Beispiel #1
        private string getScope(WSAggregateTranslationScope aggscope, WSAssetTranslationScope scope, WSLocale locale, BaseExtendable mtdProject, IMTDService service, int sequence)
            //create Quote Section

            // TODO: This line should probably go away. We should pass the correct entity relation so that the words counts are loaded in the correct Assessment and Quote sections.
            EntityVersion newVersion = new EntityVersion();

//            I don't think we need this here. We don't want to create a new quote and assessment section for every locale.
//            createQuoteSectionAndAssessment(service, mtdProject, newVersion, projName, projDescription);

            TranslationMemory memory = new TranslationMemory();
            int total_word_count     = 0;

            if (scope != null)
                memory.Words_XTrans += scope.getIceWordCount;
                memory.Words_Rep    += scope.getRepetitionWordCount;
                memory.Words_100    += scope.getPerfectWordCount;
                memory.Words_95     += scope.getFuzzyWordCount[0];
                memory.Words_85     += scope.getFuzzyWordCount[1];
                memory.Words_75     += scope.getFuzzyWordCount[2];
                memory.Words_50     += scope.getFuzzyWordCount[3];
                memory.Words_NM     += scope.getFuzzyWordCount[4];
                total_word_count    += memory.Words_XTrans + memory.Words_Rep + memory.Words_100 + memory.Words_95 + memory.Words_85 + memory.Words_75 + memory.Words_50 + memory.Words_NM;
            else  //aggregate scopes for 'auto' quote
                foreach (WSAssetTranslationScope ats in aggscope.getScopes)
                    memory.Words_XTrans += ats.getIceWordCount;
                    memory.Words_Rep    += ats.getRepetitionWordCount;
                    memory.Words_100    += ats.getPerfectWordCount;
                    memory.Words_95     += ats.getFuzzyWordCount[0];
                    memory.Words_85     += ats.getFuzzyWordCount[1];
                    memory.Words_75     += ats.getFuzzyWordCount[2];
                    memory.Words_50     += ats.getFuzzyWordCount[3];
                    memory.Words_NM     += ats.getFuzzyWordCount[4];
                    total_word_count    += memory.Words_XTrans + memory.Words_Rep + memory.Words_100 + memory.Words_95 + memory.Words_85 + memory.Words_75 + memory.Words_50 + memory.Words_NM;
            string custIID     = ConfigurationSettings.AppSettings["CUSTOMER_IID"];
            int    customerIID = Convert.ToInt32(custIID);
            string lang        = locale.getName.ToUpper();

            lang = lang.Replace(" - UTF8", "");  //Code lang names are LANG_LOCATION unlike lang name in WS
            lang = lang.Replace(" (", "_");
            lang = lang.Replace(")", "");

            //Code test = Code.FindAltType("LOC", "ar_EG");
            //use alternate_type to find code in MDL

            Code langCode = Code.Find("LOC", lang);

            QuoteItem[] existingItems = null;
            Rate        currRate      = null;
            string      retValue      = null;

            if (langCode != null)  //it should never be null, otherwise what is the translation?
                currRate = service.LoadRate(customerIID, langCode);
                retValue = "missing langCode for " + lang;

            // Now do Translation memory Items
            Code wordCode = Code.Find("QUOTE_UNIT", "WORDS");

            if (total_word_count > 0)
                // If separate ICE matches selected, split them into their own category, otherwise add them to REPS
                if (memory.Words_XTrans > 0)
                    Code      repCode   = Code.Find("QUOTE_ITEM", "TRANSLATION_ICE");
                    QuoteItem storeItem = fetchMemItemMatch(newVersion, langCode, repCode, wordCode, memory.Words_XTrans, 0 /* currRate.Reps_Rate */, ref sequence, existingItems);
                    retValue = retValue + " XTrans Quote IID " + storeItem.Quote_Item_IID;
                if ((memory.Words_Rep + memory.Words_100) > 0)
                    Code      repCode   = Code.Find("QUOTE_ITEM", "TRANSLATION_REPS");
                    QuoteItem storeItem = fetchMemItemMatch(newVersion, langCode, repCode, wordCode, (memory.Words_Rep + memory.Words_100), currRate.Reps_Rate, ref sequence, existingItems);
                    retValue = retValue + " 100 Quote IID " + storeItem.Quote_Item_IID;

                if ((memory.Words_95 + memory.Words_85 + memory.Words_75) > 0)
                    Code      fuzzyCode = Code.Find("QUOTE_ITEM", "TRANSLATION_FUZZY");
                    QuoteItem storeItem = fetchMemItemMatch(newVersion, langCode, fuzzyCode, wordCode, memory.Words_95 + memory.Words_85 + memory.Words_75, currRate.Fuzzy_Rate, ref sequence, existingItems);
                    retValue = retValue + " 95 Quote IID " + storeItem.Quote_Item_IID;

