Beispiel #1
        DAL.SupportServices.SupportServices wsm = new DAL.SupportServices.SupportServices();  //  Set WebService methods pointer

        /// <summary>
        ///     Process WE text files, built an object, generate a Json string and submit it to the
        ///     webServices. [ WE XML Order.txt ]
        ///     If any processing errors are detected, the corresponding message is send to WebServices
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="path">The complete path to the file in process</param>
        /// <param name="fileName">File name without the extension</param>
        /// <returns>Process result in a boolean var. if OK (true) else (false) </returns>
        public bool ProcessWEFiles(string path, string fileName, EtlTimer sync)
            bool head = false;       /// Header info detection flag
            bool det  = false;       /// Detail info detection flag
            //bool resp = false;        /// Process final status return flag
            ServiceResponse resp    = new ServiceResponse();
            bool            process = true; /// control that process was completed ok
            int itemsCounter = 0;           /// Detail items counter
            int lineCounter  = 0;           /// Count the number of rows(records) in file
            string line;

            string[] separators = { "=", "_" };
            WEFiles        weFiles = new WEFiles();
            List <WEItems> items   = new List <WEItems>();

            //WriteErrorFile wef = new WriteErrorFile();
            DAL.SupportServices.SupportServices wef = new DAL.SupportServices.SupportServices();
            /// ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
            /// Read the file line by line.
            /// ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
            System.IO.StreamReader file = new System.IO.StreamReader(path);
                while ((line = file.ReadLine()) != null)
                    /// Count lines in file
                    /// Split input record into string array elements
                    string[] words = line.Split(separators, StringSplitOptions.None);
                    /// -------------------------------------------------------------------
                    /// Only one element found in record <element 0>
                    /// Identify is Header or detail tags come after this element
                    /// -------------------------------------------------------------------
                    if (words.Count() == 1)
                        if (words[0] == "[Order Header]")
                            head = true;        /// Set header section detected flag on
                        else if (words[0] == "[Order Detail]")
                            det  = true;        /// set Deatil section detected flag on
                            head = false;       /// Header detected off
                        else if (words[0] == "")
                            continue;           /// Ignore blank records
                        throw new Exception("Unrecognized content");
                    /// -------------------------------------------------------------------
                    /// Two elements found in record <tag name> = <tag value>
                    /// Header flag on. validate against Header tags
                    /// Is not a detail record
                    /// -------------------------------------------------------------------
                    if (head && !det && words.Count() == 2)
                        /// Build Header object from data file
                        switch (words[0])
                        case "MacolaUserID":
                            weFiles.MacolaUserID = words[1];

                        case "UserEmail":
                            weFiles.UserEmail = words[1].TrimStart();

                        case "OrderDate":
                            weFiles.OrderDate = words[1].TrimStart();

                        case "PO":
                            weFiles.PO = words[1].TrimStart();

                        case "ImportType":
                            weFiles.ImportType = words[1].TrimStart();

                        case "TotalItemsNo":
                            if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(words[1]))
                                weFiles.TotalItemsNo = Int32.Parse(words[1]);

                            //  throw error
                            throw new Exception("Unrecognized header tag name");
                    /// -------------------------------------------------------------------
                    /// Three elements found in record:
                    ///     <tag name> = <detail record count> = <tag value>
                    /// Detail flag on. validate against detail tags
                    /// -------------------------------------------------------------------
                    else if (det && words.Count() == 3)
                        int itm = Int32.Parse(words[1]);
                        if (itm > itemsCounter)
                            /// Add new empty() line object into Items list
                            /// All new data entry values will be stored in the empty line.
                            /// ============= >
                            /// < =============
                            /// Count items in List
                        switch (words[0])
                        case "Qty":
                            items[itemsCounter - 1].Qty = words[2];

                        case "Line1":
                            items[itemsCounter - 1].Line1 = words[2];

                        case "Line2":
                            items[itemsCounter - 1].Line2 = words[2];

                        case "Line3":
                            items[itemsCounter - 1].Line3 = words[2];

                        case "ItemClientCode":
                            items[itemsCounter - 1].ItemClientCode = words[2];

                        case "ItemClientCodeDescription":
                            items[itemsCounter - 1].ItemClientCodeDescription = words[2];

                        case "ItemWECode":
                            items[itemsCounter - 1].ItemWECode = words[2];

