Beispiel #1
        /// <summary>
        /// Export for use as a wavetable array in c
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="filename">The completely pathed filename of the file to read</param>
        public static String TableFromWav(string filename)
            ArrayList samples = new ArrayList();

            String ret  = "int [] table = {";
            String suff = "};";

            WAVFile file = new WAVFile();

            String retval = file.Open(filename, WAVFile.WAVFileMode.READ);

            if (retval != "")
                throw new WAVFileException(retval, "WAVFile.Convert_Copy()");

            double dur = (double)file.NumSamples / file.SampleRateHz;

            if (dur > 0.5)
                MessageBox.Show("Wav File too long, please use .wavs less than 1 second long.", "Error", MessageBoxButtons.OK, MessageBoxIcon.Error);

            int  lastZero   = -1;
            bool hasNonZero = false;
            bool runOfZeros = false;

            while (file.NumSamplesRemaining > 0)
                short sample = file.GetNextSampleAs8Bit();
                if (sample != 0)
                    hasNonZero = true;
                    runOfZeros = false;
                else if (sample == 0 && !runOfZeros)
                    lastZero   = ret.Length;
                    runOfZeros = true;

                if (hasNonZero)
                    ret += sample.ToString();
                    ret += ",";


            //Remove trailing zeros
            ret = ret.Remove(lastZero, ret.Length - lastZero);
            //Remove trailing comma
            if (ret != null)
                ret = ret.TrimEnd(',');

            return(ret += suff);