                if ((memory.Words_50 + memory.Words_NM) > 0)
                    Code      newCode   = Code.Find("QUOTE_ITEM", "TRANSLATION_NEW");
                    QuoteItem storeItem = fetchMemItemMatch(newVersion, langCode, newCode, wordCode, memory.Words_50 + memory.Words_NM, currRate.New_Rate, ref sequence, existingItems);
                    retValue = retValue + " 50 Quote IID " + storeItem.Quote_Item_IID;

            // TODO: This should be imported into the assessment and quote section matching the Entity Relation
Beispiel #2
        public string[] getScopeInfo(string srcName, string projName, string projDescription, string file, Code srcLocale, Code[] dstLocales, int localeCount, string datatype, BaseExtendable mtdProject, IMTDService service, string WS_Client_Name, string Project_Type, string quoteType, string WSurl, string ProjectNum, string[] projectAttribs)
            string retVal        = "success";
            string FILE_NAME     = "473263";
            string workgroupName = "default";
            string workflowName  = "1. Translation Only";

            string[] entityIIDArray = new string[4];
            string   update         = "no";
            string   review         = "no";
            string   client_review  = "no";

            if (projectAttribs != null)
                foreach (string projectAtrib in projectAttribs)
                    if (projectAtrib == "update")
                        update = "yes";
                    else if (projectAtrib == "review")
                        review = "yes";
                    else if (projectAtrib == "client_review")
                        client_review = "yes";
            projName = projName.Replace("\\", "-");
            projName = projName.Replace("/", "-");
            projName = projName.Replace(":", "-");
            string src_asset  = srcName.Replace("\\", "/");
            string WSuserName = ConfigurationSettings.AppSettings["WS_USR"];
            string WSpwd      = ConfigurationSettings.AppSettings["WS_PWD"];

            WSContext ctx = new WSContext(WSuserName, WSpwd, WSurl); //

            string debugLine = DateTime.Now + " Got WS context "; WriteDebugfile(debugLine);

            debugLine = DateTime.Now + " source asset name = " + src_asset; WriteDebugfile(debugLine);

            WSAisManager      aisManager  = ctx.getAisManager();
            WSUserManager     userMgr     = ctx.getUserManager();
            WSAssetManager    assetMgr    = ctx.getAssetManager();
            WSWorkflowManager workflowMgr = ctx.getWorkflowManager();
            WSQuoteManager    quoteMgr    = ctx.getQuoteManager();
            WSScopeManager    scopeMgr    = ctx.getScopeManager();
            Code mdlCode = null;

            Base.Text codeID = null;
            int       ID     = 0;

            codeID = srcLocale.Description_TID;
            ID     = Convert.ToInt32(codeID.Text_IID.ToString());

            debugLine = DateTime.Now + " Got src locale id= " + ID.ToString(); WriteDebugfile(debugLine);
            WSLocale wslocale = null;

            if (WS_Client_Name == "Seagate")
                wslocale = userMgr.getLocale2(GetSeagateLocID(ID));
                wslocale = userMgr.getLocale2(ID);

            if (wslocale == null)
                throw new System.InvalidOperationException("Invalid src locale");

                WSWorkgroup workgroup = userMgr.getWorkgroup(workgroupName);
                WSWorkflow  workflow  = workflowMgr.getWorkflow(workflowName);
                //int pId = 13066;

                //tokenize dest locales
                //char[] sep = { ';' };
                //String[] res = dstLocales.Split(sep);
                int        numLocs = localeCount; //dstLocales.Length;
                WSLocale[] locales = null;
                Code       targCode;
                locales = new WSLocale[numLocs];
                for (int i = 0; i < numLocs; i++)
                    //string localeName = res[i].Trim();
                    targCode  = dstLocales[i];
                    debugLine = DateTime.Now + " Got target locale code= " + targCode; WriteDebugfile(debugLine);
                    if (targCode != null)
                        //mdlCode = Code.FindAltType("LOC", localeName);
                        codeID    = targCode.Description_TID;
                        debugLine = DateTime.Now + " Got target locale codeID= " + codeID; WriteDebugfile(debugLine);
                        ID        = Convert.ToInt32(codeID.Text_IID.ToString());
                        debugLine = DateTime.Now + " Got target locale id= " + ID.ToString(); WriteDebugfile(debugLine);
                        WSLocale locale = null;
                        if (WS_Client_Name == "Seagate")
                            locale = userMgr.getLocale2(GetSeagateLocID(ID));
                            locale = userMgr.getLocale2(ID);
                        locales[i] = locale;
                        if (locale == null)
                            throw new System.InvalidOperationException("Error in target locale " + locale);
                        throw new System.InvalidOperationException("Error in target code " + targCode);
                if (locales[0] == null)
                    throw new System.InvalidOperationException("No target locales defined");
//                WSClient[] ctxclients = ctx.getUser.get.getClients();
                WSWorkflow    DefaultWF   = null;
                WSTm          DefaultTm   = null;
                WSClient      client      = userMgr.getClient(WS_Client_Name);
                WSProjectType projectType = null;
//                for (int o = 0; o < ctxclients.Length; o++)
//               {

