Beispiel #1
    // Use this for initialization
    void Awake()
        // gather dependencies
        MeshMan     = MeshManager.Instance;
        VoxGridMan  = new VoxelGridManager <byte>(myMinSize: DefaultVoxGridRes, myDefaultSize: DefaultVoxelSize);
        VertVis     = new Visualizer("VertexMarkers", "Marker", "Line", DefaultMaterial);
        VertexInter = new Intersector();
        Observer    = GetComponent <SpatialMappingObserver>();

        // finish setup
        SensorField.Transform = Camera.main.transform;
        SensorField.FOV       = new Intersector.ViewVector((int)SensorFOV.x, (int)SensorFOV.y);
        MeshDensity           = MeshMan.Density;
        SensorData            = new byte[(int)SensorPixelCount.x, (int)SensorPixelCount.y];
        for (int i = 0; i < SensorPixelCount.x; i++)
            for (int j = 0; j < SensorPixelCount.y; j++)
                SensorData[i, j] = (byte)(255f * (float)(i + j) / (SensorPixelCount.x + SensorPixelCount.y));

        // finish dependendencies setup: some variables must be created in Start()
        MeshMan.BoundsVis = new Visualizer("MeshBounds", "Marker", "Line", DefaultMaterial);
        VerticesRendered  = DefaultRenderVerts;
Beispiel #2
 // Use this for initialization
 void Start()
     MeshMan     = MeshManager.Instance;
     VoxGridMan  = VoxelGridManager.Instance;
     MeshDensity = HoloToolkit.Unity.SpatialMapping.
Beispiel #3
 // Use this for initialization
 void Start()
     TextObj        = TextContainer.GetComponent <TextMesh>();
     Driver         = EFPContainer.GetComponent <ExternalFeedDriver>();
     MeshManagerObj = EFPContainer.GetComponent <MeshManager>();
     GridManager    = EFPContainer.GetComponent <VoxelGridManager>();
Beispiel #4
    /// <summary>
    /// Called once at startup.
    /// </summary>
    void Start()
        meshManager = MeshManager.Instance;
        voxManager  = VoxelGridManager.Instance;

        voxManager.updateStruct = updateVoxelStructure;
Beispiel #5
    // Use this for initialization
    void Awake()
        // gather dependencies
        MeshMan           = MeshManager.Instance;
        VoxGridMan        = new VoxelGridManager <byte>(myMinSize: DefaultVoxGridRes, myDefaultSize: DefaultVoxelSize);
        VertVis           = new Visualizer("VertexMarkers", "Marker", "Line", DefaultMaterial);
        VertexInter       = new Intersector();
        Observer          = GetComponent <SpatialMappingObserver>();
        SensorDataUpdater = DataUpdateContainer.GetComponent <Receiving.ImageReceiver>();

        // finish setup
        SensorField.Transform = Camera.main.transform;
        SensorField.FOV       = new Intersector.ViewVector((int)(SensorFOV.x * SensorFOVReduction.x),
                                                           (int)(SensorFOV.y * SensorFOVReduction.y));
        MeshDensity = MeshMan.Density;
        SensorData  = new byte[SensorDataHeight * SensorDataWidth];

        // sync state to default values
        VerticesRendered = DefaultRenderVerts;
        ProximityConfig  = DefaultToProximity;
Beispiel #6
 /// <summary>
 /// Sets vertex colors in all meshes ID'd as visible by meshGuide with values in voxGrid.
 /// </summary>
 public static void ColorMesh(ReadOnlyCollection <SpatialMappingSource.SurfaceObject> allMeshes,
                              List <SurfacePoints> extraData, List <bool> meshGuide, VoxelGridManager <byte> voxGrid,
                              Color32 color1, Color32 color2, Color32 noDataColor, byte value1, byte value2)
     for (int i = 0; i < allMeshes.Count; i++)
         if (meshGuide[i])
             List <Color32> coloring = new List <Color32>();
             for (int j = 0; j < extraData[i].Wvertices.Count; j++)
                 if (voxGrid.Contains(extraData[i].Wvertices[j]) && voxGrid.NonNullCell(extraData[i].Wvertices[j]))
                     coloring.Add(ScaleColor(voxGrid.Get(extraData[i].Wvertices[j]), value1, value2, color1, color2));
Beispiel #7
    /// <summary>
    /// Updates contents of DiagnosticsMessage.
    /// </summary>
    private void UpdateDiagnostics()
        Seconds = StopWatch.ElapsedTicks / Stopwatch.Frequency;
        DiagnosticsMessage.Remove(0, DiagnosticsMessage.Length);

