    if (fi != null)
                        DataRow dr = fi.GetDataRow();


                    // Add webpart to user's last recently used

                    // Add last selection date to webpart
                    wi.WebPartLastSelection = DateTime.Now;

                    webPartInstance = newPart;