public static void CallDecoratorPattern() { IceCream iceCreamChocolate = new Chocolate(); iceCreamChocolate = new Sprinkle(iceCreamChocolate); iceCreamChocolate = new Fudge(iceCreamChocolate); Console.WriteLine("Chocolate Ice Cream with Sprinkles, Fudge = " + iceCreamChocolate.Cost().ToString("C")); IceCream iceCreamVanilla = new Vanilla(); iceCreamVanilla = new Sprinkle(iceCreamVanilla); iceCreamVanilla = new Fudge(iceCreamVanilla); iceCreamVanilla = new Caramel(iceCreamVanilla); iceCreamVanilla = new WhipCream(iceCreamVanilla); iceCreamVanilla = new WaffleCone(iceCreamVanilla); Console.WriteLine("Vanilla Ice Cream with Sprinkles, Fudge, Caramel, WhipCream, WaffleCone = " + iceCreamVanilla.Cost().ToString("C")); Console.ReadKey(); }
void Start () { paddleScript = GameObject.FindObjectOfType<Paddle>(); waffleCone = GameObject.FindObjectOfType<WaffleCone>(); }
// Use this for initialization void Start() { ballPosition = GameObject.FindObjectOfType <Ball>(); messageKitKat = GameObject.FindObjectOfType <KitKatPaddle>(); messageWaffle = GameObject.FindObjectOfType <WaffleCone>(); }