public bool isGridBlock(VoxelHitInfo hitInfo)
     return(hitInfo.voxelCenter.y == 0.5f);
    /// <summary>
    /// Perform ray cast against all terrain
    /// </summary>
    /// <param name="R">Ray in unit space</param>
    /// <param name="MaxDistance"></param>
    /// <param name="Hit">Information of the hit, if hit successfully</param>
    /// <param name="IgnoreTransparent">Should voxels with transparent type just be ignoreed in this check</param>
    /// <param name="TypeMask">Bit mask to determine what voxel types to check against</param>
    /// <returns>Does the ray hit</returns>
    public bool PerformRayCast(Ray R, out VoxelHitInfo Hit, float MaxDistance = 32.0f, bool IgnoreTransparent = false, int TypeMask = int.MaxValue)
        Point lastCheck = new Point();
        bool  started   = false;

        for (float i = 0; i < MaxDistance; i += 0.5f)
            Point check = new Point((R.origin + R.direction * i) * WorldManager.UnitToVoxelScale);

            // Don't repeat checks
            if (started && lastCheck == check)

            // Ignore invalid height
            if (check.y < 0 || check.y >= VoxelChunk.ChunkHeight)
                // If we were in bounds exit out, as we've left
                if (started)
                // Ignore invalid height until we get in bounds
            lastCheck = check;
            started   = true;

            VoxelInstance voxel = GetVoxel(check.x, check.y, check.z);

            // Ignore invalid checks
            if (voxel == null || voxel.mType == VoxelType.None || ((1 << (int)voxel.mType) & TypeMask) == 0 || (IgnoreTransparent && voxel.bIsTransparent))

            // Intersect ray against bounding box and see if it hits
            Bounds bounds = new Bounds(new Vector3(check.x, check.y, check.z) * WorldManager.VoxelToUnitScale, new Vector3(1, 1, 1) * WorldManager.VoxelToUnitScale);
            float  d;

            if (bounds.IntersectRay(R, out d))
                Vector3 c      = bounds.ClosestPoint(R.origin + R.direction * (d - 0.0001f));
                Vector3 normal = new Vector3(0, 0, 0);

                // Work out normal based on closest point
                if (c.y == bounds.min.y)
                    normal.y = -1;
                if (c.y == bounds.max.y)
                    normal.y = 1;
                if (c.x == bounds.min.x)
                    normal.x = -1;
                if (c.x == bounds.max.x)
                    normal.x = 1;
                if (c.z == bounds.min.z)
                    normal.z = -1;
                if (c.z == bounds.max.z)
                    normal.z = 1;

                Hit = new VoxelHitInfo(check.x, check.y, check.z, voxel, normal.normalized);

        Hit = new VoxelHitInfo();