// Set the Correct Animation Controller for the current weapon
    public void Start()
        attaking           = false;
        player             = GameObject.FindGameObjectWithTag("Player");
        movementController = player.GetComponent <MovementController>();

        animator        = GetComponent <Animator>();
        effectContainer = transform.GetChild(0).gameObject;
        //Set weappon Interface values
        weaponInterface = this.GetComponent <WeaponInterface>();
        weaponInterface.defaultSprite = this.GetComponent <SpriteRenderer>().sprite;
        weaponInterface.setValues(weapon.attakTime, weapon.cooldown, weapon.quantity, attaking, weapon.rotation, weapon.tooltip, weapon.damage);
        weaponInterface.setWeaponManager(player.GetComponent <WeaponManager>());

        //Weapon Specific Initialazation
Beispiel #2
        /// Change weapon function
        /// Uses current weapon string to denote which object to set the playerweapon to.
        public void ChangeWeapon()
            if (_currentWeapon == "Sword")
                _playerWeapon = new Sword();                 // default weapon

            if (_currentWeapon == "Seed")
                _playerWeapon = new Seed();

            if (_currentWeapon == "FireBall")
                _playerWeapon = new FireBall();

            if (_currentWeapon == "WaterBall")
                _playerWeapon = new WaterBall();
    public void ShowTowerInformation(TowerBehavior tower, Vector2?pos = null)
        if (pos != null)
            self.position = (Vector3)pos;
            self.position = new Vector2(Screen.width / 2, Screen.height / 2);

        titleText.text = tower.param.title;
        //requiredHeight += titleText.GetComponent<RectTransform>().sizeDelta.y;
        descriptionText.text = tower.param.description;
        //descriptionBox.sizeDelta = new Vector2(descriptionBox.sizeDelta.x, descriptionText.text.Length * 0.5f);
        //requiredHeight += descriptionBox.sizeDelta.y + 10;
        //self.sizeDelta = new Vector2(self.sizeDelta.x, requiredHeight);

        if (weaponInterface == null)
            weaponInterface = Instantiate(weaponInterfacePrefab, transform.position, Quaternion.identity, transform)
                              .GetComponent <WeaponInterface>();

        weaponInterface.self.position = new Vector2
            self.position.x + self.sizeDelta.x * 0.5f + weaponInterface.self.sizeDelta.x * 0.5f + GameManager.instance.interfaceManager.boxesSpacing,

        lastTower    = tower;
        lastPosition = (Vector2)self.position;
