/// <summary>
            /// Notifies the <see cref="P:Parent"/> that a print template is being destroyed.
            /// </summary>
            /// <param name="webBrowser">The top-level or frame <see cref="T:WebBrowser"/> that represents the window or frame.</param>
            public override void PrintTemplateDestroyed(WebBrowser webBrowser)
                var e = new WebBrowserPrintTemplateEventArgs(webBrowser);

            /// <summary>
            /// Notifies the <see cref="P:Parent"/> that a print template is being instantiated.
            /// </summary>
            /// <param name="webBrowser">The top-level or frame <see cref="T:WebBrowser"/> that represents the window or frame.</param>
            public override void PrintTemplateInstantiated(WebBrowser webBrowser)
                var e = new WebBrowserPrintTemplateEventArgs(webBrowser);