                if (!(client == null))
//                        client = ctxclients[o];

//                        WSProjectType[] ctxtypes = client.;

                    String inProjType = Project_Type.Trim();
//                        inProjType = inProjType.Replace(" ","");
                    projectType = workflowMgr.getProjectType(inProjType);
                    if (projectType == null)
                        throw new System.InvalidOperationException("No match in WS found for project type " + Project_Type);
//                       for (int p = 0; p < ctxtypes.Length; p++)
//                       {
//                           String projType = ctxtypes[p].getName.Trim();
//                           projType = projType.Replace(" ","");
//                           //if (String.Compare(projType, Project_Type) == 0)
//                           if (projType.Equals(inProjType) )
//                           {
//                                projectType = ctxtypes[p];
                    DefaultWF = projectType.getDefaultWorkflow;
                    DefaultTm = projectType.getDefaultTm;
                    debugLine = DateTime.Now + " Got project type " + projectType.getDisplayString; WriteDebugfile(debugLine);

//                                break;
//                            }
//                       }
                    throw new System.InvalidOperationException("Client Name does not exist \"" + WS_Client_Name + "\"");

//                }

                string[] attachedFile = new string[1];
                attachedFile[0] = src_asset;  //file to 'attach' to project
                string[] custom = new string[2];
                custom[0] = null;
                custom[1] = null; //custom ais properties

                    string clientPath = "/Client Files/" + WS_Client_Name;
                    if (clientPath == null)
                        debugLine = DateTime.Now + " Parameter clientPath cannot be null = " + clientPath; WriteDebugfile(debugLine);
                        throw new System.ArgumentException("Parameter clientPath cannot be null", clientPath);
                    WSNode clientNode     = aisManager.getNode(clientPath);
                    string clientTempPath = clientPath + "/Temp";
                    if (clientTempPath == null)
                        aisManager.create(clientTempPath, clientNode);
                    WSNode clientTempNode = aisManager.getNode(clientTempPath);
                    string aisPath        = clientTempPath + "/Upload";
                    if (aisPath == null)
                        aisManager.create(aisPath, clientTempNode);
                    string         oldPath      = aisPath;
                    WSNode         oldNode      = aisManager.getNode(oldPath);
                    WSProjectGroup projectGroup = workflowMgr.createProjectGroup(ProjectNum + "-" + WS_Client_Name + "-" + projName, projDescription, locales, attachedFile, client, projectType, custom);
                    WSProject[]    theProjects  = projectGroup.getProjects;
                    foreach (WSProject theProject in theProjects)
                        theProject.setAttribute("update", update);
                        theProject.setAttribute("review", review);
                        theProject.setAttribute("creview", client_review);

                        //string theLocaleString = "Target-" + theProject.getTargetLocale.getDisplayString;
                        //WSTask[] theProjectTasks = theProject.getTasks();
                        //string theNodeString = "";
                        //string [] theNodeStringArray = theProjectTasks[0].getTargetPath.Split('/');
                        //int countHolder = 0;
                        //for (int i = theNodeStringArray.Length -1; theNodeStringArray.Length > 0; i--)
                        //    if ( theNodeStringArray[i].Equals(theLocaleString))
                        //    {
                        //        countHolder = i;
                        //        break;
                        //    }

                        //for (int j=1; j <= countHolder; j++)
                        //    theNodeString += "/" + theNodeStringArray[j];

                    debugLine      = DateTime.Now + " Created WS Project Group = " + projectGroup.getId; WriteDebugfile(debugLine);
                    entityIIDArray = createProjectScope(mtdProject, service, projectGroup, projName, projDescription, locales, attachedFile, client, projectType);
                catch (Exception e)
                    debugLine = DateTime.Now + " " + e.Message; WriteDebugfile(debugLine);
                    throw new System.InvalidOperationException(e.Message);
            catch (Exception e)
                throw new System.InvalidOperationException(e.Message);