public void Put_Updates_Watchlist_Reviews()
            // arrange
            var originalWatchlist = new Watchlist(1, "test review", "test rating");
            var expectedWatchlist = new List <Watchlist>()
            var updatedWatchlist = new Watchlist(2, "test updated review", "test rating");

            // What are the dependencies for the controller's Update action?
            // They are Update() and GetAll()
            // To mock Update() we need to modify our fake list with the Remove() then Add() methods
            watchlistMockRepo.When(t => watchlistMockRepo.Update(updatedWatchlist))
            .Do(Callback.First(t => expectedWatchlist.Remove(originalWatchlist))
                .Then(t => expectedWatchlist.Add(updatedWatchlist)));

            // act
            var result = testController.Put(updatedWatchlist);

            // assert
            // Below is an alternative to Assert.Equal(expectedTodos, result.ToList());
            //Assert.All(result, item => Assert.Contains("First Watchlist Update", item.Title));
            Assert.Equal(expectedWatchlist, result.ToList());