Beispiel #1
 public static void ChooseSpaceWeather(WeatherDecider __instance)
     if (getMap(__instance).terrainGrid.TerrainAt(IntVec3.Zero)?.defName == "HardVacuum")
         //No space weather
         getMap(__instance).weatherManager.lastWeather = WeatherDef.Named("NoneSpace");
         getMap(__instance).weatherManager.curWeather  = WeatherDef.Named("NoneSpace");
        public static bool Prefix(WeatherDecider __instance, ref WeatherDef __result)
                // Get all of our ducks in order...
                var traverse = Traverse.Create(__instance);
                var map      = traverse.Field("map").GetValue <Map>();
                if (!Main.BiomeSettings.ContainsKey(map.Biome))

                var biomeSetting = Main.BiomeSettings[map.Biome];
                var weatherTemp  = biomeSetting.BoundWeatherTemp(map.mapTemperature.OutdoorTemp);
                var rainAllowed  = biomeSetting.CanIgnoreRainLimits()
                    ? 0
                    : traverse.Field("ticksWhenRainAllowedAgain").GetValue <int>();
                var preventRain = map.gameConditionManager.ActiveConditions.Any(x => x.def.preventRain);

                // If we're in the tutorial, just let it be
                if (TutorSystem.TutorialMode)
                    __result = WeatherDefOf.Clear;

                //Log.Message($"temp {weatherTemp} rain prevent {preventRain} rainallowed {rainAllowed}");

                // Otherwise, try and figure out the weather by weight
                if (
                    DefDatabase <WeatherDef> .AllDefs.TryRandomElementByWeight(
                        w => biomeSetting.GetWeatherData(w).GetCommonality(map, rainAllowed, weatherTemp, preventRain),
                        out var result))
                    //Log.Message($"newweather {result.defName}");
                    __result = result;

                // If we didn't, use the default weather
                    "Unable to choose suitable weather; this may mean your biome specific settings don't produce a viable range of weathers.");
                __result = WeatherDefOf.Clear;
            catch (Exception exception)
                Log.Error($"Unable to override choosing the next weather; falling back to vanilla. {exception}");
Beispiel #3
            private static void Postfix(WeatherDecider __instance, WeatherDef __result)
                    Map map      = Traverse.Create(__instance).Field("map").GetValue <Map>();
                    var ZTracker = Current.Game.GetComponent <ZLevelsManager>();
                    if (ZTracker.ZLevelsTracker != null && ZTracker.ZLevelsTracker.ContainsKey(map.Tile))
                        ZLogger.Message("Weather decider: " + __result + " - " + ZTracker.GetMapInfo(map));
                        if (ZTracker.GetZIndexFor(map) == 0)
                            foreach (var map2 in ZTracker.GetAllMaps(map.Tile))
                                if (ZTracker.GetZIndexFor(map2) > 0)
                                    ZLogger.Message("1 - " + ZTracker.GetMapInfo(map2) + " transitioting to " + __result);
                                    map2.weatherManager.curWeatherAge = map.weatherManager.curWeatherAge;
                        else if (ZTracker.GetZIndexFor(map) > 0)
                            __result = map.weatherManager.curWeather;
                            ZLogger.Message("2 - " + ZTracker.GetMapInfo(map) + " transitioting to " + __result);

                        else if (ZTracker.GetZIndexFor(map) < 0)
                            __result = WeatherDefOf.Clear;
                            ZLogger.Message("3 - " + ZTracker.GetMapInfo(map) + " transitioting to " + __result);
                        ZLogger.Message("Changed weather for " + ZTracker.GetMapInfo(map) + " - " + __result);
                catch (Exception ex)
                    Log.Error("[Z-Levels] Patch_ChooseNextWeather patch produced an error. That should not happen and will break things. Send a Hugslib log to the Z-Levels developers. Error message: " + ex, true);
Beispiel #4
            private static void Postfix(WeatherDecider __instance, ref WeatherDef __result, Map ___map)
                    var ZTracker = ZUtils.ZTracker;
                    if (ZTracker.ZLevelsTracker != null && ZTracker.ZLevelsTracker.ContainsKey(___map.Tile))
                        ZLogger.Message("Weather decider: " + __result + " - " + ZTracker.GetMapInfo(___map));
                        if (ZTracker.GetZIndexFor(___map) == 0)
                            foreach (var map2 in ZTracker.GetAllMaps(___map.Tile))
                                if (ZTracker.GetZIndexFor(map2) > 0)
                                    ZLogger.Message("1 - " + ZTracker.GetMapInfo(map2) + " transitioting to " + __result);
                                    map2.weatherManager.curWeatherAge = ___map.weatherManager.curWeatherAge;
                        else if (ZTracker.GetZIndexFor(___map) > 0)
                            __result = ___map.weatherManager.curWeather;
                            ZLogger.Message("2 - " + ZTracker.GetMapInfo(___map) + " transitioting to " + __result);