        // display title
        DiagnosticsMessage.Append("<size=144><b>Diagnostics</b></size>\n" +
                                  "- Determines visibility of mesh sections\n" +
                                  "- Calculates intersection with simulated sensor at main camera\n" +
                                  "- Updates non-occluded vertices in voxel grid\n" +
                                  "- Renders all vertices in visibile meshes via voxel grid data\n");
        // display EFPDriver metadata
        DiagnosticsMessage.AppendFormat("<b>Driver</b>\n" +
                                        "Speed (ms / Hz): {0} / {1}\n" +
                                        "Total Memory Use: {2}\n" +
                                        "Elasped Time (s): {3}\n" +
                                        "Sensor Position: {4}, Euler Angles: {5}\n",
                                        Math.Round(Driver.DriverSpeed * 1000.0, 0), Math.Round(1.0 / Driver.DriverSpeed, 1),
                                        MemToStr(GC.GetTotalMemory(false)), Seconds,
                                        pointToStr(Driver.SensorField.Transform.position), pointToStr(Driver.SensorField.Transform.eulerAngles));
        // display SpatialMappingObserver controls
        DiagnosticsMessage.AppendFormat("<b>Spatial Mapping Manager</b>\n" +
                                        "Mesh Density (triangles/m^3): {0}\n" +
                                        "Mesh Refresh Time (s): {1}\n" +
                                        "Cached Meshes: {2}\n",
                                        Math.Round(Driver.MeshDensity, 0), Math.Round(Observer.TimeBetweenUpdates, 1),
        // display MeshManager metadata
        DiagnosticsMessage.AppendFormat("<b>Mesh Manager</b>\n" +
                                        "Speed (ms): {0}\n" +
                                        "Visible Meshes: {1}\n" +
                                        "Triangles (in visible meshes / total): {2} / {3}\n" +
                                        "Vertices (in visible meshes / total): {4} / {5}\n",
                                        Math.Round(Driver.MeshManSpeed * 1000.0, 0),
                                        Driver.MeshMan.TrianglesInView, Driver.MeshMan.TotalTriangleCount,
                                        Driver.MeshMan.VerticesInView, Driver.MeshMan.TotalVertexCount);
        // display Intersector metadata
        DiagnosticsMessage.AppendFormat("<b>Intersector</b>\n" +
                                        "Speed (ms): {0}\n" +
                                        "Occlusion Grid Resolution: {1}cm @ {2}m\n" +
                                        "Vertices in FOV (total / non-occluded): {3} / {4}\n",
                                        Math.Round(Driver.IntersectSpeed * 1000.0, 0),
                                        Math.Round(Driver.OcclusionObjSize * 100, 1), Driver.OcclusionObjDistance,
                                        Driver.VertexInter.VerticesInView, Driver.VertexInter.NonOccludedVertices);
        // display VoxelGridManager metadata
        VoxelGridManager <byte> .Metadata voxInfo = Driver.VoxGridMan.About();
        DiagnosticsMessage.AppendFormat("<b>Voxel Grid Manager</b>\n" +
                                        "Speed (ms): {0}\n" +
                                        "Minimum Voxel Size (cm) {1}\n" +
                                        "Grid Components: {2}\n" +
                                        "Grid Voxels (non-null): {3} ({4})\n" +
                                        "Grid Volume (non-null) (m^2): {5} ({6})\n" +
                                        "Grid Memory Use: {7}\n",
                                        Math.Round(Driver.VoxGridManSpeed * 1000.0, 0), Math.Round(Driver.VoxelGridRes * 100.0, 0),
                                        voxInfo.components, voxInfo.voxels, voxInfo.nonNullVoxels,
                                        Math.Round(voxInfo.volume, 1), Math.Round(voxInfo.nonNullVolume, 1), MemToStr(voxInfo.memSize));
        // display VertexVisualizer metadata
        DiagnosticsMessage.AppendFormat("<b>Vertex Visualizer</b>\n" +
                                        "Speed (ms): {0}\n",
                                        Math.Round(Driver.VertVisSpeed * 1000.0, 0));
    /// <summary>
    /// Updates contents of DiagnosticsMessage.
    /// </summary>
    private void UpdateDiagnostics()
        Seconds = StopWatch.ElapsedTicks / Stopwatch.Frequency;
        DiagnosticsMessage.Remove(0, DiagnosticsMessage.Length);