                        case "PriorityID":
                            items[itemsCounter - 1].PriorityID = words[2];

                        case "Type":
                            items[itemsCounter - 1].Type = words[2];

                        case "Instructions1":
                            items[itemsCounter - 1].Instructions1 = words[2];

                        case "Instructions2":
                            items[itemsCounter - 1].Instructions2 = words[2];

                        case "Instructions3":
                            items[itemsCounter - 1].Instructions3 = words[2];

                        case "Instructions4":
                            items[itemsCounter - 1].Instructions4 = words[2];

                            //  throw error
                            throw new Exception("Unrecognized detail tag name");
                        /// throw error - unrecognized data line (lineCounter)
                        throw new Exception("Invalid data format");
            catch (Exception e)
                /// error while reading the file
                process   = false;
                resp.IsOk = false;
                ServiceResponse errMsg = new ServiceResponse();
                errMsg.FileType   = "1";    //  Set Nis Type
                errMsg.FileName   = fileName + ".txt";
                errMsg.NISOrderId = "0";
                errMsg.Status     = "Not Processed";
                errMsg.Message    = e.Message + " in line " + lineCounter;
                /// Send Message to WebService
                wef.WriteErrorFile(errMsg, sync);
            /// Only if process is completed ok and the number of detail records expected
            /// match the number of records read the object is serialized and send to the
            /// corresponding Web Service
            if (process)
                if (items.Count() == itemsCounter)
                    weFiles.OrderDetail = items;
                    resp.IsOk           = true;
                string json = Newtonsoft.Json.JsonConvert.SerializeObject(weFiles);
                /// ******************************************************************************
                /// Call Web Service
                /// <param name="json2">Include Header serialized + items seialized info.</param>
                /// <param name="fname">File to process name </param>
                /// <param name="type">File Type, determine what service to use (url)</param>
                /// <returns>"rStatus" true if WebService was processed, else false</returns>
                /// Web service url is defined in the App.Config file
                /// ------------------------------------------------------------------------------
                resp = wsm.ConsumeWebService(json, fileName, "WEOrders", sync);
                //  <==============
Beispiel #2
        DAL.SupportServices.SupportServices wsm = new DAL.SupportServices.SupportServices();  //  Set WebService methods pointer

        // <summary>
        ///     Process WE text files, built an object, generate a Json string and submit it to the
        ///     webServices.
        ///     If any processing errors are detected, the corresponding message is send to WebServices
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="path">The complete path to the file in process</param>
        /// <param name="fileName">File name without the extension</param>
        /// <returns>Process result in a boolean var. if OK (true) else (false) </returns>
        public bool ProcessArrowFtpFiles(string path, string fileName, EtlTimer sync)
            bool head   = false;  /// Header info detection flag
            bool newIsa = false;  /// Detail info detection flag
            bool item1  = false;  /// Items 1 / 2 sequence control
            //  bool resp = false;    /// Process final status return flag
            ServiceResponse resp    = new ServiceResponse();
            bool            process = true; /// control that process was completed ok
            int itemsCounter = 0;           /// Detail items counter
            int lineCounter  = 0;           /// Count the number of rows(records) in file
            string line;

            string[] separators = { "^" };
            WEFiles        weFiles = new WEFiles();
            List <WEItems> items   = new List <WEItems>();