                        else if (ZTracker.GetZIndexFor(___map) < 0)
                            __result = WeatherDefOf.Clear;
                            ZLogger.Message("3 - " + ZTracker.GetMapInfo(___map) + " transitioting to " + __result);
                        ZLogger.Message("Changed weather for " + ZTracker.GetMapInfo(___map) + " - " + __result);
                catch (Exception ex)
                    Log.Error("[Z-Levels] Patch_ChooseNextWeather patch produced an error. That should not happen and will break things. Send a Hugslib log to the Z-Levels developers. Error message: " + ex, true);
Beispiel #5
 private static bool Prefix(WeatherDecider __instance, Map ___map, ref int ___curWeatherDuration)
         var ZTracker = ZUtils.ZTracker;
         if (ZTracker.ZLevelsTracker != null && ZTracker.ZLevelsTracker.ContainsKey(___map.Tile) &&
             ZTracker.GetZIndexFor(___map) < 0)
             ___map.weatherManager.curWeather = null;
             WeatherDef weatherDef  = WeatherDefOf.Clear;
             WeatherDef lastWeather = WeatherDefOf.Clear;
             ___map.weatherManager.curWeather    = weatherDef;
             ___map.weatherManager.lastWeather   = lastWeather;
             ___curWeatherDuration               = weatherDef.durationRange.RandomInRange;
             ___map.weatherManager.curWeatherAge = Rand.Range(0, ___curWeatherDuration);
     catch (Exception ex)
         Log.Error("[Z-Levels] Patch_WeatherManager patch produced an error. That should not happen and will break things. Send a Hugslib log to the Z-Levels developers. Error message: " + ex, true);
Beispiel #6
 public void ConstructComponents()
     this.spawnedThings      = new ThingOwner <Thing>(this);
     this.cellIndices        = new CellIndices(this);
     this.listerThings       = new ListerThings(ListerThingsUse.Global);
     this.listerBuildings    = new ListerBuildings();
     this.mapPawns           = new MapPawns(this);
     this.dynamicDrawManager = new DynamicDrawManager(this);
     this.mapDrawer          = new MapDrawer(this);
     this.tooltipGiverList   = new TooltipGiverList();
     this.pawnDestinationReservationManager = new PawnDestinationReservationManager();
     this.reservationManager = new ReservationManager(this);
     this.physicalInteractionReservationManager = new PhysicalInteractionReservationManager();
     this.designationManager             = new DesignationManager(this);
     this.lordManager                    = new LordManager(this);
     this.debugDrawer                    = new DebugCellDrawer();
     this.passingShipManager             = new PassingShipManager(this);
     this.haulDestinationManager         = new HaulDestinationManager(this);
     this.gameConditionManager           = new GameConditionManager(this);
     this.weatherManager                 = new WeatherManager(this);
     this.zoneManager                    = new ZoneManager(this);
     this.resourceCounter                = new ResourceCounter(this);
     this.mapTemperature                 = new MapTemperature(this);
     this.temperatureCache               = new TemperatureCache(this);
     this.areaManager                    = new AreaManager(this);
     this.attackTargetsCache             = new AttackTargetsCache(this);
     this.attackTargetReservationManager = new AttackTargetReservationManager(this);
     this.lordsStarter                   = new VoluntarilyJoinableLordsStarter(this);
     this.thingGrid                  = new ThingGrid(this);
     this.coverGrid                  = new CoverGrid(this);
     this.edificeGrid                = new EdificeGrid(this);
     this.blueprintGrid              = new BlueprintGrid(this);
     this.fogGrid                    = new FogGrid(this);
     this.glowGrid                   = new GlowGrid(this);
     this.regionGrid                 = new RegionGrid(this);
     this.terrainGrid                = new TerrainGrid(this);
     this.pathGrid                   = new PathGrid(this);
     this.roofGrid                   = new RoofGrid(this);
     this.fertilityGrid              = new FertilityGrid(this);
     this.snowGrid                   = new SnowGrid(this);
     this.deepResourceGrid           = new DeepResourceGrid(this);
     this.exitMapGrid                = new ExitMapGrid(this);
     this.linkGrid                   = new LinkGrid(this);
     this.glowFlooder                = new GlowFlooder(this);
     this.powerNetManager            = new PowerNetManager(this);
     this.powerNetGrid               = new PowerNetGrid(this);
     this.regionMaker                = new RegionMaker(this);
     this.pathFinder                 = new PathFinder(this);
     this.pawnPathPool               = new PawnPathPool(this);
     this.regionAndRoomUpdater       = new RegionAndRoomUpdater(this);
     this.regionLinkDatabase         = new RegionLinkDatabase();
     this.moteCounter                = new MoteCounter();
     this.gatherSpotLister           = new GatherSpotLister();
     this.windManager                = new WindManager(this);
     this.listerBuildingsRepairable  = new ListerBuildingsRepairable();
     this.listerHaulables            = new ListerHaulables(this);
     this.listerMergeables           = new ListerMergeables(this);
     this.listerFilthInHomeArea      = new ListerFilthInHomeArea(this);
     this.reachability               = new Reachability(this);
     this.itemAvailability           = new ItemAvailability(this);
     this.autoBuildRoofAreaSetter    = new AutoBuildRoofAreaSetter(this);
     this.roofCollapseBufferResolver = new RoofCollapseBufferResolver(this);
     this.roofCollapseBuffer         = new RoofCollapseBuffer();
     this.wildAnimalSpawner          = new WildAnimalSpawner(this);
     this.wildPlantSpawner           = new WildPlantSpawner(this);
     this.steadyEnvironmentEffects   = new SteadyEnvironmentEffects(this);
     this.skyManager                 = new SkyManager(this);
     this.overlayDrawer              = new OverlayDrawer();
     this.floodFiller                = new FloodFiller(this);
     this.weatherDecider             = new WeatherDecider(this);
     this.fireWatcher                = new FireWatcher(this);
     this.dangerWatcher              = new DangerWatcher(this);
     this.damageWatcher              = new DamageWatcher();
     this.strengthWatcher            = new StrengthWatcher(this);
     this.wealthWatcher              = new WealthWatcher(this);
     this.regionDirtyer              = new RegionDirtyer(this);
     this.cellsInRandomOrder         = new MapCellsInRandomOrder(this);
     this.rememberedCameraPos        = new RememberedCameraPos(this);
     this.mineStrikeManager          = new MineStrikeManager();
     this.storyState                 = new StoryState(this);
     this.retainedCaravanData        = new RetainedCaravanData(this);