/// <summary>
        /// Deactivates and disables this root clock.
        /// </summary>
        internal void RootDisable()
            Debug.Assert(IsTimeManager, "Invalid call to RootDeactivate for a non-root Clock");

            // Reset the state of the timing tree
            WeakRefEnumerator<Clock> enumerator = new WeakRefEnumerator<Clock>(_rootChildren);

            while (enumerator.MoveNext())
                PrefixSubtreeEnumerator subtree = new PrefixSubtreeEnumerator(enumerator.Current, true);

                while (subtree.MoveNext())
                    if (subtree.Current.InternalCurrentClockState != ClockState.Stopped)

        /// <summary>
        /// Removes dead weak references from the child list of the root clock.
        /// </summary>
        internal void RootCleanChildren()
            Debug.Assert(IsTimeManager, "Invalid call to RootCleanChildren for a non-root Clock");

            WeakRefEnumerator<Clock> enumerator = new WeakRefEnumerator<Clock>(_rootChildren);

            // Simply enumerating the children with the weak reference
            // enumerator is sufficient to clean up the list. Therefore, the
            // body of the loop can remain empty
            while (enumerator.MoveNext())

            // When the loop terminates naturally the enumerator will clean
            // up the list of any dead references. Therefore, by the time we
            // get here we are done.
        // Called on the root
        internal void ComputeTreeState()
            // Revive all children
            WeakRefEnumerator<Clock> enumerator = new WeakRefEnumerator<Clock>(_rootChildren);

            while (enumerator.MoveNext())
                PrefixSubtreeEnumerator prefixEnumerator = new PrefixSubtreeEnumerator(enumerator.Current, true);
                while (prefixEnumerator.MoveNext())
                    Clock current = prefixEnumerator.Current;

                    // Only traverse the "ripe" subset of the Timing tree
                    if (CurrentGlobalTime >= current.InternalNextTickNeededTime)
                        current.ComputeLocalState();       // Compute the state of the node
                        current.ClipNextTickByParent();    // Perform NextTick clipping, stage 1

                        // Make a note to visit for stage 2, only for ClockGroups and Roots
                        current.NeedsPostfixTraversal = (current is ClockGroup) || (current.IsRoot);

            // To perform a postfix walk culled by NeedsPostfixTraversal flag, we use a local recursive method
            // Note that since we called for this operation, it is probably already needed by the root clock
        internal void ComputeTreeStateRoot()
            TimeSpan? previousTickNeededTime = InternalNextTickNeededTime;
            InternalNextTickNeededTime = null;  // Reset the root's next tick needed time

            WeakRefEnumerator<Clock> enumerator = new WeakRefEnumerator<Clock>(_rootChildren);

            while (enumerator.MoveNext())
                Clock current = enumerator.Current;

                if (current.NeedsPostfixTraversal)
                    if (current is ClockGroup)
                    current.ApplyDesiredFrameRateToNextTick();  // Apply the effects of DFR on each root as needed
                    current.NeedsPostfixTraversal = false;  // Reset the flag

                if(!InternalNextTickNeededTime.HasValue ||
                    (enumerator.Current.InternalNextTickNeededTime.HasValue &&
                     enumerator.Current.InternalNextTickNeededTime < InternalNextTickNeededTime))
                    InternalNextTickNeededTime = enumerator.Current.InternalNextTickNeededTime;

            if (InternalNextTickNeededTime.HasValue &&
                (!previousTickNeededTime.HasValue || previousTickNeededTime > InternalNextTickNeededTime))
        // This is only to be called on the TimeManager clock. Go through our
        // top level clocks and find the clock with the highest desired framerate.
        // DFR has to be > 0, so starting the accumulator at 0 is fine.
        internal int GetMaxDesiredFrameRate()

            int desiredFrameRate = 0;

            // Ask all top-level clock their desired framerate
            WeakRefEnumerator<Clock> enumerator = new WeakRefEnumerator<Clock>(_rootChildren);

            while (enumerator.MoveNext())
                Clock currentClock = enumerator.Current;

                if (currentClock != null && currentClock.CurrentState == ClockState.Active)
                    int? currentDesiredFrameRate = currentClock.DesiredFrameRate;
                    if (currentDesiredFrameRate.HasValue)
                        desiredFrameRate = Math.Max(desiredFrameRate, currentDesiredFrameRate.Value);

            return desiredFrameRate;