Beispiel #1
 public WaypointSearchData(double distanceTraveled, double distanceToGoal, DTOWaypoint waypoint, WaypointSearchData parentMove, int depth)
     DistanceTraveled = distanceTraveled; DistanceToGoal = distanceToGoal; Waypoint = waypoint; ParentMove = parentMove; Depth = depth;
Beispiel #2
        public WaypointSearchResult PlanPath(DTOWaypoint startNode, DTOWaypoint destinationNode)
            Dictionary <DTOWaypoint, WaypointSearchData> openLocations   = new Dictionary <DTOWaypoint, WaypointSearchData>();
            Dictionary <DTOWaypoint, WaypointSearchData> closedLocations = new Dictionary <DTOWaypoint, WaypointSearchData>();

            openLocations[startNode] = new WaypointSearchData(0.0, GetDistance(startNode, destinationNode), startNode, null, 0);

            // Don't move if already at destination
            if (startNode == destinationNode)

            // Maximum number of waypoints to look at in search
            int maxNumIterations = 3000;
            int numIterations    = 0;

            // Loop until end is found
            while (true)
                // Find lowest cost waypoint in openLocations
                DTOWaypoint currentNode = null;
                double      lowestCost  = double.PositiveInfinity;
                foreach (var w in openLocations.Keys)
                    if (openLocations[w].DistanceTraveled + openLocations[w].DistanceToGoal < lowestCost)
                        currentNode = w;
                        lowestCost  = openLocations[w].DistanceTraveled + openLocations[w].DistanceToGoal;
                // Something wrong happened -can't find the end
                if (currentNode == null)

                // Grab the details about the current waypoint
                WaypointSearchData currentNodeData = openLocations[currentNode];

                // If the closest is also the destination or out of iterations
                if (currentNode == destinationNode || numIterations++ == maxNumIterations)
                    // Init result
                    WaypointSearchResult result = new WaypointSearchResult();
                    // Found it on the first move
                    if (currentNodeData.ParentMove == null)
                    // Go back to the first move made
                    while (currentNodeData != null)
                        currentNodeData = currentNodeData.ParentMove;

                // Transfer closest from open to closed list
                closedLocations[currentNode] = openLocations[currentNode];

                // Expand all the moves
                foreach (var successorNode in currentNode.Paths.Select(p => _waypoints[p]))
                    // Check whether the node is already on closed
                    if (closedLocations.ContainsKey(successorNode))
                        // Don't deal with anything already on the closed list (don't want loops)

                    // If it's not in the open list, add it
                    if (!openLocations.ContainsKey(successorNode))
                        openLocations[successorNode] =
                            new WaypointSearchData(
                                currentNodeData.DistanceTraveled + GetDistance(currentNode, successorNode), // The distance already traveled
                                GetDistance(successorNode, destinationNode),                                // The approximate distance to the goal
                                successorNode,                                                              // The node itself
                                currentNodeData,                                                            // Parent data
                                currentNodeData.Depth + 1);                                                 // The current depth
                        // It's already in the open list, but see if this new path is better
                        WaypointSearchData oldPath = openLocations[successorNode];
                        // Replace it with the new one
                        if (oldPath.DistanceTraveled + oldPath.DistanceToGoal > currentNodeData.DistanceTraveled + GetDistance(currentNode, successorNode))
                            openLocations[successorNode] =
                                new WaypointSearchData(
                                    currentNodeData.DistanceTraveled + GetDistance(currentNode, successorNode), // The distance already traveled
                                    GetDistance(successorNode, destinationNode),                                // The approximate distance to the goal
                                    successorNode,                                                              // The node itself
                                    currentNodeData,                                                            // Parent data
                                    currentNodeData.Depth + 1);                                                 // The current depth