Beispiel #1
        public async Task <ActionResult> CreateProduct(IFormFile file, [Bind] AllProductsViewModel model)
                if (ModelState.IsValid)
                    if (!IsUploadedFileImage(file))
                        ModelState.AddModelError("Photo", "Filen är ogiltig!");
                        TempData["Errors"] = "Filen är ogiltig!";
                        model.Categories   = await webAPI.GetAllAsync <Category>(ApiURL.CATEGORIES);

                        model.Brands = await webAPI.GetAllAsync <Brand>(ApiURL.BRANDS);


                    // Instantiate new product
                    Product newProduct = new Product()
                        Name            = model.Name,
                        Price           = model.Price,
                        Quantity        = model.Quantity,
                        CategoryId      = model.CategoryId,
                        BrandId         = model.BrandId,
                        Description     = model.Description,
                        FullDescription = model.FullDescription,
                        Specification   = model.Specification,
                        Discount        = model.Discount,
                        ActiveProduct   = model.ActiveProduct

                    // Request token
                    var token = await webAPIToken.New();

                    // Store product
                    var apiResonse = await webAPI.PostAsync(newProduct, ApiURL.PRODUCTS, token);

                    // Deserialize API response content and get ID of newly created product
                    var newProductId = webAPI.DeserializeJSON <AllProductsViewModel>(apiResonse.ResponseContent).Id;
                    newProduct.Id = newProductId;

                    // Store image in www root folder with unique product Id
                    if (file != null)
                        // Set category folder name
                        var folderName = await GetCategoryName(model.CategoryId);

                        // Store new image
                        ProductImage productImage = new ProductImage(environment.WebRootPath, folderName, file);
                        newProduct.Photo = productImage.StoreImage(newProduct.Id);

                    // Update product with image
                    var response = webAPI.UpdateAsync <Product>(newProduct, ApiURL.PRODUCTS + newProduct.Id, token);

                    model.Categories = await webAPI.GetAllAsync <Category>(ApiURL.CATEGORIES);

                    model.Brands = await webAPI.GetAllAsync <Brand>(ApiURL.BRANDS);

                    TempData["Errors"] = "Fyll i formuläret ordentligt";

                TempData["Succesmsg"] = $"Great!! {model.Name} skapad i databasen";
                return(RedirectToAction("AllProducts", "Product"));
                TempData["Database error"] = "Sorry!! Något gick fel när du lägger Data till databasen";
                return(RedirectToAction("CreateProduct", "Product"));