        // display title
        DiagnosticsMessage.Append("<size=144><b>External Feed Pathway Diagnostics</b></size>\n" +
                                  "- Accesses entire cached spatial data\n" +
                                  "- Calculates intersection with simulated sensor at main camera\n" +
                                  "- Updates non-occluded vertices in voxel grid\n");
        // display EFPDriver metadata
        DiagnosticsMessage.AppendFormat("<b>Driver</b>\n" +
                                        "Speed (ms / Hz): {0} / {1}\n" +
                                        "Total Memory Use: {2}\n" +
                                        "Elasped Time (s): {3}\n" +
                                        "Sensor Position: {4}, Euler Angles: {5}\n",
                                        Math.Round(Driver.DriverSpeed * 1000.0, 0), Math.Round(1.0 / Driver.DriverSpeed, 1),
                                        MemToStr(GC.GetTotalMemory(false)), Seconds,
                                        pointToStr(Driver.SensorField.Transform.position), pointToStr(Driver.SensorField.Transform.eulerAngles));
        // display MeshManager metadata
        DiagnosticsMessage.AppendFormat("<b>Mesh Manager</b>\n" +
                                        "Speed (ms): {0}\n" +
                                        "Mesh Density (triangles/m^3): {1}\n" +
                                        "Mesh Visiblity FOV Factor: {2}\n" +
                                        "Visible Meshes (total cached): {3} ({4})\n" +
                                        "Triangles (visible meshes / total): {5} / {6}\n" +
                                        "Vertices (visible meshes / total): {7} / {8}\n",
                                        Math.Round(Driver.MeshManSpeed * 1000.0, 0), Driver.MeshDensity, Driver.MeshMan.FOVFactor,
                                        Driver.MeshMan.MeshesInView, Driver.MeshMan.TotalMeshCount,
                                        Driver.MeshMan.TrianglesInView, Driver.MeshMan.TotalTriangleCount,
                                        Driver.MeshMan.VerticesInView, Driver.MeshMan.TotalVertexCount);
        // display Intersector metadata
        DiagnosticsMessage.AppendFormat("<b>Mesh Intersector</b>\n" +
                                        "Speed (ms): {0}\n" +
                                        "Occlusion Grid Resolution: {1}cm @ {2}m\n" +
                                        "Total Vertices (in FOV): {3} ({4})\n" +
                                        "Non-Occluded Vertices {5}\n",
                                        Math.Round(Driver.IntersectSpeed * 1000.0, 0), Driver.OcclusionObjSize * 100, Driver.OcclusionObjDistance,
                                        Driver.VertexInter.CheckedVertices, Driver.VertexInter.VerticesInView, Driver.VertexInter.NonOccludedVertices);
        // display VoxelGridManager metadata
        VoxelGridManager <byte> .Metadata voxInfo = Driver.VoxGridMan.About();
        DiagnosticsMessage.AppendFormat("<b>Voxel Grid Manager</b>\n" +
                                        "Speed (ms): {0}\n" +
                                        "Minimum Voxel Size (cm) {1}\n" +
                                        "Grid Components: {2}\n" +
                                        "Grid Voxels (non-null): {3} ({4})\n" +
                                        "Grid Volume (non-null) (m^2): {5} ({6})\n" +
                                        "Grid Memory Use: {7}\n",
                                        Math.Round(Driver.VoxGridManSpeed * 1000.0, 0), Math.Round(Driver.VoxGridMan.minSize * 100.0, 0),
                                        voxInfo.components, voxInfo.voxels, voxInfo.nonNullVoxels,
                                        Math.Round(voxInfo.volume, 1), Math.Round(voxInfo.nonNullVolume, 1), MemToStr(voxInfo.memSize));
        // display VertexVisualizer metadata
        DiagnosticsMessage.AppendFormat("<b>Vertex Visualizer</b>\n" +
                                        "Speed (ms): {0}\n" +
                                        "Rendered Mesh Vertices (total markers): {1} ({2})\n" +
                                        "Rendered Mesh-Bounds Vertices (total markers): {3} ({4})\n" +
                                        "Rendered Mesh-Bounds Lines (total lines): {5} ({6})\n",
                                        Math.Round(Driver.VertVisSpeed * 1000.0, 0),
                                        Driver.VertVis.MarkersInUse, Driver.VertVis.TotalMarkers,
                                        Driver.MeshMan.BoundsVis.MarkersInUse, Driver.MeshMan.BoundsVis.TotalMarkers,
                                        Driver.MeshMan.BoundsVis.LinesInUse, Driver.MeshMan.BoundsVis.TotalLines);
Beispiel #9
    // Test VoxelGridManager
    // Tests...
    // Instance (T1)
    // About (T1)
    // Set (structUpdate: true) (T2)
    // Set (structUpdate: false) (T3)
    static void TestVoxelGridManager()
        Console.WriteLine("\nTesting VoxelGridManager...\n");

