public void vsListView_Update(object sender, VsMotionEventArgs e) { VsMotion vsMotion = (VsMotion)e.Motion.Clone(); String [] strItem = { vsMotion.DateStart.ToString(), vsMotion.CameraName, vsMotion.EventName }; ListViewItem item = new ListViewItem(strItem); this.listView1.Items.Add(item); item.Selected = true; item.EnsureVisible(); }
public void motionSelected() { try { int index = selectedIndex; VsMotion m = motions[index]; url = service.getMjpegProxyUrlOfMotionParameter(m.MotionID.ToString(), m.timeBegin, height, width, fps, quanlity); Live(); // textBox3.Text = "" + m.timeBegin + " To " + m.timeEnd; // vlCplayer1.playFileUrl(url.FilesURL); } catch (Exception err) { //logger.Log(LogLevel.Error, err.Message + " " + err.Source + " " + err.StackTrace); ; } }
public virtual void EventAlert() { try { if (MotionOut != null) { VsMotion vsMotion = new VsMotion(CameraName, LocalHost, DateTime.Now, analyserName); MotionOut(this, new VsMotionEventArgs(vsMotion)); vsMotion.Dispose(); vsMotion = null; logger.Log(LogLevel.Info, "Camera: " + CameraName + ", Host: " + LocalHost + ", Analyzer: " + analyserName); } } catch (Exception err) { logger.Log(LogLevel.Error, err.Message + " " + err.Source + " " + err.StackTrace);; } }
public void motionSelected() { try { radioButtonVideo_CheckedChanged(null, null); int index = listEvents.SelectedIndex; VsMotion m = motions[index]; VsFileURL url = engine.getFileUrlOfMotion(m.MotionID.ToString(), m.timeBegin); textBox3.Text = "" + m.timeBegin + " To " + m.timeEnd; vlCplayer1.playFileUrl(url.FilesURL); } catch (Exception err) { logger.Log(LogLevel.Error, err.Message + " " + err.Source + " " + err.StackTrace);; } }
private List <VsMotion> getMotionOfCamAsPeriod(DateTime timeBegin, DateTime timeEnd, string cameraID) { List <VsMotion> motionList = new List <VsMotion>(); string[] TableNames = VsTableName.getMonthTableName("data", timeBegin, timeEnd); foreach (string tableName in TableNames) { MySqlConnection conn = this.connecting(ConnString); MySqlCommand comm = conn.CreateCommand(); comm.CommandText = String.Format( "SELECT `m_id` AS `MotionID`, `m_ip_camera` AS `CameraID`, `m_ip_processor` AS `Processor`, `m_date_start` AS `TimeBegin`, `m_date_end` AS `TimeEnd`, `m_algo_name` AS `algoName`, `m_detail` AS `detail` " + " FROM `{3}` " + " where `m_date_start` >= '{0}' And `m_date_start` <='{1}' And `m_ip_camera` = '{2}' ORDER BY `m_date_start` ", tConv(timeBegin), tConv(timeEnd), cameraID, tableName); try { MySqlDataReader aReader = comm.ExecuteReader(); while (aReader.Read()) { VsMotion m = new VsMotion(); m.MotionID = Int32.Parse(aReader["MotionID"].ToString()); m.cameraID = aReader["CameraID"].ToString(); m.processor = aReader["Processor"].ToString(); m.timeBegin = DateTime.Parse(aReader["TimeBegin"].ToString()); m.timeEnd = DateTime.Parse(aReader["TimeEnd"].ToString()); m.r_algo_name = aReader["algoName"].ToString(); m.r_detail = aReader["detail"].ToString(); motionList.Add(m); } } catch { } finally { conn.Close(); } } return(motionList); }
// On new frame ready //[MethodImpl(MethodImplOptions.Synchronized)] public void FrameIn(object sender, VsMotionEventArgs e) { try { /* * if (eventBuffer.Count > 1000 / syncTimer) * { * VsMotion rm = (VsMotion)eventBuffer.Dequeue(); * rm.Dispose(); rm = null; * logger.Log(LogLevel.Warn, DateTime.Now.ToString() + "; frame removed from EventAlert"); * }*/ VsMotion img = (VsMotion)e.Motion.Clone(); eventBuffer.Enqueue(img); } catch (Exception err) { logger.Log(LogLevel.Error, err.Message + " " + err.Source + " " + err.StackTrace); } }
private List<VsMotion> getMotionOfCamAsPeriod(DateTime timeBegin, DateTime timeEnd, string cameraID) { List<VsMotion> motionList = new List<VsMotion>(); string[] TableNames = VsTableName.getMonthTableName("data", timeBegin, timeEnd); foreach (string tableName in TableNames) { MySqlConnection conn = this.connecting(ConnString); MySqlCommand comm = conn.CreateCommand(); comm.CommandText = String.Format( "SELECT `m_id` AS `MotionID`, `m_ip_camera` AS `CameraID`, `m_ip_processor` AS `Processor`, `m_date_start` AS `TimeBegin`, `m_date_end` AS `TimeEnd`, `m_algo_name` AS `algoName`, `m_detail` AS `detail` " + " FROM `{3}` " + " where `m_date_start` >= '{0}' And `m_date_start` <='{1}' And `m_ip_camera` = '{2}' ORDER BY `m_date_start` ", tConv(timeBegin), tConv(timeEnd), cameraID, tableName); try { MySqlDataReader aReader = comm.ExecuteReader(); while (aReader.Read()) { VsMotion m = new VsMotion(); m.MotionID = Int32.Parse(aReader["MotionID"].ToString()); m.cameraID = aReader["CameraID"].ToString(); m.processor = aReader["Processor"].ToString(); m.timeBegin = DateTime.Parse(aReader["TimeBegin"].ToString()); m.timeEnd = DateTime.Parse(aReader["TimeEnd"].ToString()); m.r_algo_name = aReader["algoName"].ToString(); m.r_detail = aReader["detail"].ToString(); motionList.Add(m); } } catch { } finally { conn.Close(); } } return motionList; }
private void process_NewFrame(object stateInfo) { VsMotion lastMotion = null; Thread.CurrentThread.Priority = ThreadPriority.Lowest; try { // get new one if (eventBuffer.Count > 0) { lastMotion = (VsMotion)eventBuffer.Dequeue(); } if (lastMotion != null) { try { strConnect = String.Format("server={0};user id={1}; password={2}; database={3}; pooling=false", DataHost, DataUser, DataPasswd, DataDatabase); connectSQL = new MySqlConnection(strConnect); connectSQL.Open(); } catch (MySqlException err) { logger.Log(LogLevel.Error, err.Message + " " + err.Source + " " + err.StackTrace); if (connectSQL != null) { connectSQL.Dispose(); connectSQL = null; } } if (connectSQL != null) { MySqlCommand cmdSQL; TableCheck(connectSQL); lastMotion.TableName = TableName; cmdSQL = new MySqlCommand(lastMotion.Sql, connectSQL); try { cmdSQL.ExecuteNonQuery(); } catch (MySqlException err) { logger.Log(LogLevel.Error, err.Message + " " + err.Source + " " + err.StackTrace); } cmdSQL.Dispose(); } if (connectSQL != null) { try { connectSQL.Close(); connectSQL.Dispose(); connectSQL = null; } catch (Exception err) { logger.Log(LogLevel.Error, err.Message + " " + err.Source + " " + err.StackTrace);; } } } } catch (Exception err) { if (connectSQL != null) { connectSQL.Dispose(); connectSQL = null; } logger.Log(LogLevel.Error, err.Message + " " + err.Source + " " + err.StackTrace); } }