public static WangTile[] WangTile(WangTile[] wangTiles, Size wangTileSize, 
			Bitmap[] sourceBitmaps, int sourceBitmapBorderWidth, 
			int maxAttempts, 
			long maximumMatchingError,
			bool onePixelOverlapBetweenTiles)
            Size sampleTileSize = new Size(wangTileSize.Width*3/2 + (onePixelOverlapBetweenTiles ? 1 : 0),
                wangTileSize.Height*3/2 + (onePixelOverlapBetweenTiles ? 1 : 0));

            // determine the number of Sample Portions you'll need
            int numSamplePortions = 0;
            foreach (WangTile wt in wangTiles) numSamplePortions = Math.Max(numSamplePortions, wt.MaxColorNumber);

            int numAttempts = 0;
            int numSourceBitmaps = sourceBitmaps.Length;

            WangTileSpecification bestSpecification = null;
            // while you haven't found an appropriate wang tiling..
            while (numAttempts < maxAttempts && (bestSpecification == null || bestSpecification.MatchingError > maximumMatchingError) )
                Util.Spew("Generating Wang Tiles, attempt " + (numAttempts+1) + " of a maximum " + maxAttempts+"...");

                WangTileSpecification wts = new WangTileSpecification(wangTiles, sourceBitmaps, onePixelOverlapBetweenTiles);
                numAttempts ++;

                wts.WangTileSize = wangTileSize;
                wts.SamplePortions = new Rectangle[numSourceBitmaps, numSamplePortions];
                // Randomly select new sample portions from each bitmap.
                for (int bmp = 0; bmp < numSourceBitmaps; bmp++)
                    int maxX = sourceBitmaps[bmp].Width - sampleTileSize.Width - (2*sourceBitmapBorderWidth);
                    int maxY = sourceBitmaps[bmp].Height - sampleTileSize.Height - (2*sourceBitmapBorderWidth);
                    for (int i = 0; i < numSamplePortions; i++)
                        wts.SamplePortions[bmp, i] = new Rectangle(new Point(sourceBitmapBorderWidth+r.Next(maxX), sourceBitmapBorderWidth+r.Next(maxY)), sampleTileSize);

                if (bestSpecification == null || wts.MatchingError < bestSpecification.MatchingError)
                    bestSpecification = wts;

            Util.Spew("Synthesizing bitmaps for best Wang Tile specification...");


            Util.Spew("Finished generating Wang Tiles.");

            return bestSpecification.WangTiles;
        public static WangTile[] WangTile(WangTile[] wangTiles, Size wangTileSize,
                                          Bitmap[] sourceBitmaps, int sourceBitmapBorderWidth,
                                          int maxAttempts,
                                          long maximumMatchingError,
                                          bool onePixelOverlapBetweenTiles)
            Size sampleTileSize = new Size(wangTileSize.Width * 3 / 2 + (onePixelOverlapBetweenTiles ? 1 : 0),
                                           wangTileSize.Height * 3 / 2 + (onePixelOverlapBetweenTiles ? 1 : 0));

            // determine the number of Sample Portions you'll need
            int numSamplePortions = 0;

            foreach (WangTile wt in wangTiles)
                numSamplePortions = Math.Max(numSamplePortions, wt.MaxColorNumber);

            int numAttempts      = 0;
            int numSourceBitmaps = sourceBitmaps.Length;

            WangTileSpecification bestSpecification = null;

            // while you haven't found an appropriate wang tiling..
            while (numAttempts < maxAttempts && (bestSpecification == null || bestSpecification.MatchingError > maximumMatchingError))
                Util.Spew("Generating Wang Tiles, attempt " + (numAttempts + 1) + " of a maximum " + maxAttempts + "...");

                WangTileSpecification wts = new WangTileSpecification(wangTiles, sourceBitmaps, onePixelOverlapBetweenTiles);

                wts.WangTileSize   = wangTileSize;
                wts.SamplePortions = new Rectangle[numSourceBitmaps, numSamplePortions];
                // Randomly select new sample portions from each bitmap.
                for (int bmp = 0; bmp < numSourceBitmaps; bmp++)
                    int maxX = sourceBitmaps[bmp].Width - sampleTileSize.Width - (2 * sourceBitmapBorderWidth);
                    int maxY = sourceBitmaps[bmp].Height - sampleTileSize.Height - (2 * sourceBitmapBorderWidth);
                    for (int i = 0; i < numSamplePortions; i++)
                        wts.SamplePortions[bmp, i] = new Rectangle(new Point(sourceBitmapBorderWidth + r.Next(maxX), sourceBitmapBorderWidth + r.Next(maxY)), sampleTileSize);

                if (bestSpecification == null || wts.MatchingError < bestSpecification.MatchingError)
                    bestSpecification = wts;

            Util.Spew("Synthesizing bitmaps for best Wang Tile specification...");


            Util.Spew("Finished generating Wang Tiles.");