        // Test 1: Constructor, About
        Console.WriteLine("Test 1: Creating VoxelGridManager...");
        VoxelGridManager manager = VoxelGridManager.Instance;

        Console.WriteLine("Re-accessing VoxleGridManager Instance...");

        // Test 2: Set (structUpdate: true)
        Vector3 boundsMin  = new Vector3(0, 0, 0);
        Vector3 boundsMax  = new Vector3(5, 5, 5);
        int     iterations = 1000;

        Console.WriteLine("Test 2: set... conducting {0} iterations of random points " + "between {1} and {2}... " +
                          "structUpdate: {3}", iterations, pointToStr(boundsMin), pointToStr(boundsMax),
        System.Random rand      = new System.Random();
        Stopwatch     stopWatch = new Stopwatch();

        for (int i = 0; i < iterations; i++)
            Vector3        point  = randomPoint(boundsMin, boundsMax, rand);
            byte           value  = (byte)rand.Next(0, 255);
            List <Vector3> points = new List <Vector3>();
            List <byte>    values = new List <byte>();
            VoxelGridManager.Instance.set(points, values);
        long  millisecs = stopWatch.ElapsedMilliseconds;
        float perOp     = 1000f * millisecs / (2.0f * iterations);

        Console.WriteLine("Avg time per op (us): {0}", perOp);
        Console.WriteLine("Elasped time (ms): {0}", millisecs);
        Console.WriteLine(about(manager.about()) + "\n");

        // Test 3: Set (structUpdate: false)
        VoxelGridManager.Instance.updateStruct = false;
        boundsMin  = new Vector3(0, 0, 0);
        boundsMax  = new Vector3(5, 5, 5);
        iterations = 1000;
        Console.WriteLine("Test 2: set... conducting {0} iterations of random points " + "between {1} and {2}... " +
                          "structUpdate: {3}", iterations, pointToStr(boundsMin), pointToStr(boundsMax),
        for (int i = 0; i < iterations; i++)
            Vector3        point  = randomPoint(boundsMin, boundsMax, rand);
            byte           value  = (byte)rand.Next(0, 255);
            List <Vector3> points = new List <Vector3>();
            List <byte>    values = new List <byte>();
            VoxelGridManager.Instance.set(points, values);
        millisecs = stopWatch.ElapsedMilliseconds;
        perOp     = 1000f * millisecs / (2.0f * iterations);
        Console.WriteLine("Avg time per op (us): {0}", perOp);
        Console.WriteLine("Elasped time (ms): {0}", millisecs);
        Console.WriteLine(about(manager.about()) + "\n");
Beispiel #10
 /// <summary>
 /// Sets vertex colors in all meshes ID'd as visible by meshGuide with values in voxGrid.
 /// </summary>
 public static void ColorMesh(ReadOnlyCollection <SpatialMappingSource.SurfaceObject> allMeshes,
                              List <SurfacePoints> extraData, List <bool> meshGuide, VoxelGridManager <byte> voxGrid,
                              Color32 color1, Color32 color2, byte value1, byte value2)
     for (int i = 0; i < allMeshes.Count; i++)
         if (meshGuide[i])
             List <Color32> coloring = new List <Color32>();
             for (int j = 0; j < extraData[i].Wvertices.Count; j++)
                 float scaledVal = (float)(voxGrid.Get(extraData[i].Wvertices[j]) - value1)
                                   / (float)(value2 - value1);
                 coloring.Add(LerpViaHSV(color1, color2, scaledVal));