Beispiel #1
    /// <summary>
    /// Initialization.  Create eye objects and save wall definition.
    /// </summary>
    void Start()
        // Create a debug string for wall information
        WallInfo = new StringWriter();

        // Debug
        WallInfo.WriteLine("Wall: " +;
        WallInfo.WriteLine("Position: " + WallObject.transform.localPosition);
        WallInfo.WriteLine("Orientation: " + WallObject.transform.localRotation.eulerAngles);

        // Get the wall definition object for the wall object.
        // There should probably be some error checking if it doesn't exist.
        wallDef = WallObject.GetComponent(typeof(WallDefinition)) as WallDefinition;
        WallInfo.WriteLine("Size: " + wallDef.Width + ", " + wallDef.Height);

        // calculate eye offset based on camera eye separation value.
        //float eyeOffset = camera.stereoSeparation / 2.0f;

        // create objects to represent left and right eye positions.
        //leftEyeObj = CreateEyeObject(-eyeOffset, + ":Left Eye");
        //rightEyeObj = CreateEyeObject(eyeOffset, + ":Right Eye");
        eyeObj = CreateEyeObject(0, GetComponent <Camera>().name + ":Eye");
    /// <summary>
    /// Initialize the display setup base on the contents of DisplaySettings.
    /// </summary>
    /// <param name="settings">Display settings defining each wall.</param>
    public void InitializeDisplay(DisplaySettings settings)
        /// Abort if null settings were passed in.  Just use the cameras defined in the project.
        if (settings == null || settings.screens.Count <= 0)
            Debug.LogWarning("No screens defined, reverting to default display mode");

        /// Get a list of cameras that are in the scene by default.  These will be destroyed and
        /// replaced by cameras defined in the display file.
        Camera[] camsToDestroy = GameObject.FindObjectsOfType(typeof(Camera)) as Camera[];

        /// Find the GameObject that will act as the local origin for Walls
        /// This assumes a fixed position display (projection screen, monitor, etc.) in which the
        /// users head position will change with regard to the walls.  For something like a HMD,
        /// the head itself would be the display origin.
        GameObject wallsParent = DIRE.Instance.DisplayOrigin;

        Debug.Log("Wall parent: " + wallsParent);

        /// Create and initialize game objects to represent each eye.
        GameObject leftEyeObj  = null;
        GameObject rightEyeObj = null;

        leftEyeObj  = DIRE.Instance.Head;
        rightEyeObj = DIRE.Instance.Head;

        if (IsStereoMode)
            Transform eyeParent = DIRE.Instance.Head.transform;
            float     eyeOffset = baseCam.stereoSeparation / 2.0f;

            leftEyeObj  = CreateEyeObject(eyeParent, new Vector3(-eyeOffset, 0, 0), "Left Eye");
            rightEyeObj = CreateEyeObject(eyeParent, new Vector3(eyeOffset, 0, 0), "Right Eye");
            leftEyeObj  = DIRE.Instance.Head;
            rightEyeObj = DIRE.Instance.Head;

        // Instantiate a camera for every screen from the display settings file.
        for (int i = 0; i < settings.screens.Count; i++)
            ScreenInfo sInfo = settings.screens[i];

            /// Create a wall object with wall component for each screen.  Place wall on wall parent.
            GameObject wallObject = new GameObject();
                         = sInfo.Name + " Wall";
            wallObject.transform.parent           = wallsParent.transform;
            wallObject.transform.localPosition    = sInfo.Location.Position;
            wallObject.transform.localEulerAngles = sInfo.Location.Orientation;

            WallDefinition wallDef = wallObject.GetComponent(typeof(WallDefinition)) as WallDefinition;
            wallDef.Width  = sInfo.Location.Width;
            wallDef.Height = sInfo.Location.Height;

            /// Create a camera for each wall.  Place the camera on the users head.
            Camera camera = Instantiate(baseCam) as Camera;
                      = sInfo.Name + " Camera";
            camera.transform.parent        = DIRE.Instance.Head.transform;
            camera.transform.localPosition =;
            camera.transform.localRotation = Quaternion.identity;
            camera.transform.localScale    =;

            /// set camera display area in window
            camera.rect = new Rect((float)(sInfo.Viewport.X - settings.X) / settings.Width,
                                   (float)(settings.Y + settings.Height - sInfo.Viewport.Y - sInfo.Viewport.Height) / settings.Height,
                                   (float)(sInfo.Viewport.Width) / settings.Width,
                                   (float)(sInfo.Viewport.Height) / settings.Height);

            /// Create a FixedDisplay component if none exists
            if (camera.GetComponent(typeof(FixedDisplay)) == null)

            /// Associate the wall object the FixedDisplay component on the camera
            FixedDisplay fdScript = camera.GetComponent(typeof(FixedDisplay)) as FixedDisplay;
            //fdScript.leftEyeObj = (sInfo.SwapEyes ? rightEyeObj : leftEyeObj );
            //fdScript.rightEyeObj = (sInfo.SwapEyes ? leftEyeObj : rightEyeObj );
            fdScript.WallObject = wallObject;

        // This foreach destroys all of the non-DIRE cameras in the scene.
        // This is performed after the new cameras are set up to prevent a blank screen while the new cameras are set up.

        /*foreach(Camera obj in camsToDestroy)
         * {
         *      if (obj.gameObject.tag != "DIRE")
         *              Destroy(obj.gameObject);
         * }*/