            //WriteErrorFile wef = new WriteErrorFile();
            /// ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
            /// Read the file line by line. OADS_F00001 File type (Arrow FTP)
            /// ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
            System.IO.StreamReader file = new System.IO.StreamReader(path);
                while ((line = file.ReadLine()) != null)
                    line = line.Replace("~", "");
                    ///// Count lines in file
                    /// Split input record into string array elements
                    string[] words = line.Split(separators, StringSplitOptions.None);
                    /// -------------------------------------------------------------------
                    /// Start file Identifier processing (Only one per file)
                    /// -------------------------------------------------------------------
                    if (words[0] == "ISA" && !newIsa)
                        if (words.Count() < 8)
                            throw new Exception("ISA record without complete info.");
                        newIsa = true;
                        string isaDate = words[3];
                        string isaTime = words[4];
                        string isaLan  = words[5];
                        string isaCurr = words[6];
                        string isaNumb = words[7];
                        string isaDatp = words[8];
                    /// -------------------------------------------------------------------
                    /// Header entry processing
                    /// -------------------------------------------------------------------
                    else if (words[0] == "HDR" && newIsa)
                        head = true;
                        string hdrCust = words[2];
                        string hdrDat1 = words[3];
                        string hdrUsr1 = words[5];
                        string hdrUsr2 = words[6];
                        string hdrDate = words[8];
                        string hdrTime = words[9];
                        string hdrDat3 = words[18];
                    /// -------------------------------------------------------------------
                    /// Address 1 entry processing
                    /// -------------------------------------------------------------------
                    else if (words[0] == "N1" && head)
                        string n1Company    = words[3];
                        string n1Address1   = words[4];
                        string n1Address2   = words[5];
                        string n1Contact    = words[6];
                        string n1State      = words[7];
                        string n1PostalCode = words[8];
                        string n1Country    = words[9];
                        string n1Dat1       = words[10];
                        string n1Dat2       = words[11];
                        string n1Dat3       = words[20];
                    /// -------------------------------------------------------------------
                    /// Address 2 entry processing
                    /// -------------------------------------------------------------------
                    else if (words[0] == "N2" && head)
                        string n2Company    = words[3];
                        string n2Address1   = words[4];
                        string n2Address2   = words[5];
                        string n2Contact    = words[6];
                        string n2State      = words[7];
                        string n2PostalCode = words[8];
                        string n2Country    = words[9];
                    /// -------------------------------------------------------------------
                    /// Item 1 entry processing
                    /// -------------------------------------------------------------------
                    else if (words[0] == "IT1" && head)
                        string it1Sequence    = words[1];
                        string it1Dat1        = words[2];
                        string it1Sku         = words[5];
                        string it1Description = words[11];
                        string it1Dat2        = words[12];
                        string it1Dat3        = words[13];
                        string it1Date        = words[14];
                        string it1Dat4        = words[15];
                        string it1Dat5        = words[16];
                        string it1Comments    = words[19];
                        item1 = true;
                    /// -------------------------------------------------------------------
                    /// Item 2 entry processing
                    /// -------------------------------------------------------------------
                    else if (words[0] == "IT2" && item1)
                        item1 = false;
                        string it2Sequence = words[1];
                        string it2Dat1     = words[2];
                        string it2Dat2     = words[3];
                        string it2Dat3     = words[4];
                    /// -------------------------------------------------------------------
                    /// GRM entry processing
                    /// -------------------------------------------------------------------
                    else if (words[0] == "GRM" && head)
                        item1 = false;
                        string grmSequence    = words[1];
                        string grmClientId    = words[2];
                        string grmDescription = words[3];
                        string grmColor       = words[4];
                        string grmText        = words[5];
                        string grmDat1        = words[6];
                    /// -------------------------------------------------------------------
                    /// EOF entry processing
                    /// -------------------------------------------------------------------
                    else if (words[0] == "EOF" && newIsa)
                        newIsa = false;
                        /// throw error - unrecognized data line (lineCounter)
                        throw new Exception("Invalid data <" + words[0] + "> in row: " + lineCounter);
            catch (Exception e)
                /// error while reading the file
                process   = false;
                resp.IsOk = false;
                ServiceResponse errMsg = new ServiceResponse();
                errMsg.IsOk       = false;
                errMsg.FileType   = "x";    //  Set Nis Type
                errMsg.FileName   = fileName;
                errMsg.NISOrderId = "0";
                errMsg.Status     = "Not Processed";
                errMsg.Message    = e.Message;
                /// Send Message to WebService
                wsm.WriteErrorFile(errMsg, sync);
            /// Only if process is completed ok and the number of detail records expected
            /// match the number of records read the object is serialized and send to the
            /// corresponding Web Service
            if (process)
                if (items.Count() == itemsCounter)
                    weFiles.OrderDetail = items;
                    resp.IsOk           = true;
                string json = Newtonsoft.Json.JsonConvert.SerializeObject(weFiles);
                /// ******************************************************************************
                /// Call Web Service
                /// <param name="json2">Include Header serialized + items seialized info.</param>
                /// <param name="fname">File to process name </param>
                /// <param name="type">File Type, determine what service to use (url)</param>
                /// <returns>"rStatus" true if WebService was processed, else false</returns>
                /// Web service url is defined in the App.Config file
                /// ------------------------------------------------------------------------------
                resp = wsm.ConsumeWebService(json, fileName, "ArrowFTP", sync);
                //  <==============