public SampleDataAsset(string name, WaveFile wave)
            if (name == null)
                throw new ArgumentNullException("An asset must be given a valid name.");
            assetName = name;
            SamplerChunk smpl = wave.FindChunk <SamplerChunk>();

            if (smpl != null)
                sampleRate = (int)(44100.0 * (1.0 / (smpl.SamplePeriod / 22675.0)));
                rootKey    = (short)smpl.UnityNote;
                tune       = (short)(smpl.PitchFraction * 100);
                if (smpl.Loops.Length > 0)
                    //--WARNING ASSUMES: smpl.Loops[0].Type == SamplerChunk.SampleLoop.LoopType.Forward
                    loopStart = smpl.Loops[0].Start;
                    loopEnd   = smpl.Loops[0].End + smpl.Loops[0].Fraction + 1;
                sampleRate = wave.Format.SampleRate;
            byte[] data = wave.Data.RawSampleData;
            if (wave.Format.ChannelCount != audioChannels) //reformat to supported channels
                data = WaveHelper.GetChannelPcmData(data, wave.Format.BitsPerSample, wave.Format.ChannelCount, audioChannels);
            sampleData = PcmData.Create(wave.Format.BitsPerSample, data, true);
            start      = 0;
            end        = sampleData.Length;
        public SampleDataAsset(int size, BinaryReader reader)
            assetName  = IOHelper.Read8BitString(reader, 20);
            sampleRate = reader.ReadInt32();
            rootKey    = reader.ReadInt16();
            tune       = reader.ReadInt16();
            loopStart  = reader.ReadDouble();
            loopEnd    = reader.ReadDouble();
            byte bits  = reader.ReadByte();
            byte chans = reader.ReadByte();

            byte[] data = reader.ReadBytes(size - 46);
            if (chans != audioChannels) //reformat to supported channels
                data = WaveHelper.GetChannelPcmData(data, bits, chans, audioChannels);
            sampleData = PcmData.Create(bits, data, true);
            start      = 0;
            end        = sampleData.Length;